Ok…welcome to the 2nd ever reading of our Celebrity Spirit Animals!
The first was of ITZY members(b/c I was inspired to do it while I was preparing a normal essence reading post from them first).
Since Emma just won a second Best Actress Oscar for her performance in ‘Poor Things’, how about going with Emma Stone?
Keep in mind that I’m intuitively choosing these not just for color similarities but also energetic demeanor, qualities and vibe-truth. The ENTIRETY of the animal spectrum is our platter.
Emma Stone Spirit Animals; fox, fox of (Disney’s The Fox & The Hound), cockatoo, flat-headed wildcat, sea otter, red-tailed hawk, kangaroo, woodpecker
Fox (for her sly, fun yet unintentionally sexy demeanor and presence)
Fox of Fox and the Hounds (for her good-heartedness + playfulness)
Cockatoo (for her wacky irreverence and quirky comedy)
Flat-headed wildcat (for her retaining of natural intuitive & wild qualities yet within her domain and sphere of influence)
Sea Otter (for her irrelevant dorkiness and self-less playfulness)
Red Panda (for her endearing self-abdicating cutesiness)
Red-tailed Hawk (for her sharpness, disguised cunning underneath and discernment; knowing what she wants)
Kangaroo for her bouncy spriteliness and sandy tones!
And woodpecker (for her obvious determination, energetic persistence and commitment to her craft)
The pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) is a large woodpecker native to North America. Roughly crow-sized, it normally inhabits deciduous forests in eastern North America, the Great Lakes, the boreal forests of Canada, and parts of the Pacific coast.
Twice crowned best actress Emma Stone has got a mix of competing traits represented in these animals which reflects how DYNAMIC she is (and what makes the public love her).
For a Western woman, she actually DOES have real essenced qualities and allure (which I could speak more into in the future at any point).
Ever notice how you get engaged with her performances? Yep…we can FEEL her (essences) and qualities.
I hope you enjoyed this quick psychic celebrity reading! If you want some energy reading for yourself, the fastest option would be in our 70 minute Allure Consulting session (includes an activation!)
“Ooh; (this is a good first time question I could use more often) – who might be their spirit animals?!”
And I decided to just start this separate post (and simultaneously inaugurate this new concept!) We might have 100’s of these quick readings down the road!
So…with that said; I’ll just reference the ITZY members from that music video. We’ll do all 5 in this post.
Their spirit animals may VARY in different performances because they have different essence dynamics (and styling which can influence things in the essence direction and vice versa).
Generally, their spirit animals should be fairly consistent through time but we’re talking about artists so they have room for more flexibility than your average Jane Q. Public…this is something we can track and reference through time.
Ok, ready for our first ever spirit animals reading?
Here we go:
Yeji; Fox, cobra, fireflies, fire-fox (not the browser), 1/8th red panda, 1/8th phoenix
Fox for her sexy slyness and cunning, wily presence
Firefox for more of fox + rarefied signature quality and stand-out foxy appeal
Cobra for her extra sharp presence, sense of danger and threatening wit
Fireflies for her flavor of dark magical illumination and liberty
Red Panda for the extra cuddly and cute repressant version if she doesn’t lash out at you
Phoenix b/c of her elemental fire and ability to reinvent and rise from the ashes as a transmuter of challenges
Lia; (Definitely) Falkor from Neverending Story, albatross (but the most heavenly one ever), snow leopard kitten, Margay Wildcat, Dove and 1/8th Quokka
Falkor Dragon for her iconic pure goodness and gentle but benevolent spiritual authority
Albatross for her ability to soar and thrive in success, bounteousness and purity
Snow Leopard Kitten for her naivete and yet free soul that is more liberated and wild than we may think
Dove for her purity, grace and peace
Margay Wildcat for her beautiful natural demeanor and feline-esque qualities
Quokka for her siddhic JOY (which we don’t actually see in THIS MV very much however as it is repressive; but I know that she does have it, in fact she is one of the most joyful active K-Pop idols and made the Top 10 Muse List for 2022) Quokka:
