Why Most People Will Never Have Allure or Charisma

Personalized identity of self and conditioning prevents embodiment of beauty and power (chi); thereby prevents allure and charisma.


Allure (feminine) and charisma (masculine) again is the flow and emanation of essences with and through chakric and auric embodiment.


(And this is all VISUAL as well because image itself is multi-dimensional light…it’s why we can feel things stir with those who carry true power and beauty like many celebrities just from their image)


Personalization (and the Western value of ego and personal growth) + conditioning is why MOST PEOPLE don’t even have allure and charisma and NEVER WILL. It’s how many modern men especially don’t even have archetypal qualities because there is just CONDITIONING instead of access of immortal masculine chi essenced consciousness/codes.


Having a PERSONALIZED self/ego and conditioned field (literally in the chakras) leaves one disconnected from soul embodiment as well as the other archetypes and their power/beauty.


Deep ‘inner game’ for men will endlessly keep them disavowed from their divine masculine inheritance as well as worthiness and presence with the divine feminine (necessary for Holy Grail Communion).


And for many women; they’ll keep relying on mastery of superficial beauty instead and wondering why people don’t FEEL them from their presence/image. They’re not connected to and embodying of the beauty codes.


They’re walking around with conditioned social and parental programming filling their chakric psyches and they haven’t unwound from all of the programming.


It’s kind of like having radio scramble FUZZ visually vs. the clarity of a high frequency CHANNEL streaming through; they’re not able to receive or transmit other signals of beauty or power b/c the chakric psyche is visually (with light and psyche) filled with chaos and distortion from conditioning.


How could they express divine feminine or masculine power or beauty in their presence and image (like purity, peace, ecstasy, honour, King, etc.) when it’s all just conditioned, distorted programming and chaos?


And when their PERSONALIZED IDENTITY constricts them from their unlimited soul identity consciousness that can take on immortal qualities and powers?


So you actually want to get into IMPERSONAL growth rather than personal growth (and archetype transformational work with attunements and activations holds a key power piece) and you want to DECONDITION your chakric psyche which isn’t communicating charisma/allure to others and alchemically influencing them.


Also; most people also have strong influential implants on the back of their chakras which are also preventing psyche and spiritual sovereignty in those areas.


Embodiment of what? SOUL Essence, the true self as well as other archetypal, element and siddhic essences.


Then the big question becomes: “How can I decondition?” And…”how can I depersonalize”?


(And how can I get to the real beauty and power that is possible for my soul-self that people can know and feel as real?)


There are many things you can do including living your Human Design strategy and authority for 7 years to de-condition on a cellular level but I would also be doing DIRECT chakric energy work releasing/deconditioning as well as other forms of professional releasing. Much of the junk stored in your psyche is other people, parental, religious and societal conditioning and programming that is BLOCKING your divine beauty and power (thereby charisma and allure as the energetic and visual truth of it).


If you are on a spiritual path and journey, remember that your ‘inner beauty’ isn’t disconnected from your beauty itself; it just practically shows up in the FORMAT and laws of essence, embodiment and expression as higher dimensional 5D Light-truth (and flavors of it) and 4D vibe-truth in ALL image.


Once there is more deconditioning (of social programming, lower self identity, trauma, lower timelines) there is more multi-dimensional ‘space’ in the cauldron of each chakric psyche, thus there is room FOR ie. Goddess or Queen mixed with your Soul essence to ‘be’ embodied and then expressed.


EVERY activation session (including archetype activations) I do for clients includes deconditioning energetic health growth maintenance, detox so more soul-truth and other essences can be embodied (thereby more presence of power and beauty that people can FEEL).


You also want to value shifting your seat of self from the egoic and conditioned personae/identity into the seat of the soul-self which is potentially infinite and then you can start accessing impersonal powers like the archetypes to then mix with your expanded soul consciousness.


It is what the great icons in history (as well as actors and actresses) have given themselves permission to do.


And as I’ve mentioned before; the personalized ‘inner game’ of conditioned men in a culture where the divine feminine is FRACTURED with divine masculine consciousness – and a reality where the divine feminine is rising in sexual and social power and status – keeps most modern men in consciousness, truth and presence DISCONNECTED and unworthy of attracting, communing and relating with the divine feminine aspects within women and beauty (this includes Divine Union level relationships of Love beyond soul mates).


Most people just aren’t doing the work OF deconditioning or transcending the limited egoic self construction and personae; they’re strengthening it and their conditioning; led by others programs and values instead of leading from the compass of their soul and its grander desires and liberation.


The answers are here; we’ve just been focused on the wrong things with a distorted lens. Allure and Charisma Makeover packages available on site ((where we work with your soul, deconditioning and the beauty/power codes (essences) themselves DIRECTLY for real presence, consciousness and image/beauty transformation!))

After 16 Years of Working With Men, I Could Sum Much Of It Up Like This…

Men; if you’ve been struggling for years in this area (with attraction and worthiness around women as well as resolving anxiety)…even if you don’t want to compromise on the quality of woman for long-term…perhaps consider that you may NOT be actually worthy of her Divine Feminine.


Those butterflies you get and what’s at stake with rejection and the compromise dynamics; that this unworthiness may be a greatest secret fear but if you could stomach it, it could save you decades more of bitter frustration, hopelessness, depression and despair to start accepting the possibility.


YES; her power and beauty is real and verifiable and it scares the crap out of you that you could be that small (and fractured for all of eternity from Communion with it).


You have to expand your definition of who you really are and get it in PROPER alignment; to move from the egoic and conditioned, disempowered self into the seat of the soul, unlimited, immortal self.


