Why do I care about feminine allure and having MORE of it in the world?

…Because it’s what has continually and alchemically inspired and healed ME. It’s drawn out my Masculine essence, warriorship and ascension path.


This is YEARS before I even knew I would be able to do energetic allure activations for women.


It’s divine feminine nectar like honey to the bees of the masculine and the MORE we have of it in the world, the more MEN care, the more men RISE and the juicier everything is…in inspired and Edenic balance.


Like bees to honey


This is such GOLD, Rion. and YES….Feminine allure has a deeply healing function on the Masculine (especially…)….and for all of us.” -Gillian Pothier


Well; and I’ve seen it do alchemical magic in 100’s of men through my method which allows allure to attune their spirit.


And after working with men IN the realm of sexual attraction and dating for years (ago), I know the pain and spiritual dynamic that single men are going through with Westernized women of high social status who are Goddesses or Feminists but with whom men themselves feel energetically castrated from.


The rift that Hieros Gamos (aka ‘sacred reunification of masculine and feminine) heals.


And in breaking the chains of Beauty 1.0 and superficial beauty;


Allure invokes the possibility of reunification and communion to men who have been left behind; that it’s even possible for this suffering aspect within the masculine collective that has otherwise rejected even disavowed them.


…to possibly RISE into Prince and Kingship…and to serve.


Feminine allure CARES and loves the Masculine effortlessly – more than words. It has the reunifying ‘je ne se quoi’.


The feminine spirit and quality of allure is encoded in true Hieros Gamos work because of her receivingness and penetration of and from the Masculine…that inspiration is encoded in immortal Devotion…drawing out the BEST of man-kind.


More than just being ‘hot’ or beautiful, a woman with an energetic presence of allure (and a high allure factor) IS like a honeycomb for all things masculine.




You are inspiring and healing when you exude it.