Fear of Power, Fear of Beauty: Beauty Essence & Timelines

As I talked about in a recent fb wall post about Essence-centric, soul-level dynamics being the ‘key’ to fullest soul dharma, Beauty, expression, Divine Union and Love/Sex;


The dynamics WITH it center around Power and Beauty itself…moreso than we may have thought.


Your relationship to POWER ITSELF is central to the ‘success’ of your Divine Union. (And ‘power’ is often avoided in these discussions).


It’s important to have awareness of how masculine Power or Force (and your ESSENCED relationship to it and forms of it);


…either stifles, hijacks or siphons your BEAUTY quanta (including soul) or how it supports it and thrives at an eros-somatic and soul level of multi-dimensional reality and communication.


(Although you have different Beauty essences potentially available); your core ESSENCE is who you are as a soul and how you are enriched at a spiritual level.


Hieros Gamos is the ultimate liberator and gateway of the deepest Love; your Divine Feminine Beauty and His Power. It allows full spectrum access to Siddhic Beauty Light quanta.


Ultimately, knowing that with Divine Union Truth we ARE dealing with incredibly powerful, alchemical levels of Beauty and forms of Masculine Power (in Presence/Sourced), it’s worth reflecting on where and how you may be energetically blocked and resistant to RECEIVING THE LOVE (POWER) of The Beloved Lover-King b/c if your soul level self is DIMINISHED as the daily norm, it is preventing grailed Divine Union consciousness.


These blocks are not merely mental but exist in your multi-dimensional energy body and chakric psyche itself. Old timelines of fracture with the Beloved could still be playing out as karmic loops with lower timeline masculine keeping you and your Beauty and consciousness stuck in less than siddhic reality.


Divine Union Truth of Communion already exists spiritually, so it has more to do with aligning your energy body AS reunified to flow with receiving divine masculine Power (Light, Truth, Honor) and being able to receive and run it through the circuitry and TEMPLE of your body/Beauty and consciousness.


The awesome POWER of the Masculine Beloved to transfigure you ALREADY EXISTS here and now in this instant; it’s just how much you are open to circulate, hold and receive it.


Most likely, to match his TRUTH, you will have to be able to hold more Beauty quanta in Presence to even enter His chamber, but if your pre-natal essenced chi has been stolen or siphoned, he’s not ever going to feel or reunify with you (basically)…it won’t activate godly levels of Love and Sex.


If your eros-TEMPLE IS feeble or RESISTANT to true, higher frequency POWER (as forms of Masculine Love including the POWER of Devotion) b/c of previous forms of POWER abuse (aka ‘Force’) on your bodies including sexual trauma, then something is going to have to change b/c you are still not able to CONTAIN his power and your body-temple is still resistant to receiving the Lover-King Truth (Power) of your Beloved.


He seeks to reunify with the Divine Feminine Immortal Beloved and Her Beauty so are you a channel for it or are you still unfortunately carrying around trauma in Presence from past wounded experiences? (That which blocketh reunification).


You/we shouldn’t be afraid of True Power…it’s just that it’s got/ten a bad rap with tyrannical forms of it, thus we misunderstand it and may have been scarred by it. Tyrant masculine behavior isn’t true power anyways, it’s actually ‘force’ (including forms of non-consent sexually).


Can you discern between power and force and start shifting how you relate to power from a lens of magnified soul beauty, worthy of the Immortal Lover-King? Or will you remain thwarted from receiving His divine power/Light/Love?


(Or are you  caught up in post-modern shadow of ‘reaction’ to lower timeline masculine abuse of power/force)?


Nevertheless, the primordial forces are still Power and Beauty and evidenced in the Presence of the Divine Spirit quanta plasmic Life Force of Light itself.


The POWER-Truth of the Holy Father holds the codes to heal all Daughter wounding, but if we diagnose and cannot discern tyrant forms of power with Divine Power, we’re going to be subject to living in cycles of karmic misuse and abuse of power without re-constellating soul Beauty and Liberty.


True power is sourced in the divine. Egoic power (when not aligned to higher service) may likely corrupt, but divine power itself is incorruptible.


Many men will shy away from embodying Divine Masculine power (siddhic, elemental and archetypal consciousness and Spirit quanta) and that medicine that is missing in the world as well – yes because use of force as ‘power’ misunderstood.


And as you grow in your Beauty embodiment and circulation of the archetypal feminine magnifying your soul qualities, you will attract a deeper, more powerful Love.


The Feminine Spirit within women being afraid of True Power (Divine power, Light & Godly Love) is similar to the mortal masculine being secretly terrified of the Beauty and influence of the Divine Archetypal Feminine embodied within women who hold those ancient Truth-codes.


Tyrannical power (of shadow masculine consciousness) which is really ‘force’; force stifles, controls or suppresses the most valuable resource in the world; feminine spirit essence. Your soul doesn’t have to be subject to that tyranny ANYMORE, no matter what happened in the past.


