Most Alluring MET Gala 2024

Welcome to the INAUGURAL edition of the ‘Most Alluring MET Gala’ presented by Sexy Chi. 


We’ll start in 2024 here where I’ll annually pick the top 5 most alluring attendees from the MET Gala’s red carpet. I might even stretch it to top 10 if things are saucy enough (and it looks like this year will be).


Soon enough, I will make this an entire mini-series by going back and doing some retro MET Gala Allure readings, so you can always check back on the blog for those. 


There will also be more Celebrity Spirit Animal readings added plus pre-existing Celebrity Readings for you to explore, etc.


Mirror mirror on the wall, who at the MET is the most alluring of them all?


(Let’s see, shall we?)


In valuing who is the ‘most alluring’ celebrity after doing red carpet research, I’ve whittled it down to these 2024 contenders (listed randomly) from the overall red carpet celebrity arrivals this year in NYC:


Ariana Grande

Penelope Cruz

Alia Bhatt



Sydney Sweeney

Keke Palmer

Jennie Kim

Dove Cameron

Rachel Zegler

Elsa Pataky

Emily Ratajkowski

Camila Mendes

Irina Shayk

Gigi Hadid

Eiza Gonzalez

Sabrina Carpenter…


(B/c this post is already so heavy-visual, I’m not going to include all previews)

Wait; no Kim Kardashian pre-qualified for most alluring?


Although she attended again – not this year, HOWEVER; there’s an image of her at Tom Brady’s roast where she is more alluring than her average.



Note that when she smiles here it’s also opening her energy up more expressively to be felt at a further distance.


Now; because this is the INAUGURAL edition of ‘Most Alluring’; I’ll take some time to warm us up and have better context around allure before the top 5 list itself.


Generally what I’m going for is who we are able to ‘feel’ the most from their vibe and light radiation beyond just their physical looks. I gauge this from the ‘Allure Factor’.


It’s important to note that this isn’t about who is the ‘most beautiful’, most styled or who has the best themed dress, this is specifically focusing on who is most ALLURING.


I have many years experience of professionally ‘reading energy’ and this is actually a skill that can be learned (to read psychic truth effectively).


Although it may be difficult for many; I am able to ‘see’ and differentiate a woman’s physical beauty from her allure because these are independent variables in their overall light (image) communication.


We and the Beauty industry are used to focusing on 3rd dimensional beauty of form vs. essenced 4th/5th dimensional beauty; both of which (however) communicate as light in image.


With these contenders, I am gauging the ‘red carpet’ allure from a general paparazzi distance of about 20 feet or 6 meters.


This is important because the readings (and beauty influence) can actually change as we get closer. This may give clues into maximizing your own allure and I will speak more to this throughout.


(Note that feminine allure is the equivalent to masculine charisma but here we are focusing on allure).


I’ll mention again that allure is a different professional image variable than the level of extrinsic beautification or visual mastery ‘physically’ (which includes hair, styling, skin care, make-up).


To get a more accurate picture of mastering beauty, I’ve developed the Allure Ratio for professional image mastery.


My Allure Ratio includes the Beauty Quotient and Allure Factor. The Beauty Quotient (B/Q) is a professional beauty assessment tool to measure the maximization of someone’s unique physical, superficial beauty potential in different areas of Beauty mastery (industry pro’s can speak to these areas).


This is what everyone else focuses on for the red carpet and the world of details there.


Having a pro hairstylist like Chris Appleton on-demand helps a Kim K. for example to maximize her hair to ’10’



….but this is just part of the equation of the light of her beauty (half you could say). And it’s not that it’s ‘inner beauty’ as the other half, it’s more specifically allure.


Most of the red carpet attendees are around their own 10 in different categories like hair, style, body, colorization, make-up, conditioning, etc. especially b/c the MET Gala is a premiere cultural and fashion event.


Looking physically beautiful and styled to the event’s theme however does NOT assure that they can be FELT and have greater felt influence on people.


If someone looks great but you cannot FEEL them, they feel separate from you and you keep scrolling.


