Dark Muse: Light & Dark Lily: Legend (1985)

Have you seen this movie?



It’s got Tom Cruise, Mia Sara and Tim Curry.


For the first time ever I have finally watched the movie ‘Legend’ (1985) and was profoundly impressed. I see what the hype is about – but it’s even richer than just a ‘movie’.


Few films are so clearcut with Light and Dark that it leaves room for great contemplation and integration.


It all somehow means more with plant medicine experience, but I *know* why I didn’t see this movie before; growing up in a Pentecost background the ‘bad guy’ (from my perception then) was literally too ‘evil’ and literal for me to stomach without getting triggered.


Anyways, let’s just focus on the heroine with a quick read on Lily (Mia Sara).


Light (Consciousness) Lily is full of innocence, curiosity, youthful grace, etc.


She’s the virginal, virtuous and Archetypal Light Earth Maiden-Princess with healthy naivete and vital elements of Goddess consciousness yet to be matured. (Energetically they did a great job with casting and energy management).


Interestingly, as she is seduced by the Dark Lord her *authentic* archetypal embodiment, presence and image transmutes (as it SHOULD – and that’s also why this film is bananas).


This is one of the most fascinating things to me; she takes on Dark Muse when she didn’t have much Muse before this.


The Dark Lord even professes his devotion to her (yes that) – for her to join in his Darkness for eternity.


So let’s look at a Light reading;


Light Lily > Maiden-Princess




Maiden 9.0 / 8.1


Princess 7.5 / 7.0


Muse 5.2 / 5.1


Dark Muse 2.3 / –


Eros 4.5


Queen 5.3 / 4.4


And now let’s look at Dark Lily as and after she transforms.


Dark Lily > Dark Muse-Eros


Maiden 6.3 / 4.1


Princess 6.1 / 4.9


(Light) Muse 7.8 / 7.3


Dark Muse 8.2 / 7.5


Light Eros 6.3 / 6.2


Dark Eros 7.5 / 7.1


Queen 7.1 / 7.0


This awareness is heretical and profound…see what has shifted?


It also means that (in some cases) Dark can actually increase the container for embodiment OF Light.


Once she found a meta-masculine counter-balance – it all changed. (Tom Cruise would have a lot of Archetypal Light Prince btw leading up to the finale)


We can pre-suppose that after going through the final initiation (which I won’t reveal for those who haven’t seen it) that she leaves as this even more balanced and integrated woman (more Queen) without falling into the Shadows of destruction.


So profound the implications in this ‘legendary’ movie.


This is one you want to own if possible (although I understand many stream). 


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