Your higher self can make a choice (of reclamation).


With the inevitable fall of mogul-titan Diddy to other #metoo movement cases of masculine shadow-karma with misuse of power (a.k.a. ‘force’) COLLECTIVELY (and in a grander re-balancing); it’s actually time for more examples of HEALTHY righteous, benevolent masculine POWER that is in service and alignment; protector and guardian of sacred principle.


Your ALLURE and the tangible ESSENCE within that; your Beauty sourced in the Divine can inspire that out of men and their awakening POWERFUL and righteous masculine Spirit-qualities.


It’s time for more GRAIL KINGS and Kings who venerate the divine feminine (shortcode: archetypal) in their presence from True Power.


You don’t have to WAIT for men to rise into King-ship, this is where Grail Priestesses will help create more of them on the frontlines, but you may have to do your own reunification work to EVOKE him into HIS greatness and righteous power.


Is he in service to a higher cause? This is a key sign to look for in discerning a partner.


Can you be SAFE to allow your liberated soul Beauty to flourish around the Light-Power of The Beloved? That is the masculine Power we’re talking about, to melt devotionally into you in alchemical Communion awakening and inciting Divine Feminine Beauty. Or has your beauty-essence, Spirit and soul been SUPPRESSED because of misuse even abuse of masculine power in the past?


Would you be one to CHOOSE Reclamation of any stolen essence and cultivate a TEMPLE-BODY of Beauty worthy of communing with the Immortal Beloved?


(Mystical Grail membership is NOW OPEN to support Divine Union transformation and Beauty cultivation btw!)


After all; it is the Beauty of your body-temple (mostly LIGHT body) that he would commune with in the alchemy of your Spiritual qualities in Communion; God the Lover working through him.


And what would stop you from doing that Grail work (which will most likely require support)?


Because your ero-somatic body may have all kinds of blocks and issues FROM the past that are still resisting and even fearful of such power…could you really be worthy of Loving a King?


This is identity consciousness and Beauty work.


The Grailspring activation is a powerful choice to go through a major initiation and transfiguration as well as ongoing sacred reunification alchemy (partnered or not).


Cultivating your Grail Beauty will be central and if you have had essence siphoned or stolen and are trepidatious around TRULY powerful men and the qualities of the Beloved, it’s time for a reclamation and strengthening your feminine eros temple to be able to hold greater Beauty and circulate his Power.


With that said; many women are NOT on a path of GREAT Beauty and Eros awakening…they are not called to attune and re-align with healthy, Divine Masculine Beloved and His Divine Power. Many are meant to be on their own time loops and lower karmic lesson-paths.


They’re NOT called to bring those levels of Beauty forward to match His presence and His Heart…and yet some are called to THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL. A devotional Love to experience Love and Sex as ALL of the archetypes.


You’re still responsible for making any change. As you re-constellate YOUR essenced allure and cultivate GRAIL, reunified Beauty (that which HE could commune with that sparks his Spirit, Sex, Heart & Soul in an instant), you can live heaven on earth.


If you would like me to help diagnose how and where you are blocked to either your greater fullest soul-self beauty expression and integrity or Divine Union/Hierogamic Grail dynamics and ‘might’ be getting session work with me in the future, you’re invited to schedule a Clarity Consulting Call. There’s now a $200 retainer which can be applied to session work.


I know what Grailed Beauty looks and feels like and I am professional at assessing energetically where your blockages are (to Divine Union, greater Beauty and influence, etc.) and doing the (here’s the key word;) POWERFUL work necessary for true initiations and Grail work or masterful allure cultivation.


If you’re still somatically afraid of masculine force, is your true Beauty even shining to attract your King? Maybe it’s time to break years of lower timeline patterns.


Mystical Grail is an ongoing group format to support Divine Union…there is a VIP level of that where you can get the Grailspring and other premium and regular activations.

Beauty & Spiritual Growth

What does beauty have to do with authentic spiritual growth and fulfillment? Far more than you can imagine!


See, with the popular Western paradigm of personal growth vs. spirituality; beauty gets left out of the equation.


The West values ‘mind, body and soul’ so what often happens is people get into passive zen meditation as a way to counter-balance their busy Western working lifestyle.


What’s missing in that equation is Heart and Sex (where people remain non-conscious) while Beauty itself is unfortunately *relegated to the superficial* because of our limited, 3D understanding of it.


But beauty IS spiritual and deep; not merely superficial. In fact, it can set your soul soaring with spiritual evolution that practically affects the wealth and depth OF your love life, finances, attraction, career, opportunities and more.


We don’t see that with the Mind, Body, Soul paradigm nor with just valuing Beauty as the superficial-founded Beauty industry.


So if now there are trans Youtube media personalities acting catty and bitter and you’re getting kind of tired from the superficiality of beauty and sensing there must be more to it (depth, spiritual connection – anything), take heed.