Yuna; White Dragon (but not Falkor), dragonfly, toucan, greyhound & squirrel monkey
White Dragon for her upper realm dominion, light-fire power and sorcery
Dragonfly for her magical qualities and free-flying exploration spirit
Toucan for her sparkly exuberance and visual ‘in-your-face’ appeal
Greyhound for her dainty elegance and grace
Squirrel Monkey for her agility, energetic sensitivity, curiosity, expression and active exuberance
Ocelot for her sexy feline aspect comfortable in her own multi-dimensional skin
Teen Lioness for her growing into future goddess maturity Fox for her smart primal awareness yet feminine wily presence
Deer for her acute feminine sensitivities and mix of wholesome remaining Maiden naiveté in relation to divine masculine principle (remember it’s a fraction here and this is a good thing)
Falcon for her discernment and freedom
(My arithmetic is intentionally comical btw)
Ryujin; 1/2 lynx, 1/3 blue owl, 1/6th hummingbird, 1/6th blue poison dart frog, 1/7th komodo dragon (my math sucks), 1/6th panda cub
Lynx Wildcat for her solid physical presence, competence and security while retaining wild-free soul qualities
Blue owl for her wisdom, vision and liberty
Hummingbird for her more nuanced sensitive beauty
Blue poison dart frog for her iridescence and edge
Panda Cub for the part of her remaining squeezably soft and adorable to the public that is able to receive attention (I might put Charmin toilet paper but it’s not an animal)
Active panda climbing tree
Komodo Dragon for her survival instinct qualities
Generally the first one listed is what I would call their prime spirit animal.
Keep in mind that I’m splitting things mathematically to intuitively match the more intricate nuances.
The disclaimer is that my math can suck so it’s more about getting the gist of things down rather than a ‘perfect’ answer as this is an intuitive art (and yet one in which we value accuracy with psychic readings).
Ryujin is actually right now the slightly harder one for me to read of all of them (I wonder what her Human Design is); so I might adjust her or some spirit animals in the future.
But YES, you can have VERY DIFFERENT spirit animals in your mix…this is also what makes their essence and allure so intoxicating and compelling (esp. when you get consciously into the alchemy that’s actually occurring that consumers aren’t aware of)…real and sophisticate starlet appeal.
Much of it is just looking for vibe resonance (or even past and lower incarnations).
Spirit animals and spirit guides can change in the future and can even help them along their journey as well as to bring out essence level mastery in performance.
Wow…doesn’t this make you appreciate them EVEN MORE? (Whether you’re a K-pop ITZY ‘stan’ or not and whether you have a ‘bias’ or not?)
And yes, they could do magic with their spirit animals or discover new ones. Do you like this format?
Want more psychic celebrity spirit animal readings?!
p.s. I know what you might be thinking; Yuna’s dragon is cooler and more badass than Lia’s dragon; however, keep in mind that Falkor…
…has his own truths that (imo) is where she is at right now that just resonates with her….Beauty has many flavors (represented in this format with the variety of spirit animals)
I’m looking forward to see more of the archetypal evolution of each artist and maybe even be there backstage as a consultant and transformational guide to help support things!
Images used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and copyrights belong to respective copyright holders.
p.s. This may help make it more clear if you are new to Lia from ITZY…she has a signature joy that is underneath however it IS more repressed in this MV we’re referring to. This may now make more sense: >
Her quokka is simply more repressive in this MV.
Get it? Got it? Good 😉
I will add a general disclaimer that I’ve used in other places…remember CELEBRITIES are public figures.
They are OPEN to critique and so forth. With these readings I’m not getting too intimate or vulnerable with them but am open to calibrate some things in how I do these readings.
It’s part of the contract they have with the public and the REALITY is that consumers and fans are WAKING up and becoming more conscious anyways of what’s actually going on with their live image and professional performance thus highlighting the importance of mastery in this realm.