That’s different than a heart or sex felt vibrational impact in your body.


To help us, I’ll include each attendee’s Allure Factor in our list.


The Allure Factor (which I’ll include throughout) gauges the breathing-ness of anyone’s chakric and auric essence emanation (or ‘expression’) from their body of light and vibe truth radiance to what 10 would be the maximum degree possible at their fullest potential on a 0-10 scale.


The A/F for a woman can literally vary from minute to minute if it isn’t stable (check out Gigi Hadid’s massive differential coming up!).


That’s all I’m going to say for now before we just get to the Most Alluring itself HOWEVER because it became an extended development, I’m linking an addendum post that dives deeper into ‘what is allure’ related to the MET Gala post which you can open in a new browser tab.


Click here > if you want a relevant, recent, deeper dive into ‘what is allure’. (opens in new window)




Each Allure Factor reading I’ve included will gauge the ‘average’ of the photos of each attendee that I’ve seen (not all images may be included in what I’ve selected to show).


As per tradition (like in the Top Muse category), we’ll go in reverse order of countdown to number 1.


Ok yes; I actually ended up with a Top 10 in developing this so let’s start there!…

Here are the top 10 most alluring MET Gala attendees 2024...

Number 10:
Shakira & Gigi Hadid

Starting off our top 10 list is actually tie.


10. Shakira & Gigi Hadid




Allure Factors (both averaged): 6.9


With Shakira….her allure fluctuated a bit so I’m taking the average rating.


Can you see the difference here?


Note how she lights up with Lover-Princess bright coyness when she smiles here;


…but then notice how flat things feel otherwise in this image (allure-wise).



She’s unfortunately just flatter energetically and not as alluring.


This expression instability (which MOST as mortal deal with) sets her down otherwise she might have contended for a higher spot.


This could be b/c she’s switching between a more private and public time in her life vs. being on-stage ie. but we’re just reading what is here in the moment.


As far as Gigi, I’m IMPRESSED with just HOW bright her upper aura and internal radiance is beaming on the ‘red’ (chartreuse?) carpet.



I’ve never seen her face this radiant. She’s a mother also so that can often help keep energies open.



I initially had her bumped up to #3 but then (uh-oh), I found another image of her here:


This image single-handedly dropped her way down this list.


Can you feel and see the difference?


Gigi Red Carpet AF: 8.3
Gigi Side Stage: 5.2


She’s all bright and radiant in her smile with upper chakras lit when being seen directly



…but on the side one, it feels like she overate a fast food meal and we don’t feel anything. That might make her more ‘relatable’ to some people however she IS a starlet.


Still; I’ll keep her on the list b/c I’m going for the ‘average’ allure.


(For these readings I’m not even exploring their Human (auric) Design or Gene Keys)


Btw – Outside of the top 10 there were many others like;


Eiza Gonzalez and Ariana who might be tied for 11th…


Eiza ^ 

and Ariana Grande…

Very fairy-esque


…and also Camila Mendes


(very fascinating and even mystical close-mid range)…so these, Dua Lipa, etc. all have around a similar AF (Allure Factor) that doesn’t quite make the Top 10.


Those follow-on contenders that (although they may look their 10-self physically) have a similar Allure Factor around a 5.5 to 6.5 including J.Lo, Irina Shayk, Dua Lipa, Jessica Biel, Kendall, Kim, etc.


(Oh and once you see allure factors on celebs who have 9.0+ – mostly in K-Pop btw – then you can start to see why these numbers make more relative sense and can be so different).


In fact, I thought Sabrina Carpenter might make the top 5 b/c in otherwise places her allure shines more, but here? Nope. Not bad but not Top 10.



She also has a similar energetic profile where she LOOKS beautiful but it’s where we can’t energetically FEEL her (here) from a larger distance (and tbh this year there are some AMAZING, fantasy-vocative dress designs and some token ridiculous ones).


Remember that allure is the expression of beauty essence with and through the chakric and auric energy body in literal breathing-ness/open-ness and DISTANCE.


With the rest of the top 10 and many of the other PHYSICALLY beautiful and made-up women, they have a similar profile of their energy profile is actually closed in more to their personal body.