What is also missing in the passive valuation of Spirituality is the Creative, Sexual Force of Life – and this is where great alchemical power is for spiritual and total transformation of self, relationships and your love life.


This is the realm of King and Queen. Beauty INSPIRES and awakens Kings…it brings that impersonal consciousness into men.


And sure; beauty and the feminine form – superficially – can be inspiring on its own, but it goes deeper than this to get us closer to source. I’ll mention Hieros Gamos again later, but…


Beauty is also the foundational 1st Siddhi of 64 Gene Keys; literally an enlightened feminine aspect of consciousness itself.


When we accept superficial or extrinsic beauty as it is and ALSO include and embrace the multi-dimensional energetic or spiritual essence of Beauty (which can also literally transmit in your photos and videos); we get instantly spiritual as it involves the authentic cultivation of your lighted-bodied and predominantly feminine essenced soul.


Now, because we have broken the limits of mind, body and soul to take on the spirituality of Sex consciously; we are in the world of ESSENCE and the practicality of the divine (or meta-physical) Masculine and Feminine including immortal archetypes like Queen and Lover.


Celebrities are great reference points for immortal archetypes btw.


So the spirituality and implications of beauty go very, very deep because of the concept of hieros gamos or ‘sacred reunification’ which is a rare spiritual path of devotion that works with alchemizing the masculine and feminine aspects of all consciousness for transfiguration of Self.


As you cultivate you are able to hold and transmit even greater energetic and archetypal beauty that transcends your 3D physical looks and personality.


Beauty IS more than skin deep and that’s why celebrities have more influence with image (when you put aside the factor that we know them and have emotional association with them; if we just look at a celebrity we never heard of before we can SENSE there is something going on that isn’t just their physical body or skin).


Your energy is coming across IN your professional image and presence – and that IS spiritual and not limited to the physical dimension. How else can we be influenced from the image of someone from 100 years ago?


Sexy Chi is about direct energetic beauty cultivation which is also LITERALLY cultivating your actual spiritual growth and healing because it’s all one and the same.


We are cultivating your actual soul essence and experience itself – the real thing. We aren’t covering anything up here; it’s more about soul ESSENCE and vulnerability shining through.


Who you ARE is transmitting through your image and presence.


But most people don’t have higher refined light bodies shining through because they are denser and hold personalized identities that limit their influence.


This is the future of the beauty industry and image consulting; it’s mastering your energetic cultivation with essence, embodiment and expression. And there are other literal flavors of essence that can be communicate with and through your own aura and image itself because digital imagery itself is not merely 3D or physical.


So as you cultivate quintessence, devotion, compassion, peace within yourself you are also cultivating energetic beauty to have those qualities influencing in your image AND Vice Versa!


Again; that’s the SECRET to why celebrities really have more INFLUENCE from their image; there is more energetic beauty, power and spiritual consciousness that is transmitting THROUGH their image and presence (aka allure and charisma).


They have non-consciously taken on a greater path of sexual and spiritual growth of consciousness because of their greater purpose to serve and influence millons of people. Most people don’t give themselves permission to be a star, but what if your SOUL desired to be?


Beauty isn’t limited to your physical looks (and we know that too much attention and attachment to superficial beauty can be its own shadow).


To get a better picture of your overall total energetic and non-verbal communication in image;


I like to isolate physical beauty as your Beauty Quotient; valuing maximization of your extrinsic beauty potential unique to your skin, body, hair, etc. on a 10 point scale. That’s what the current multi-billion dollar Beauty industry does.


And I like to look at your energetic beauty level of communication as the Allure Factor on a 10 point scale as well.


SO…Beauty as a CORE aspect of your own spiritual growth? Yes. Does that resonate with your soul on a deeper level?


And it’s not just feminine beauty, but also the valuation of beauty and beautiful things in life – that is also spiritual.


And of course there are masculine essenced siddhic energetic aspects like Honour and Valour that could also be considered beautiful and charismatic that men can EMANATE.


After all the Shadow of Superficiality leads to the siddhi of Presence. And this is all coming across IN your literal image and presence – or not;) because image IS Light energy.


Now spirituality, consciousness, sexuality and the practicality of your image and beauty are ENMESHED – and it includes the totality of beauty and visual communication – not merely limited to the 3D superficial valuation of it.


So if you want to attract the ideal relationship, transform and deepen your current one, attract more provision and prosperity as well as experience tremendous feminine-essenced spiritual growth, you want to cultivate your energetic beauty which can include archetypal and siddhic embodiment as well as attunement alchemy and meditations with Beauty and other siddhic essences.


Cultivating your energetic beauty: that’s exactly what Sexy Chi does!


Fortunately, any work that you do with me is ALSO cultivating your own sacred reunification, healing and spiritual growth of consciousness to BE a richer, deeper, more desirable Lover and Honeypot.


If you want a more direct spiritual path filled with mysticism and magic – even Priestess-hood or of Reunified Queenship, then check out HierosGamosX.com