Allure is the Queen of Beauty Influence & Charisma Is The King of Social Media Marketing

Do you want COMPELLING organic response and success with social media marketing and beauty or image influence? This is where it’s AT!


With all the focus on algorithms and social media marketing;


This Single Greatest Overlook in Social Media Marketing and most marketers cannot even SEE IT…it’s CHARISMA and ALLURE as a WORKABLE factor OF and in social media marketing.


You might think that it’s fame, ‘content’, ‘info’, great PR, changing algorithms, just social media marketing or even content niche ‘mastery, but….


Charisma Is Actually the Future King and Allure is the Queen of Social Media Marketing & Social Influence. Don’t be swayed just by ‘content generation’, algorithms and ‘working hard’.


This also means that ALLURE is the Queen of BEAUTY INFLUENCE. So if you’re a Beauty Influencer who DOESN’T get this, you’re missing out on the gold-mine of attention itself in an attention economy….and it’s not just ‘fame’.


See…When it comes to visual influence: fame alone is not the thing of substance, FAME has a superficial constructivist value. Fame is a fickle house of cards essentially (and can be taken from underneath you).


ESSENCE is the tangible currency of social Beauty influence as revealed in my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book.


It’s what inspires ORGANIC ATTENTION and is a powerful and ALIGNED, true-self foundation for your visual expression and social media influence.


Also if you’re a dance-toker, don’t miss that book ! Here are some highlights that are CENTRAL for beauty influencers.


(The VISUAL and FELT channel of Beauty and Power is allure and ‘charisma’).


And that is encoded in your visual media or NOT (to varying degrees) so while you’re focusing just on content creation and algorithm trickery, people still may not be organically CAPTIVATED so you feel you have to be a metaphorical jumping monkey to capture their attention (sigh).


As CHANNELS of felt-visual POWER and BEAUTY itself (which auto-influence); charisma and allure are how non-famous people can have visual influence LIKE a star.


I would qualify your allure/charisma as a prime element OF your social media marketing.


Allure is the PRIME overlooked factor in social media marketing and will be more forgotten in the era of AI algorithms and marketeering except for the really savvy.


Charisma is masculine felt influence (vibe and light-truth) and allure is feminine felt influence IN social visual media (and marketing). This is what works now and is future proof, so listen up if you’re an influencer or value social media marketing.


In an ATTENTION ECONOMY where not all influencers are ‘famous’; being charismatic is a STABLE and scalable foundation YOU can rely upon for greater social media success, client attraction, increased following and Beauty influence…it’s not merely ‘looking good’. You can work on your charisma or allure NOW to get more ORGANIC ATTENTION, clicks, subscribers, views, followers, customers, clients and fans.


And if you are a spirit-based entrepreneur, it’s near essential to really thrive and maximize spiritual, soulful, psychological, psychic, eros-somatic and EMOTIONAL engagement and response from people from your digital media and visuals.


When people FEEL YOU, they are inspired to organically RESPOND and my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book goes into many visual examples and more details. This will help you to SEE charisma and how it’s already the hidden-in-plain-sight




It’s also why K-Pop is on TOP LEVELS of social influence.


That books reveals the tangible SUBSTANCE of EXCHANGE that is ‘actually’ going on in the grand social and spiritual (or meta-physical) POWER game.


Now we’re just more conscious of it all. And don’t worry; at the time of this posting social media marketeers still don’t have a clue but the savvy ones are going to start realizing it.


Allure/Charisma allows people to FEEL the authentic you and be engaged even if you’re just starting out. And its its own variable; not all famous stars have charisma but this is that key element esp. if you’re not famous or can’t rely on fame.


Allure is ORGANIC click-bait without behind the scenes direct response manipulateering. It should be part of your overall social media marketing strategy if you’re cleverly intelligent.


We tend to focus on superficial beauty, ‘content’, ‘niche’ or social media marketing without seeing what is predominantly driving influence and response itself.


The era of hiding behind the screen to ‘impact emotions’ will likely continue in a sector with AI copywriting but when it comes to direct response with social media, having people ORGANICALLY get engaged with you is where it’s at.


With social media the era of direct response has SHIFTED….upfront selling is often taboo and unwanted socially. Social media is about real connection.


The landscape has shifted and actually allows you to be expressed and effective in your fullest soul truth expression to attract the soul tribe clients and followers faster than ever.


(I’m living it in this test playground of facebook before I get my influencer account going on instagram this year).


For 100’s of visual examples and insights that goes into WHY Charisma/Allure is the Future and NOW of social power and influence (from both famous and non-famous people); request my Social Currency of Allure book.


The thing is; a lot of people misunderstand what charisma is…it’s not about having good posture or pepping yourself up like Tony Robbins…


It’s actually about real power and beauty itself (in visual STILLNESS) and for that we have to go deeper into the truth of WHAT is the ‘currency’ being exchanged socially (and what is really driving the markets and social-sexual-spiritual behavior).


Yes; Allure is the QUEEN of Beauty Influence and top influencers like Lisa (BLACKPINK) have it.





The game is changing and now we’ll start seeing what savvy social media marketers and beauty influencers are valuing of this future-proof trend.


Marketers are most likely further behind it than most of my following who already know that allure matters but with the new book release, the DOTS are connected to increasing your social power with it all!


ALLURE is what organically allows people to FEEL YOU and be compelled to respond. If we collapse timelines, the future is now.


Rion Kati

What to do next if you want to move forward and get more results from your visual media and social influence?


You can book an Allure (or Charisma) Consult on the main appointments page: Allure Consulting.


This gives us good strategy time and includes energy healing detox tune-up and an activation to start getting more felt visual results ‘live’ and in your media.


Through time, people will realize that Charisma already is an unstated King of Social Media marketing and Allure is the Queen of Beauty influence; it’s the future NOW.


3 Pillars of Visual Beauty Mastery & Influence

Sub-titled “The two oddly over-looked and yet critical truths of feminine visual beauty mastery and influence”


In other words; secrets the beauty industry kinda almost knows, but can’t quite work with directly.


A lot of social media influence works on the technical stuff of how to gain more followers and so forth but there’s a lot over-looked on the hidden aspects that actually compel and drive people TO YOU. A lot of masculine marketeers just don’t understand HOW beauty has that kind of influence on people….they can’t reverse engineer it. But if you just ‘look good’ as a beauty influencer, you’re competing with other good-looking women.


If you have the meat and potatoes, it’s time to have the gourmet level of it plus the secret sauce to beauty influence and exponentiating your attraction and fan following.


So welcome to this 4 part blog mini-series. The link to the first pillar (more in-depth) will be at the bottom. Here we’ll do a general overview on your path to greater visual influence from your social media as it can be so easy to get caught up in the distractions and minutiae of the first pillar.


With a lot at stake in your visual communication and legacy and since your image (and with it beauty) is relevant to ALL social media communication (esp. if you are in business), it may be worth taking some time to see if you might be hitting a glass ceiling on the amount of visual impact you could be delivering.


Be mindful that these 2 ‘hidden’ or over-looked factors are taking place in every single image and video you produce of yourself.


If you are spiritually conscious woman who values alignment, embodiment and beauty consciousness this awareness is for you. If you are cultivating your feminine allure and divine union grail beauty, this is for you.


If you are a beauty influencer and NOT aware of these things, you may still be getting indirect or lucky results in all 3 prime areas BUT without the true conscious light and vibe beauty mastery that can even take your beauty to higher levels of starlet and obsession like influence (where the REAL influence is at).


Maybe you’d like to really put the sculpting of your effortless divine feminine visual expression into your social media strategy to help drive your fans, clients and followers compellingly wild or at least reach THROUGH to them so they FEEL you and respond in an era of mass superficiality and diversion. It could also help to simply stand out from the competition of superficially good-looking beauty clones.


If you want to express your unique highest soul truth visually, reunify with divine feminine beauty and let people FEEL you from your social media visual communication, you’re in the right place (especially if; like me you know you’re not the most gifted with physical good looks).


The same principle applies to the masculine, however here we’re focusing on feminine visual mastery.