In other words if you were within 5 feet of any of them you would start FEELING their radiance whereas with the top 5 you can simply ‘feel’ them from further away.


The cameras aren’t always that close but the secret is to project your chi PAST the camera range or to the back of the metaphorical or literal stadium.


And the thing is; (although more time would help) it would take me only a minute each near the red carpet and I could quickly tune-up any celebrity’s chakras and aura to breathe at further distances.


This is the one thing missing (and allure mastery that goes with it!) since they’ve mastered the physical realm of beauty design.


Ok…let’s continue with…

Number 9:
Rachel Zegler


Ok…I’m pleasantly surprised here.


It seems she has stepped more into her archetypal role as a Disney Princess and indeed carries over some of ‘the magic’ here (and not just in styling support but energetically in consciousness and light radiation which is actually more difficult to ‘get’).



Yes eyeshadow and make-up can highlight and accentuate but it’s having ‘magic in the eyes’ as well that is also more difficult to achieve but she has because it requires authentic essenced consciousness; things which cannot be fake-acted.



Obviously such a task requires a transformation of self-identity to take on and embody an archetypal role as Snow White or a Princess in general (like Anna Wintour herself)



….and (back to Rachel) she has changed and from what we can see here (she has stepped into the role)!


This means she had to ‘transcend’ her personalized self-consciousness and take on literally greater essenced spirit quanta chi itself as she forms her identity into that of a princess.


We can feel and sense true princess PRESENCE here. It’s authentic and timeless truth and that’s what you can’t put a price on.



(I would add that she could still use a backstage tune-up to purify her radiance even more).


Did you know that YOU have the same potential access to EMBODY (presence) and EXPRESS (allure) divine feminine archetypal consciousness and light too!?


That’s what we do in my archetype activation sessions as well as the Allure Makeover.


I could always say more about each individual’s archetypes, etc. …But I’m only saying a few things here and there about their further details, so let’s just go back to her allure.


Allure Factor: 7.2


(This means there is room for her chakras and aura to breathe even more, be MORE electric radiant in whatever signatures paint it and all the good stuff that could take our breath away even more)


For each of the contenders to be ‘more alluring’, it’s basically getting what they have in essence (as starlets already) to breathe even further so that people past the camera can ‘feel’ their radiant signatures.


Of course they could continue cultivating and mastering all of this like with the Allure Makeover Package.


Ok, let’s move on…

Number 8: Elsa Pataky


Allure Factor: 7.3


Wow! Now…Because I thought I had found all attendees and then did some more research; new attendees kept popping up (a good problem);


Actress, mother and martial artist Elsa Pataky is one of those that made it in ‘last minute’ with a 7th place-ment.


Actually I’m quite impressed. You might overlook her beauty in a place where there’s beautiful people until you really focus in and then realize there’s a LOT going on with her mix of essences (including Goddess, Mage, Starlet) and her breathability.


Her presence is very ENGAGING and can draw you in. There’s a lot to be and fall in love with like Chris Hemsworth undoubtedly has (Thor).



Also, her eye contact is deep and soul-embodied…she also has some reunification (Grail) consciousness (and I’m sure ladies, it helps that she’s with him/Thor).


I mean; just look at ’em together;



Aussie Chris Hemsworth OBVIOUSLY has a LOT of Star presence and charisma.


I’d put his Charisma Factor (CF) at a 8.7 here:


Number 7: Keke Palmer


Allure Factor: 7.4


Keke Palmer is really embodied (in soul self) and just instantly commands and engages attention with her presence!


She has a lot of earthy vibes and her presence can be felt when she enters a room or even an open area like the chartreuse (?) red carpet.


She carries some Mother-Queen-Goddess.


Note how she’s like her own planet carrying her own vibe-truth with her. We can kinetically feel her (without getting further into detailed energy reading like with each chakra, etc. like I do in other places with celebs).



Her crown area is getting into higher frequency realms.


This is amaZing! Her allure factor here is higher but again, I’m taking the average. She’s primed for more spiritual and psychic awakening actually.


