Top Takeaways From The ‘Social Currency of Allure’ Book

Let’s get right down to the CORE principles encoded in the Social Currency of Allure/Charisma book out right here and now as a Lilu/Cliff’s Notes version (whether you’re reading the long-form or not, this will help to succinctly clarify the highest general takeaways).


*Charisma and allure have INFLUENCE b/c they are transmission of Power and Beauty radiance we can LITERALLY FEEL holographically as photo-chemical influence even from 2D pixels; (this isn’t possible in a physical universe alone that would require you to touch them)



*Most adults do NOT have charisma and allure, but you are born with it


*There is a hidden and yet tangible CURRENT and CURRENCY within visual, social media of humans that is of the highest value; value which the most influential are EXCHANGING in an attention economy; and that which can ensure your social media success


*Charisma/allure (which allows you to somatically influence others from your presence and image) is the future of performance arts & e!, social media marketing and beauty influence. It is already the core secret to billions of youtube views and rabid fan followings b/c it incites ORGANIC engagement


*Image is Light itself and encodes higher frequency data which concurrently exists beyond the visible spectrum of ROYGBIV; these other characteristic qualities are always being communicated to varying degrees in visual media of humans (and can be decoded by psychics and intuitives who are more sensitive to these truths)


*Beauty is practically more than skin-deep because visual communication exists on bandwidths beyond ROYGBIV visible spectrum just as there are gamma-rays in the EMF spectrum


*Beauty is the alchemical language of Light sourced in the chi-sentient spectrum of radiance vs. the radiation of the EMF spectrum (photons vs. fotons of Light quanta)


*I use the analogy of the earth as the terrestrial body and Beauty 1.0 exclusively focuses on the earth beautification or ‘landscaping’; whereas, it’s the ATMOSPHERE (aura of the body itself) that carries the light-show, the magic, the fireworks, the mood…the real Light sorcery of FELT INFLUENCE.



Your aura and chakras are part of the higher frequency ‘matter’ of your higher dimensional body or ‘atmosphere’ which has influence on other planetary bodies


*We are like stars and starlets BECAUSE we can emanate quanta of Sentient-Light (vs. EMF Light); more powerful stars are simply more embodied and expressed with Spirit quanta or frequencies of subtle chi Beauty essences in their energy body


*K-pop holds many secrets of INFLUENCE that we’re now becoming clear on


*The immortal archetypes of Masculine and Feminine consciousness hold the keys (practically speaking) to most all of Power and Beauty


*Power & Beauty are the apex or primordial driving Forces in consciousness throughout humanity; we’re only used to seeing it through distorted or lower bandwidths


*ESSENCE is the TANGIBLE CURRENCY that is secretly being sought after and ‘traded’ in social and visual media (b/c we are souls of Light and not merely physical bodies)
(This is worth deeper reflection and contemplation on from in the book itself)


*Feminine (Essenced) Quanta is the HONEY and most valuable resource in the Universe; ultimately many forces are trying to harness, hijack, leverage or control it and therein lies most of the dynamics at play


*Past siphoning or stealing of your own essence quanta may be what is constricting the liberation of divine feminine beauty consciousness, soul growth and your own beauty influence (also related is the #metoo movement, etc.)


*The ‘Sex sells’ understanding of market psychology (which is covered as sociological, primal/biological and emotional) is still limited and obscured from the ‘other’ bandwidths of communication and INFLUENCE itself of which the MOST influential people are open and transmitting on: spiritual & soulful which allows us to see an entire new level of ‘the game’ of influence itself and what people are really seeking


*The social market-driving ‘game’ that is being played on the spiritual and soul levels of attraction yields life-changing insights into harnessing TRUE power, beauty and influence


*The Holy Grail of Communion (the full version, not the fractured from Divine Feminine version) is essentially the hidden market driving secret behind all Power, Beauty and influence at immortal and then ALL other levels of the game filtered down



*Charisma opens the BANDWIDTHS to sexual, emotional, spiritual, psychic, and soulful value, status, power and beauty ascensionary transmission, engagement and communication in your digital/social visual media whereas many others aren’t transmitting to other souls on those bandwidths. (BEING a goddess embodied and expressed is different than being ‘styled’ as a goddess but really being a poser)



*Cultivating your essence qualities and increasing your Charisma or Allure (Factor) will ENSURE that you have more engagement and organic influence on other people without having to manipulate them into anything: because it comes down to power, beauty and connection. By having MORE of the tangible ‘substance of value’ (which is actual immortal essence which is higher status than any social constructivism), you will have more of what people desire on a SOUL and SPIRIT level to relate, commune and be intimate with.


This means everything and enters the realm of alchemical Beauty and authentic, organic, inciting Beauty INFLUENCE (and increased engagement from your charismatic/alluring visuals in your social media).


