Gene Keys Intro To Pro Beauty

As you cultivate your consciousness, you cultivate your energetic beauty and vice versa!


As you explore the 64 keys more;


The Siddhi of the first Gene Key itself is Beauty yet all of these are beautiful in ways which can directly affect your aura.


The Gene Keys is a beautiful way to look at a map of your soul and growth possibilities.


Gene Keys was inspired and founded from Human Design. The founder Richard Rudd was a student of the HD founder and felt something was missing. He brought in more of the archetypal aspect of the keys (which are generally gates within HD) from the I Ching.


GK is more the feminine essenced version of Human Design. I personally love BOTH of them. Human Design is very practical and you can read more about how that relates to your image and Beauty here.


So…with Gene Keys, you want to get your free hologenetic profile where you will have to have your date, time and location of birth. When you look at your chart you will see different areas of life that feature specific Gene Keys.


These are the frequency bands that are especially encoded to living your highest true self as well as your shadows and challenges.


So Gene Keys on their own are profound and amazing as a transformational tool that is very practical and relevant to your life, relationships, purpose and greatest fulfillment.


As I started working with the Gene Keys I started realizing some things that weren’t yet being taught. Since these are dealing with YOUR shadows and higher frequency ranges, they will show up in your literal aura, presence and image.


Yes, it’s a subtle art but it’s there. So I started noticing certain people that had unique energetic qualities shining through in their image – like how Jason Momoa emanates Intoxication and Valor – we can even see the Line (1 through 6) and its influence coming through. I’ve done Facebook and blog posts on Gene Keys of celebrities and will do a lot more through time.


THIS is the cross-roads where Gene Keys meets professional beauty and image because AS you cultivate your energetic beauty directly, you are cultivating your consciousness itself and the truth of it. As you cultivate your consciousness, you are subsequently cultivating your energetic beauty itself.


So, GKeys are where I got the term ‘siddhic beauty’. This is the higher and future realm of professional beauty – working on your energetic beauty beyond just the physical/superficial.


As you can see throughout the blog I will reference celebrities and refer to their archetypal or siddhic beauty qualities that are transmitting through their image.


So in your chart we can see an enlightened map of what kind of highest version of self image and beauty is possible by referring to your siddhic frequencies.


As these are cultivate their unique energetic frequencies will start shining through in your aura itself. This high conscious beauty has great and alchemical influence on others.


Now; most of the process of transmutation of your consciousness with Gene Keys is done through Contemplation.


There is a lesser used method which is Invocation. Because I have developed and received such High Magic skills (this was sanctioned on my return to Peru during ayahuasca), I have been starting to cataloguing and working with the 64 siddhic (enlightened) essences of consciousness through invocation and energy work.


Yes, it’s a form of high magic and each of the siddhic essences has unique signature qualities.


Anyways, I’m excited to continue working with my own Gene Keys (a few years now), doing Human Design and Gene Key readings for people (in the Allure Makeover Package) and further the Gift and Siddhic activations.


Gift and Siddhic activations are available to support your journey of Beauty cultivation! They don’t ensure enlightenment per se because there are other variables involved with your own consciousness but they can truly support the process of your transmutation into it.


These activations in general help to accelerate the process of contemplation, DNA transmutation itself and moving out of shadow frequencies which would be literally stuck in your energy body. It’s all energetic anyways.


Activations can strengthen unique signature qualities like Enrichment or energetic and emotional Detachment (a healthy thing as compared to neediness and the shadow of Expectations). There’s so much magic that can be done.


1 ready client did a Siddhic activation with me and the next day did a FB Live video that was by far her most responsive and her business took off from then.


She was just radiating that unique energetic essence in her aura and that communication is alchemical and speaks to others – already attuning their frequencies and experience of life to a higher place.


There have been some great testimonials over the past year I am compiling (and having to get approval for so it’s taking longer) but the Gift and Siddhic activations (with proper readiness and consulting) have been going amaZing. This is (the) deeper work of real multi-dimensional beauty.


Reach out to me on FB chat if you have an immediate question about your Gene Keys or how we may work together….I don’t really go into them however until a proper 1 hour 15 minute reading. I have another person I recommend for a GK reading however I’m the only one in the world who has applied it to beauty and image.


Human Design and Gene Keys are master tools to work with your beauty and consciousness, they just aren’t being used like that anywhere else that I’m aware of.