Allure is the Queen of Beauty Influence & Charisma Is The King of Social Media Marketing

Do you want COMPELLING organic response and success with social media marketing and beauty or image influence? This is where it’s AT!


With all the focus on algorithms and social media marketing;


This Single Greatest Overlook in Social Media Marketing and most marketers cannot even SEE IT…it’s CHARISMA and ALLURE as a WORKABLE factor OF and in social media marketing.


You might think that it’s fame, ‘content’, ‘info’, great PR, changing algorithms, just social media marketing or even content niche ‘mastery, but….


Charisma Is Actually the Future King and Allure is the Queen of Social Media Marketing & Social Influence. Don’t be swayed just by ‘content generation’, algorithms and ‘working hard’.


This also means that ALLURE is the Queen of BEAUTY INFLUENCE. So if you’re a Beauty Influencer who DOESN’T get this, you’re missing out on the gold-mine of attention itself in an attention economy….and it’s not just ‘fame’.


See…When it comes to visual influence: fame alone is not the thing of substance, FAME has a superficial constructivist value. Fame is a fickle house of cards essentially (and can be taken from underneath you).


ESSENCE is the tangible currency of social Beauty influence as revealed in my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book.


It’s what inspires ORGANIC ATTENTION and is a powerful and ALIGNED, true-self foundation for your visual expression and social media influence.


Also if you’re a dance-toker, don’t miss that book ! Here are some highlights that are CENTRAL for beauty influencers.


(The VISUAL and FELT channel of Beauty and Power is allure and ‘charisma’).


And that is encoded in your visual media or NOT (to varying degrees) so while you’re focusing just on content creation and algorithm trickery, people still may not be organically CAPTIVATED so you feel you have to be a metaphorical jumping monkey to capture their attention (sigh).


As CHANNELS of felt-visual POWER and BEAUTY itself (which auto-influence); charisma and allure are how non-famous people can have visual influence LIKE a star.


I would qualify your allure/charisma as a prime element OF your social media marketing.


Allure is the PRIME overlooked factor in social media marketing and will be more forgotten in the era of AI algorithms and marketeering except for the really savvy.


Charisma is masculine felt influence (vibe and light-truth) and allure is feminine felt influence IN social visual media (and marketing). This is what works now and is future proof, so listen up if you’re an influencer or value social media marketing.


In an ATTENTION ECONOMY where not all influencers are ‘famous’; being charismatic is a STABLE and scalable foundation YOU can rely upon for greater social media success, client attraction, increased following and Beauty influence…it’s not merely ‘looking good’. You can work on your charisma or allure NOW to get more ORGANIC ATTENTION, clicks, subscribers, views, followers, customers, clients and fans.


And if you are a spirit-based entrepreneur, it’s near essential to really thrive and maximize spiritual, soulful, psychological, psychic, eros-somatic and EMOTIONAL engagement and response from people from your digital media and visuals.


When people FEEL YOU, they are inspired to organically RESPOND and my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book goes into many visual examples and more details. This will help you to SEE charisma and how it’s already the hidden-in-plain-sight




It’s also why K-Pop is on TOP LEVELS of social influence.


That books reveals the tangible SUBSTANCE of EXCHANGE that is ‘actually’ going on in the grand social and spiritual (or meta-physical) POWER game.


Now we’re just more conscious of it all. And don’t worry; at the time of this posting social media marketeers still don’t have a clue but the savvy ones are going to start realizing it.


Allure/Charisma allows people to FEEL the authentic you and be engaged even if you’re just starting out. And its its own variable; not all famous stars have charisma but this is that key element esp. if you’re not famous or can’t rely on fame.


Allure is ORGANIC click-bait without behind the scenes direct response manipulateering. It should be part of your overall social media marketing strategy if you’re cleverly intelligent.


We tend to focus on superficial beauty, ‘content’, ‘niche’ or social media marketing without seeing what is predominantly driving influence and response itself.


The era of hiding behind the screen to ‘impact emotions’ will likely continue in a sector with AI copywriting but when it comes to direct response with social media, having people ORGANICALLY get engaged with you is where it’s at.


With social media the era of direct response has SHIFTED….upfront selling is often taboo and unwanted socially. Social media is about real connection.


