Aging Beautifully: Thoughts On The Perceived Loss of Beauty

If you’re secretly and profoundy concerned about ‘losing’ a most valuable asset as you age for all the reasons (your beauty itself and feeling beautiful). Contemplate this in the season of Fall-Winter albeit;


If you can begrudgingly accept that feminine physical beauty fades to some extent with age (even if you’ve been the prettiest woman in the room)


No matter what you are doing to maximize your extrinsic looks and body;


If you can accept that you are more than just a physical body (with its mortal and superficial beauty and how much that is valued)…


If you can accept that you are also a meta-physical soul connected to spirit and potentially unlimited divine feminine consciousness templed in a physical body…


If you can accept that you are BOTH mortal and divine-sentient in feminine beauty and truth


You can then accept that Beauty itself is both practically mortal (3rd dimension physical) and higher dimensional immortal of light-essence


If you can accept that the physical feminine body has the bio-chemical essence of estrogen…


And if you can begrudgingly accept that your biological feminine essence drops or plummets around menopause and may already be minimized…


Then you may be ready to accept the greater Truth that you have something other than just bio-essence to rely on that is less focused on in the West because of the superficial-physical valuation of Beauty


If so…


Then you may be ready to accept that your practical life force chi itself is the spirit-plasma of the Divine and Ancient Feminine Light, Consciousness & Truth


You may begin to accept this other practical reality in which the non-estrogen based beauty platform of spirit-plasma ESSENCE runs through your soul, energy body and physiology


Fear not for the loss of Beauty itself as if it was only mortal and dies with your mid-life loss of estrogen


For you may be ready to accept that your feminine bio-chemical essence can be replaced with post-natal life force divine feminine-sentient spirit-bio essences as chi so that you remain vital and beautiful at any age


You may be ready to accept and take on so much MORE divine feminine life force plasma to course through your presence and image that you can be MORE beautiful than when it mixed with your estrogen as well


For She hath gifted you Immortal Beauty


(So that the immortal feminine archetypes, siddhic qualities and their beauty, their consciousness may run through your energy body and emanate as Light-Truth visually to be felt and known)


And this inheritance of the Divine Feminine (and from God the Father to Daughter) is in the literal format of life-force sentient chi


It’s simply an alchemical language of Light & Vibration; more complexed and nuanced than simply yin and yang chi


You have more than merely biological feminine essence as estrogen


But actual spirit life-force sentient essence of chi itself and potentially unlimited access to the different, divine different signatures OF Light Beauty itself


These are the universal Beauty Essences; the realm of archetypes & siddhis; Queens, Goddesses and Starlets


Now it’s all just yours for reclamation, exploration and integration into your feminine embodiment and soul truth expression


Immortal Beauty is within reach and your legacy to live onwards in the cloud


And that is everything.


For feminine beauty is both mortal, physical and withers


And it is also divine, vital and practical.


(I do archetype embodiment essence readings all the time)


You are both, truly but could you accept and rebirth yourself as something more than just ‘the Crone’ archetype?


That’s on you.


Maybe it’s time to follow your soul itself and cultivate more of your divine beauty essences.


If so; the most direct way will get you the fastest, most thorough and assured results of makeover transformation in beauty consciousness, acceptance, integration and visual results that people will FEEL even if your estrogen took the last ship to Casablanca.


Maybe it’s time for a RECLAMATION and discovery of your life-force chi essence based beauty itself.


This is where I specialize; in this work. That which is decreed by Muse Herself to evolve Beauty consciousness, Grail codes and Ascension on earth.


The masculine and immortal masculine spirit wants your Beauty awakened at any age for MANKIND….your highest truth (and meta-physical legacy stored in the cloud because beauty has INFLUENCE) expressed for sons, daughters, great-grandchildren even legionnaires.


The essence of you.


Find out more: Post-Menopause Beauty Makeovers now available.