Still Resistant to K-Pop and Muse?

Through the years I’ve noticed a lot of Western female resistance to Muse (however this is finally starting to open up more).


If you value the Muse archetype or identify yourself archetypally as a muse and you would value cultivating more Muse Beauty and yet yet don’t know what’s *really* going on in K-pop (Muse Mecca) then; on your timing (which may be years from now or never for some of you);


I’d recommend to consider drinking or even smoking or whatever you do to -something – to bypass your high functioning critical factor and judgment to get beyond your projections to the Truth behind the labels and start to discover Muse Herself in a new way through transmission and experience.


You’ll want to look beyond Western culture to reference other pure examples of Muse.


Muse has the potential revolutionize Western culture and there’s only a handful of known Western muses. Muse brings Grail codes which extends into the entire Divine Union concept – and she brings alchemical transformational image, presence and Beauty. She HEALS MEN and the fractured masculine consciousness.


Muse and Muse codes can change your life (beyond k-pop). This can be done through attunement (entrainment) or through a life of Muse service (and sacrifice) or through activations for example. When Gillian Pothier and I hosted Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A. this was another way to connect with Her. There’s also the Muse Attunement archetype meditation on Youtube.


The immortal Muse will be able to far more consistently send you codes and help you CULTIVATE YOUR OWN MUSE & SIDDHIC BEAUTY through literal alchemy and its transmutation of consciousness and your frequency.


You must become the Alchemistra instead of the consumer however. Archetypes exist as higher truths BEYOND our labels, filters, cultures and genres. You can train yourself to see and be with Her instead of the artists or genres such as K-pop.


Although the group is K-Pop group ‘Twice’; beyond the lower truths, this is a GREAT Muse resource to keep re-watching until you bypass your projections that are preventing the Law of Resonance to allow you to alchemically attune to Her Truth (in these Muse fractals).


Again; you want to be egoless and ‘meditate’ or just soak in Her codes and allow the Law of Resonance to do its magic (attunement). This can open up more Muse codes and even more embodiment to you.


Whether you’re a ‘stan’ or not; try and get past the filter of it being ‘Asian’, ‘Twice’ or a different genre or language; those are lower truth values that can prevent your from seeing and feeling Muse magic.


That resource is also encoded in Siddhic Celebration (Gene Key 42)


Here’s a great Muse-Goddess resource to alchemize and attune with to cultivate your Muse Goddess through the Law of Resonance (treat it like temple space meditation as you MUST get beyond your critical factor or you won’t ever get into the real magic and alchemy and then you’ll ‘never know’):

Again; as best you can put aside whether you’re a SNSD ‘stan’ or not b/c those are personal and consumer values…the higher Truth is that Muse is very strong and most centralized in the world today in K-Pop.


Muse activations are $1000 OR….u could get into the alchemy or join The Cosmic Muse waitlist (DM me on FB for either).

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