This is world’s different than simply mastering extrinsic 2D/3D skin-deep beautification where people still cannot FEEL you sexually, spiritually, soulfully, etc.) and are more likely to not feel engaged in their innate organic, eros-somatic response to you.


You could spend YEARS trying to hack social media algorithms, unlimited content creation when you can actually communicate more valuable information by DOING LESS, just by being more charismatic in stillness alone.





(MANY examples in the book itself)


Now, you can cultivate your soul’s qualities (a la pro image consulting), magnify them and tone them with archetypes and siddhic qualities and strengthen your charisma/allure (expression of essences) and you will organically be having more authentic and organic engagement and INFLUENCE (from your soul) on the world around you; your true power and beauty.


Remember; plasmic-sentient Light ‘matter’ is coming across in your aura (in ALL of your visuals); it isn’t just ‘stuck’ on your physical body itself where people can’t feel you unless they’re touching you).


Allure Makeover and Charisma Makeover‘s are available for booking so we can work on YOUR makeover


….or start with a 3-pack of sessions to work on this DIRECTLY which is THE fastest possible way for transformation and results.


The future of social media marketing includes CHARISMA transformation…the next big thing?!


Get the book itself (I might start charging a pretty penny for it) if you are called to immerse into it:


The Social Currency of Charisma


There are MANY visual examples and a maelstrom of codes therein.


Skin-Deep Beauty: A Permanent Pillar of Visual Beauty Influence

This is the realm of the literally superficial; of skin-deep physical beauty accentuation and mastery.


You could even say that it’s the world of ‘make-up’.


This is what the professional Beauty industry and Beauty as we know it IS.


Most do not conceptually or practically understand ‘beauty’ as anything more than this.


From this superficial-centric PARADIGM (literally operational, professional and inundated paradigm) of beauty itself, things like allure are too outside of the realm of understanding to even the best professionals who work more mechanical image magic to hopefully (and indirectly) get to the effect and reality of essence itself.


I call this Beauty 1.0 and it includes the entire realm of physical form, body transformation and the soft-maxing dominion of looking good.


This is the realm of the human visible light spectrum of ROYGBIViolet.


It’s the principality of hair care, skin care, anti-aging skin care, treatments, make-up, fashion and style. This paradigm is so strong and conditioned that many people will never see outside of it.


But see…image itself is literally non-physical and is dealing with LIGHT; a representation of your light and your light is MORE than just your physical body.


By merely focusing on and mastering superficial beauty and ‘beauty’ of your form; we’re only getting a part of the picture of professional Light itself which is literally a holographic representation of multi-dimensional light and vibrational frequency.


If you believe in the concept of soul, then you can equally believe in the concept of essence (which we’ll cover more).


This is because you are literally MORE than just your physical body (almost all religions know this).


You are a soul in a body and there are informational frequencies beyond our visible range of perception that are truth (which keys us into #3).


The same holds true in science that there are light frequencies like photonic quanta from the sun that EXIST beyond our frequency range of perception.


My deeper study of ‘Theory of φotonic Quanta‘ and ‘Uniφied Theory’ goes deeper into the science of this (as well as the upcoming φotonic Beauty report).


So the concept of Beauty 1.0 (as the world knows it) with visual media is that of LIGHT where photons are reflecting and captured off of the literally 3-D topographical body onto meta-physical image media.


It’s extrinsic; literally skin-deep beauty maximization and mastery as well as all the CONDITIONING and even cultural beauty standards that we have around what we know as beauty itself.


Let me repeat that;


It’s also the social (and even cultural) conditioning around superficial beauty standards and its status as high value (say the latest Kardashian ‘look’) that merits its own conditioned weight SOCIALLY (like a certain trend of ‘pop art’ that becomes valuable for the sake of people deciding its valuable) but on a deeper sense is kind of like a house of cards; it’s real as a form of valued beauty and yet it doesn’t encapsulate the fuller spectrum AND LITERAL FREQUENCY RANGE of beauty on its own.


It’s still encoded in its truth with the shadow of superficiality.


In other words; someone can LOOK GREAT and be all looks-maxxed but you might feel really uncomfortable or insecure around THEIR vibe or ‘inner beauty’.


They might be shallow, superficial or you might not be able to feel them, they just feel energetically flat to you…or like a psycho-killer with their vibe.


Make sure to keep reading because I’ll get into this concept of ‘inner beauty’.


The truth is that image and YOUR BEAUTY is multi-dimensional LIGHT and there is MORE of you being communicated practically in visual media itself. This is a universal truth that the beauty industry indirectly alludes to with the terms ‘essence’ and ‘allure’ and yet cannot fully describe it yet so they continue working where they are comfortable at; in the realm of the visible and physical light spectrum.


