On Chakric Sensitivity: Ice Fortress vs. Kundalini

Related to people being able to ‘feel’ you and be influenced from your presence and (holographic) image is your chakras which are energetic psyche centers.


If a chakra (ie. heart) is too conditioned OR closed off, people are less likely to literally be ‘affected’ by you in THEIR corresponding center and less likely to feel you.


With my e3 outlook for charisma and allure; if your chakras are too conditioned with not-self programming, there isn’t room for the ESSENCES including your soul essence to BE Embodied. If your chakra is closed, then it’s not able to EXPRESS and emanate the essenced beauty or power of chi. So chakra healing and health is important to your overall allure.


A general gauge of how open someone is in a chakra is their sensitivity in person to my energy work. We can also read it visually or remote-kinesthetically to have a gauge of how open or closed your chakras are.


I’ve had clients instantly go into kundalini activated energy running with a finger in front of a chakra which says 2 things;


1. The power of my energy work


(but what’s often overlooked is)


2. How sensitive, open and clear they already are – purified in that chakra center


Then it’s able to embody and RUN ESSENCES as well as even kundalini in the system (which in most cases requires some form of conscious cultivation or kundalini yoga which I’m also practicing now).


Most muggles are nowhere near that open so the chances they’ll ever have kundalini full body orgasms are close to nil (let alone embodying any real beauty essences which is the secret of allure and fotonic beauty).


If you value the advanced and ancient principle of running kundalini shiva-shakti energy; your chakras are going to have to be really purified and open….it’s simply an over-looked principle of it all (and also why I’m focusing on intensive purification and open-ness).


In several recent daka or live activations; the energetic responsivity to my finger chi kung or light work is all over the place from person to person; some are instantly sensitive and responsive to the power…but this has become more clear to me (b/c remember most of my sessions have been remote and not in person);


There are those that do NOT physically respond to the power of my energy work on certain chakras; I’m thinking ok we’re in person again let’s see the magic in real time b/c I’ve seen it with hyper responsive clients and then nothing; dead stillness with no response b/c they haven’t twitched or budged physically and I wonder if my mojo is gone (b/c I’ve mostly been doing so many remote sessions instead).


This is a sign that someone’s chakra has a lot of blocks or armoring…MYSELF INCLUDED. It doesn’t mean that it’s not working at all however (the same power and magic is still there), it just requires MORE of the same powerful work (and maybe other forms of assisted releasing).


What I normally do in seconds may take a few minutes unless it’s extreme blocks which may really take its own process.


A main benefit of direct energy work is that you can often clear out months or years of stuff FAST and effectively bypass all kinds of psycho-therapy or talk therapy (b/c it’s stuck in the psyche somewhere anyway).


Interestingly; I can instantly feel my finger chi kung in my sacral and solar plexus b/c those chakras are open and unblocked…I can do very powerful work there on myself within seconds and YET…like I mentioned in a previous post; my own heart chakra is far more closed than I thought…it’s requiring a lot of work (minutes of focus) to start melting through the veils and armoring.


So on clients that are NOT responding to this level of energy work (including my heart which is now about 16% more open after several power sessions), it’s an accurate ‘live’ gauge of how closed OR conditioned their chakra is. I have other ways to assess for remote reading in ie. zoom sessions visually or psyche-kinesthetically.


It’s a good thing this energy work is powerful b/c it REQUIRES POWER in order to even ‘get through’ (whatever prime essence or elemental is being used). Powerful people can have powerful blocks but also more powerful influence when their chakras are opened. They require such powerful work and then they can FEEL MORE instead of being numbed and others will feel them.


As your chakras open (like in activation sessions with me where we do energetic health maintenance detoxing and de-armoring); people will be able to FEEL YOU from that aspect of self. Want more heart and emotional INFLUENCE from your beauty and image?


Work on (deconditioning and) opening your heart center (we do this really in every client session as part of the workflow).


And with men; it’s not that she wants you to BE emotional, it’s that she wants to feel that connection and nourishment FROM the essenced heart chakra itself; gateway to deeper love.


Lots of insights along with the new focus on Love Channel work which is too new that I’m not sharing it yet until I’ve gone through my own transfiguration which is directly related to my own charisma.


Regular energy workers would get nowhere in these more extreme cases or hearts of stone and ice.


Know that in every archetype activation or session that I’m doing energy work for anti-aging, detoxing and growth maintenance on your energy body!


If you want to have emotional IMPACT on someone just from your live presence or visual beauty, you want your heart chakra OPEN and emanating essences.


If that chakra is closed there is more resistance and less of a connection in that aspect of someone else like a mirror neuron isn’t able to fire so there’s more reliance on your ‘voice’ or talent, body of external work or superficial beauty instead of simply greater IMPACT because they can feel you.


Generally you want to detox, decondition and open up your chakras to run soul and beauty essences. Cultivate your charisma/allure for example directly with an appointment or package with me and then you’ll have far more beauty and photonic influence on people! Watch as they respond to you differently!


Allure consulting and sessions available on the appointments page