Consciousness & Beauty (Essence) Go Hand In Hand

This is a higher truth of image, beauty & charisma.


Cultivating both your consciousness and energetic beauty (essence) accelerates your transformation.


It’s ironic that most people into spirituality say they don’t care about image or beauty (or want to shun it) when in fact, they are mutually entwined. I think what they are resisting is the paradigm of Beauty 1.0 with its focus on extrinsic/superficial beauty…but I’m talking about the deeper Truth of Beauty.


Sexy Chi and what I do merges these inter-woven truths as a unified value system; consciousness & image.


I don’t mean the image of looking like a Goddess with the 3D fashion support and styling or fitting a cliche – rather energetically and in essence: BEING the real thing in consciousness and presence which then comes across in your image.


So when you cultivate your archetypal and siddhic consciousness, you are invariably affecting your energetic essence, embodiment and image – the truth of your cultivation and consciousness is with you (as flavors of Light).


You can also get a gauge of how cultivated someone is – or how reunified – by referencing their image (and knowing how to ready it properly).


This is because energy doesn’t lie. People just aren’t used to reading it because of their paradigm of valuing and supporting 2D/3D physical (extrinsic) beauty which literally doesn’t go past skin deep.


But all of image is energy that is communicating.


Direct energy work (like archetype activations) affects your essence and secondarily your consciousness whereas archetype attunements work on your consciousness but can affect your essence and energetic beauty. It’s both.


Working on Gene Keys is another form of affecting both your consciousness AND image/presence; another form of increasing your beauty consciousness and image itself. Work on one, you are working on the other.


This is at the heart of Sexy Chi and what I do – just very consciously with no value conflicts.


The Allure Makeover Package is available to really do some good transformation here.

#beauty #image #genekeys