Remember, they are already TOP performers in the world so I’m speaking to some things (at master/y level) publicly for now that can help you and maybe them gain more insight into how allure matters and I’m doing it with respect and good spirits.
MOST CONSUMER ADULTS don’t even have any allure or essenced beauty at all.
I wouldn’t reveal anything too psychically compromising in general and they are already light years ahead of normal consumers b/c they have ESSENCED beauty influence. Look for other disclaimer stuff throughout the readings.
Ok…it’s been a while since I’ve done something of an energy reading in this public format and this was an MV that I’ve had earmarked for a while.
So let’s take a celebrity essence (energy) reading look at the popular studio choom K-Pop Itzy video of ‘Not Shy’ featuring in starting lineup from left to right;
Yeji Ryujin Lia Chaeryoung & Yuna (sparking a hello)
There’s a couple ways to approach this as I train the Muse Priestesses in Beauty Essence Reading/Consulting, but in doing readings – you would want to start looking at the first thing that you know is true and stands out (with an individual).
You can search for feelings, sensations, qualities, archetypes, etc.
The more of a past database of accurate references you have, the easier it will be to know things correctly. With this form of psychic reading we value reading the light and vibe essenced TRUTH.
With these kinds of psychic readings and allure consulting, I’m not predicting the future per se, rather I am interpreting what ‘is’ as accurate as possible (and verifiable) by universal standards, spiritual, psychic and social truth in front of me.
Remember that people’s energy can change from performance to performance or year to year and that I’m just reading what’s in front of me here.
For essence reading now; I’ll actually start with some vibe-truth word association freely and then perhaps move to archetypes and elements (if they’re not covered enough in the free word association).
All of our ITZY k-pop idol starlets are Muse fractals btw (encoded at a soul level). Here we go;
Yeji (예지);
Siren, warm and yet sharp, quick-witted, soft and lethal, eros, lightfire, some Dark Muse for sure, some Dark+Vixen, estrogenic, fertile, soul embodied (not that the others aren’t), foxy, portal to dark and erosy realms, reds and yellows (which they did a great job of knowing to match her to this anyway with wardrobe)
Ryujin (류진);
Ninja, solid but sharp, cool, like literally cool (her body and vibe feels this), confident, tomcat, secure in her body, can handle anxiety and pressure pretty well, not too easily shaken, cool pre-goddess, definitely has magic but knows who to share it with (she’s showing it in this frame more than average btw)
Purity, Peace, amazing energetic health, Princess, Holy Daughter, joyful (although not the most in this MV), Serenity, holy waters, Grace Priestess, Maiden, good girl
Chaeryoung ( 채령 );
Muse-Goddess embodiment, silken, solemn goddessy, quiet, edenic, lush, body speaks more than words, autumn waterfalls, earthy wisdom, a light-warm auric eros charge, growing into maturity..
Cosmic, sparkly, triple espresso, shots of fun, emotional authority, celebration, upper realms, psychic intelligence and power, burgeoning light sorceress (for sure), celestial blue-light-fire, beam me up Scotty!, crystalline upper upper chakras, heavenly cleopatric, celestial empress-in the making and lineage, seems she might deal with a lot of anxiety in her mid-chakras
Who is the most ‘root’ grounded of them here?
(You can reference the energetic ‘weight’ of the root chakra)
1. Ryujin 2. Chaeryoung (a close 2nd) 3. Yuna 4. Yeji (but very similar to Yuna) 5. Lia
Keep in mind that the differentials aren’t that great. Also; if we looked at for example African dancers, they would be a LOT more grounded on average.
The most ‘overall’ grounded?
(Remember that in general, muses aren’t very grounded so this is something that could be further worked on).
Even though Chaeryoung’s root is a close second she is actually the most ‘overall’ grounded b/c of her sexy and maturing Goddess embodiment through her entire front channel.
Since I’m speaking freely here it might be interesting to note that (to me) personally; Chaeryoung isn’t the most physically attractive just on physical appearance alone (to me); HOWEVER she has effectively transcended any/previous limitations to simply allow universal archetypal and elemental beauty be part of (and mixed with) her soul truth itself so ‘how’ attractive she is gets all kind of jumbled b/c as I see her overall beauty and light.
This is what I’m referring to as how charisma and allure ‘bends’ light to allow us to see someone’s greater truth.
Her allure (emanation of conglomerate essences through her chakras and aura); it effectively warps reality and forces us to see something more true of who she is and thus she’s very beautiful.
We value the ‘light’ of essence and not just physical, superficial beauty standards and the light reflection of that. It may take some time to rewire your vision to see essence like I can but these readings should help!
Who is the overall purest or cleanest?
Lia. Here she’s at Priestess level of alchemical beauty btw.
They all have really good energetic health (I’ll speak to this in a bit more detail) but Lia has really clean chakras that breathe and flow somatically up and down. There’s definitely some lighter internal blockages but overall great. She has a very clean aura as well.
It seems that because her field is so purified, that she can ‘feel’ everything as is energetically very sensitive.
A lot of Western women have armored shells in their chakric and auric beauty as a defense mechanism for protection; however Lia is a good example of vulnerable, intimate, clean open-ness that allows us to FEEL her.
It’s important to note at mastery level…still…ALL of their allure factors could actually be increased to emanate even more powerfully (er, beautifully).
Who has the most warmth or fire (in THIS appearance/MV)?
Yeji. And it’s not just because she’s wearing red…she’s like this in other videos without the red too.
Ok…who is the most IMBALANCED as far as chakras go?
Well all of them could use more grounding without losing other qualities b/c then it will ‘feel’ more down to earth heaven on earth for their fans while still having all the atmospheric ecosphere of vibe and light-truth they each bring to draw people compellingly in (like allure does).
There’s a number of things to say here. Yuna’s heart is quite closed (nothing personal, mine has been for years and other stars are as well) and unfortunately her chakras are not emanating very powerfully as they could be.
Her lit celestial aura and upper chakras are running her show (essenced performance baby!) – but we should be able to feel her mid and lower chakric power (beauty) more.
She has a strong healthy throat, ajna and crown of course but her lower chakras are not very embodied nor emanating much (allure).
After 1000 sessions and energy reading throughout 21,000 hours of the world’s top performers I can say this with CERTAINTY. I literally know, see and feel what chakras, qualities and distances are.
My kinesthetic holographic or direct-connect with her field (the latter with approval only) at the time of this recording would also confirm it and things like this are verifiable with individuals themselves based on their reflection, etc.
(With that said; I’m still improving the accuracy and it’s still subject to some variance and imperfection – I am a great student OF Muse Herself).
With essence psychic celebrity and client readings;
Truth has to be the reliable foundation, not subjective interpretation that could be all over the place.
Yuna’s imbalances (and lack of greater ’embodiment’ stand out the most to me but all of them (even at this level) could use a tune-up to just open their chakras more to breathe a further distance.
Ok; I did speak to some supplemental archetypes earlier…What about elementals specifically (in any order)?
Ryujin; moonlit mountains and valleys (earth), cool stream
Yuna; celestial winter air, aether
Chaeryoung; water, earth, sandstone (in early autumn with her style tones too), wood
Yeji; eros-fire, fire, lava, a little bit of metal
Lia; air + heaven air, light, holy water
None of them have much Mermaid embodiment although Chaeryoung could go more in that direction the easiest, then Lia I’d say if she came down from her cloud.
I had another idea of doing intuitive crystal resonance readings but not for now.
I do have to give props to the stylists b/c in a way much of it IS actually non-consciously accessing their energetic essences ie. Yuna and Lia with the blues…
Chaeryoung with earthy Goddess tone to match her vibe. Working consciously with their vibe and light-truth is the future mastery of performance entertainment…K-Pop already has external style mastery and versatility down.
