Random K-Pop Muse Blitz 2022

As we know here on Sexy Chi with our professional and prosumer consciousness;


K-Pop is just DOMINATED by the archetypal Muse. Here are just some random K-Pop idol photos showcasing Muse that I posted to my facebook page (now re-purposing for the blog)….we’ve got MAMAMOO, IVE, Everglow, etc. represented.


Incredibly balanced, embodied & versatile leading muse (Solar) with a high Allure Factor here


The knowing muse…



TWICE has a lot of Muse-Lover Goddess embodiment the past 2 years!





Check her out on our Top 10 Muse list 2022 on the blog!




Great Muse icon


Very pure Muse-Mage…great alchemical beauty


Incredible amounts of Light quanta & contagious siddhic happiness!


Muse-Mage…lots of alchemical beauty and magic


Very lit Muse embodiment & expression

Note her (Solar) different archetype expression here…it’s more Queen

Muse-Queen Mage

Muse-Lover Goddess

Note the high Muse consciousness, embodiment and alchemical, essenced beauty of photonic Muse quanta. Because the focus is on the archetype, I’m not even going to mention the K-pop muses names themselves here (all of which I know of course 😉 but you can ask me on FB.


Other thoughts?…


So what is Muse? Where is She?


How can I become one? What is Her impact?


Well…the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ report available from Grail Priestess introduces her ancient lineage and references her impact.


To perceive Her Truth you will have to get past your own socially conditioned and egoic ‘lower truth’ paradigm filters and you have to go beyond race and genres like this is ‘asian’ or ‘k-pop’.


Photonic Muse Quanta just oozing…


Beyond k-pop, beyond culture, superficial beauty and ethnicity are essences and consciousness.


When you can see ARCHETYPES and siddhic essences (where they exist), then you will be closer to source with truth as race is a lower truth (that many ONLY choose to see and perceive this).


True muses (IVE)


Fortunately muses manifest in many cultures and ethnicities b/c Muse is universal and immortal.


It’s Her consciousness and essenced-based beauty with its codes that a small percentage of humans can/have embody. It’s just that most of Muse is manifesting literally in K-pop on a cultural perspective.


Psychically powerful muse


I recommend to learn to discern with better psychic clarity and you too can learn to read archetypal and siddhic beauty wherever it pops up in any culture (keep up with our blog and celebrity psychic readings)!


There are many more individual muses throughout K-POP which is the world’s active MECCA of Muse. My prediction is that Muse is going to expand in the West (I’ve written on the blog about this).


Anyways; you can use these photos to tune in to the archetypal SIGNATURE beauty and consciousness of the impersonal and iconic Muse.



Above I’ve listed some different archetypal expressions. (Of course I know all their personalized names and groups btw).



More advanced would be to meditate, alchemize and do temple work with them (which is what I specialize in and its the source of my magic!).