The landscape has shifted and actually allows you to be expressed and effective in your fullest soul truth expression to attract the soul tribe clients and followers faster than ever.


(I’m living it in this test playground of facebook before I get my influencer account going on instagram this year).


For 100’s of visual examples and insights that goes into WHY Charisma/Allure is the Future and NOW of social power and influence (from both famous and non-famous people); request my Social Currency of Allure book.


The thing is; a lot of people misunderstand what charisma is…it’s not about having good posture or pepping yourself up like Tony Robbins…


It’s actually about real power and beauty itself (in visual STILLNESS) and for that we have to go deeper into the truth of WHAT is the ‘currency’ being exchanged socially (and what is really driving the markets and social-sexual-spiritual behavior).


Yes; Allure is the QUEEN of Beauty Influence and top influencers like Lisa (BLACKPINK) have it.





The game is changing and now we’ll start seeing what savvy social media marketers and beauty influencers are valuing of this future-proof trend.


Marketers are most likely further behind it than most of my following who already know that allure matters but with the new book release, the DOTS are connected to increasing your social power with it all!


ALLURE is what organically allows people to FEEL YOU and be compelled to respond. If we collapse timelines, the future is now.


Rion Kati

What to do next if you want to move forward and get more results from your visual media and social influence?


You can book an Allure (or Charisma) Consult on the main appointments page: Allure Consulting.


This gives us good strategy time and includes energy healing detox tune-up and an activation to start getting more felt visual results ‘live’ and in your media.


Through time, people will realize that Charisma already is an unstated King of Social Media marketing and Allure is the Queen of Beauty influence; it’s the future NOW.


The Rockstar Archetype: Intro

   I’m going to go into Power in Relation to BEAUTY; some pop dynamics.


This MAY NOT be something you might anticipate from me or anything in a ‘conscious’ circle, but isn’t it better to be informed of things going on especially when it’s time for power to be in the hands of the righteous instead of tyrants?


As the Primordial Princess teaches ‘POWER TRIGGERS’.


Power is the primordial counter-balance to feminine Beauty and this is the type of conversation that will trigger all kinds of women. It may even seem to go against grail codes but not necessarily at all.


ALL THOSE WHO ARE GRAILED are already essentially sex gods and goddesses anyways (esp. compared to the mainstream). Many rockstars are IN COMMITTED PARTNERSHIPS with their wife….


This post is more about SOCIAL POWER and the heresy that; what IF there could be a ‘Grail rockstar’ who had the social relevance and POWER to evolve culture and take it out of forms of tyranny in ways? Hmmm…


Ok, so…


The ‘Rockstar’ archetype is fascinating and applies culturally to men who have a certain kind of power whether they are literally a musician, in a band or not. A clear and very triggering example is Dan Bilzerian.



Such ‘power’ is specifically sexual and SOCIAL b/c of the dynamic. He literally doesn’t even have to be the ‘greatest lover’.


It is sexual-social with intensive social magnification with the feminine largely validating who is a rockstar (and who isn’t).


It’s not even that he is necessarily the ‘MOST’ eros-y man either.


Rather, it’s the SOCIAL amplification that makes rockstar what he is. archetypally speaking but in a very real and MAGNETIC sense. His ‘power’ is magnified b/c of the attention of OTHER women.


If 1000s of women are attracted to a Dan Bilzerian or a Jason Mraz cerca 2005; the truth of that dynamic is happening whether conscious women or moral religious people are approving of it or not.


It’s fascinating b/c it highlights the primordial forces of Power and Beauty and SEX is what propagates life itself.

Aside from archetypal cultural conditioning (like how being a boy band trainee in K-Pop gives one archetypal and cultural leverage)…


Yes; it’s primarily women who are determining this type of and level of social status or worthiness of a man in the sexual marketplace. If he is the ‘real deal’, then he may be in even more demand (like Lenny Kravitz).



I mean; how on else could you explain the Pete Davidson phenomenon?!



WE MUST HAVE DIFFERENT ARCHETYPES in the pantheon of consciousness and human experience…PLUS, I would daresay that it’s in the fantasies of women that these more UN-politically acceptable archetypes roam free; Pirate, Vampire, Dark Knight do-gooder, Billionaire Dungeon owner, rockstar, etc.


