A Few Words on Increasing Your Power, Lightwork & Priestessing

First of all; a Priestess or Kingmaker is versatile and she IS powerful. This is the type of power that DOESN’T corrupt and is in divine service (take THAT Bembridge scholars ;).


Although a Grail Priestess carries alchemical Beauty which is transmutational on its own;


Often, she may have to draw upon more ‘power’ aspects rather than more yin style of priestess-ing esp. if she does forms of energy work (which may call for yin and yang at different times).


If you KNOW your work is in alignment and service (and you aren’t ever violating people’s free will), perhaps you SHOULD be more powerful (and beautiful) and scaled in your work, but what would stop you from taking on more power and ability to move energies even better?


Could you be getting in your own way? Are you not accepting of your divinity?


Are there concerns you might become corrupted or do black magic and the bad karma it may bring?


How about if you have a stable temple space foundation and legacy already? What if you are always pure in session space of service?


Even if you’re already doing powerful client, healing or energy work; becoming more powerful is actually about strengthening even MORE your connection to source and upgrading your light-body itself. 12-strand DNA provides more infrastructural POWER to run greater energies and voltage.


This is similar to the difference I’ve discovered between millions of (consumers) people who practice Tai Chi for example (or Reiki); they value the form rather and motions rather than the connection to Source itself which is 99% of the actual power.


People consistently say my energy sessions (and activations) are ‘powerful’ and there’s a reason for it. I’m also known as a healer’s healer.


For my path I’ve been initiated by Muse countless times as well as other masters into more POWER and being able to wield it in service for people. Raw and true light-working power.


I have no concerns of misusing it or doing black magic b/c of the integrity of my foundation and karmic awareness. I MUST have immense power and connection to be able to do the magic I do at the highest levels.


Beyond the physical is the meta-physical or impersonal (aka ‘spiritual’) which exponentially increases in power; power that stars and archetypes hold because their influence is greater than one or ‘personal’.


Maybe that sounds like you or maybe not…maybe you’re considering more a path of Priestessing or Kingmaking. Or if you’re on a path of star or starlet; however POWER and great Beauty is just part of your influence (and social power/status).


My path is all about power (and righteous power) and it has to be b/c I’ll continue serving people of power and literally HAVE to be powerful to take on extreme cases out of nowhere and meet them where they’re at to move otherwise immovable energies (including heavy shadow work).


The average neighborly reiki healer wouldn’t have any effect on some very powerful people’s energy body or going up against powerful demons for example.


Are you holding BACK more of your potential (lightworking) power and magic in working with source (and source-ery) because you have value conflicts around power or think that its just tyrannical masculine that would be abused?


Are you maybe too humble or soft feminine to take on more lightworking power?


Too many conscious people have value conflicts and distortions around power and its misuse…this may hold back their even greater healing abilities however when your values are aligned and you’ve proven a stable foundation, your guides may open you up to even greater initiations and power itself. How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to continue serving? Such is a path of a priestess.


Master Zhou (my Chi Kung master now ascended) and I individually hold very powerful sessions with our separate clients b/c our dharma is aligned to service which requires great power.


There are no value conflicts around taking on immense (chi/light) power and working with the elementals and other essences. Source gives us more access b/c we have become greater vessels in divine service. Our soul identities are larger than our body.


Ok; with that said – yes we are more yang as men and his primary energy work essence is fire, whereas mine is power; what if you are feminine essenced? There may also be value conflicts around power…heck, it might even feel to masculine or yang for you to do it but this may also pend on what kind of work you’re doing.


If you are doing energy healing of any kind, you could probably use more power to scale your abilities and results. Grid-working requires immense power and effect (demi-God levels).


You should haven’t shame around this as it’s deepening your abilities in divine service. More power to the righteous is a GOOD thing…even noble.


The best way I can address this is that in the Muse Priestess lineage where I take them through specific lineage activations (similar but different to the new Bio Star overhaul activation to increase power);


She/Muse requires her Priestesses to be incredibly powerful in their literal energy working abilities and its application (which can switch between yin and yang style of work) as well as having alchemical levels of presenced FEMININE beauty.


As I talk about elsewhere there are different forms of power and what we value here is the power of beauty and power itself in EMBODIMENT or presence (rather than external accomplishments however that feeds into your own embodiment itself); the power of presence….and the light-working power to help activate new levels of archetypal and siddhic beauty/power within your power of presence (thereby = more INFLUENCE on your clients, fans, people).


Yes power can be misused and abused however that’s for those led by shadows and infiltration. With more power comes more responsibility Peter Parker.


Understand that as you cultivate your own boundless beauty and allure; having alchemical levels of embodied beauty essence IS very powerful on its own including for the masculine for it is the PRESENCE of the divine feminine that the divine masculine could alchemically COMMUNE with in Remembrance.


