The Holy Daughter: Heal Father Wounding Meditation

The new Powerliminal; The Holy Daughter is embedded below.


If you are on a PATH of Beauty, allure, beauty influence and beauty consciousness (esp. if you are on a Grail Path of Divine Union); healing and reunifying your inner daughter IS more important than you may realize.


You may actually be RESISTING masculine principle in many dimensions b/c of unhealed or fractured issues.


After co-hosting the Mystical Beauty Masterclass & 7 week Immersion with Gillian Pothier of I was ready to finally make this new father healing meditation Powerliminal.


Because of the necessary subject matter and demand of the containers we were in, healing father wounding was a foundational part that had to be addressed b/c it holds SO MANY KEYS to many things in life, with beauty, spiritually and with men, money, provision and eros….a wide spectrum.


WITHOUT resolved inner animus father issues; yes, a woman (in her presenced beauty essence) can be RESISTING receiving blessings, love, riches and so much from the universe, men and the masculine. It’s related to so many things in what and who you are attracting and what you experience (your image is TESTAMENT).


So whether you have father wounding, daddy issues or not, the kind of work is CENTRAL to a divine feminine grail path of divine union.


The daughter aspect allows older, more mature archetypes to be more holistically healthy and again; this is a major part of Love and Divine Union, sacred reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’.


Real feminine alchemists already KNOW that this is powerful medicine work and it’s founded on our deep work in the Mystical Beauty container. So without further ado, here’s the Holy Daughter Attunement: