Preview: Why K-Pop Is The Future

If you’re not aware yet; K-Pop is the future.


(Yeah there’s other things in the future also but saying it that way gets a point across)


K-Pop is a PHENOMENON and behemoth.


K-Pop will continue to contribute a LARGE voice while exponentially growing and influencing INFLUENCE globally.

And yes; it’s heresy, but I’ve been calling it for years b/c I know things other people don’t and am very experienced as the Grandmaster of entertainment media alchemy (aka ‘transformational entertainment’).


There are many take-aways to learn from this related to having much greater aligned POWER, beauty and influence yourself.


With S. Korea being the most homogenous population yet already having viral cultural export impact, K-pop has only begun being a phenomenon…and you might be wondering WHY b/c there’s shit that’s going on that doesn’t make sense b/c of so-called ‘cultural restrictions’ and language, etc.


I’m going to take a week or 2 to develop a power blog post I want to go viral on ‘Why K-Pop is the Future’.
K-Pop, K-Drama and K-Beauty hotness is only going to expand and I don’t think even the producers themselves are aware WHY it’s so effective.
K-Content is exploding (Netflix is investing BIGGG money into it) and in that upcoming power post there are hidden secrets related to;


*Muse Galore
*Transformational Entertainment vs. mere diversion
*Transformational Alchemical IMPACT on fans/clients from image
*Alchemy & Healing
*Archetypal Power in media
*Grail Work & Reunification
*Transformational Beauty
*Beauty Influencer SECRETS
*Essence based content creation
*Transformational Social Influence
*Cultivating Super-fans & brand ambassadors
*Exponential Growth
*Templates for Western artists & their success


You don’t have to be a K-Pop idol to benefit from these insights.


These insights are beyond what even marketeers are aware of; trust me, you’ll see and many of them are very applicable to YOUR Beauty & influence.


K-Pop is FUTURE for many reasons b/c they’ve got key things going on they themselves likely aren’t fully aware of…There’s a great power and beauty game going on simultaneously that is richly alchemical and encoded (that the West is far less consistent with).


I know this b/c I am the transformed and I think you already know that the archetypal Muse is who is really driving the show.


Don’t miss this upcoming power post! If I had to pick 3 posts to go viral this would probably be the top one because it’s going to be so implicated with EVERYTHING.


Transformational MEDIA INFLUENCE; going DEEP with your fans and clients (activating their heart, mind, sex and soul) in a world of superficial divertive content…inspiring them to be your brand ambassadors (like BTS Army ie.) are just some of the take-aways coming up…!