Beauty & Attracting the Relationship of Your Dreams

If you want to attract a high value man where ALL of him is fascinated and into you for a rich relationship, consider that alluring feminine beauty universally inspires and captivates the masculine.


It’s not about your personality or developing that more, nor is it limited just to your looks of course (or how other women and the beauty industry values your looks);


It’s esp. about the energetic QUALITIES that you are transmitting to him when he first glances you.


This is what could capture his heart without his conscious awareness…it’s that “Gosh, there’s just something about her” X-factor.


Of course; do what you can with your physical beauty to maximize and express YOU, but you will find that as you cultivate your own ENERGETIC beauty to radiate even MORE into the world, the masculine spirit within men will be drawn to you like bees to honey…and not just for a short-term fling, but for something deeper and more real.


If you want ALL of him (heart, sex, mind, body, spirit and soul) then you want your energetic beauty TOUCHING and activating these aspects within him effortlessly just from your mere presence or image. Let it do the work at cause.


Again; this is different than just your physical attractiveness or body type.


If he is otherwise closed OFF to you because he doesn’t FEEL you in other parts of his psyche, there’s more of a chance he won’t view you as long-term lover potential.


So this is all about DOING LESS (like coming up with these concocted ideas to get his attention) and more about BEING MORE so that he can’t help but notice you.


Many women however, don’t give themselves permission to radiate such essenced-based allure and beauty through ALL of their chakras that transmits out to penetrate his aura and start working magic in him.


Many women (instead), master the extrinsic appearance of looking beautiful but can have a lot of trauma, cover-up or even a masculinized shell to prevent INNER energetic beauty from coming through in their image and presence.


That’s when men are unable to FEEL you. But if you can pierce his heart (with the beauty we are talking about), it can change everything because then his heart is engaged. He’s not just led from the 2nd chakra sex drive anymore.


See, the masculine spirit is INSPIRED BY Beauty. And when he is inspired by you and wants something more and FEELS IT in different aspects of his psyche just from your image and presence – that’s a world of a difference than not feeling you but thinking you’re ‘hot’ while his heart remains closed.


So as you allow your energetic beauty to be cultivated in soul essence, embodiment and then radiating in expression – it literally transforms your energetic presence and image itself.


Your chakras and aura are then transmitting iconic and timeless feminine beauty into the literal energy fields of other people and men and affecting them non-consciously.


Oh and in order to attract such a high level man, here is a great secret;


You want to BECOME that level of woman FIRST so that you are transmitting that out into the world so that he will find you through the Law of Attraction. It’s not about waiting for Prince Charming to show up; it’s about cultivating your energetic beauty and sacred reunification with the masculine within yourself FIRST to be ready for him.


And that can include BEING that level of Queen that would attract her King so that when he meets you, he just knows. And the mega leverage is to have a path of Hieros Gamos where you are reunifying and healing your relationship with Father, King and God; where your alignment is in place so you aren’t just reliant and needy on the next twin flame that could come along that would destroy you if he breaks apart the relationship.


Find more about Hieros Gamos Queenship here. That is a deeper support solution for overall transformation and attracting a King.


So as you cultivate and transform your image to radiate more feminine essence allure and beauty (which includes sacred reunification work), the world of men and how they respond to you transforms around you, but it’s you who had to change first.


When you are in LOVE with the divine masculine and different aspects of it, that energetically comes through in your essence and inspires HIS Prince, Lover, Warrior and Eros….but you are setting the template in that sense. So there’s a lot of cultivation you can do (or healing that has to be done first including trauma in relation to the masculine).


Yes, you can attract the relationship of your dreams and yes you could possibly transform your current relationships as well (however in many cases, the woman wants to grow so much and it threatens his security so it’s not always best for keeping the relationship unless he is willing to change).


My clients are consistently experiencing wondrous results…some of them have been attracting men and opportunities like mad.


To have a more thorough initial transformation I would recommend the Allure Makeover Package to get your energetic beauty really cultivating and breathing from your soul essence; this includes energy healing work as necessary. Either that or the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath.