Archetype Embodiment for Beauty

Let’s talk specifically about ’embodiment’ of archetypes – (a big secret of movie stars and starlets btw)

Artwork: Jessica Holman

Throughout our beauty blog you can see specific examples of different celebrities and their primary-secondary archetypal beauty coming through such as;


Mandinga singer Elena Ionescu


It’s one thing to ‘talk’ about archetypes or reference them in celebrities, but it’s another thing to where it affects *your* actual presence, image and how others respond to you as an integrative part of identity and who you are – but without (bad) acting or faking it!


{It’s also priceless if u are a professional performer or actress to work with archetypes consciously}


So with archetypal work, we value the archetypal ESSENCE, embodiment and then expression.


And we like to view the body as a vessel of essence, Light and consciousness.


Because professional image, video and media is non-physical (where pixels are actually Light and information), these ‘qualities’ are coming across – and each archetype has their own energetic or essence signature.


It’s just easier to ‘see’ archetypal beauty essence in those who are really emanating it like examples throughout this blog – and less likely to see it in most people.


In assessing your own strategy, we must first look at where are u at now.


How much do you currently embody or WANT to embody of an archetype (like Eros, Queen or Lover) that resonates with your (not someone else’s) fuller soul expression?


That’s a starting point.


Fortunately we have the tools to evaluate a celebrity (or you) on your different archetypal embodiment and expression.


Yep, we can effectively and qualitatively gauge the soul essence, embodiment and expression OF any known archetype from the collective consciousness that is within your field right now (or in a photo).


We can highlight and see what your current embodiment strengths are with archetypes in a CAM (Charisma Archetype Model) reading (as part of the paid Energy Reading).


You can get that reading here and it includes an archetype embodiment and expression reading for the top dozen or so feminine archetypes (I also do masculine readings) on my 0-10 scale.


Like some women will have more Goddess and less Sage for example like;


Goddess 7.3
Sage 4.6


Much of what holds men and women back from even ACCESSING archetypal consciousness is the personalized ego-self and their attachments at the identity level.


Their smaller confines of self prevent greater masculine and feminine essence to be embodied and flow through them, thus it’s not as sexually or spiritually appealing.


This makes it difficult for them to ever access the impersonal essences from consciousness that allow them to EXPAND their identity into more iconic, sexier and timeless energetic qualities from the archetypes.


And this is a secret to top acting btw (having this energetic essence quality and congruity of your character and their energetic profile).


We can all think of examples where an actor was really embodied with their character and it FELT right. Just look to Best Actor, Best Actress winners for example.


Fortunately, with what I do;


It’s now actually kind of easy to work on this level for embodiment results if and when you have the right experience, connection and energetic tools (to do archetypal embodiment activations).


And I’ve got ’em! I mean I paid the price to get to this point, but I’ve got ’em!


In working with me for archetypal growth and beauty, we are able to work directly with the authentic impersonal Light (or Dark or both aspects of the) archetypal essence to bring it into your unique soul essence and then into literal embodiment with your approval and readiness.


As your frequency changes it DOES alter your 3D appearance because even that is energy – your physiology changes but where the most changes occur are on the 4th (psychic) and 5th (direct spiritual) dimensions of visual and energetic communication.


You are then communicating and transmitting more power, essence and beauty on THOSE levels so it takes someone more consciously aware like a psychic to be able to see or recognize the truth of that because most of us are conditioned into just valuing and seeing the physical plane. But it’s all real.


The energy magic I do just does it DIRECT instead of indirect or never. But you don’t have to be an actress to get real life value out of taking on different archetypal qualities and essences like the youthfulness and purity of Maiden for example. (btw all of this work is entity-free)


You might want to liven up your allure and love life – then Eros would be a great choice to re-awaken dormant 2nd chakra sexual energies for example. And since it’s real energy work and energy healing, improved energetic health is also going to come across in the truth essence of your visual image.


So with Archetypal EMBODIMENT…


We are valuing the authentic Light aspects of that archetype as known from the collective conscious and unconscious (and then how it MIXES with your own unique expression and ‘personality’). 


And all of this is so that whatever archetype She is RESIDES in your physiology.


Again, the archetypal essences are are IM-personal attributes that are authentic and congruent which we are now able to embody into your image and presence.


The results may vary based on numerous factors however.


It’s always best to be the real thing in effortless presence and congruent essence emanation without bad acting.


This makes it effortless…like a Jason Momoa who can be more and do less to have an impact.



It’s the energetic qualities that are non-consciously having the REAL impact and power – and he’s got a lot of archetypal embodiment going on with King, Warrior and Eros for example.


It’s the SAME qualities that legends centuries ago also exhibited.


Remember, this is the energetic essence aspect of it; not just about looking or dressing like a Princess for example. But once you value image beyond just the skin deep superficial layer of appearance, this work becomes the pink elephant we’ve been missing in professional image.


