And The World’s Top Muse 2024 Is…

Wait! Do you want to see the full top 10 list first?

I’ve picked the top 10 muses in the world for the year 2024!


If you haven’t seen it yet and want to go through the other 9 FIRST, click below…otherwise proceed!


World’s Top 10 Muses 2024



…..And here she is on her own post with more visuals!! >>>

Top Muse #1: Wonyoung 장원영 - IVE


Congrats to Jang Wonyoung of the K-Pop group ‘IVE’…world’s top muse 2024! This is a big honor and says a LOT.



She made it to the very TOP of our top 10 list and blossomed into even more of her Beauty and soul expression visually (as well as being a great singer and top performer).


She is incredibly embodied and EXPRESSED (Presence vs. Allure) both which means we can FEEL her Beauty and that’s key to not just beauty influence but being someone OF influence itself without even having to speak.


(And then add song and dance from such a heaven on earth embodiment and no wonder she is so popular and paparazzi and fans/stans go craZy!)



She influences fashion and style itself in pop ways but how does she just go BEYOND?! What is the IT factor just from STILLNESS?


Essence! That which is and are the elements of ALLURE. Allure is that secretive ‘vibe’ and ‘light-truth’ that people are going after but NOW we work on it directly with Sexy Chi. Top muses like her mostly have it through dharmic service and sacrifice opening up to be a conduit of divine feminine consciousness and Light such as Muse (and yet even at that level, we can work directly with it now with conscious competence for mastery).


ESSENCE is the key and Wonyoung OOOOOZES it.


There are archetypal, gift, siddhic and elemental signatures of ESSENCES…100s of known signatures to access and work with.



Planet Peace, Harmony and Beauty right herre in her atmosphere (aura)!


We can FEEL her signature mix of light and vibe-truth (and MUSE is the core of it).


Classically Wonyoung has had a LOT of Light Muse-Princess as well as Maiden…even though she’s been more in that ‘restrictive’ place as far as the entire spectrum (not much Goddess let alone Dark or Vixen, etc.) there’s still a boundlessness to her beauty expression.



World’s of Beauty….I may actually do something of a Gene Keys visual essence siddhic reading for her like I did with last year’s #1 later. (Check back on the blog)



We all want to be closer to heaven on earth (well, most of us) and this kind of alchemical beauty brings the attunement in consciousness of ascension, awakening, rebirth, reunification.



All of that is beyond the personality of Wonyoung but is the archetypal magic within that she’s embodying and expressing of this divine feminine archetype; most centrally Muse.



Such exquisite LOVE in this that RADIATES and permeates into the Hearts of others in her presence. She has the inner security with the divine masculine to be so at Peace and radiant.


(I’m not taking the time to do an in-depth energy reading here b/c I’m burned out from the Top10/20! but her Crown is FANTASTIC, illuminated and supported by the heavens).


We want to cue into higher truths;


Some might also view that she’s ‘too skinny’ but it doesn’t matter; lower projections or even lower truths like her cultural background…her essence mix is just so rich and loving in Muse signature that she transcends all of it and helps to shift our perception of beauty into the divine moreso than that of physical form.


Truly a taste of Heaven on Earth…she brings the auric ecosphere of Beauty and Celebration wherever she goes.




And it’s not that she’s Asian and pretty, skinny at all (just reference other muses of different backgrounds).


So if you want to keep renewing, reinvigorating or re-birthing yourself…consider doing meditational alchemy with IVE or Wonyoung stills or music videos to attune to her Muse and other siddhic qualities.


A great idea is to meditate to her images on this page while running the Muse Attunement Powerliminal




…to contemplate and explore Muse more…even receive codes yourself.


We’re talking ALCHEMICAL and fotonic influence just being in relation to such Divine Feminine Truth of Presenced Quanta (Spirit-Essence) from the sentient source of Light itself as chi-plasma.


(That’s actually what Beauty is in its higher Truth; the alchemical Language of Light which is multi-dimensional or higher frequency; yet that which you can FEEL like the suns rays even though you can’t ‘see’ UV).