This entire mythos and triggering biological and social concept of hypergamy is embedded throughout pop culture.

Ever heard of the movie “Can’t Buy Me Love?”



The ‘average kid’ makes a deal with the highest status girl in the school to like him via association and it changes EVERYONE’S perception of him (except his closest friends who think he is a god but later a sellout).


Then all the other girls in the school are lining up for him or thinking he is out of their league; he became the ‘rockstar’ of the high school. Same with the B-movie ‘The New Guy’…



Where the protagonist reinvents himself after being the ultimate loser and becomes the coolest guy in his new school.


There are DEEPER primordial dynamics going on here. These are deep themes b/c it’s related to an existential threat of not pro-creating.


And, rockstars (which have a lot of Dark Eros) are also ‘cool’ because why? B/c they are DETACHED from needing sex. Many women cannot trust the ‘nice guy’ b/c he has a secret agenda.


It means that beautiful women can TRUST the rockstars in presence b/c beautiful women are used to psychic neediness and siphoning from most all of the OTHER men in the world.


The highest status people and literally ‘stars’ are generally the COOLEST people b/c they are the most DETACHED from needing or expecting anything from anyone whereas; the everyday horny yokel WANTS something from that high status, beautiful woman and she can’t psychically, sexually, interpersonally or socially trust him.


We tend to relegate ‘rockstar’ to certain ‘obvious’ men like lead singers or drummers like Travis Barker;



…but if a non celebrity has that kind of power, it’s more likely to trigger people. It never means any rockstar is sleeping with any or every woman either; this is about the POWER dynamic and it is an incredibly SOCIAL phenomenon.


Think of how G-Eazy cozily avoided the entire post feminist and #metoo movement everything of projections.



Why? In general b/c he’s a rockstar and rockstars are ‘afforded liberties’ but this is also because the FEMININE is attracted to what?


To power….in large part, the women that partake are INVITING THEMSELVES and wanting to be with him to the next level so things should be more consensual (or always) but every individual rockstar is different.


Of course they shouldn’t abuse or misuse their power but what I’m referring to are win-win relationships (whether ‘moral’ or not) when they do partake and most importantly here; the power dynamic itself.

POWER. Sure, not all women are attracted to forms of masculine power, but speaking in general.


The rockstar phenomenon is a conflux of Beauty primordially attracted to male power and the thing about it is really that it’s sexual-SOCIAL POWER. 1Direction were Prince-Rockstars in their prime with AMPLIFIED energy and attention from the feminine.



Ya know what? Didn’t they EARN that power and were in service to THEIR highest timelines?


Wasn’t it value for women and teens to fantasize about them for their own subjective feminine experience?


Mostly rockstars are high status in how they serve people like a famous DJ or rockstar like Andy Black from Black Veil Brides. Sure; most have charisma but it’s the social dynamic that fascinates.



It’s the social dynamic which is what pours gasoline on the fire and why some men (embodying rockstar archetype with its social dynamics) are 1 million times more wanted than other men; they get the hypergamic BULK of attention and attraction. Think of the feminine response to the Beatles at Shea stadium.



Hypergamy is this innate drive (arguably to some) that women are seeking out the top percentage of men for numerous reasons.


THE POWER IS REAL and validated by 1000s of OTHER screaming women essentially energetically and practically competing for his individual time and attention.


Even someone like Post Malone who may not be physically the desire of most can get over-looked b/c he has that real POWER (that many women are essentially competing for if they’re in the/that game).



B/c other women are competing they have less of a chance of communing with that power.

Any man who is like ‘rockstar’ (Post Malone famously raps about it);



But for non-celebrities; again…it doesn’t mean he’s sleeping with all or any of the women although it gives him ACCESS; it’s about the what? The POWER dynamic.




Many rockstars are actually committed husbands like James Hetfield, John Legend, Snoop Dogg (rapstar), etc. Lenny Kravitz is a great rockstar icon and he’s been celibate for apparently 11 years!? (He’s a study of its own btw with different archetypes…)




But even deeper into the discussion is how men will (rightfully) view rockstars as ‘sex gods’ b/c in the eyes of the male psyche (which feels and thinks different than the feminine), simply ASSOCIATING with beauty and having options is incredibly difficult for the more than 80% of single men (there’s stats on all of this)…


There’s an EXISTENTIAL primordial and spiritual threat with men as well as with the holy grail itself so they/we secretly LOATHES, ADMIRE and respect men that have ORGANIC attention from high status women.


