The Fugly Duckling to Swan

If you value your Beauty and Allure at its fullest (and beyond) actively and effortlessly INFLUENCING;


I have a secret (weapon) confession to make this worth your reading esp. b/c it will bring in a central, experienced Feminine core component to your Beauty and fullest expression and influence (whether you’re already working with me or not).


Your embodied and expressed soul truth; your Beauty have everything to do with everything and parts of your psyche and shadows may be literally sabotaging your light from being consistently ON and influencing.


You may be your own worst enemy holding ON to the fugly duckling in your shadows.


It’s difficult to get REAL answers esp. from the Beauty 1.0 world which is about covering things UP with external beautification which can often leave things *feeling* ugly and masked inside.


Can you AFFORD to have any of these insecurities arising when you’re around your soul tribe and star clients?!


If parts of you are insecure non-consciously – it can be sabotaging HOW you are showing up and being perceived to the people you are MEANT to influence.


They might not even take you seriously b/c of the disconnect. In spirit aligned business, alignment is everything and that includes in consciousness and visually.


For me (and although masculine poled); I’ve dealt with the ugly duckling syndrome in very real ways that still have kept me ‘leashed’. People don’t really know that about me.


Ironically; it could be said that what I represent is the higher dimensional evolutionary architecture of Beauty itself beyond physical 1.0 superficial Beauty into the 4th and 5th dimension of IMAGE (which is ALL from Muse btw);


I am the one who can ‘see’ the different archetype signatures, see energy blocks and have done 100’s of activation sessions for women supporting their energetic health, beauty, beauty consciousness and literal professional allure.


I am a leader in charisma and allure and YET….


Although I have mastery in CERTAIN areas and have IMMENSE access to Essences themselves (both in Light-working for clients and for my own Embodiment);


Because of the ugly duckling which has been conditioned;


I’ve also greatly struggled with my own charisma in ways b/c of living SOOOO long in my 5/1 cave…it was YEARS of underground preparation so much so that my psyche actually developed a fractural SPLIT and has had massive shadow insecurity (GK 63 Purpose; Doubt) around things – so much so that I can look like a literal ‘5’ on the social critique scale in ‘looks’ and in other pictures or frames look like a ’10’.


Hopefully your scenario hasn’t been THAT extreme.


(I’ve only been showing some image highlights on FB).


Obviously I have (and must have) codes and charisma b/c of authentic essences and (occasional embodiment) but for years it’s been RADICALLY unstable b/c my psyche sabotages and keeps me in a battle between cave-ish, insecure ugly duckling fighting against my true, beautiful, divine masculine (including solidly encoded) soul self and it literally DISTORTS the light and makes me look what could be called as UGLY.


And this can be happening even if you are physically better than what most would say is average looking.


I have essences (and occasional) embodiment and UNRELIABLE charisma (expression) in my situation but working with allure and charisma is largely the exact same process (I just have more masculine essences).


For years (decades) I’ve been struggling with this extreme image variance not wanting to show up in other pictures and wanting absolute production authority if anything ever gets released of me…but I cannot hideout in my CAVE forever if I’m meant to be on the frontlines as the world’s charisma consultant.


THERE’S ONLY 1 SPECIALIST IN THE WORLD that not only knew what the hell I was even talking about, but she went through the same Ugly Duckling process herself (I’m still going through it and I’ve hired her to be MY GUIDE).


She radiates multi-dimensional Beauty with loads’ o’ archetypes as well!



She became the Swan and she can help YOU fully blossom your Beauty.


Even if you don’t have more an extreme scenario as both her and I have had; you should be able to get results even faster!


Want to ALWAYS show up in your TRUTH and fullest expression? Work with her.


People in the Beauty world on average at the VERY BEST are non-conscious incompetents when it comes to this b/c it IS connected to your shadows and Beauty consciousness.


If you know that you’re having issues CONSISTENTLY being in the fullest pure expression of your Beauty and you’re all over the place, critical, self-judgmental and you really want to consistently, radiantly SHINE your truth;


The Sexy Chi work I do – yes – absolutely helps in certain ways (to expand essence, embodiment and expression/allure);


But if you really want to SECURE things across the board or make sure to master this Swan foundation from all angles and express your signature and versatile Radiance;


Then you should work with the Masteress herself. She’s MY secret weapon and I should have hired her sooner.


It’s Hurriicane Titaniia and you may recognize her because she’s the voice behind the Beauty Powerliminals (as well as Vixen, Dark Goddess…)


If becoming the Swan (and your fullest truth) really matters and you can’t compromise, I’d join her program Ocean of Radiance starting soon.


I can post a link to it or a recent post of hers below and u can reach out to chat with her.


You don’t have to let insidious non-conscious shadows and image insecurities hold you and your (potentially alchemical) allure back anymore.


If this resonates;


The minimum you should do is purchase her ‘Photographic Radiance’ webinar replay (I’m going through it for the 3rd time). It’s worth 10x the cost.


She speaks the language of light and consciousness from a vast palette and feminine lens yet one that is extremely PRACTICAL and experienced.


I paid good money for each private session with her working on my issues and there’ve been tremendous improvements with invaluable ROI.


Your UNIQUE signature (and its palette) has a LOT to visually emanate to the world. I know I can’t compromise so I hired the best in these other areas (and we still do full on archetype embodiment and allure transformation here);


Reclamation is just part of it.


Again; she knows the true depth of BEING the ugly duckling and for you it might have been parents, society, conditioning, past experiences, rejection, abandonment, etc. – but she knows how to work with even the most extreme cases of fugly ducking and self-sabotage.


She has my full endorsement and I want to see her THRIVE with this Beauty work (it’s the future)! It too good!


You can also browse her website and services @ Starlet Mysteries

Dark Goddess Meditation 2: Feat. Amanati Music

Loved the original Dark Goddess meditation attunement?


Powerliminals now features another version to delve into feat. Amanati music and original transmission taken from the Dark Goddess Meditation 1 with Hurriicane Titaniaa



Here’s the Dark Goddess 2: Alterna Demain Mix (mixed by Sexy Chi’s own Rion Kati)



Remember that archetypes exist on a spectrum of expanded and immortal consciousness, some souls are drawn more to Dark than Light (and Dark although closer to Shadow can still hold great gifts, etc.). Consciously working with Dark can heal a lot of wounds and expand consciousness, re-balance, heal, etc.