It would be fun to see them strengthen their allure strengths as individuals and then as a group (and how it mixes!)…b/c then there’s even more dynamism going on that people just can’t catch up with or get enough of!
For example; we could amplify the FIRE that Yeji already has for in her sacral and solar plexus, embody more from the seat of her soul, mix it with some more elementals and project it even further (in embodiment).
As muse-starlets they can access a LOT of essence, it’s really just in mastering things from here.
I could bring in more general chi power to mix into Chaeryoung’s sacral for example to create more Goddess-Eros and charge up her field even more…we could tone it in a certain direction or to a spirit animal. I’m not even mentioning gift and siddhic beauty essences in this reading too!
We may want to explore (all with their consulting and approval of course!) seeing what a more grounded Lia would be like (b/c I can power ground)…exploring when she is more ready for Goddess embodiment and a bit more of that maturity like Chaer’s taking on ie..
Most of their earthstar channels are closed off but Ryujins and Chaer’s would open and clear the fastest (within seconds with how I work) deep into the earth. Yuna’s cosmic powers are great but she could be more embodied on earth.
For Yuna I might want bring more of her celestial brilliance INTO embodiment retaining her Muse but perhaps strengthening her Light Sorceress and definitely open her chakras to breathe more.
I think with her she should also discover Dark archetypes to counter-balance b/c she has so much Light it’s more likely to turn to shadow with so much celestial psychic power. In the past I’ve seen her open to higher frequency astral interference so defensive strategies can be looked at but here’s she’s fine (the environment even vibe of the male producers, etc. MATTERS).
Yuna has heart but professionally speaking (and non-judgmentally) it’s still too closed in and personalized (and hey; it’s work for me myself and I as well)..as I’ve seen this pattern with her in other appearances.
(I mean just compare her to TWICE’S Jihyo for example who is VERY heart-centric and robust there).
(Hint; it’s NOT b/c of the size of her chest either – she is very heart-centric and open 😉 Now reference how energetically smaller Yuna’s heart is comparatively – not just physically per se
Oh…who would be the MOST shy of them?
Hmm…it pends on the context if it’s meeting him through friends or in cold public so I won’t answer that (maybe down the road)! Least shy probably Yeji and Ryujin. Most likely to accidentally show interest affection? Yuna. Natural flirting response? Lia.
Oops I might be answering some of it but again; these are my interpretations.
Hey; are you enjoying these insights?
There’s so many things to say and explore once I focus and get started! Imagine Yeji’s fire in Chaeryoung’s solar plexus and sacral alchemized and mixed with what she has now, people would start going nuts and the male stan attention would triple.
Remember this is plasmic quanta we’re talking about (‘chi’ aka beauty essences from the spectrum of Light-Sentience itself); and with starlets at this level, they already have great access to then further master with the right guide.
If they hired me or one of the Muse Priestesses (who are also dancers btw) for consulting and allure transformation, I/we would want to explore their Human Design body-graphs more to help them maximize their chakric and auric design as well.
Just doing a power tune-up for each is going to get their plasmic quanta chi essences BREATHING even more than it does. Keep in mind that pro performers can adapt to studio vs. stadium settings but it’s all mastery stuff to be self-aware of as well as for the production team to work with as well.
Ryujin might want to explore having more fire like Yeji does but of her own soul’s desire….maybe she’d want to have more Eros-fire and less detached cool-ness. Maybe they/we’d want to activate Yeji’s psychic and crown powers more…it’s all wide open.
Remember they’re ALREADY masteresses in many ways so I’m just speaking to a high level. They’re already light years beyond consumers with alluring beauty. If/when you watch the video and see more of them, this can all help you to see with deeper insight and ‘new eyes’!
Ok that’s enough of a reading for now but I’ll leave it with one more:
Who is the most likely thief in the night/steal your heart?