I would say that Wonyoung in this visual extravaganza has had an annual median Muse embodiment (CAM Reading of archetypes) of 9.6 and an Allure Factor average visually in 2024 of 9.5 which is PHENOMENAL and alchemical.


The thing for here would be to find easier ways to maintain including energetic sessions from Sexy Chi so that she’s optimized + getting good rest but really to explore more of her archetypal range esp. short-term for different song concepts where they may want to play with different archetypes. (This here is starting to stretch her normal spectra with a lil’ bit of Light Vixen). 



What would be fascinating is to have her cultivate her Goddess and Dark aspects more (not ‘evil’ at all…that’s in the Shadow realm).


This archetypal exploration is something that we can support directly away from her Princess and Muse centrism but I would say to introduce it bit by bit as a gradient so that her fans still know her as they do but can then go on an archetypal journey with her the more she can also be embodied as other mixed character versions of Wonyoung (like for different songs).


Remember that Muse is ancient and YOUR biological age doesn’t matter (Jennifer Flavin in her 50’s as Sylvester Stallone’s wife has Muse codes).



Ok…whatta year for IVE and Wonyoung…top of all kinds of K-pop sites and charts…a few more ɸotonic images of Wonyoung, our and THE) top muse for 2024!





More than just a popular ‘it girl’, she actually brings alchemical medicine in her Beauty.


Congratulations Wonyoung, you’ve earned it!


And yes, I am the world authority on Muse.


I’m also the keyholder and trainer to the now active history’s first official Muse Priestess lineage (stay tuned for more 2025 updates).


The Immortal Muse…embodied…


Allure is the future of Beauty influence! Explore the Social Currency of Allure (and Charisma).


Beauty Influencers like Wonyoung are TOP of the game. They bring transformational aspirational value, not merely product ambassadorship.


I hope you enjoyed and appreciated this! You can follow me on FB.


-Rion Kati


Feel free to share this page and the blog!


Check out last year’s top 10 Muse list here

“What About Archetypes? Aren’t they ‘Satanic’? Are they Christian or Krystic?”

….”Or should I just label them as Luciferian and ‘occult’ because I have issues accepting anything outside of my dogmatic lens and integrating healthy Dark principle b/c I think it’s the same as shadow and the ‘devil’?”


First of all Jesus Christ IS an archetype (of great spiritual power).


(God exists and) I’m never denying the spiritual truth of that and my connection….my main issue with Christianity is that it doesn’t actually embrace the divine feminine as equal counter-part as per True Communion principle (which includes Creational and Sexual consciousness).


Different religions have different deities, figure-heads (a.k.a. ‘archetypes’) that they value and focus on….religions being different fractals of spiritual value and practice from the same uniphied Source.


Even the EMBRACEMENT (new word) of EROS is great heresy to the standing of ‘The Church’…that we could dare embrace the greater Sexual Power and Truth that we have (but use it as holy vessels). HERESY!


You could pick one religious fractal and stick with its values yet then may start to see other systems as ‘othered’ when they are also paths of Awakening.


I’ve seen the Holy Spirit work in Christian churches but that wasn’t the doctrine centric part of things.


(My Uniφied Theory heretically proposes that the ‘Holy Spirit’ is the SAME THING as life force ‘chi’).


I value Communion; Holy, Sacred God AND Goddess principle and consciousness (which to me includes PURIFIED archetypal truth as more unique God/dess fractals from Source like Spiritual Warrior, King, Lover, etc.).


That doesn’t take away from the spiritual, empirical values richly encoded in many religions and their spiritual practices. (All roads lead to metaphorical Rome).


Archetypes are God and Goddess fractal truths with specific qualities; similar to how divine feminine consciousness (consciously embraced and represented also by archetypes) have been secularized and outcast from popular religious control/influence and that as bifurcating the deeper truth of Holy Grail principle of Communion itself.


Since archetypes DO exist and hold keys to expanded identity, consciousness, rightful power and Beauty (even in a krystic path)…they don’t have to be a God to you…


In fact, archetypes are NOT God; they are impersonal God-aspects from the collective, immortal field of sentience (that actually allow you to hold righteous power and beauty with less likelihood of egoic corruption).


