The Sun, The Star & The Starlet

As I covered in the ‘Theory of Fotonic Quanta‘ and the recent ‘Mystical Beauty’ Masterclass, when it comes to Beauty…how can it (Beauty) or ‘she’ literally ‘do nothing’ and hold all of this power of INFLUENCE, attraction, enchantment and magic?


(And how can you cultivate this magnetic and photo-chemical influence from your own light)?


The answer lies not in mechanical or kinetic physics, ‘action’ or the world of hyper-functionality; nor does it lie in personality or ‘self-development’.


And it’s not superficial beauty mastery either because people can’t actually ‘feel’ your biophotons themselves past 2 inches.


So what is the secret to INFLUENCE from image and allure?


(How can it have such POWER when someone isn’t there physically?)


Again; extreme beauty can ‘do’ nothing and yet be alchemical, healing and enlightening in its simple presence.


The key is RADIANCE and Light Radiation is scientific.


RADIANCE ITSELF is literally EMANATION of quanta (through plasma); so we can reference the POWER of our solar system’s sun in ITS photonic high-frequency radiance as similar to the ‘motionless’ appearance of stillness in the Beauty of a Star and Starlet.


With sun and soul+human star; it’s both literal alchemical radiance, they’re simply sourced differently.


The sun radiates solar quanta in the (Astro-bio physical) EMF spectrum; light particles and the associated electro-magnetics through the plasmic field of space that then photo-chemically interacts with our earth’s aura (atmosphere) and life on earth.


Like the sun (all plasma) and photonic transmission through the field of space plasma, stars and starlets also RADIATE light quanta at higher frequencies than ‘normal people’.


(Human but also fully divine) Stars or starlets radiate literally like the sun except that the kind of photo-chemical influence isn’t on plants to convert sunlight into oxygen or to heat up the thermosphere; rather, its spirit-light quanta that influences others in the Singularity spectrum of multi-dimensional consciousness itself.


Someone recently asked for clarity around this, but isn’t the sun masculine or yang?


Yes; however, a starlet has the same fundamental principle of radiation itself as our sun in that she radiates light like a star or sun; yet that of more feminine essences.


Chi Spirit plasma itself as the Presence of the Singularity or God consciousness allows for the SPECTRUM of frequencies of emanation within consciousness itself similar to space plasma conducts different frequencies in its interstellar grid.


So…there is a Logos to this and might be too logical for some but that should give you confidence to help cultivate your own Soul Starlet and HER allure…after all, we have potential unlimited access to all Beauty signatures (as well as their evolution) by being connected WITH Spirit itself.


How much permission and identity will you allow for yourself to shine like a starlet?


Radiation IS Radiance!


Kinda relevant to beauty, ay eureka?!


p.s. Beauty IS light radiation so understanding this and shifting it from physical form and personality to true light-influence can be powerful and great leverage along your path


Beauty Activations available on the appointments page!

“But How Can People FEEL My Allure From a 2D Digital Image?”

And allure (btw) is what you want to have more INFLUENCE from your beauty or just your general digital social media (esp. if you’re in business or building a following).




This is WHY image is so powerful; because people CAN feel it from some people sometimes and undeniably so many times (remember not everyone has charisma). But why can we FEEL things in responding to someone who makes us SWOON from a still image vs. just a photo of the sun?


Now, this DOES get deeper into my Theory of Fotonic Quanta (and the Truth of Light itself) which is available as a standalone power report (feel free to request it)…and I will be speaking to this more directly but really the KEY to Beauty Influence itself IS Allure aka ‘φotonic Beauty’.


ɸotonic Beauty (aka ‘allure’) is what I’m going to keep sharpening my focus around b/c it is THE key if you want more visual and beauty influence.


But let’s look at it like this first…


In further developing my sub-theory of beauty influence itself;


The main ways people can ‘feel’ you in stillness from your digital or social media are


1. Emotional association with your past work (think Justin Bieber on an off-charisma day, people or at least his fan base will still ‘respond’)


2. You fit conditioned, superficial social archetype values that already attract a lot of energy and attention (this includes fame for the sake of fame or archetypal social influencer attributes, pre-conditioned beauty standards like ‘looking’ like Kim Kardashian style for example). In this case, it’s less that they’re feeling you and moreso they’re getting stirred by the social power in their own projection itself


3. Your charisma or allure itself


Artist-stars can get away with people relying on their past work to still get incited by their still image but likely you cannot. The 2nd way is a very superficial and unreliable way to get more influence.


The most RELIABLE WAY is actully cultivating true charisma or allure for yourself BEFORE you might ever become an industry leader or famous because then people can feel you RIGHT AWAY including your authentic embodied SOUL TRUTH integrity, etc. which is becoming more important as your customers and prospects become more intelligent and psychically attuned to feel, sense and know if someone is ‘the real thing’.


BEING the brand is the opposite of yang marketeering which is so off-putting to conscious markets.


Remember; we’re talking your beauty influence and engagement from social media from STILLNESS (let alone how dance or movement animates THAT).


This is putting aside story, talent, character, game shows, competitions, etc. and JUST focusing on your image or presence in stillness alone and the beauty INFLUENCE from that.


It’s best to have real allure yourself; ESSENCED communicated that psycho-activates your tribe, fans, prospects and customers from your presence and thus 2d image.


But HOW does translate to people being able to FEEL ME off of a flat, meta-physical, pixelated 2D digital image?


That’s because there are 2 realities of light; the astro-bio physical and the spirit-sentient plasmic spectrum of light which CO-EXIST but are sourced differently (the sun is our prime extrinsic source of light as well as artificial forms in the visible light spectrum on earth).


Because humans are connected to the sentience of essenced plasmic light aka ‘chi’ which is its own spectrum, all digital media that science would value as photons is actually what I call as ‘φotonic’; sourced in the spirit-sentient spectrum and thereby HOLOGRAPHICALLY encoded in the and psychically accessible to well, those who can access it.


Because we are all connected at the monadic level, we are able to transmit the sentient LIGHT of Beauty (feminine essenced) and Power (masculine) itself as spirit-spectrum light and consciousness encoded in otherwise bio-science photonic light.


We are connected in consciousness so we are able to feel the truth with, through and behind it because we are of spirit-sentient light as souls. (PHQ goes deeper).


(A side note; can people SEE essences? Yes! You can learn to ‘see’ them)


In other words; we know and can feel TRUE power and beauty when it emanates like a star or starlet whether it’ in a simple 2d, flat pixelated image itself; it’s the light power behind and with it that we are holographically connected to which allows us as sentient to FEEL, react and respond to someone of true power and beauty (essenced).


We can feel them in our gut and it’s like MAGIC. Chi after all is SOURCE POWER.


So…in cultivating your essenced embodiment and emanation (allure), you will have more organic beauty influence…watch as how others respond to you!


The Allure Attunement is now available for cultivating your soul starlet.


The allure makeover package is another powerful resource as well (which will help you directly cultivate at an accelerated rate of transformation so that more people FEEL you).



Here’s the Allure Meditation Attunement on youtube.