A general note: I can always speak more specifically to why someone isn’t at a higher AF and that often has to do with level of consciousness, chakra blocks, shadow frequencies, entities, etc.

Number 6:
Emily Ratajkowski


Allure Factor: 7.5


Emily Ratajkowski (aka ‘Em Rata’) @ MET Gala has got some real nice energetic warmth and Goddess-Vixen Eros emanating that you can still feel at a distance…it’s warm and sultry.


Her auric atmosphere is very sensual and eros-centric charging up her field..universally sexy, playful, alive and yet quite mature.


She’s also a mother so the Mother archetype mixes in without dominating when she wants to still be sexy (all women could potentially choose this).



Here she is after-party en route with more of Vixen-Minx archetype embodiment with a healthy AF factor:


AF (here with Minx-Vixen): 8.6



In other words, she’s letting Eros, Minx and Vixen paint her entire field around her in the room.


She’s giving herself even more intimate freedom to be more playful. This is something that actually be empowered even more b/c there is no limit to the archetypal beauty itself; it’s just how much your/her vessel could hold. Most people don’t have an identity structure to hold that much Light of immortal beauty essence. She’s given herself a lot of that room.


I’m also impressed because there was an era where it seemed she just had her ‘same look’ and it was almost getting annoying and tiring to me personally BUT she was intelligent enough to somehow PLAY with things more and whether intentional or not, brilliantly TRANSCEND herself to play around with some different archetypes.


This more ‘soul-based’ desire for expression and experience makes her beauty more universally appealing rather than just personalized. She plays with the archetypes better than most.


Very feminine, sensual and sexy with open front chakras. I should definitely read her spirit animals soon.


Note: I’ll add that Allure Factors are actually higher than they seem (and have nothing to do with the pop-social looks rating of 1-10 either).


Closer to 10 there is more power, divinity channeling through and influence b/c it’s their soul’s highest potential; so yeah, there’s room for improvement.


(Most consumer-citizen adults would be below 4.5 in allure or charisma factor and also have all kinds of CONDITIONING that literally blocks their chakric light from allowing, embodying and expressing divine essences)

Number 5:
Penelope Cruz


Ooh…this is fascinating…


Penelope Cruz has a very mature, warm Mother, Goddess, Eros mix.


You can feel her meta-feminine earthiness and water, but it’s mixed with Starlet thus creates a very ‘real’ and evocative timeless relatability; both classical, mature and yet beautiful in some unique ways. It’s quite a signature allure she has here with beauty and fashion design to support it (others can speak to that better than I can). The dress evokes turn of century New Orleans (no, the century BEFORE)…



With that said; one of her auric layers has some extra light dinginess that could be cleaned up esp. in her upper chakras.



Her breathability is pretty warm and de-armored allowing us to feel her more and ‘connect’ with her.


Similar to with Emily who was wearing Versace btw – (but differently);


We can feel Penelope’s ‘fotonic’ and palpable sexiness…you can basically/almost sense the gritty filmic influence of her vibey yet mature lustre (esp. as you develop your psychic senses more).


To have this warmth and beauty at her age is amazing as many women just lose touch with caring.



Allure Factor: 7.6


Number 4: Alia Bhatt



Allure Factor: 7.7


This is my first time ever hearing of her but wow; very apparent and instant allure!


Can you notice the breathing-ness of her facial allure?



How ‘opposite’ it is of being stoic and armored (like many other women @ the gala)? Her heart center is also quite warm, open and empathic.


Interestingly; she has pre-Muse encoding! She also has some healthy Maiden, Lover and Princess qualities – universally appealing.


Her aura BREATHES and she might just have the most open heart chakra of the top 10. (That allows others to emotionally connect with her and care).


So…Quite beautiful as her image IS more than just the physical reflection of light off of her skin. Are you tuning in to start sensing and seeing more of the allure itself?


Number 3: Jennie Kim


Allure Factor @ 20 feet: 7.8
Allure Factor @ 4 feet: 8.4


Ahh…Jennie. A true muse and the most stable of any possible muse here even though she’s not #1.