Working practically with archetypes (like with other gnostic Divine Union work and the psychic power with it) just doesn’t really have a place in popular religion b/c of their exclusion (general) of the divine feminine, sexuality and Eros.


If you’re on a path of Beauty, fullest self-expression or Sacred Union, you probably want to work with archetypes and the POWER for identity transformational and literal visual makeover they bring. This work is also central to the mastery of the art and science of ACTING itself.


We can become more conscious of something and aware or keep remaining ignorant to it and then it likely has more power over us.


Light and Dark Archetypes (as shortcode for ‘divine masculine and feminine’) actually EMPOWER mankind and divine feminine principle TOWARDS Peace, Harmony and Renaissance.


They attune our DIVINE NATURE and LOGOS.


People are mis-placing SHADOW archetypes as their Light and healthy Dark qualities and that’s keeping humanity in further control and oppression.


Sure; religious hard-liners may judge ANYTHING Sophianic, Priestess or Goddessy as ‘secular’ or ‘Luciferian’, ‘occult’ or ‘Satan’s work’ but the better question in understanding archetypes already exist is;


“How can I work with archetypes consciously and with PURITY to support my spiritual evolution as a fractal of God/Goddess?”


Son of God, Holy Daughter are also archetypes. Light and Dark Archetypes help you to embrace and integrate your healthy divinity…I do these archetype activations all the time as my most popular service.


It’s the shadow aspects that people are concerned and judgy about.




Much of what the hierogamic hermetical gnostics of us do appears ‘outside’ of popular religion yet is richly spiritual…it’s the same concept as labeling ‘energy work’ as ‘the occult’ simply b/c it remains in shadows of true awareness ‘when it isn’t that dis-similar from laying on of hands’.


What archetypes do YOU currently embody? How do you envision your next chapters and what archetypes can leverage your image and influence?


We can do an in-depth reading and consulting when you book an Allure Consulting session. That 75 minute session includes an archetype activation (for embodiment and allure)!

Archetypes As Keys to Power, Beauty & Influence

This may be triggering but by and large ARCHETYPES hold the keys to (attaining and experiencing) Power, Beauty and Influence. They hold his power immortally, practically and NOW.


And you can continue to remain non-conscious to this fact, but it may not serve you well if you are meant to be one of great influence.


As God and Goddess fractals; (divine masculine and divine feminine) archetypes and their signature aspects have immense powers of transformation of consciousness, identity and FELT (collective) influence and IMPACT.


(Most celebrities and legends have different impersonal archetypes embodied btw).


Yes; we’re talking Queen, Lover, Magnate, Magician, Warrior, Diva and Muse for example.


That doesn’t meant that an archetype IS’s important to know their place and that distinction.


On a spiritual path of devotional reunification (Hieros Gamos, Divine Union); archetypes hold the keys to realizing and expressing greater Godly and Goddessy aspects of consciousness itself AS nectars of the Holy Grail.


So if you have value conflicts around archetypes, true Power or Beauty; there’s a good chance you’re not living your fullest life OR if you’re thriving you’re not even aware of the archetypes and their role in securing your aligned success.


You may not even see their obvious-ness of this when someone like me can see it clearly.


In another way; archetypes are short-code for INFLUENCE and can comprise the spirit-quanta of your ALLURE and CHARISMA mixing with and amplifying your unique soul essence.


You might have religious conflicts around being someone of more influence (aka ‘powerful’)….but;


What if ‘put no other idols above me’ STILL actually remains ACCURATE because archetypes ARE signature expressions OF the divine and Godhead?!


But you may not ever know that because of religious programming, misuses of power and secularization of something like archetypes which EMPOWERS souls and people. God can still be (and is) above all.


You might have a traumatic relationship to power but it was never true Power, it was forms of FORCE; but what if embodied Power (much of it archetypal) and Beauty could be what HEALS YOU from the shadows and misuse of lower truths?


Once you have cleared up distortions around true Power, Beauty, Influence and your rightfulness to HAVE such power (especially being in service on a path of fullest actualization and expression)..once you have cleared up religious interference around Power, Beauty, Influence and your place to have it;


God can still be #1 and it may no longer make sense to remain non-conscious to the mainline power of archetypes as ‘God signature expressions’ for spiritual, Beauty and identity transformation in amplifying your fullest soul-truth and living your highest timelines.


