Beauty Attracts Wealth

Let’s look at the concept of attracting provision and wealth with (your) beauty – especially if you aren’t at the level of a top model for an agency.


As you know, we can correlate a lot of attraction and success with those who are IN the professional image industries; advertising, modeling, beauty, social influencing, speaking, media and entertainment. Success is related with image in these big money-making industries and much of advertising.


Even in other less image focused industries, your image can be critical to ATTRACTING and converting business, sales and new clientship…especially as we are so social media friendly and people also want to get a sense of YOU if you are the brand.


So when we value BEAUTY as not just maximizing the potential of your extrinsic appearance and body transformation; when we also value it as your multi-dimensional energetic beauty which also comes through IN your professional image and presence (we just didn’t have the tools to be aware of it before), this gives us more room to work on taking your beauty and influence to entirely new levels of social influence, fan influence, client conversion and direct financial attraction.


And then we can also reference more explicitly beauty based dynamics like sex-working…even escorting as well as stripclubs or the entire sugar daddy attraction and exchange dynamic.


But if you aren’t involved in any of those, increasing your beauty can still lead to great indirect and direct wealth and prosperity attraction (without literally being a sugar baby).


And there are men out there who WANT to provide for a woman in exchange for connection to her beauty or status.


If you are in the business of coaching or are an influencer, your image is often what is attracting and converting new fans or clients. This leads to new and literal income with new business.


Marie Diamond btw is just a quick reference point of someone with energetic beauty. That beauty also comes through her voice in spite of not having what most people socially might value as being the best looking physically.


Quite a few of my past clients are women who are running their own coaching business and are attracting new business growth because of their beauty cultivation and how it transforms their image, energetic and non-verbal communication so that men respond to them differently.


The masculine desires to be connected with and reunify WITH beauty. So this puts your law of attraction on megaphone effortlessly without ‘doing’ anything more.


But it goes even deeper than this into the psycho-spiritual dynamics of wealth and attraction. Men and the masculine desires to connect and reunify with the highest form of beauty possible for him. It’s wired into his spirit and his biology.


My friend and Cosmic Muse co-host Gillian Pothier talks about the principle of provision a lot; being a honeypot magnet of attraction AS the feminine from the masculine principle where ‘cash is king’ reigns.


As you cultivate your feminine, energetic beauty and allure (and transmitting out into the world) you are able to inspire and MAGNETIZE the masculine spirit within men to reach out and literally offer provision, opportunities and gifts which can come in different forms.


Sometimes it is in men stumbling over themselves to take you on dates, offering to fly you places, etc.


You are also able to attract a man of more resources who WANTS to provide for you (when you have more energetic beauty that compels him). It’s his masculine inspired to support and protect your more open and vulnerable feminine essence.


Now this is DIFFERENT than being a more masculine shelled independent woman who is ‘going it on her own’ and making it through adaptation to a man’s world; holding both a masculine and feminine template; thus there’s a lot of transformation you might have to go through in order to shift into RECEIVING from your feminine.


This can be very fatiguing to a predominantly feminine essenced soul like you; especially if you have been in your masculine and burning out for years. It might be time to finally just rest and relax into RECEIVING provision and support from the masculine.


So remember, this isn’t limited to your physical beauty, this is about well, really BOTH energetic and physical – and maximizing those to be in your truest soul essence.


That might mean in some cases there is a lot of healing to do in relationship to the masculine as part of your process.


I have clients who have attracted new men into their lives who support them with housing, gifts and financial resources. It’s such a RELIEF for them to be able to know they are taken care of – and also to still have the ability to MAGNETIZE and allure money and resources into their life.


That kind of energy also supports him to earn and make even more money….or you may be single and just want this magnetism for yourself without relying on a man (this is also where hieros gamos principle comes in because its your relationship to the meta-masculine and its wealth and resources).


But to be able to attract such wealth, you want to get to a place of irresistible intoxicating energetic beauty (while maximizing your physical).


This may take really melting into and cultivating more of your feminine essence and the spirituality of it that is supported by the masculine who WANTS to cherish and take care of you.


Many women have what Gillian calls a ‘receivingness wound’ because (in large part of taking on the masculine component for themselves); they are literally preventing themselves from receiving PROVISION from the masculine.


So yes, beauty can literally attract more prosperity and wealth without having to be a Sugar Baby and without having a more literal exchange as an escort.


I have clients that are doing very well (and other men lined up to be with them) with men who are their match and not compromising.


Where can you take it when you have maxed out your extrinsic beauty potential at the top of the game? With energetic beauty! And it will change HOW the world relates to you.


So just how MUCH energetic beauty can you cultivate?


If you want a more thorough transformation, I would recommend the Allure Makeover Package available here.


If you want to cultivate wealth for the long-term with an endowed man that aligns with your vision-path, you can attract that and build a wealthy kingdom together.


In that case I would recommend the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath.