The Real Work of Allure Transformation & Essence Based Beauty Consulting..
Beauty & Allure Beauty Essence Blog
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As I’m seeking ways to take this Allure consulting and transformation work to beauty influencers and more of a mainstream audience (and my FB circle has been AHEAD as the early adopters);
When it comes to the inevitable evolution of Beauty and Style in the marketplace, Beauty industry and in social media influence (beyond the skin-deep 3rd dimensional glass ceiling);
It can help to view the essences as ‘flavors’ or ‘styles’ of vibe-truth and light-truth beauty that we can now directly work with in conscious competence.
We just become more consciously competent in NAMING THESE VIBES and signatures of LIGHT (all kinds of examples in our psychic celebrity readings).
(Wanna find out more? Read about the 7 practical forms of Beauty Essence onsite).
From here we can start seeing and evaluating women and their allure (vibe and light expression of beyond skin-deep beauty) as painted with:
Projector Beauty, Eros Beauty, Vixen Beauty, Siddhic Peaceful Beauty, Muse-Princess Beauty, Sophia-Lover Beauty, Devotional Beauty or Graceful (Siddhic) Beauty.
All of these examples as different signatures of vibe and light-truth that you can cultivate.
The Beauty industry 1.0 approach would be to ‘style’ oneself (to ‘look like’) in the make-up and wardrobe of the specific archetypal beauty intention of expression ie. to dress ‘like a goddess’ would dress…maybe walk like she might walk.
But that’s different than BEING the Goddess with Goddess vibe-truth, Goddess consciousness and INFLUENCE.
And that’s where Sexy Chi activations come in because we work DIRECTLY on your energy field and psyche itself to install the immortal source archetype vibe and light-truth codes themselves (ie. starlet, goddess, vixen, etc.). And that’s based in specialized and powerful energy work…no more indirect anything; we get results fast.
More critical to true beauty and influence is embodying the light and vibe-truth of that signature expression or flavor of beauty (from the essenced realm of archetypal, elemental and siddhic beauty codes); that people FEEL the Goddess or Maiden presence, consciousness and beauty where it hits them in the gut – rather than you just looking like it or playing dress up…where they feel the TRUTH of Her in your soul expression.
An expanded spectrum of Beauty mastery and expression to play with.
Sexy Chi activations (aka ‘sessions’ or ‘beauty appointments’) which include archetype embodiment activations (for more ie. Goddess presence, beauty and allure) are a direct bridge to cultivating all of this and embodying more super-natural, higher dimensional authentic encoded Beauty.
Allure and Essence are no longer non-conscious terms of ambiguity; we are now IN the realm of Archetypal and Siddhic Beauty cultivation (and I thank all my past female clients for securing this foundation ahead of whenever it may become popular!).
Just check out the blog for Essenced Psychic Celebrity Readings to start seeing these vibe and light truth signatures for yourself!
They already exist; we’re just more consciously competent of them and working professionally with them.
Being able to work on your archetypal and siddhic authentic beauty presence, consciousness and thus image (all SOURCED in the higher dimensional and immortal essences/codes themselves) brings far more mastery with authenticity to beauty and more freedom and variety to professional soul-self expression as well as the aspirational influence that comes with it.
Remember; Beauty has always been more than skin-deep AND the higher truth is that Beauty is an alchemical language of Light (and Vibe on a lower dimension).
Discover more about the 7 forms of Beauty Essences (central to Allure) here. Allure Makeover Package available
Essence Communicates Your Visual Soul Signature, Power, Beauty & More
Beauty & Allure Beauty Essence Blog
allure blog beauty essence beauty essence consultant charisma embodiment essence essence allure essence beauty essence beauty blog essence blog essence consulting essence image consulting feminine allure how to have allure how to have more charisma image consultant image consulting visual essence
And it’s all represented (or not!) in your image; social media, video, instagram, pics and film. Search the site to discover the 7 primary aspects of Essence Beauty consulting and makeover transformation!
Essence and who you are has everything to do with your visual and ‘live’ communication. Essence is the realm of that 90% of non-verbal communication; the physical lens was only rudimentary; showing us signs to the real ‘who you are’.
What about presence?
Presence is the Embodiment of Essence/s
Charisma or Allure is the energetic Expression of Essence/s (with and through your chakras and aura).
There are 7 different kinds of known Beauty essences to work with that MATTER in the realm of LIGHT and image (in your visual beauty and self-expression mastery).
Who you are without speaking matters and in today’s day and age THAT sells and influences (esp. in the age of hidden marketeers fatigue as many consumers awaken). Are you communicating your SOUL BASED and archetypal Truth?
Or are you just too conditioned with social programming and there’s no literal space in your chakric psyche for your soul and other signature essences of higher beauty to BE embodied and expressed?
Now how about we professionally work in THAT realm of essence with conscious competence to master your visual communication? Sexy Chi is the core brand to do this work directly, with conscious competence and RESULTS!
Image consulting or transformational beauty essence makeover sessions available (ie. archetype activations).
There’s time at the start of every session to determine which archetype you may want for more of that signature beauty and essence-based allure! Often people note immediate results in how others are attracted to and responding to them.
Discover more about Beauty Essence on site! This is the future of Beauty and Image Consulting (essence consulting and transformation) and it’s with Sexy Chi!
Transitioning To Beauty 2.0
Beauty & Allure Beauty Essence Blog
allure and essence allure feminine beauty beauty allure beauty essence beauty essence consulting beauty essence transformation essence consulting