Essence Communicates Your Visual Soul Signature, Power, Beauty & More

And it’s all represented (or not!) in your image; social media, video, instagram, pics and film. Search the site to discover the 7 primary aspects of Essence Beauty consulting and makeover transformation!




Essence and who you are has everything to do with your visual and ‘live’ communication. Essence is the realm of that 90% of non-verbal communication; the physical lens was only rudimentary; showing us signs to the real ‘who you are’.


What about presence?


Presence is the Embodiment of Essence/s


Charisma or Allure is the energetic Expression of Essence/s (with and through your chakras and aura).


There are 7 different kinds of known Beauty essences to work with that MATTER in the realm of LIGHT and image (in your visual beauty and self-expression mastery).


Who you are without speaking matters and in today’s day and age THAT sells and influences (esp. in the age of hidden marketeers fatigue as many consumers awaken). Are you communicating your SOUL BASED and archetypal Truth?


Or are you just too conditioned with social programming and there’s no literal space in your chakric psyche for your soul and other signature essences of higher beauty to BE embodied and expressed?


Now how about we professionally work in THAT realm of essence with conscious competence to master your visual communication? Sexy Chi is the core brand to do this work directly, with conscious competence and RESULTS!


Image consulting or transformational beauty essence makeover sessions available (ie. archetype activations).


There’s time at the start of every session to determine which archetype you may want for more of that signature beauty and essence-based allure! Often people note immediate results in how others are attracted to and responding to them.


Discover more about Beauty Essence on site! This is the future of Beauty and Image Consulting (essence consulting and transformation) and it’s with Sexy Chi!