About Archetype Activations: Magic & Medicine

MOST of the 1000+ activations that I’ve served paying clients have been archetype activations. Archetypes and their ancient magic bring more embodied power and beauty to the table as well as spiritual growth.


Archetypes are essentially immortal God and Goddess fractals within the spirit and the collective consciousness which carry true power and beauty codes beyond the personal self. Archetypes allow you to ‘BE’ more like a demi-god because most of you are immortal (in soul).


In a path of spiritual growth; activations or initiations are cornerstone experiences that help you make quantum or progressive leaps and breakthroughs especially at an IDENTITY level of transformation. I myself have been initiated MANY times including with archetype activations.


Archetype activations for Divine Union helps your alchemical transformation of consciousness to HAVE more power and beauty TO alchemize and melt into The Beloved. It expands your range fan of consciousness to make love LIKE the archetypes would in hierogamy.


Soul mates is soul to soul intimacy and communion. Divine Union Hierogamy is God and Goddess Source and other God-fractal archetypal consciousness and Communion in presence/love; there’s simply far more impersonal and immortal sex magic in between you when it’s King consciousness communing with Lover-Priestess for example.


Archetype activations (which work DIRECTLY on and with your soul and energy body itself) – they initiate powerful areas of consciousness drawing from purified archetypal codes into your soul essence and embodiment. It allows a woman to have more literal archetypal beauty essenced chi quanta from which he could alchemize and reunify WITH in Communion.


That’s love-making like a starlet and allows a soul FULLER beauty and expression possible from the divine spectrum of the feminine itself.


Archetype activations can heal or support your fuller soul based divine masculine or feminine embodied identity, transcend egoic limitations, fabulous personal and spiritual growth in quantum leaps as well as directly affecting beauty or charisma itself


An unworthy feeling man could do archetypal embodiment activations and attunement work (like Powerliminals) to cultivate his divine masculine consciousness and expanded identity, power and charisma far beyond the limitations of egoic personal growth.


I wrote a report-book called Archetypal Medicine available on-site.


‘Personal growth’ is extremely limited because it’s EGO-CENTRIC. When it comes to charisma, influence and true POWER…it’s not just a ‘good mindset’ esp; for the feminine which is so ESSENCE centric. It’s about cultivating true embodied power and greater beauty itself OUTSIDE OF THE ego’s control or ‘doing-ness’.


Archetypes have immense power and status but ‘personal growth’ keeps you fractured from their true embodied power. That’s where my (and the upcoming Muse Priestess graduates) archetype activations come in to make real energetic, essence, consciousness and physiological makeover changes with the REST of you (heart, spirit, soul and body) that people can FEEL the vibe and light-truth power of Prince for example through you.


So what does your true identity; your SOUL identity (instead of egoic conditioning) desire to express yourself as? Archetypes btw are CENTRAL to greater social influence and success as well as integrative to performance arts and celebrity.




Divine masculine and feminine impersonal archetypes do not have the same issues HUMANS DO; they’re resolved on them. Starlet and Muse do not have performance anxiety for example; you simply have to sacrifice your shadows to allow ROOM for their pre-encoded truth to work through your soul essence.


The Holy Daughter archetype for example helps to mend deeper broken father wounds
Princess can fulfill areas of the psyche where you were unloved, unsupported or abandoned by the father
Maiden can also help re-invigorate deadened qualities to counter-balance a more ‘mature’ ego or persona


A Lover or Eros Archetype activation can get your fire and sexuality back online…all related to your allure (and I do those specific activations as well) which helps others to FEEL your more fotonic beauty and presence.


Dark archetypes have a lot to offer esp. in a strategy of integrating and balancing so that shadow or psychic attacks don’t reign your day to day and sabotage you.


Archetype activations are a central strategy for greater beauty, spiritualy ALIGNED power and influence for those who feel personal growth is too limited, yang or ego-centric.


Another example is that Prince brings in divine masculine worthiness, status and sociability with powerful people as well as worthiness to relate with princesses. For single modern men; much of the dilemma is how to relate to divine feminine presence and beauty (and its pathetic for shadow red pill bros to ‘neg’ it down as a tactic of trying to gain some power btw).


How DO you relate to a woman who IS carrying goddess, starlet power and how do you become worthy?