There was a general saying when I was interviewed by ‘Man Transformation L.A.’ and ‘Double Your Dating’ host where he talked about “men want a woman ‘like that’ and women want THAT man”.


The ‘whatever’ podcast, connected to the pulse of mainstream men goes into this stuff a lot. It’s EASY for a socially popular beautiful woman to get endless dates; men would be lining up; whereas, it’s far more difficult for men to ‘succeed’ in dating and attraction. The top 1% of men status-wise are what almost all of the marketplace of women are vying for.


Although I don’t think women I serve archetype and allure activations to should compromise either;


It’s really kind of a phenomenon that they’re not even matching up with their counter-parts (and this gets into b/c they had a fling with a top 1% man who wouldn’t commit to them…anyways, that podcast brings it up numerous times so the dating marketplace is imbalanced).


US MEN are aware of OTHER MEN that are a sexual threat.


A man by default wants to protect his girlfriend from men who seem like a sexual threat and especially those that seem like or are a rockstar. That podcast goes into this often.


This is hard-wired into most men (at least those who don’t have star codes) b/c they fear on a primordial level being an illegitimate father and raising someone else’s kids.


Anyways, just some trigger-friendly thoughts on the Divine Masculine (meta) Rockstar archetype; rich in recognition, Eros, attention and social power. Some individual rockstars THEMSELVES may have shadows that they are playing out and some could say siphoning from women (hmmm…but if both parties are consensual; what role is she playing? just may not be the highest form at all of intimacy).


When we talk about POWER getting more in the hands of the ASCENSIONARY instead of the tyrants (misuse or abuse of power as actually ‘Force’);

SHOULDN’T there actually start being some Grail Rockstars who are responsible with POWER who can have the SOCIAL relevance and influence FOR ascension?


Shouldn’t we be wanting more aligned STARS and rockstar icons FOR ascension (when we consider how important ATTENTION is in the social media age)?…


We can also talk about the STARLET or Grail Starlet archetype and yes; ATTENTION from men is CENTRAL (+relevant social influence evolving from superficiality) and why?….


B/C Mankind seeketh the Holy Grail (but THAT’S a different post 😉

Rion on the Premiere of ‘The Exalted Masculine’ Podcast

Now on spotify.

I’m featured on the brand new ‘Exalted Masculine’ podcast with host Jonathan Grant Phillips (video/audio) and we cover several hot topics including divine masculine archetypes, charisma, some red pill thoughts, relating with Beauty, etc….


p.s. why not subscribe to his channel while there? This episode is just as enticing for awakening women as well

Top Takeaways From The ‘Social Currency of Allure’ Book

Let’s get right down to the CORE principles encoded in the Social Currency of Allure/Charisma book out right here and now as a Lilu/Cliff’s Notes version (whether you’re reading the long-form or not, this will help to succinctly clarify the highest general takeaways).


*Charisma and allure have INFLUENCE b/c they are transmission of Power and Beauty radiance we can LITERALLY FEEL holographically as photo-chemical influence even from 2D pixels; (this isn’t possible in a physical universe alone that would require you to touch them)



*Most adults do NOT have charisma and allure, but you are born with it


*There is a hidden and yet tangible CURRENT and CURRENCY within visual, social media of humans that is of the highest value; value which the most influential are EXCHANGING in an attention economy; and that which can ensure your social media success


*Charisma/allure (which allows you to somatically influence others from your presence and image) is the future of performance arts & e!, social media marketing and beauty influence. It is already the core secret to billions of youtube views and rabid fan followings b/c it incites ORGANIC engagement


*Image is Light itself and encodes higher frequency data which concurrently exists beyond the visible spectrum of ROYGBIV; these other characteristic qualities are always being communicated to varying degrees in visual media of humans (and can be decoded by psychics and intuitives who are more sensitive to these truths)


*Beauty is practically more than skin-deep because visual communication exists on bandwidths beyond ROYGBIV visible spectrum just as there are gamma-rays in the EMF spectrum


*Beauty is the alchemical language of Light sourced in the chi-sentient spectrum of radiance vs. the radiation of the EMF spectrum (photons vs. fotons of Light quanta)


*I use the analogy of the earth as the terrestrial body and Beauty 1.0 exclusively focuses on the earth beautification or ‘landscaping’; whereas, it’s the ATMOSPHERE (aura of the body itself) that carries the light-show, the magic, the fireworks, the mood…the real Light sorcery of FELT INFLUENCE.