Yeji or Ryujin!
BTW, during producing this reading I received the concept of Celebrity Spirit Animals so check out the blog soon for 2 new posts starting that whole series!
A few things about the 2023 NYC Met Gala ‘red carpet’ with the theme of ‘Karl Lagerfeld’ (RIP).
It’s probably time to start an annual tradition of at least checking in on the MET Gala with some psychic celebrity energy reading as I’ve thought of doing it consistently for several years now. In the future, this might grow into a far more comprehensive analysis (esp. IF there is more of a demand for it) but with that said I’m just going to quickly note a couple interesting things rather than go deep or wide.
Miranda Kerr;
Years ago I’ve noticed that she has some activated feminine energy especially centered around her face. Light generally often denotes a healthy relationship to and with the masculine and receiving-ness.
Definitely some magic and photonic allure up there however with more general healthy Goddess archetype embodiment that could use more allure factor to have that impactful multi-d reach through the screen and activate you quanta from her mid chakras.
Gigi Hadid;
Similar to Miranda Kerr she also has a lot of activated light in her facial aura.
Whereas Beauty 1.0 specialists would say her face is glowing esp. here from her make-up
(Copyright Vogue 2023)
…It’s important to note that her face literally IS glowing and activated with a signature of light energy. In the first photo I’d say a lot of Mage or Sorceress with immense power to attract and create her reality. Archetypally I’d say Starlet-Mage able to seduce kings.
In the Vogue microphone one the overall interaction with others helps her to be more centered in a consistent Starlet, (Light) Goddess embodiment with a lot of high frequency water.
Also; being a physical mother in her case helps to bring a lot of softness and yet maturity to her presence whilst still being youthful and vital.
Karlie Kloss
Here….interesting…a healthy Western profile with lots of chi/power empowered in her chakras that could be more opened and breathing as far as her energetic allure itself.
This also denotes that you would feel her (power/beauty) vibrationally the closer you are to her field…it’s not that it’s too blocked; her mid chakras are fairly healthy and there’s good water but they could be more activated and breathing in their expression.
A lot of water power in her c2 and c3 could create a lot of potential alchemy with the (right) masculine. She actually does have a lot of clear spiritual and psychic connection that’s embodied and accessible. Very discerning of who she gives her mental energy and time to.
A lot of Goddess embodiment with knowing Sage-Queen consciousness; lots of experienced and mature wisdom (tbh more interesting the more I look into it all).
The more we look at the details of these starlets, it does seem like they do belong and that this same thing could be happening in another galaxy of sorts.
Rita Ora…
The main thing here is that she has the most Queen embodiment I’ve seen her with and I think the relational dynamic with Taika Waititi has helped to tone all of that consciousness in.
I’ve noticed for years that her sacral was always a ‘bit’ dingey although it’s not noticeable here (99% of everyone pretty much could use a sacral purification btw). Also she has active dark aspects however they’re not the purest; there’s definitely some 4D infiltration of sorts going on.
Purifying her dark (like in an activation session which includes energy healing) would instantly create an even more alluring, fascinating and interesting presence.
Irina Shayk
So most people will again value the superficial beauty and speak in those terms; style, designer, hair, make-up, etc. and with Sexy Chi we’re looking at the actual presence, allure, archetypes, beauty consciousness, etc. the higher dimensional and overall beauty.
Actually here although she has some basic chakra blocks (these are normal for everyone) that could easily be released and then purified for even better breathing-ness, she has good Goddess, Light-Goddess on the way to an activated aura but not quite there yet. Good high frequency mountain stream waters.
Some light crown, throat and heart blocks but in general very healthy chi but that which could be even more purified, soft, warm and flowing esp. in being aura activated.
Lots of sacral water but could be even more potentially activated and electric warm.
Don’t get me wrong; lots of authentic water, air, light goddess embodiment but even ‘the best’ have things they can improve upon for further beauty mastery. She does have a lot of depth but something’s blocking even more that level of further vulnerability.