Once you know you wouldn’t place any archetype as an idol ‘above’ God, then you should be good to work with them even though it may still seem like heresy to many religious fractals.


What if we became conscious of what ‘idolization’ actually is? What if it was a celebration OF the divine aspects UNDER GOD?


And on a Divine Union path of reunification, you Beloved HAS either Great Power or Beauty and your path includes that transformation of consciousness to be worthy in reunification with The Beloved and their Godly qualities.


So if your relationship to Power & Beauty is corrupted…if you’re in a wounded relationship to (true) Power or Beauty or living through lower truth filters and shadows of it (like superficiality)…


OR if you choose to remain non-conscious to archetypes and their immediate power for breakthrough growth in all dimensions and spiritually…


…If you choose to demonize archetypes or secularize them literally because of religious fractals of spirituality (which often have value conflicts around the Truth of Power and Beauty and how we are practically fractals OF the Divine as souls);


Then you could go years without ever realizing your full power and potential to be expressed, felt and seen as your true self WHILE living in superficial, vain and shallower expressions of Beauty while thinking that Power itself is bad b/c of your misunderstanding of Power and past transgressions from the masculine which were actually Force dynamics.


You could remain non-conscious instead of living in true power and beauty which is SPIRITUAL…true Power and Beauty are by and large archetypal (including the siddhic archetypes of Godly consciousness).


By default, you could miss out on decades of transformational growth in a short-time by choosing to live from your conditioned, smaller egoic self-identity when it’s actually the people MEANT to have great spiritual, iconic power and influence like you who could leverage archetypal transformation work the most.


But I digress because many people on my facebook (amongst hundreds) have discovered the healthy, pure leverage OF archetypes by getting ARCHETYPE activations with me (and now/soon with the muse priestesses).


You could go your whole life without realizing that the Power and Beauty which the archetypes hold IS divine and within your hands to reclaim and embody as your own divine masculine or feminine inheritance of God and Goddess fractals of Beauty and Influence.


Isn’t it time that Power and Beauty be PROPERLY defined and ALIGNED to Spirit? And how much longer are you going to let OTHERS have all the fun?


After all; it’s time for more true Beauty, allure as well as divine masculine power to eradicate OUT the shadows of power corruption and constrictions of superficial beauty as the glass ceiling.


Or you could choose to live from your conditioned, lower egoic self fractured from living in power, influence and fullest expression….or just remaining unawares because archetypes are ‘secular’.


Archetypes like Queen, Lover, Eros, Goddess, Vixen, Maiden and Priestess are a most practical bridge to your FULLEST LIFE, Beauty and spiritual growth.


If you are MEANT to live in true power as someone of great INFLUENCE, then you’re probably missing out on authentic and faster transformation of identity without archetype work. What are the qualities of your soul that you desire to amplify and use for good in service and expression to the world?




Archetype activations are available in the Allure Makeover or 3-pack of sessions as well as the individual Allure Consulting 75 minute session.


Once you are in a clean relationship to Power and Beauty (including without religious interference or blockages); archetype work with activations or attunements allow the Beauty of your soul to be AMPLIFIED with felt influence and signature qualities of Light-Truth or Divine Masculine Power.


Archetype embodiment activations or attunements allow you to cultivate the fuller power and Beauty of your soul to have more influence as your TRUE and fullest self.


Archetype embodiment activation sessions available!


Calling of The Kingmaker for Grail Priestess

I realize that (although I mentioned Grail Priestess before);


I haven’t put a post up simply dedicated to this important concept.


If you have followed me on (friends only) Facebook for a while, I’ve been speaking to (and leading on) this subject for years now throughout different posts (some of which are on-site here).


It’s the subject of Grail Priestess (and king-making).


There is a growing calling for Kingmakers because of the sexual, social and spiritual FRACTURE between not just men and women but the divine masculine and feminine centered upon Divine Union aka ‘Communion’ itself (which I also cover a lot).


Grail Priestesses play a DIRECT role in all of this awakening for men.


