“So….WHAT is allure again Rion?” 2024

If you missed the Mystical Beauty Masterclass a 1/2 year ago (or just in general);


Now would be a good time for us to briefly revisit this (now that the allure attunement is live)! It can be hard to get a GRIP on what allure is when that, essence and ‘inner beauty’ are vague and indefinable still by pop standards.


So what IS allure?


…like REALLY, what is it?


Allure (2024 most accurate and known definition possible to date);



‘The literal emanation or radiation of feminine plasmic, spirit-sentient chi light essences with and through a human’s chakric-auric light body’


(The definition of charisma is generally the same except masculine essence predominant or essence through a masculinized shell/body).


In other words…


ALLURE IS the expression of your ESSENCED Beauty that people can feel. This includes light beyond the visible spectrum of ROYGBIV.


MOST adult women don’t actually have allure just as most modern men don’t exude charisma because it requires DECONDITIONING the programming in your chakric psyche enough to emanate the higher universal essences (elemental, archetypal, gift, soul and siddhic).


Yes; this predominantly includes the beauty, power and consciousness-truth of the divine feminine, immortal archetypes which (of Essence-truth) can be EMBODIED and expressed.


Keep in mind that the essences themselves already ARE alluring by default and Beauty is the alchemical language of light-sentient essences. You just have to have a way to access them and ATTUNEMENT, soul path sacrifice and Activations are 3 of the prime ways.


In spite of all the focus on skin-deep beauty maximizing and mastery;


Allure is a feminine KEY to authentic Beauty INFLUENCE literally and in all dimensions. It’s key to letting people FEEL YOU and engaging them effortlessly.


There’s many more Truth-codes embedded and imbued throughout our Allure Attunement itself. You can dive in here: 


Allure Essence Meditation


The Allure Makeover Package for direct activation work on your allure with consulting is available. This will ensure your makeover results.

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