You don’t. Not on the personal inner game level; it’ll keep you in a non-social, non-sexual egoic trap for decades. As women have risen in archetypal power socially, you’d best to reclaim your own divine masculine inheritance; of warrior, prince, lover, eros and so forth – integrating these into your EMBODIED presence and consciousness so that women can sense, feel and know that you can be present and worthy with them.


Most men would rather grip harder onto their egoic inner game ‘psychology’ then actually slay it to be initiated into true power that women and other powerful, high status people FEEL and KNOW about them – and that is the realm of archetypal power; gods, kings, heroes, stars, lover-kings.


This greater power can run through your life force like ancient kings but most men won’t be ready for that kind of initiation into their greater identity; heart, soul and spirit because of that egoic self.


Archetype activations change lives and bypass the ego because we work directly on the spiritual soul and energetic level itself OF your body, deep psyche and consciousness. I’ve got 100’s of testimonials from me and my work.


So what archetypes are you drawn to in this new year? Vixen, Sage, Oracle, Magician, Dark Minx?!


Sessions available in makeovers or 3-packs on site.


Gift and Siddhic frequency band essence activations are also available (sourced in Gene Keys wisdom and the universal spectrum of consciousness).


Some of those activation examples are; Devotion, Peace, Harmony, Humility, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Freshness, Majesty, Authority, etc.


A great thing about archetype activations (and doing attunement work) is that people notice the big difference. SO many of my sessions have been life-changing for men and women…attracting DREAM partners, 10x the attraction from people, major healing, major breakthroughs and so forth. The archetypes have a lot of power.


Don’t forget you can access the Arch Medicine book and individual sessions are available for booking! There’s always time to consult enough at the start of a session to know which archetype activation for you!


Ask around; I’m pretty much the leading authority on ‘working’ with Archetypes.


Acting & Looking Like a Muse, Goddess or Vixen Isn’t The Same As Being One: Archetypes

(And beyond just the physical ‘looking like an archetype’; this is all about archetype essence/codes & cmbodiment)


This gets to the core of not only professional acting (which I’ll be assisting and covering more) but also the future of professional beauty and social influence FROM your image and presence. When you are the real thing, people can FEEL YOU. And we can talk about your (future) archetype beauty that your soul desires to express as.


The divine street cred of people FEELING you are a goddess, starlet or siren (etc.) in your social influence and business is with the essenced codes themselves which are effortless and real (as an intoxicating mix with your soul signature beauty).


This ‘future-of-beauty’ foundation is a gateway to unlimited archetypal beauty & allure as well as expanded consciousness and influence. Many influencers in this circle have already been ‘into it’ for years.


You could ‘act’ like a muse, goddess or vixen…even LOOK like Her with how you do your hair and make-up…


But this doesn’t hold a candle to the flame of truly BEING a muse (as who you ARE) where people feel and know that truth of Muse Allure and its alchemical, DNA warping truth.


And that makes all the difference. (ALL OF THIS IS ETERNAL in the codes/essences themselves). And for men and the masculine; this means embodying and emanating (charisma) of siddhic masculine and archetypal masculine signature light and vibe-truth essences that people CAN FEEL.


That’s where the visual power and influence is; archetypal power in the form of essenced chi.


The challenge is accessing and embodying them which is what my brand Sexy Chi specializes in with our Archetype Embodiment activations working with the source codes. Beauty 1.0 can only be indirect at very best and often leaves you feel like you’re fake-acting it (although sometimes through intention you might have ‘some’ of the codes).


Beyond efforting, body language techniques, fake-acting or psychology if you want to exude expanded influential BEAUTY;


ESSENCE is the street-cred Divine Truth and that = Muse Codes (or pick your archetype). (This is an evolution of the art of acting itself to work more consciously with the ESSENCE).


When you have enough Muse codes embodied (aka Muse Light & Vibe-Truth Chi), you essentially ‘become’ a muse and it’s verifiable by others…there’s no fake-acting it.


Want to BE more goddess-y and have that kind of impact and influence?


Well; this goes for any archetypes (which are essence based) btw because maybe Muse isn’t for you yet your soul may desire to express expanded timeless feminine Beauty and consciousness in the spectrum of All-ness.


(Infinite) Archetypal Beauty embodiment and allure that people can FEEL is possible when you can work with the codes directly or indirectly but effectively. This isn’t psychological, it ends up being somatic.


Most of Beauty focuses on looking and styling like or even ‘acting’ like, but that’s not the true foundation. It’s kind of like Sharon Stone in the movie ‘The Muse’ where she had some muse codes but honestly could have had much more of MUSE-TRUTH embodied.