IF you are on a path of divine union that is called to serve the divine masculine with and through men (and not just seeking a divine union partner-king), then you will want to discover my website (which wholly represents the concept); Grail Priestess


From there, you should be able to access the Calling of the Kingmaker power report that I wrote. I’d go there now if you feel something is calling you to it…there are a lot of rich, dense codes to unpack in that resource which could take you months of contemplation so if you’re getting that urge, now is the time.


I am the founder and guardian of the (world’s first) Muse Priestess lineage.



The world’s first Muse Priestesses will be made public in 2024! I’m also connected with other priestesses and lineages through my FB circle.


We also have the Grail Priestess attunement Powerliminal that can help you contemplate such a Divine Union path of Service…



Rion Kati on Facebook

(most the good stuff is friends only btw)


“How Can I Become a Muse or Develop More Muse-ship?”

If you’ve been around my work for a while; maybe you have realized that you are being called to be more of a muse yourself along your path.


(Muse is a prime, ancient, divine feminine grail archetype by the way after all and who has immense influence on masculine principle and culture).


Keep in mind that if you are called…She will generally require sacrifice more and more on your part in order to hold her rarefied Beauty codes and influence.


More Western women are STARTING to wake up to Muse codes.


Gillian Pothier and I were and are still on the forefront of this starting with our Cosmic Muse L.A. retreats in 2018.


Muse is now becoming available for non performers b/c of our time and dynamic spiritually and with Divine Union ascension and the Priestess lineage.


Now; there are more and more conscious, spiritual women realizing that Muse is a Grail archetype and related to deeply inspiring a Grail King Lover so they are gaining more interest.


If you are a performance artist, Muse may be speaking to you. Only a fraction of dancers are what I would call Muse fractals however.


VCHA themselves; American girls now in the K-pop genre are becoming muses. Muse has the power to revolutionize culture in the direction of ascension, renaissance and service rather than the older corrupt forms of how Hurriicane Titaniia calls ‘harvesting’ beauty and talent.


IF you are called to Muse-ship and strengthening your ability to BE inspired and influential like Her (whether on a Grail path of Divine Union consciousness or a performer), how can you do it?




Activations are the most literally direct and FASTEST way to embody more Muse. I offer these to the pre-qualified.


If you are NOT on an active path of performance artistry, yet are called to embody more Muse it can help to ‘directly’ cultivate more Muse consciousness and embodied beauty-truth;


Another way to transform INTO more Muse-ship is through ATTUNEMENT.


It’s to literally meditate with images or videos of Muse-embodied sistars. There are only a handful of known pop Western muses; just keep in mind that you may have to reference K-pop for this.


Few women so far are even doing this alchemical attunement process and yet this alone (once you become an alchemistress) can reap infinite benefits.


I have men who have been meditating with Muse as a form of sex transmutation of consciousness since 2007.


Yes, Muse shows up in any culture and there are several Western muses; however, it will help to accept that the MECCA of Muse is undoubtedly K-pop with at least half of the female idols as muses.


Trust me on this; it’s simply true (although it may shift in the future).


You do NOT actually want to treat k-pop like a consumer, you want to bypass all lower truth reality to get to the REAL MAGIC, power and influence right?


And that’s whether you are a fan/stan of k-pop groups or not.


After all; your experience of the archetypal Muse/Her; your embodiment and expression can look and feel different as She mixes with YOUR values, age, etc. You don’t have to look like Danielle from New Jeans for example.



Muse has medicine for YOU if you are called to Her.


My prediction is that being a muse could become the highest status thing in pop culture within 2-3 years.


Dove Cameron, Bjork and Grimes are muses. Elsewhere I reference how Grimes is so attracted to AESPA and BLACKPINK…that’s because they are Muse-sisters.



With that said; the sooner you can accept any age differential (Muse is immortal) and the sooner you can accept K-pop is the known mecca…the sooner you can get to the real magic and alchemy beyond being constricted to consumer reality.


Muse can potentially be embodied of women at ANY AGE. I’ve reference Jennifer Flavin before and there’s a few ‘middle-aged’ women in my circle who have Muse codes.



