If You Don’t Have Charisma or Allure

…Your Attraction, Influence & Success Relies More Heavily On Other Ways & Means


Like super good looks which you may not have – or a voice that’s not fully developed, or amazing writing skills, or a certain personality alone.


Yet image is still part of everything so have you been LIMITING your impact by NOT communicating your greater visual truth (IN your social media presence)?


When you DO have charisma / allure; it sells, engages and influences on its own (24/7) and makes recognizing you much clearer & more compelling – even though you and I aren’t actually the ‘best-looking’ person physically.


Yes; image is a major part of influence but for example; Taylor Swift is not that alluring BUT she has the POWER leverage of her songwriting talent, music and music videos to bring other value to people.


You may not have her exact gifts! But if you don’t have much allure and public image and social media presence MATTERS; it just creates more entropy and reliance on other factors for people to recognize (and hire) you…this is in part b/c they not FEEL you just from a single image.


More allure, more charisma = EVEN MORE INFLUENCE and this is a major secret of K-pop’s success, but if you don’t have that channel working for you, then (again;) your influence relies more heavily on other means which in many cases becomes ‘marketeering’.


Allure is ALSO your authentic TRUTH communication maximized visually and energetically; so that people can KNOW and FEEL that you are the ‘real deal’ (which means everything in spiritual, aligned and feminine business models).


How about being MORE of you and having MORE influence all the time while efforting and working LESS? Allure can do that.


Find ways to cultivate the breathing-ness of your authentic truth, consciousness and essences. At the highest levels; we’re literally talking alchemical, DNA-altering Beauty even if you aren’t that great looking physically.


If you want to MASTER the visual component and that aspect of you, your attraction, your work, your influence and empire; I’d work directly on your allure/charisma. The Allure Makeover Package may be the perfect choice.


(If you’re a man, you can also get the AMP booked – just change the name of it in your mind to the Charisma Makeover Package and we work on YOUR issues and possibilities with masculine archetypes, etc. I’ve been working with men for years)


Everyone may have different reasoning and a different balance of how central their image itself is to attraction, communication, selling and influence.


For some it is more reliant on their other talents, looks alone, writing, specialize expertise, comedy, personality, etc.


Chances are you may still want to master it and your visual communication so that your truth is working for you 24/7 anyway.

To really go through a Charisma or Allure makeover, check out more details here.
p.s. and if you do happen to be #TSWIFT, have someone reach out because we can get some upgrades going on fast!