Note that you can feel Jennie Kim’s light in this ‘closer’ range photo.



Remember; we’re not focused on her perfect skin here, brand of pearl earrings, shade of lipstick or color accentuation; rather the higher dimensional qualities and signatures of light and its radiance.


Allure requires a different toolkit for professional beauty. Beauty 1.0 (as I call it) only indirectly helps allure AT BEST.


Jennie IS a soul-encoded Muse fractal btw and her energetic health is very clean as pretty much always (check out the BLACKPINK Coachella reading); so why only number 3?


Well, even though I can clearly feel her aura; here it’s more subtle when it’s at our 6 meter range instead. Not everyone is going to feel it b/c it’s higher frequency and more refined that our experience dissipates (here) the further we get from her.


Because she has a higher, consistent light frequency, not everyone may consciously be aware of it here yet; a more understated, peaceful beauty yet truly alluring.



You know she can amp it up to project further when she wants like on stage to hit the back of the stadium…I think she’s enjoying being more relaxed and not in the main spotlight so her energy isn’t as intentionally bright but it’s very stable.


If I went with the closer up photo, Jennie Kim (BLACKPINK and a muse) would easily be competing for #1 (and basically the MOST high frequency of all of them) HOWEVER b/c again; it’s a public event.


I am gauging allure from a normal paparazzi distance (around 20 feet; 5~ meters). This also helps us to get a grander gauge of a celebutante’s current allure.


The amplitude is just getting lost in the further distancing so we don’t feel her as much as if we were up closer and it starts becoming more alchemically intense and noticeable.


Also; her essence is more light based than 4D vibe based (like we can kinetically feel Keke Palmer more in the 4D).


Remember that I’m very experienced in reading energetic truth REGARDLESS of someone’s physical beauty. I can also literally FEEL the distance remotely and it would be the exact same as in person.


It’s a skill that can be learned (to differentiate from extrinsic beauty). Millions of people around the world can already feel chi energy with practices like qi gong (however this is more specialized). Reiki healers (which is just part of my background) can feel chakra energy.


It’s worth noting that the Allure Factor is unique to each individuals own potential emanation of allure on their 10 point scale.


This also means that it is unique to batching their essences (elemental, soul signature, gift, siddhic, shadow, archetypal).


In other words, it might seem that Keke Palmer has a higher allure ratio because her energies are far earthier and ‘vibe’ centric but not necessarily.



It might seem that you can FEEL Keke better than Jennie; whereas Jennie’s is more light and ethereal based. There is power with both vibe and light based frequencies. It takes a more refined sensitivity to feel the ‘light’.



Vibe based frequency-bands of essences are more about kinetic, visible, ‘felt’ power and force whereas higher frequency light based ones are more about ascension, transformation, aspiration, heaven and true power/beauty.


Put it this way;


Someone with a strong vibe can sway the room but someone with a siddhic light essence can transfigure the room.


It may appear one has more influence that may simply be louder in amplitude. One could have a higher frequency and thus power of beauty to TRANSFORM. The high frequency radiation the sun emits goes beyond the visible spectrum.


That is a more powerful form of beauty influence; transformational beauty, fotonic beauty or photo-chemical allure.


Muse has that power of alchemical beauty to TRANSFIGURE.


Higher frequency is simply closer to source consciousness, thus more spiritually powerful whereas earthier frequencies are more human, primal and have more influence and dominion in those realms.


Although Keke doesn’t carry much Muse archetypal consciousness and beauty, she has other archetypes. Keke is bringing her own form of heaven on earth however – do not be mistaken. Each person is unique and can cultivate their own desired beauty essences and consciousness.


This is the direct transformational work I support with Sexy Chi.


So just because Keke might be felt more to most normal people; those who curate a refined sense will start to realize the true beauty in an aura like Jennie’s which is just DIFFERENT (and it’s not because she’s Asian either although…that’s a different discussion altogether).


Keke is bringing a blend of connection to heaven but also a practical relatable earthiness with a lot of divine feminine water.


