After 16 Years of Working With Men, I Could Sum Much Of It Up Like This…

Men; if you’ve been struggling for years in this area (with attraction and worthiness around women as well as resolving anxiety)…even if you don’t want to compromise on the quality of woman for long-term…perhaps consider that you may NOT be actually worthy of her Divine Feminine.


Those butterflies you get and what’s at stake with rejection and the compromise dynamics; that this unworthiness may be a greatest secret fear but if you could stomach it, it could save you decades more of bitter frustration, hopelessness, depression and despair to start accepting the possibility.


YES; her power and beauty is real and verifiable and it scares the crap out of you that you could be that small (and fractured for all of eternity from Communion with it).


You have to expand your definition of who you really are and get it in PROPER alignment; to move from the egoic and conditioned, disempowered self into the seat of the soul, unlimited, immortal self.


The inner game centric egoic self ‘psychology’ CANNOT resolve this impossible conundrum of how to be worthy of her level of SEX/Beauty and it will only corruptively conflate the ego to think that it is worthy.


But it’s not her ‘personal’ self you’re going up against; it’s mostly her VERY REAL beauty, status, sex and its power which is impersonal, ancient, immortal and archetypal.


The sooner you can accept that you (as you previously knew it) is NOT worthy; the sooner you can move on and reclaim your divine masculine inheritance that IS worthy – and embody HIM as an expanded aspect of your SOUL-self truth (ideally along a path of sacred reunification itself).


This Divine Masculine (archetypal, elemental and siddhic) Power (and His consciousness) is what relates to Her Beauty as an expanded aspect of Self (not constricted egoic self).


You don’t have to keep suffering and wasting years and decades of time remaining unworthy while market forces and socio-cultural conditioning capitalize on your disempowerment and fracture with the Divine Feminine.


The archetypal, divine masculine truth and power already IS worthy and relevant to Her divine feminine Beauty and radiance. Activations available to embody your divine masculine (King, Lover, Star, Eros, Warrior, etc.)


What if your dis-embodied divine masculine WAS already worthy, you just had to ACCESS and EMBODY Him instead of relying on your conditioned and egoic identity of self? Hmm…and then shift your transformational work around it (and watch as women with divine feminine qualities start responding to you!)


The larger picture answer is with Divine Union or sacred reunification (aka ‘hieros gamos’) but it’s too much to introduce here.


Cultivate your divine masculine presence, sexual confidence, social status and charisma with Archetype activations on site. The Charisma Makeover Package is also available

Evolved Masculine Contemplation: New Feminine

When we value cultivating your energetic beauty, we open up to expanded and archetypal feminine gnosis and wisdom that may transcend our collective culture, programming and wounding.


Your path of energetic beauty is also related to your consciousness and relationship to the masculine and a lot of pop culture is still in shadow consciousness with both masculine and feminine.


This resource from an interview with Gillian Pothier and Destin Gerek of Evolved Masculine takes you more into such a contemplation… Enjoy!