Beyond Beauty and Hotness in Attracting a Partner

Let’s look at another prime dynamic when it comes to the influence of your beauty on men and attracting a partner…and no, we’re not talking about your personality.


Sometimes women can get stuck in what other women value as beautiful and that form of competition without realizing the effect it has on men. A lot of women are still single but would like more attraction power with the masculine. Now…


Don’t get me wrong; the heterosexual masculine CAN be *greatly* inspired by feminine physical beauty and a woman who cares about her body and extrinsic appearance. That is so real.


But it doesn’t necessarily mean that this (superficial beauty) alone is what engages and INSPIRES his entire Heart, Mind, Spirit, Soul, archetypal self or Devotion to her either.


In fact; he might not even be able to feel you other than objectifying your hotness if you aren’t communicating energetic value and sending it out from your energy field. So if you have been complaining that men are shallow, perhaps you have been more a part of attracting your past experiences than you may realize.


IF you want it all in a man; his heart, sex, mind, body, spirit and soul – YOU want to be emanating those in YOUR image and presence to spark those aspects within HIM.  This is the Jedi level stuff they won’t even tell you at the top attract a soulmate events.


Some women have rode along just on their looks for so long b/c of all the attention and other parts of themselves are STARVING; and they keep attracting the same types of men and economic support but feel something deeper is missing.


What if sexiness was being redefined into something NOT limited to just physical appearance, physical beauty and hotness?


What if that was here all along and IS something the desirable masculine DOES respond to and ultimately desires in Communion?


The shadow of devotion (after-all) IS half-heartedness and if it’s JUST physical attraction (or even a transactional status play) from his side of the relationship…it’s not much of a lasting or lit foundation for both.


Past the inter-personal exchange; where’s the soul and depth?


See, I’m talking about you and your presence / image / energy…you are attracting the TYPES of relationships more than you realize because of your energy and your frequencies; even if you aren’t aware of it.


So if you aren’t expressing that you ARE open in areas that you value in a relationship, he’s not going to even know it.


And the rest of everything in a relationship is at literal risk of boredom, non-inspiration and ‘work’ because of how you were framing the relationship energetically at the start of it.


And if it’s a transactional relationship of her beauty, sex and status in exchange for his money; a sugar daddy relational foundation – something can just feel amiss…where provision and security takes precedence and compromise over everything else.


But when a woman has sexier chi (aka ‘energetic beauty’); that soul essence emanating allure energetically penetrating from her presence into the world (yet paradoxically calling forth his masculine spirit to rise); something that SPARKS his entire self to be initiated b/c she has it ALL going on –


THAT is something else. EFFORTLESS attraction. It’s not about what you do, it’s about being and emanating MORE. Being his desire energetically, not just physically – and having that reunification and love FOR the masculine within yourself that circulates and instigates HIS invigoration and attention.


She stands out to the masculine esp. if she is hieros gamos encoded. And this is all in your image so you can SHIFT what you are attracting in men by shifting YOUR energy and cultivating your energetic beauty and feminine allure.


And you can choose which siddhic or archetypal flavors your soul desires to embody and express – and this may include Lover-Queen to attract your King-Lover.


You can rest into deep, rich and embodied soul experience and communication with all of her and call forth other aspects of the masculine that have been missing (even including provision); but it’s where sexiness isn’t limited to just looks and the more superficial lifestyle.


True balance. Proper foundation. Quintessent beauty in all dimensions.


Want to cultivate your energetic beauty to have a much richer, sexier life, attraction and influence?


How about deeper connection with a current beloved into more Cosmic King and Queenship?


Activations and the Allure Makeover Package are available on site.


Remember; men are attracted (non-consciously) to the energetic qualities in women, NOT just the physical beauty or hotness – in fact, he might not be able to even FEEL you in much of his psyche unless you are emanating energetic beauty from your soul-self in your presence.


So if you want more than just men valuing you for your physical beauty or hot body, let’s cultivate more of this other energetic beauty because it is what you are transmitting out TO men in the world.


We can shift what you attract and experience including DEEPER, more spiritual sex, love and connection. All of this is believe it or not essentially coming across with and through your energetic presence and visual image; it just takes a psychic like me to consciously be aware of it.


Discover the Allure Makeover Package here. Remember, there is also the Hieros Gamos X Queenpath if you are more focused on creating a Kingdom or attracting a King level partner.