If you always knew beauty was more than just skin deep, you’re in the right place. Just getting a clear grasp on these 2 key components of visual mastery can bring you immense relief and clarity.


If you’re afraid of LOSING your beauty on a primal and spiritual level and what that could mean (esp. around or after menopause), this awareness is for you and may even be a godsend.




If you are approaching or into meno-pause, you should absolutely read this because it could permanently shift your timeline and even reinvigorate any dwindling hope and vitality about your image. This is YOUR visual legacy at stake here after all.


If you want to actually get a grasp on ALLURE and what it actually is while reaping the harvest of ATTENTION, intrigue and visual influence you’re in the right place (even if you’ve already mastered the glass ceiling on your extrinsic beauty expression and ‘looks’).


And yes, the stakes are high.


After all; true beauty, the beauty of your soul, your visual influence, your social media, your beauty consciousness and spirituality, the social brand of you in feminine aligned integrity with business…your legacy are ALL implicated here (and in an era where attention is its own currency).


If you’re a beauty influencer in some way – keep reading!


If you’ve felt that beauty has just been too superficial and you’ve down-played it in search of finding deeper ‘inner beauty’ or relying just on your wisdom or personality; you will find new answers here that bridge your spiritual growth and the divine feminine all into one place so you can RECLAIM years of lost time to your advantage with VISUAL RESULTS so people know and feel you are the real you.


You’re especially in for a treat if that timeline has crossed the menopausal threshold.


Bold claim? See for yourself!


In introducing these just enough so you can get inaugural clarity; we’re going to break the glass ceiling and you may be shocked how this was in front of us the whole time and yet unconveniently over-looked by popular beauty brands and magazines themselves who could only indirectly refer to such things AT BEST and without a true lay of the land.


(You’ll see what I mean; they’re aware of #2 of course but in a different way and definitely not in the context of how #3 pulls everything together).




This is like a movement of evolution and it’s exciting.


This is reclamation of feminine beauty and it’s φotonic power that has already begun that has already blown the glass ceiling open for the women I’ve worked with who KNOW it’s the future because it’s always been with us in the past and especially highlighted in the age of visual media. The stakes are high.


Imagine the idea of being able truly begin mastering, curating and maximizing YOUR beauty visually and your soul-level influence! How about exponentiating it and differentiating yourself from legions of ‘good-looking’ other women?


How about people being able to FEEL your unique and archetypal soul qualities so that it stirs something within them and they must work with or be a follower of yours?


And yet; WITHOUT understanding these 2 over-looked prime areas (or remaining nebulous about them); you’re most likely going to be stuck by default under the glass ceiling itself of #1 (that which you’ll see as) superficial beauty mastery, hair and fashion trends (when really, that is just PART of the overall equation of expressing your divine beauty and influence upon the world and having people FEEL you).


There’s always another distracting skin cream product but at some point, you gotta get deeper and I also think that’s why you’re reading this.


As you’ll soon see;


This 3rd overlooked principle, pillar and truth I believe is the future and evolution of beauty, I daresay. The truth of it is and has always been with us historically as well so in that sense it’s nothing new. It’s the area where I’ve been helping women transform for years in.


And that’s everything if you are a feminine business owner or social media influencer with YOU being the center of the brand and your people feeling and reading YOUR beauty and visual energy to know if you are the real deal.




There’s so much competition out there that ATTENTION has become its own currency (money is still important of course but in social media; attention is currency). Developing a following is central; ideally of RAVING fans, prospects and clients.


Beauty influence, being a beauty influencer or having more visual influence from your media is more than just about looking your prettiest; it’s about having an IMPACT on people they can feel and be compelled by. The more alluring your vibe and visual is; the more responsive and the stronger the attraction can be.


If people are going to keep scrolling because you look good and their attention span is short and they can’t feel you – that’s LESS ENGAGEMENT and influence from your media. Then you might have to rely on cheap marketing tricks that don’t feel good and don’t align with your feminine soma.


Beauty HAS influence. Skin-deep skin-care promotion can help to sell such products, but if beauty itself is just quantified on a lower truth level, you’re constricting the fuller impact of what’s possible. And it’s the difference between your favorite starlet’s level magnetism vs. just scrolling through and not feeling anything from a random instagram model.


After all; you’re ‘competing’ in a sense on instagram with all kinds of beauty influencers; many of whom may ‘physically’ be hotter or prettier than you anyway.


As AI and superficiality is going to become even more a thing, so will organic beauty influence because it’s real and people will be yearning for it. People will be yearning for more of what’s REAL as well as the CONNECTION and intimacy that deeper beauty and visual communication brings.


With how central social media is today; facebook, instagram, tiktok, etc. can you afford to NOT maximize your own beauty and visual INFLUENCE when you realize that it’s also the expression of your visual soul truth itself?! Do you want your in-self image working for you 24/7 to attract your soul tribe? Good. If you overlook #3 however, you may be confused for years.


It’s worth noting that a prime masculine value IS of feminine beauty and in a way; it’s what drives the world ’round. We’re not going to get into Grail codes here however, but visual beauty (comprised of #1, 2 and 3) is premium social and spiritual currency related with the forces of masculine power and feminine beauty; provision, love, success, fulfillment, status, influence.


Beauty is of course more than skin deep and these 3 pillars will help you get a grasp on it.


Beauty IS high status in all dimensions and even AI is capitalizing on ‘creating’ AI beauty influencers but the ‘real thing’ is priceless and will rise in value. You might even be envious of certain women who have a certain quality of ‘allure’ that you sense goes beyond just their style, make-up and haircare mastery.


So; are you ready to discover the 2 over-looked TRUTHS about feminine visual beauty (and YOUR feminine visual influence) that always get over-looked so that YOU can get on the path to being felt and seen as your best self?


(I wanted to warm us up properly 😉


Well; we first have to look at the 3 prime components of feminine visual beauty itself from a universal lens.


And no; it’s NOT skin care, hair care and fashion. Although important; those would be 3 components within the FIRST prime component itself of our more universal beauty influence lens.


We’ll also get a clearer picture on the concept (myth) of ‘inner beauty’ and what it REALLY is as it relates to professional image. The concept of ‘inner beauty’ can even leave you fractured FROM your own visual beauty mastery for years or decades.


See; We must look at the bigger picture here or risk going for decades without having any true awareness of what ultimate visual mastery and deeper influence actually requires. Fortunately, this is also where the spiritual and feminine consciousness reunites with popular beauty itself. Sexy Chi is that nexis point (also of ‘East’ and ‘West’).


I predict that celebrities will inevitably (and shortly) be getting into all of this, because beauty must continue expanding and evolving from a human perspective. There’ll always be money and competition in another skin-care line of products but we’re talking truly breaking through the glass ceiling and into where your soul feels its beauty and influence visually.


Now; you can ‘test’ these truths for yourself and feel if you know this IS what’s been missing before it becomes popular.


Without further ado; here are the 3 prime and universal pillars of feminine visual beauty presence, performance and image mastery from our lens today:

The 3 Pillars of Visual Beauty Mastery


1. Skin-Deep Beauty

2. Estrogenic Beauty

3. Essenced Beauty


In just calling it what it is;


Skin-Deep Beauty is what the world currently understands as ‘Beauty’. It’s the 3rd dimensional realm of the corporal; the superficial, the extrinsic, the external appearance and beauty of ‘form’ and how it plays with the light.


Estrogenic Beauty is the dynamic element of your estrogen and how it shows up visually in the light of presence and visual media. It’s your core feminine bio-essence (and hormone)


Essence Beauty or ‘Essenced Beauty’ is the higher dimensional vibrational and light aspects of your literal beauty itself that always show up in all visual media as well.


It’s the realm of power and beauty itself as sentient Life Force Chi, the spectrum of Light-Truth Signature Beauty Essences. This is also the realm of fotonic influence, charisma, allure and the principality of energetic health.




Can you tell which are the over-looked ones as it relates to professional image?’s estrogenic and essenced beauty, but let’s go into a deeper intro-overview of each.

