Identity Transformation

If you’re too ‘stuck’; what is the *biggest* kind of transformation possible?


I’ve mentioned somewhere before that if things just aren’t working for you and it’s time for a MAJOR change; the MOST powerful thing you can do is identity level transformation.


In this case; it may be time to change your identity itself and work on that deepest level (you know that I even changed my name legally and then changed it again later to more match my soul resonance).


It may be time for a massive makeover (and you want to shift the inner consciousness and psyche, not just outer).


It’s not always necessary but this gives you bigger shifts in who you are, who you are allowing yourself to be and how you show up in the world…who you define yourself as.


Identity; it’s your true foundation itself (although for most people; conditioning has taken over and runs the show while their soul self remains largely dis-embodied).


You know who is GREAT at this kind of deep transformation so much so that it shifts their vibe and how others relate to them? Professional actors.


Actors and actresses give themselves PERMISSION to take on, embody and explore different ways of being, living, experiencing and expression. That includes the PANTHEON of archetypes and archetypal consciousness and beauty/charisma.


I’m thinking I’m about ready to finally take on Hollywood soon enough.


Now; if you’re a man – it’s not that you have to become an actor (or rockstar), but if you sense that you’re many years behind your ideal higher timelines (and have been ‘stuck’ in a pattern of self-identity), it may be time for a more SERIOUS transformation or makeover itself.


I’m not just talking a style makeover like with alpha m.; we want to go deeper.


You’ll want to do IDENTITY level transformational work and you’ll probably have to work with masters like me or someone else in order to bring in tremendous experienced leverage to get out of your own ‘inner game’ constructed ego-identity rut itself (but you have to be sharp enough to even recognize that).


I know that for myself and MY identity change over these years; attracting masters and initiations helped ME to make quantum leaps as I’ve been cultivating my powerful, embodied true self. And that includes immense archetypal charisma and consciousness which I’m already showcasing on my main FB profile friends only story-feed.


The Charisma Makeover Package (and Allure MP for women) is actually a perfect support for such a transformational shift. Getting divine masculine (or feminine) initiations, embodying archetypal CONSCIOUSNESS and vibe-truth codes of warrior, lover, eros, prince will shift your reality fast when it’s the real work (and this is exactly what we do in the CMP).


Explore more @ The Charisma Makeover Package