Ok, that’s all for now…every year as a prime fashion gathering event, there are dozens of celebrities.
There’s a lot more that could be read (Jennie Kim of Blackpink making it this year; Bad Bunny cleaning up and having a lot of Prince
…Em Rata being more interesting to me when she goes for a different look and with good Lover Eros, etc.), but again I just wanted to check in with a relevant higher dimensional spotlight on active pop culture with these notes.
With BLACKPINK headlining both weekends recently (and Muse codes assimilating more and more into Western culture);
I felt it totally befitting to at least give something of a psychic celebrity energy reading aka ‘essence reading’ about them.
With that said; I’m only going to notice SOME things b/c it can take me a full hour to do a more in-depth reading. On a superficial level, they’re style is ON…great pro hairstyling and fashion styling but I’m going to speak more to My specialty; the higher dimensional beauty; light-truth and vibe-truth.
In this photo you can tell they’ve fully arrived (and are aspirational icons for a growing number of Western celebrities) which is also a state of consciousness. Archetypally what’s going on?
Mostly Muse, a lot of IT GIRL & Starlet Quanta!
With the It Girl archetype there’s a supreme divine level of acceptance of recognition and status and well as comfort, ownership and confidence WITH it.
Lisa here Muse-Siren, Starlet-Vixen + It Girl
Rosé here: Muse-Starlet, Eros-Lover
Jennie here: Muse-It Girl Starlet
Jisoo: Muse-It Girl
Interestingly; normally they don’t have as much of the self-conscious supreme social self-awareness but they’re in Coachella and I’m glad they’re taking it on and owning it; Blinks and others would expect/anticipate that from them and it helps with the Western assimilation.
In this backstage Coachella photo (I think also from weekend 2 but either way);
Jennie: Starlet-Muse It-Girl
Lisa: Muse-Vixen Starlet
Rosé: Eros Muse-Siren (here imo reaching and surpassing the heights of Stevie Nicks visually as far as quanta)
Jisoo: Muse-Starlet
Yes it’s extremely hot and influential but WHY? Just because they have the best stylists or they worked so hard and are talented?
Or is there something else going on that is really like the hidden secret to true beauty, power and obsessive influence?
Why is it that they are like the ‘IT Group’ and so popular (with their visuals)?
Because they have photonic quanta (and these codes have been coming in HOTTT recently so it’s the first public time I’m mentioning it). This means that their Beauty is ALCHEMICAL Beauty as activated photonic light essenced; it reaches through the screen and ENGAGES YOU compellingly…Their beauty isn’t flat 2d pixels, it’s MULTI-dimensional and bends light – that’s all I’m saying 4 now (check the blog for more insights).
Ok…so that was mostly an archetypal focus on BLACKPINK Coachella (and things can change from day to day).
Remember that divine feminine consciousness and beauty is IMPERSONAL and that it exists as a spectrum of alchemical light. Not all performers reach that level of beauty and most consumers never will for many reasons that we cover on-site here…they just don’t have access to the light quanta of archetypes because consumers are too conditioned.
Now, let’s just talk for a minute about Jennie’s on-stage sexy chi. I can go REAL in-depth with this chakra by chakra, etc. but will just mention a few things for now and then a quick word about Lalisa.
Here onstage @ Coachella, Jennie has incredibly clean chi and a very clean light air-soft aura. Each of them are at alchemical levels of presence and beauty which means that if you sat in their presence, your consciousness would literally start transmuting through the Law of Resonance and her presence would start bending light in your own energy body through attunement.
Her heart chakra is very soft and activated; she has the cleanest energy body of all of them and has remained very protected in her environments and allowing herself to be in her feminine essence.
Fascinatingly and something that Blinks love about her is that she can be so soft and the next moment all of a sudden naughty savage yet still retaining a very pure core.