Someone like Winter from AESPA is incredibly ethereal and very ungrounded compared to Keke.



What could YOUR curated allure look and feel like if you allowed yourself to be more of a soul starlet?!




As far as the Allure Factor, Jennie Kim still has a higher allure factor (and its with and for HER essences which are different than Keke’s) which denotes overall breathing-ness and her aura is consistently pure and wide-reaching.


She just doesn’t reach #2 or #1 today for aforementioned reasons. (If she smiled however, watCHOut!)

Number 2:
Dove Cameron


We’re at #2!


Allure Factor (average of seen photos): 7.9


Dove has a pretty stable baseline auric light emanation that brightens even more when she smiles.


Not only does Dove LOOK like a muse, she has become one. Muse is a very specific divine feminine archetypal signature of consciousness and light-beauty.


I cover the Muse Archetype a lot in my work and on-site.


Muse (and the women who embody and express her signature essence) has ALCHEMICAL Beauty.



There’s something about the polarity with Damiano David of Måneskin (I think they’re friends or maybe more?) that helps charge the polarity and her essences even more in the moment.



Now (similar with Jennie) you might be like “I can’t feel her as much as Keke either” and that’s because she carries higher frequency essences which are more Light-band (5D rather than Vibe/4D) based; so we go back to measuring her AF and her aura breathes and emanates.


With that said, her chakras themselves could be more warm and open however (like Penelope’s or Em’s are good reference points); but we’re still getting hit with her aura for simplifying it down (I don’t want to make the Allure Factor too complex but in a deeper energy reading I can cover more chakra specific details, etc.)


If I did rate her chakric allure factor separately however, it wouldn’t be super high.



(She’s practically a painting here!…Monet more than Basquiat)


There’s pretty much ALWAYS room for improvement even at the highest levels of performance and stardom (also b/c we’re working with consciousness and enlightenment itself so – …there’s room).


She has a warm heart at close range but note that it doesn’t breathe as much as our #4 and 5.


Have you started to accept your own soul-starlet identity yet?! What archetypal beauty essences do you already carry?


(As u already know, I do this transformational consulting and work available for booking on-site).


Now….we present our MOST Alluring of the MET Gala 2024…

Number 1: Tyla

AND FINALLY….#1 and the Most Alluring of MET Gala this year!….



Tyla (‘Make Me Water’ singer) from South Africa brings it! And she hath broughten it.


Allure Factor here: 8.4


I’m sure this is her MET Gala debut.  Oh…I’ve got a public announcement to make with this:


The artist Tyla has finally reached Muse status! This is still pretty rare out there btw.



In a recent MV of hers (‘Art’), I had noticed she was pre-Muse (here’s that image);



But here she’s embodied and expressed as a solid muse!



(Archetype Essence, Embodiment and Expression variables CAN actually fluctuate so she may drop back down to pre-Muse ie. when she went to sleep that night in her jammies). Much of allure is comprised of archetypal beauty and consciousness; signature essences of vibe and light-truth which is like divine street cred vs. fake-acting or just looking like it.


Someone also told me that she was hanging out with Lisa (BLACKPINK) who is also a muse so there is sisterly resonance there (and undoubtedly that’s what helped to attune and up-tune her non-consciously to Muse).


You can read the latest World’s Top 10 Muse list here on-site (opens in new window)


Keep in mind that although Jennie’s aura is more stabilized and transfigured (also meaning consistent) than Tyla (as a new muse); Tyla wins this showcase of MET Gala 2024 Most Alluring.


We can feel a mix of her vibe and light and it’s healthy, fun, awakening, FRESH (the gift of Gene Key 1, Beauty) and the distance easily hits us.



I’m glad that Tyla made the top here. Oh and that SAND(?) dress is quite toned necklace but yeah…the styling supports the CENTRAL truth which is really the authentic expression of her SOUL Essence and other divine feminine beauty essences (which we work with directly here at Sexy Chi where we’re all about value 😉


Time will tell how she beauty influences from here (where beauty has influence in stillness, not just in ‘action’ of dance or music; that which takes it to entirely new levels).