You will first have to get beyond your own personalized, conditioned, consumer, style and cultural lower truth filters to connect to Her transmission stream more clearly. Your soul must resonate with Her values and path (of liberation, celebration, beauty and artistry).


Watching k-pop videos as a consumer or stan will only do indirect magic at the very best and little of it for many reasons including valuing a paradigm of lower truth like genres, culture, personal preferences, etc.


To become permeatively affected by Muse through a process of attunement (and if you cannot just hang out with muses); you want to call upon your Alchemist and Sorceress to be able to work with Her light and beauty codes allowing your consciousness to be attuned by the Law of Resonance.


That could mean picking a K-pop group (like Everglow, AESPA, TWICE, New Jeans, etc.) and just watching it a dozen times until all of your judgments have put aside and you can FEEL and sense the higher Truth beyond culture and genre of Her alchemical beauty emanating.


Here’s a great reference for very clear Muse:



Then you can have more of that direct, clear connection to Muse’s influence.



For sure you’d want to really work with the Muse attunement itself. Maybe put a TWICE video on slow-motion with it muted while you start meditating with the Powerliminal and their movement.


Muse is beyond culture and age, yet can be expressed in different ways through individuals and cultures.


Muse (and all archetypes for that matter) is a higher Truth above all human race. If you are ‘race-obsessed’ including as a social justice warrior, you will never get to the higher truth; your field will literally be too clouded with psychic distortion that doesn’t allow space for her unique signature codes.


Also; you want a foundation of energetic health and deconditioning in order to start actually embodying Her signature light and truth essenced Beauty and allure. Other archetypes might simply be for you; Muse isn’t for most.


Keep in mind that with your burgeoning alchemy with Muse; you’re not connecting with the projection of the ‘name’ of the artist or her genre or cultural differences, nor your personalized taste in music.


You want to connect to the highest truth which is Muse presence in a clearly embodied muse as a vessel of channel of Her truth. This is why I don’t name the artists and instead name the archetypes in my story feed.


When you have that clearer connection (which allows true meditation and alchemy), then Her real magic can begin and begin transforming you.


As you start receiving Her psychic transmission;


You may want to start moving, dancing or you might start getting inspired with ideas, thoughts, breakthroughs, etc. as you allow Muse to influence you and Her light to start attuning your field itself.


Again; another great way to start receiving Her codes and transforming through attunement is to do the Muse Meditation attunement Powerliminal and perhaps do it will having images of highly embodied muses as your visual to be a direct connection to the deity Herself.


Muse’s power is greater than at any point in history and growing. Western muses have a large role to play including in Divine Unions.


So are you ready?


Is it time?


Perhaps She is starting to work with and through you.


p.s. although Grimes is a Western muse, she often isn’t the purest model and is variable for other reasons I can speak to; so I’d stick with Rion proven clearly embodied muses as reference points. It will help you get a clearer connection to receive Muse codes.



Literally not everyone reading this is ‘ready’ for this, but I’ll post a picture of a powerful Muse who has great psychic transmission for those who ARE ready to start doing something a bit more attunement wise:


Remember you want to get past the fracture of comparison, the separation of culture, name of artist, age, judgment, etc. to simply respect, allow and receive what She Herself has for you right now; maybe it’s just a simple message.


You can ask Her; the consciousness aggregate Source behind the name or ethnicity of the artist-vessel when you have that clearer connection.


IF you are noticing you are still in judgment consciousness, then you’re just not ready to receive yet so come back when you are. Most consumers will never evolve beyond that; so just go at your own timing…I promise you the real medicine and magic is beyond all judgment when you can just sit in Her darshanic, shaktipat field



When you can truly meditate with this; the alchemical and CREATIVE force of life will automatically move b/c She is a highly sexual archetype…you might feel sensations as your 3rd eye starts twitching, etc.


I am here to support muses in different ways along their path. The world’s first 2 Muse Priestesses (who are also authentic soul encoded Muse fractals) will finally graduate year 1/year 3 (we’ve had delays 😉 in 2024 and be revealed to the world!


You can also read about the Muse Trinity and other Muse or K-pop posts on the blog.


If you are called to Muse-ship related to Divine Union, you may be interested in Calling of the Kingmaker along with the Grail Priestess concept.