If you desire authentic, alchemical Beauty start valuing working with the archetypes and essences. Beauty as you know is multi-dimensional light and not merely your physical body; ALL of it comes across in image.


Visual and superficial skin-deep support was arguably ALWAYS SECONDARY to the vibe-truth and light-truth of your soul and any archetypal beauty itself.


Muse isn’t really a persona you can put on or fake act (well you COULD but it’s not an authentic foundation).


I don’t think you want to be a poser in any way right?


You can LOOK like a muse (or for men a prince) but being one…that’s where the future of integrity is (in whatever archetypes and siddhic qualities resonate with YOUR soul); BEING IT – in consciousness, in power, in beauty and the influence of that immortal truth through you mixed with your unique soul signature.


And that’s where people FEEL IT and are more influenced…and for actors and acting; that’s the award winning stuff beyond ‘fake-acting’ – it’s where the essences are TRUE and REAL and you’re in the art of story-telling and it’s believable.


BEING the goddess. BEING the priestess. BEING an expression of Muse. BEING an embodiment of Sophia so that your clients feel and know it is REAL (and that means everything just as much as you value divine masculine authentic immortal essences and want them to be real).


And of course for actors and actresses BEING the energetic signature embodiment of your CHARACTER so that people FEEL it as real and it comes across screen. Quantify influence and believability.


Again; archetype embodiment is essence/codes based (and also central to work on for mastering acting more consciously).


The ‘real thing’ that people know and feel as real with the real MAGIC, Beauty and influence of that archetype ie. Starlet, Siren, Goddess or Muse has ALL to do with the essenced codes (aka signature light and vibe-truth chi) and THEN how She mixes with your soul signature chi and your Human Design.


Archetypes are potentially available to all of us but you’d have to work with their codes.


Sessions (archetype activations aka ‘beauty appointments’) available on site!

On Archetype Embodiment & Archetypal Beauty

MASTERFUL performance arts AND the influence of your soul truth embodiment and expression includes the ability to EMBODY and express authentic signature essences of consciousness including archetypal power (aka ‘essence’ and consciousness).

Goddess, Queen, Lover, Eros, etc. but really expressed as your unique soul presence spin on them.


For example; Minnie here from the K-pop group ‘G-Idle’ has let’s say a ‘before’ and ‘after’ picture.


In the ‘after pic’ she is embodying powerful Muse archetype (and thus Muse Beauty!). Muse Embodiment: 9.0++


In the temple background photo, she is LESS embodied with Muse and is more day-to-day ‘normal’ with literally less power and beauty essence: Muse Embodiment: 7.3


The body (your multi-dimensional body) is a VESSEL to embody and express different essence-based signatures of consciousness and beauty as the expression of multi-dimensional Truth and Light.


As a soul based identity, you can potentially take on and embody unlimited archetypal and siddhic power (beauty).


It has to do with your ‘essence’, embodiment and expression with and through your aura and chakras. We work on this directly in my Archetype activations (of which I’ve done 100’s so far!)


But the thing is that your EMBODIMENT of different beauty essences (including archetypes, elemental or siddhic beauty) is dynamic.


If you are slogging to the grocery store, chances are that Queen has less desire to be EMBODIED (say more like a 4.5) and fully expressed although you may retain her ESSENCE in the seat of your soul.


So you want to have ways to CULTIVATE your archetypal essence with your soul itself as well as EMBODY more of Her in your chakric system and aura. And then you want to EXPRESS her with that Allure emanating and breathing in influence. This is ALL energetic, practical and real.


So if you want more access to archetypal power and beauty to express the ie. Queen-Lover version of yourself, archetype (embodiment) activations work DIRECTLY to make this happen.


Archetype Activations available here


But even then, you can have more mastery of how and WHEN you are embodied with more powerful beauty/essence and when it is expressed LIKE a top starlet if you can give yourself that permission.


And if your path is about service and influencing millions of people, chances are that archetypal power/beauty is relevant and that you could have a lot of multi-dimensional space IN your literal chakras for archetypal beauty to reside.

We can sculpt YOUR archetypal beauty and authentic presence. What does your TRUE self desire to embody and express more as?

This goes for the impersonal divine masculine as well.


p.s. btw with Minnie; I think her ‘MP’ is a sign that she wants to join Muse Priestess soon 😉