With skin-deep Beauty 1.0 we become masters of the ROYGBIV spectrum of visible light and yet the essences are higher frequency and yet always show up as well in ALL of your media to whatever degree they are at in that moment.


The Beauty 1.0 spectrum of mastering superficial, skin-deep beauty and ROYGBIV color-light spectrum of image does really help women to maximize their own (what I call) Beauty Quotient. And that’s great and even noble on its own (although it has its shadows); but it’s still just part of the picture even if you’ve mastered it to Kardashian level for yourself.


One of the shadows is that high beauty standards can create a split psyche like when your make-up is off and deep insecurity. Another shadow is ‘high beauty standards’ that leads women into depression or starving themselves, etc. to match superficial standards but I’m sure you’re aware of that. That exists when we only know beauty AS the superficial.


BTW; For just a quick dose of φotonic Quanta Theory; the sun itself has higher frequencies than what our naked eye can see and there is alchemical, photonic power and influence with those electro-magnetic light frequencies.


Some animals can see into expanded spectrums of photonic light although humans cannot; however, it doesn’t make the POWER and BEAUTY of stars any less potent..nor does it make the scientific truth any less real. Solar radiation can cook a hotdog, power a house or even lead to skin cancer in some cases.


See where I’m going with this if you want greater visual INFLUENCE?


The sun is a star. Stars and starlets have POWER.


WHY? Because they emanate. They emanate what? RADIANCE. Photonic energy.


They transmit the photonic power of plasmic-sentient light (aka ‘chi’) beyond visible ROYGBIV frequencies.


That’s in the realm of your higher frequency, beyond-physical (or meta-physical) beauty itself; the realm of your ESSENCED beauty which is where the φotonic POWER of charisma and allure comes into the equation.


But let’s go back to the superficial realm you’re probably more comfortable with (and its limitations).


I think that once you know the greater truth of beauty in that it exists beyond the visible spectrum (and you can learn to literally SEE it when you shift your focus like in many of my celebrity and archetypal essence readings) – I think you’re not gonna go back to just remaining comfortable in the world everyone knows.


B1.0 works for women of all body types with its soft-maxing make-up, skin-care and style techniques complete with color coordination and skin tone mastery.


Obviously there are millions of beauty professionals and masters in the realm of superficial beauty makeover and transformation worldwide.


It’s worth mentioning that you may not like that I’m encapsulating the entire WORLD and spectrum of ‘beauty as we know it’ simply as ‘superficial’ or ‘skin-deep’ however; please consider that it is literally what it is. Again, for this; I really want to facilitate CLARITY so that you can be aware of things and leverage points for yourself.


Beauty can effortlessly do nothing and in a sense command the world around her.


But we’ve limited our LENS and paradigm of beauty to the more accessible frequency range that consumers can ‘see’.


(The thing is; consumers are waking up and becoming more practically psychic; attuned to sense what is real or fake and more able to FEEL your vibe and higher frequency essenced light truth and if its real or not).


With that said; we can even include plastic surgery in this realm of skin-deep beauty in that it affects the superficial even though it may go more than skin deep during the process.


After all ‘looking good’ can make you ‘feel good’…maybe so but we have to escape the entire limiting paradigm itself to unlock immortal feminine beauty and influence.


It’s the reflection of light off of the superficial, literally 3rd dimensional physical body within OUR human visible frequency range but the truth of image is that it includes higher frequency light (which we can call essences) that ALWAYS show up in visual media as well.


So to review;


The superficial, skin-deep component is the physical or ‘extrinsic’ beauty mastery; the dominion of ‘looking good’. It matters but it’s still limited.


Beauty has evolved in many ways under the glass ceiling with infinite skin-care lines, fair-trade shampoos and make-up brands, styles and the realm of fashion itself; all of which can keep you infinitely distracted from the greater truth that your beauty and emanation also lies visually beyond the physical realm.


And yes, looking good can influence how you feel about yourself, I’m not denying that…in fact, I think you should MAXIMIZE your individual beauty quotient in each area that matters but also realize the other 2 factors and how they play into your overall visual mastery and influence.


As I mentioned (and through this lens), this would also cover the realm of physical fitness body transformation and beautification.


Firmer abs and toned glutes? Yeah, the perception of how others view your form and the reflection of light off of it can be shaped and altered to be of heightened sexual and social values of beauty, but it’s still superficial and just part of the overall communication of the literal light you are transmitting in your visual media.


But if beauty is really more than skin-deep and we’re not here valuing your ‘personality’ or ‘talent’ coming across from pro image; we’re at a bit of a crux here. Can we really get ‘beyond’ the skin-deep spectrum in order to access greater visual mastery and exponential influence?


Well; let’s look at the next 2 which are the OVER-looked pillars of visual beauty mastery!