Your aura and chakras are part of the higher frequency ‘matter’ of your higher dimensional body or ‘atmosphere’ which has influence on other planetary bodies


*We are like stars and starlets BECAUSE we can emanate quanta of Sentient-Light (vs. EMF Light); more powerful stars are simply more embodied and expressed with Spirit quanta or frequencies of subtle chi Beauty essences in their energy body


*K-pop holds many secrets of INFLUENCE that we’re now becoming clear on


*The immortal archetypes of Masculine and Feminine consciousness hold the keys (practically speaking) to most all of Power and Beauty


*Power & Beauty are the apex or primordial driving Forces in consciousness throughout humanity; we’re only used to seeing it through distorted or lower bandwidths


*ESSENCE is the TANGIBLE CURRENCY that is secretly being sought after and ‘traded’ in social and visual media (b/c we are souls of Light and not merely physical bodies)
(This is worth deeper reflection and contemplation on from in the book itself)


*Feminine (Essenced) Quanta is the HONEY and most valuable resource in the Universe; ultimately many forces are trying to harness, hijack, leverage or control it and therein lies most of the dynamics at play


*Past siphoning or stealing of your own essence quanta may be what is constricting the liberation of divine feminine beauty consciousness, soul growth and your own beauty influence (also related is the #metoo movement, etc.)


*The ‘Sex sells’ understanding of market psychology (which is covered as sociological, primal/biological and emotional) is still limited and obscured from the ‘other’ bandwidths of communication and INFLUENCE itself of which the MOST influential people are open and transmitting on: spiritual & soulful which allows us to see an entire new level of ‘the game’ of influence itself and what people are really seeking


*The social market-driving ‘game’ that is being played on the spiritual and soul levels of attraction yields life-changing insights into harnessing TRUE power, beauty and influence


*The Holy Grail of Communion (the full version, not the fractured from Divine Feminine version) is essentially the hidden market driving secret behind all Power, Beauty and influence at immortal and then ALL other levels of the game filtered down



*Charisma opens the BANDWIDTHS to sexual, emotional, spiritual, psychic, and soulful value, status, power and beauty ascensionary transmission, engagement and communication in your digital/social visual media whereas many others aren’t transmitting to other souls on those bandwidths. (BEING a goddess embodied and expressed is different than being ‘styled’ as a goddess but really being a poser)



*Cultivating your essence qualities and increasing your Charisma or Allure (Factor) will ENSURE that you have more engagement and organic influence on other people without having to manipulate them into anything: because it comes down to power, beauty and connection. By having MORE of the tangible ‘substance of value’ (which is actual immortal essence which is higher status than any social constructivism), you will have more of what people desire on a SOUL and SPIRIT level to relate, commune and be intimate with.


This means everything and enters the realm of alchemical Beauty and authentic, organic, inciting Beauty INFLUENCE (and increased engagement from your charismatic/alluring visuals in your social media).


This is world’s different than simply mastering extrinsic 2D/3D skin-deep beautification where people still cannot FEEL you sexually, spiritually, soulfully, etc.) and are more likely to not feel engaged in their innate organic, eros-somatic response to you.


You could spend YEARS trying to hack social media algorithms, unlimited content creation when you can actually communicate more valuable information by DOING LESS, just by being more charismatic in stillness alone.





(MANY examples in the book itself)


Now, you can cultivate your soul’s qualities (a la pro image consulting), magnify them and tone them with archetypes and siddhic qualities and strengthen your charisma/allure (expression of essences) and you will organically be having more authentic and organic engagement and INFLUENCE (from your soul) on the world around you; your true power and beauty.


Remember; plasmic-sentient Light ‘matter’ is coming across in your aura (in ALL of your visuals); it isn’t just ‘stuck’ on your physical body itself where people can’t feel you unless they’re touching you).


Allure Makeover and Charisma Makeover‘s are available for booking so we can work on YOUR makeover


….or start with a 3-pack of sessions to work on this DIRECTLY which is THE fastest possible way for transformation and results.


The future of social media marketing includes CHARISMA transformation…the next big thing?!


Get the book itself (I might start charging a pretty penny for it) if you are called to immerse into it:


The Social Currency of Charisma


There are MANY visual examples and a maelstrom of codes therein.


The Charisma-Allure Social Currency Book Power Highlights

Did you get the latest power report if you’re a social media or beauty influencer or if you’re in business online with your visuals as central to your brand?
You can get that from here:
(direct download)
Sub-titled: ‘How to Organically Thrive In an Attention Economy as a Social Media or Beauty Influencer Like a Star or Starlet’
The future of social media marketing, beauty influence and social power is with charisma and allure…it already is btw; we’re just more aware of it now with my MANY visual examples in the book. 
If you want to increase YOUR social media following ORGANICALLY and get more response from your visuals and brand integrated experience, don’t miss this book! 
Compelling free and ORGANIC response from your DREAM clients and followers is now scalable and possible without having to manipulate them emotionally, hack algorithms, over-work, marketeer, etc. b/c DIRECT RESPONSE is different with the attention economy of social media.
I realize that you might be overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the 957 page ‘Social Currency of Allure’ book…it might be daunting and it would be better to be dauntless Tris; therefore, I’m giving some direct highlights
35: Their (pop) outlook on charisma was limited: a search for truth
67: Mortal men vs. Immortal Beauty & Status
121: The deeper WHY of the power of influence
146: Why there is hope to develop charisma
166-169: A perfect example of an alluring viral youtuber
175: The forms and HOW of powerful influence from visual and beauty media
181: A perfect example of a non-traditionally beautiful woman with allure and influence
189: Elvis insights
213: Human Design and charisma: Ava Gardner, Superman, Neo
227: A perfectly clear example of allure to start ‘seeing it’
254: The advanced allure of ‘eye smiles’ & aegyo
279: Preview of the ‘current’ and currency of charisma
285: The core psycho-sexual market drives (before we get to the bigger reveals)
300-302: Definition of ‘power’ & ‘influence’ + introduction of chi and fotonic influence
307: Random dude with charisma who could be a star
357: The simple secret to greater instant on-camera influence and maximizing engagement
319: The power of real beauty influence
375: A visual preview of the Beauty Priestessing concept
379: Prince (the Artist) and influencing the atmospheric environment
382: Princess archetype
*395: The core tangible substance of value itself encoded within power, beauty and social influence
(Don’t miss this page!)
406-409; Definitions of Allure, Charisma, beauty
*444-448: THE most valuable resource in the entire universe
(Don’t miss!)
471: The expressively alluring librarian
*476+: The Holy Grail (Hieros Gamos) as THE hidden and penultimate driver of market behavior, power and (social) influence
507: A siddhic alchemical Top Muse visual
512: Sex of Gods
540: THE secret of a major viral youtuber with 17million+ subscribers
570: A charismatic rockstar that looks otherwise physically normal
574: A perfect example of chemistry in the movies that works
578: Queen archetype
584: Heaven on Earth beauty influence
591: The most over-looked charismatic beings ever
615: Perfect example of an alluring business-woman who has multi-dimensional influence and engagement
656-58: Size doesn’t matter with INFLUENCE
684: Reminder of the meta-market driver itself
738: Ie. of transformational Beauty and its power
739+: Reminder of the primordial forces of Power & Beauty
763+: Movie example of a perfect charismatic transformation
776+: A cultural taboo example of Star dynamics at work with Power & Beauty (with anti-aging)
801: A perfect example of the power of image as medicine
857: Reminder of the simplicity of charisma and image influence
880: A starlet-making audition that won because of allure
931: A popular male sex icon: archetypes
952: Midst of recap
If you haven’t got the Social Currency of Allure book yet, it’s still free and it’ll help you SEE where the future is headed, why some predictably succeed with social influence and how you can start getting more engagement from your dream clients and followers now.
With this book, you’ll be years ahead of top social media marketers on leveraging the true, hidden (and now revealed) POWER of social and beauty influence itself.
(I just not-so-secretly want to get you sold on the concept of charisma and allure FOR LIFE and then everything else sells itself!)