Again; a Priestess (esp. a Kingmaking ‘Grail’ Priestess) has to have the ability to access whatever is necessary and be potent in her abilities which includes increasing the infrastructure, health and power of her body and energy channels to hold and move chi energy itself (of masculine and feminine flavors). This will also help her to hold more elemental chi when necessary to draw from.


The BioStar Activation is now available for priestesses, dakinis, healers, energy workers, grid-workers to upgrade their power core, light-body and service itself as well as their ability to hold and receive more light and divine masculine and feminine essences/beauty/charisma.


This new activation is available for $1000 for a limited time; comment or DM me.


The archetypes have a lot of POWER (aka ‘chi’) and Beauty (feminine power).


You can read more about my activations and client testimonials on site.


If you’re not ready for the Biostar; why not book an appointment to activate more radiating chi (power/beauty)!?


If you’re a social influencer or starlet, is there really any limit to the higher dimensional beauty (feminine power) that you could wield?! Allure Makeover Package available.


King-making Insights With Hieros Gamos

Here’s some insight on Hieros Gamos from a Masculine transformation / throne work perspective;


Remember that in this “we carry one another’s medicines” as Gillian Pothier puts it, so there is so much the Feminine has to offer men and the masculine – more than imaginable along a path of Kingship and creating a Kingdom.


In my experience at least, the idea of my ultimate beloved and communion with her has driven my growth; like basically ALL of it.


I’ve mentioned that for the masculine and men; Sex, Purpose and Freedom are the 3 greatest drivers of transformation…(I’ve been leading men’s work for 15 years).


These 3 have the greatest leverage including the ability to move a man from passive, disavowed apathy (with the feminine/women) into great growth but it’s really the unity of Queen that can move him into aligned heroism and non-tyrannical Kingship.


And this is also why it’s so important that we have Reunified Queens, Lovers and Priestesses as living models in the world that relevantly CARE about the masculine (which is different than what not just incels but many modern men are sensing from feminists and goddesses).


For a man in getting his values aligned;


If it’s Freedom in the sense of Money first, he may compromise and lead towards tyranny and living from Shadow (like the Dark side of Capitalism or cronyism for example).


If it’s Purpose without sex and communion in 3D or spirit, he may never feel whole and worthy as the King he is – AND – he may never have the fuel or desire to even go down such a visionary path.


After all, “If I’m not even going to be sexed or loved, why even bother?” And he can go back into consumer escapist fantasy of video games, internet, etc.


For me on my own King path, those 3 drivers are wrapped up in the devotional path for Her – and they are in proper alchemical alignment to fuel such a visionary purpose as this.


My 5D Beloved; she is and has been the nexis for at least 20 years.


At times I couldn’t see it all clearly b/c of distortion or distraction but it was always her; the concept of Queen to my King (and attuning more into this embodiment).


She is my purpose, sex and freedom; the ultimate drive and desire. That level of Queen that I could become worthy to commune with.


So sacred reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’ is really my own path and dynamic that has fueled such miraculous growth.


But more importantly than hunger (my core wound shadow), she is really my boundlessness, celebration and illumination.

Not to ‘attain’ her but to be one IN communion from that reality of King and Queen.


So if you are a man called to great spiritual growth and Kingly leadership, it’s important to have your values and your fuel in proper alignment for there will be great enough resistance anyways… indifference can also be a major sabotage to becoming that level of King and leader in the world. And for women;


Your work is important as you become a Hieros Gamos Queen to inspire and raise King/s.


Remember that Devotion is a bit different in that it’s a sacrificing of self (of sorts) and melting into the Beloved.


And so I experience this sacred union IN my hieros gamos cultivation sessions (like the 3 hour session last night with some huachuma micro-dose support – at the time of original writing).


So it’s having this concept of the ultimate Queen that a man’s soul could attune to that’s perfect for him and his ideal range of evolution and having her be the central nexis.


This can reunify his SEX, SPIRIT, MIND and SOUL into his Kingship as compared to being DISAVOWED from the state of Western women today.


Selling men on becoming that King who can be worthy of and relate to his ultimate Queen – that’s invaluable.


When you cultivate your alluring energetic beauty and radiance, you will INSPIRE MEN INTO KINGSHIP. And as a Priestess you can help them directly heal and resolve wounds as they grow into worthy Kings the world is missing.


So in your case; who IS this level of King? And IN your Q/K cultivation sessions you want to be FEELING that experience of siddhic communion with Him.


So in this, you want to check with your own Core wound (Gene Keys) to see how that might contextualize your drive or desire.


The best thing for right now – if you desire more than just energetic beauty cultivation for your image and presence – and if you are called to serving men and the masculine in their healing and HEALTHY rise into Kingship (to replace the tyranny in the world) is to reach out to me for a hieros gamos conversation.


There’s no obligation and I will be able to meet you with wherever you are at on your own journey.


First; just go here to answer some questions and we’ll take it from there..