Of course for roles in movies; indirect things like wardrobe can really help you to get into character and be a channel for archetypal consciousness but my archetype activations are just more literally direct on the energetic essence itself.


And the secret to great acting is energetic congruency; OWNING the character…that’s where the believability is but it can be difficult to ever embody your Queen or enlightened Eros Lover if your past experience (or trauma) or limiting beliefs and programming PREVENT you from ever allowing such immortal power INTO your consciousness let alone to REST and breathe in your literal chakras.


How can you embody something that you can otherwise resist greatly or not believe u are worthy of?


Again; most people are living in a personalized ‘shell’ or cage of self. You can’t bring in such authentic consciousness if your vessel is resisting it at the identity level.


This is where the ego self vs. the soul self definition comes into the equation. With the *archetype activations* I do, we bypass your ego completely to work directly on your energy field; to improve the quality and experience of your soul essence itself bringing in archetypal consciousness.


Remember the best acting is no acting; it’s authentic embodiment, congruity and effortless expression. It’s better to BE it rather than fake it or ‘pretend’.


Because even with the best wardrobe and make-up, you may still not carry the essence of a Queen and that incongruity can come across in your image.


Likewise; just looking like a Goddess doesn’t mean you carry that authentic essencde either. And consumers are becoming sharper and more aware that there is more than just looking good with skin-deep beauty. They want more DEPTH.


If the soul is called to grow and express in a certain context OF the divine, immortal feminine or masculine it CAN – if it knows how. So COULD you give yourself permission to be that great Lover Queen? Or rebirthed Maiden-Starlet?


Because now we can work on it – often with literal before and after results and changes IN your image like a makeover.


Archetypes and THEIR immortal essences provide unlimited room for self expansion, empowerment and growth – even literal transformation of image and makeover.


We can integrate the archetypal feminine immortal presence and ‘essence signatures’ INTO your energetic field where people can literally FEEL its power/essence and know it’s real without words like how young Stevie Nicks embodied Maiden-Muse.



This makes you much more compelling to others; more influential on levels beyond just the physical…we get into alchemical influence from your image where your image starts attuning aspects within their consciousness closer to source – literally raising their own vibration and experience out of pain and into the good stuff.


…And where your own image starts oozing divine, non-egoic aspects of femininity (or masculinity) that belong in the realm of the timeless immortal. When people FEEL the change and shift in you.


This is also great for REINVENTING yourself if things have been stagnant for a while or you want to shift your career as an artist.


..Where your new presence has new levels of influence because it is the embodied and expanded version of true self.


Again…your image is not just 2D or 3D pixels; the real secret is the level of POWER and Light that is multi-dimensionally transmitting through image and video to influence and alchemize with others/consumers / fans/clients on those non-conscious dimensions of self.


That’s why stars have infinitely more power and influence just from 1 photo – even if we didn’t know who they are.


They are transmitting and communicating more than just ‘physical’ 3D information.


So you can really work on cultivating your energetic beauty – even if you feel limited with physical beauty.


Energy is the source of it all and activations work on the ENERGETIC soul level of self which affects the Light of your entire visual communication and transmission IN presence and in social media, image, video, etc.


Becoming MORE of a beautiful soul and having THAT shine through in your images so to speak.


So based on your own Archetypal reading, u might already HAVE some (non-conscious) strengths and some archetypal charm…we can find this out.


You can book an reading here which includes an archetypal assessment> Energy reading.


So if u want to FEEL and see the changes, archetypal embodiment activations are the MOST direct form of archetypal work because it brings the authentic archetypal consciousness INTO your soul essence (as much as the soul will allow for now) and then is threaded into your psyche, aura and activated in the chakra system.


SECONDARY would then be wardrobe, make-up, environment and so forth as indirect support.


Activations (I’ve done 100’s of them for men and women) have been doing wonders for those who have got them and can be done remote or in person.


Remote archetype activations are just as potent (although can take longer to integrate than in person ‘live’) and from the etheric bodies, it then unfolds into your sexual, spiritual, emotional, psychological, psychic, physiological and social experience. Your beauty awakens.


So yes you can embody more of what you desire…even Starlet is her own Archetype.


So if u already value archetypal work or are drawn to a certain archetype like Queen or Eros…getting an activation (which bypasses the conscious mind and) which works on the soul level of self is something to seriously consider.


Just make sure the timing feels right for you. And in some cases, I will strongly recommend we just focus on foundational energy healing if I sense you aren’t ready for a certain archetype yet. Also reinitiations can be in the future when you are in a different space.


Sometimes, getting activations when you have a partner / marriage can threaten the stability of the relationships because of such new profound change.


I do offer archetypal readings and consultations as well as practical energetic activations and coaching. Energy Readings available here.


Most of those in the past who have gotten archetype activations get another one or continue working with me so if you want to dive into it, book a session!