Looking & Feeling Beautiful At Any Age: Post-Menopause

You shouldn’t have to ‘lose’ your beauty as your age.


If you’re at an age where menopause kicks in (and beyond) where you stop ovulating; you may feel you outright aren’t ready to just ‘give up’ on beauty itself.


You may not be ready to just give it up and become ‘the crone’.


Fortunately you don’t have to, but there’s MORE to the story of what’s possible than what Beauty magazines cover.


Sure there are real BIOLOGICAL changes and your BIO feminine essence of estrogen drops, but what if you aren’t going to do hormone therapy?


Fortunately, there’s something MAJOR in your corner that is overlooked by the state of Western beauty and medicine.


With a lot of focus on anti-aging, wellness and vitality in addition to the normal focus on style and fashion…aging gracefully SHOULD be a thing for women around this age+. (Now it is with the work I do!)


Unfortunately a lot of ‘mature’ beauty is focused on the superficial aspects including anti-aging; albeit where anti-aging is limited to skin creams, serums and botox on a literally superficial level.


Sure a healthy diet and exercise (as well as generic ‘wellness’ in general) can help but doesn’t it seem like something’s MISSING?


What about the ‘missing’ part of the post-menopausal beauty equation itself?


That’s what doesn’t get talked about much when it comes to mid-life and beyond beauty.


Do you know what that is? I mean you probably do if you’ve been following me on FB or on the blog;


It’s ESSENCE. It’s your essenced beauty which is comprised of LIFE FORCE CHI. Chi is the energy of your multi-dimensional spirit body; it’s your physiological and spiritual ESSENCE itself.


So when bio-feminine essence drops, you want to REPLACE IT by both preserving pre-natal chi and cultivating epigenetic (environmental) post-natal chi.


Taoism goes into teaching about this, yet on a greater scale what is that?


It’s your divine feminine INHERITANCE of beauty light and vibrational essences that can flow through your chakric psyche and body.


This is where I differentiate from my Taoist and Chi Kung teachings in that there literally are more signatures of essence; not just yin or yang essence. These are also beauty signatures of multi-dimensional sentience that are immortal (ie. archetypal chi) and can be EMBODIED into your energy body affecting your physiology itself.


(The direct activation work we do);


It’s how you can REGAIN and RECLAIM vitality well into your 80’s. It’s founded on your energetic health (which relates to your biological age); something again that is overlooked by Western medicine and beauty.


So if you have REAL concern about the encroaching onset of menopause and its plummet of estrogen (the core biochemical feminine essence); how will it affect your wellness, beauty, health, influence, relationships, desires and allure factor…just know that when you’re fed up with running out of options that you can always find ways to work on cultivating your energetic health, flow of life force chi, having a healthy chakric and auric psyche (to be optimized bio-physically) and then cultivating divine feminine beauty with the archetypes and siddhic signatures of chi life force essence.


Maybe it’s time to explore something NEW in the spectrum of divine feminine consciousness and beauty.


It’s just BEST to do it directly instead of indirectly b/c that way you have more awareness, results and time leverage vs. guessing and waiting.


And that’s what we do in the new and official Post-Menopause Beauty Makeover (now available!)


When the immortal LIFE FORCE of Maiden is renewed or re-vitalized mixing with your soul’s life force essence and your other qualities like Queen or Crone, you FEEL that good because it is the true quality itself emanating with and through your emanance and multi-dimensional body itself. You cannot help but feel it!


PMBeauty Makeover (which includes the powerful anti-aging Bio-star activation) allows us to restore and reclaim your energetic health; optimizing it for bio-anti-aging as well as replace estrogen drop with post-natal divine feminine essenced chi to run through your body.


We can focus and customize your package for YOUR desired archetypes and mix of soul expressed beauty that you and others can feel because there’s nothing more beautiful than the divine feminine and Her signatures qualities that you can reclaim and exude at ANY AGE.


Optimize your extrinsic physical beauty, but it’s the energetic health that you also want to FEEL younger and slow bio-aging as well as embody and play in the realm of YOUR divine feminine expression of true beauty at ANY age.


Post-menopause beauty makeovers available. Why not book yours or refer a friend!?


Throughout our beauty blog, you can look for celebrities of women who are aging gracefully who have essenced beauty.


Again, Jennifer Flavin (Sly Stallone’s wife) is a perfect example of replacing estrogen at her age with life force beauty essences.


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Discover more about post-menopause beauty here. I work with clients all the time in this age bracket and they consistently look and feel younger.