She’s able to access all of her body wisdom intuitively and in the moment b/c her chakras are warm, open, breathing and connected. Women who have shelled and blocked chakras can’t always access certain areas of their psyche for instant feedback.
Her aura itself is activated and pure and reaches far; she carries and walks in the integrity of that auric purity with her which alone is a breath of fresh air and people can feel it although not always put it into words.
Jisoo imo has some kind of light but unresolved psyche fracture (a small one) something to do with the masculine principle whereas Jennie feels very safe as if she had the perfect upbringing and professional protection. It seems like Jisoo is a bit more on edge with a little bit more anxiety than Jennie might have.
Jennie generally feels everything (somatically and energetically) and has remained very pure in an advanced way instead of jaded. She’s also doubling as an example of what’s possible for a lot of Western women or those who have experienced trauma; the possibilities of what a very healed and relaxed feminine embodiment could be like – one that is incredibly versatile as far as archetypal experience and expression.
With that said, she does hold onto and still carry a lot of Maiden and could mature more into her goddess self but there’s no hurry really. Rosé has a bit more active light fire in her solar plexus whereas Jennie here is more cloud 9 air and purified water.
There’s so much more to say without even getting into what siddhic qualities she might have (she does have some GK 22 Grace, Innocence and Tenderness whether it’s in her hologenetic profile or not).
Ok and just a couple words on Lisa (actually above I wrote more than I thought I would)….Lisa here from Coachella weekend 2:
Actually I went to search directly and saw this and WOW!! This is IT!
Lisa here is a quintissential example of (the Universalized) Starlet-Muse…timeless beauty that goes beyond just skin-deep because the consciousness and transmutational light quanta is REAL and with her (with and through her energy body).
Massive loads of embodied and expressed Starlet & Muse quanta…also a lot of Eros-Diva with a mix of Siren-Vixen…with that said I’ve noticed her chakras themselves could use some general improvements; she’s had more blocks and constriction than say Jennie.
Here, her heart chakra could be warmer, more open and expressed and her 2nd and 3rd chakras actually should be more directly influential in beauty essence/chi power than they are. It would take me less than a minute each to really activate them to be far more active (remotely even but ONLY with explicit permission).
I have other examples of more charismatic or alluring sacral chakras (in general Ariana Grande’s and Kratae’s have a lot of meta-yin when they’re performing and really I think Lisa should AND she could still use more general consistency in Goddess embodiment (although it’s dropped in a lot more in the past 18 months compared to the previous less grounded air and weightlessness of her arms).
So here Lisa’s supremely embodied (9+ on the 10 quantifiable scale of archetype embodiment) and her throat and upper chakras are ON and expressed but there are still chakric mid blocks that could be far more open, radiant and emanating to the back of the Coachella crowd.
Her allure factor would open up to be more consistent like Jennie’s with some chakric work.
In other performances, her chakras sometimes remain small and personalized and she’s relying more on masterful dance performance….she does have great archetype versatility (also with a lot of the cutesy Maiden-Goddess resting point. And here also Lisa @ Coachella she’s actually more Muse-Goddess Maiden
Vixen seems to work with her the best of the 4 of them (and yet fades in an out intentionally it seems; like Pink Venom she turns it on more) as we know from my Vixen breakthrough post (somewhere on the blog!)
Copyright babymoon
Her sacral is fairly healthy but could use a tune-up and I predict would really powerfully open up and expand in its warmth; it’s like it’s waiting to do that still (and really should be reaching the back of the audience).
Even with the best, there’s fine tuning mastery things like this to take performance to even greater levels and still they truly ROCKED it!
Ok! Just wanted to get some psychic celebrity reading notes down…remember that with this type of psychic work, I’m reading the truth of what already is and with that said, the disclaimer is that it’s still public critique under fair use guidelines and that my psychic perception may not be the ultimate truth; it’s just what I personally and professionally value and strive for (verifiability).
Check out a BLACKPINK Coachella performance scene here (weekend 2):