The inner game centric egoic self ‘psychology’ CANNOT resolve this impossible conundrum of how to be worthy of her level of SEX/Beauty and it will only corruptively conflate the ego to think that it is worthy.


But it’s not her ‘personal’ self you’re going up against; it’s mostly her VERY REAL beauty, status, sex and its power which is impersonal, ancient, immortal and archetypal.


The sooner you can accept that you (as you previously knew it) is NOT worthy; the sooner you can move on and reclaim your divine masculine inheritance that IS worthy – and embody HIM as an expanded aspect of your SOUL-self truth (ideally along a path of sacred reunification itself).


This Divine Masculine (archetypal, elemental and siddhic) Power (and His consciousness) is what relates to Her Beauty as an expanded aspect of Self (not constricted egoic self).


You don’t have to keep suffering and wasting years and decades of time remaining unworthy while market forces and socio-cultural conditioning capitalize on your disempowerment and fracture with the Divine Feminine.


The archetypal, divine masculine truth and power already IS worthy and relevant to Her divine feminine Beauty and radiance. Activations available to embody your divine masculine (King, Lover, Star, Eros, Warrior, etc.)


What if your dis-embodied divine masculine WAS already worthy, you just had to ACCESS and EMBODY Him instead of relying on your conditioned and egoic identity of self? Hmm…and then shift your transformational work around it (and watch as women with divine feminine qualities start responding to you!)


The larger picture answer is with Divine Union or sacred reunification (aka ‘hieros gamos’) but it’s too much to introduce here.


Cultivate your divine masculine presence, sexual confidence, social status and charisma with Archetype activations on site. The Charisma Makeover Package is also available

Essence Communicates Your Visual Soul Signature, Power, Beauty & More

And it’s all represented (or not!) in your image; social media, video, instagram, pics and film. Search the site to discover the 7 primary aspects of Essence Beauty consulting and makeover transformation!




Essence and who you are has everything to do with your visual and ‘live’ communication. Essence is the realm of that 90% of non-verbal communication; the physical lens was only rudimentary; showing us signs to the real ‘who you are’.


What about presence?


Presence is the Embodiment of Essence/s


Charisma or Allure is the energetic Expression of Essence/s (with and through your chakras and aura).


There are 7 different kinds of known Beauty essences to work with that MATTER in the realm of LIGHT and image (in your visual beauty and self-expression mastery).


Who you are without speaking matters and in today’s day and age THAT sells and influences (esp. in the age of hidden marketeers fatigue as many consumers awaken). Are you communicating your SOUL BASED and archetypal Truth?


Or are you just too conditioned with social programming and there’s no literal space in your chakric psyche for your soul and other signature essences of higher beauty to BE embodied and expressed?


Now how about we professionally work in THAT realm of essence with conscious competence to master your visual communication? Sexy Chi is the core brand to do this work directly, with conscious competence and RESULTS!


Image consulting or transformational beauty essence makeover sessions available (ie. archetype activations).


There’s time at the start of every session to determine which archetype you may want for more of that signature beauty and essence-based allure! Often people note immediate results in how others are attracted to and responding to them.


Discover more about Beauty Essence on site! This is the future of Beauty and Image Consulting (essence consulting and transformation) and it’s with Sexy Chi!



If You Don’t Have Charisma or Allure

…Your Attraction, Influence & Success Relies More Heavily On Other Ways & Means


Like super good looks which you may not have – or a voice that’s not fully developed, or amazing writing skills, or a certain personality alone.


Yet image is still part of everything so have you been LIMITING your impact by NOT communicating your greater visual truth (IN your social media presence)?


When you DO have charisma / allure; it sells, engages and influences on its own (24/7) and makes recognizing you much clearer & more compelling – even though you and I aren’t actually the ‘best-looking’ person physically.


Yes; image is a major part of influence but for example; Taylor Swift is not that alluring BUT she has the POWER leverage of her songwriting talent, music and music videos to bring other value to people.


You may not have her exact gifts! But if you don’t have much allure and public image and social media presence MATTERS; it just creates more entropy and reliance on other factors for people to recognize (and hire) you…this is in part b/c they not FEEL you just from a single image.


More allure, more charisma = EVEN MORE INFLUENCE and this is a major secret of K-pop’s success, but if you don’t have that channel working for you, then (again;) your influence relies more heavily on other means which in many cases becomes ‘marketeering’.


Allure is ALSO your authentic TRUTH communication maximized visually and energetically; so that people can KNOW and FEEL that you are the ‘real deal’ (which means everything in spiritual, aligned and feminine business models).


How about being MORE of you and having MORE influence all the time while efforting and working LESS? Allure can do that.


Find ways to cultivate the breathing-ness of your authentic truth, consciousness and essences. At the highest levels; we’re literally talking alchemical, DNA-altering Beauty even if you aren’t that great looking physically.


If you want to MASTER the visual component and that aspect of you, your attraction, your work, your influence and empire; I’d work directly on your allure/charisma. The Allure Makeover Package may be the perfect choice.


(If you’re a man, you can also get the AMP booked – just change the name of it in your mind to the Charisma Makeover Package and we work on YOUR issues and possibilities with masculine archetypes, etc. I’ve been working with men for years)


Everyone may have different reasoning and a different balance of how central their image itself is to attraction, communication, selling and influence.


For some it is more reliant on their other talents, looks alone, writing, specialize expertise, comedy, personality, etc.


Chances are you may still want to master it and your visual communication so that your truth is working for you 24/7 anyway.

To really go through a Charisma or Allure makeover, check out more details here.
p.s. and if you do happen to be #TSWIFT, have someone reach out because we can get some upgrades going on fast!