Muse is a Grail archetype that can transform and ascend human consciousness back into renaissance.


There’s something else worth mentioning….our top 3 most alluring are all MUSES!


Actually the top 4 if you count Alia as pre-Muse (M-class)!


Tyla’s got great energetic health here.



Check out her fotonic eye contact throughout like in the Vogue interview which playfully just ‘meets you’ and stops you in your tracks. A young Queen of Inspiration.


Her gaze is transfixing.


This means that just from her photo – she can have lingering and even transfiguring level of alchemical influence long after she’s left the MET Gala in NYC. This is because of the fotonic power is recorded holographically in the Akashic records (it’s more than just digital pixels).


(The top 3 is not just b/c I have preference toward muses…I trust this process – it’s that they’re also the most alluring from a very experienced perspective).

Whew! Whad'ya think?

So that wraps it up for this year’s Most Alluring MET Gala presented by Sexy Chi!


Feel free to share this with people (or celebrities themselves!).


Now…Imagine what can shift when celebrities start realizing that ALLURE is where it’s at and we have a practice science to it.


Imagine when more celebrities start cultivating their allure! Fortunately, my past clients are already in on the wave of the future and have helped me found it!


You can work directly on YOUR allure (instead of indirectly at best with traditional beauty and hit and miss general wellness tips that may not come across on camera)…


Why not join my client allure legacy to cultivate your allure before it ever might become popular and ‘in’ with celebs?


Why wait when there’s so much to explore (not to mention you may have energetic health issues that are right now BLOCKING your greater beauty influence with allure).


Transformational Beauty Sessions are available (most women choose archetype activations in the Allure Makeover or 3 session package).


AS far as the starlets; many of whom already have a lot of essences in the seat of their soul; it just takes some calibration to get it embodied and breathing in their chakric psyche and aura.


Statuesque in beautiful by physical standards, the good news is that so many of them would just have to get direct energy work done to ‘open up’ the distance and breathing-ness b/c most of them have decent energetic health and allure that you can feel when you’re within 5 feet of them or 2 meters like Kendall Jenner here:



And then feeling them at a larger distance and with MORE power (of feminine essence radiation).


This is the future of pro beauty and beauty influence (and it’s tied in with spirituality and beauty consciousness itself).


You cannot fake essence or essenced beauty…that’s why timeless, immortal divine feminine beauty has such INFLUENCE. Now we can FINALLY work with it directly. I’ve been doing it for years with clients from around the world.


FEELING the real deal is priceless. Are you on the path to express your soul’s true beauty and how you desire to express divine feminine beauty?


Pro Tip: Once you’ve cultivated more of your soul-centric beauty essences; a main key if you’re on the MET Gala red carpet is to PROJECT your beauty-essenced chi (allure) past the cameras and there’s going to be even more buzz and beauty around your appearance!


Ok…there we go!


  -Rion Kati


p.s. I’ll continue working with more clients and artists on mastering all of this! Explore the Allure Makeover Package here


p.p.s. As an outro, I work with men as well on their charisma.  Lil Nas X. has a Charisma Factor of 8.4 (which is pretty good!)



p.p.p.s. The red carpet is closer to a mix of turquoise and aquamarine with white


All Images used under fair use copyright guidelines (as always). Copyrights belong to respective copyright holders.

General Disclaimer

My ‘Top’ readings are always meritocratic.


This means there may be no ethnic diversity at all or their might be a lot.


Obviously there is beauty throughout the human race (both mortal and divine).


Allure is universal. With allure we are reading more the divine, meta-physical beauty and essence qualities including the allure factor (which mixes with the light reflection of her physical body).


Whether there ends up being ethnic diversity or not is secondary. In this case there is a nice mix of backgrounds, but they are being chosen on who is MOST alluring (without skewed agenda, corruption or socio-political interference).


Image Copyrights belong to respective copyright holders. Images and public review are used under Fair Use Guidelines.


Although I strive for psychic perfection, readings are subject to imperfections and are of the experienced author.


Follow or contact me (Rion Kati) on Facebook
