Essence is Key to Allure

What IS essence?


As we explore elsewhere on-site with the Beauty Essence page itself;


Essence and Essences are vibe and light truth signatures that you could RADIATE from your image like Goddess essence or Peaceful Beauty essence.


Similar to the worlds of spice, essential oils, homeopathy or colors;


Essences are signature multi-dimensional code-truths or flavors of subtle yet powerful chi (energy).


Even in ancient Qi Gong wisdom (chi kung), there are elemental Chi essences and yet in the world of Beauty there is also the same elemental Chi and MANY MORE chi essences!


Similar to how essential oils are different, beauty essences (and their corresponding consciousness codes); these show up AS light and vibe truth IN image.


After all, Beauty is an alchemical language of Light and if you’ve ever found yourself feeling someone’s ‘vibe’ and the integrity of it as ‘real’ – that’s also exactly what we’re talking about.


Essences are higher dimensional truths that can be WITH your overall presence and image that adds more beauty, power and influence.


The practical secret to emanating true allure (or more masculine essenced charisma) that people FEEL and influences follows the e3 formula:


Essence, Embodiment & Expression


If you want to emanate true allure or charisma and have magnetic impact with deeper influence along with expressing your highest Beauty, this is what you want to work with.


Most starlets and icons have worked with it all unconsciously (up until now!)


Lalisa from Blackpink with (Archetypal) Vixen Essenced Allure


It’s no longer just the sentiment of ‘inner beauty’ where your ‘inner self’ is entirely and practically divorced from professional image – no, this is the future of pro image and media NOW and ESSENCE shows up in 7 primary ways that we cover on-site.


And this new world of practical Allure consulting and transformation that we’re in now all has to do with your PRACTICAL energy body (and how its vibe and light-truth shows up in person and on camera).


..So can all that indirect stuff like meditation, diet and cleanses help your overall image? INDIRECTLY at very best.


So if you want true allure, you have to start looking beyond the focus of skin-deep beauty and body mastery (as well as perhaps the indirect wellness stuff)…


And look into the world of Essence (and its vibe and light truth signatures). Again; this now a conscious area of competence as there are literally over 100 named Beauty essences that can compromise your allure (or charisma if more masculine).


For cultivating your greater beauty (and social) influence; there are different essences to explore such as Peace, Tenderness, Queen, Crone, Sorceress, Siren, Devotion, Innocence, Vixen, Prince, etc. all as FLAVORS that your true self (the seat of the soul self) could visually emanate from your presence and thus image itself. And more specifically this means from your chakras and aura.


Janelle Monae with some Muse essence allure


The K-pop boy band; BTS (for example) has VISUAL IMPACT even if someone never knew they were stars and this isn’t just because of egoic self-confidence; rather it’s because they have true charisma which is all immortal chi essence-based; Prince, Popstar, Sex Icon and Magician consciousness and light ‘n vibe truth.


That unique form of essenced (aka ‘chi’) POWER resides and emanates in their chakras and it bends other peoples chakras (you feel it in the gut around stars).



The greatest challenge for most conditioned consumers is multi-fold.


Because normal consumers are so conditioned (or in a sense cultural clones); they’re not able to be EMBODIED (Present) b/c their chakras are filled with not-self programming and there’s LITERALLY no psyche room to be EMBODIED with true power and beauty (of these divine, immortal and impersonal essences).


And Embodied of what again? ESSENCES. It’s where the REAL visual power and influence is at (in spite of our Western focus on personality-driven ‘talent’, etc.).


For beyond the 3rd dimension of physical beauty (which is what we focus on even though higher beauty is always communicating something or not ALSO in every image)…beyond skin-deep beauty and in all image and visual medium;


Essence is TRUE higher dimensional beauty and true embodied power (chi). And your image is either communicating it or not.


And again; the essences are IMPERSONAL and immortal (kinda relevant if you’re interested in Timeless, Immortal Beauty, eh? 😉


Jason Momoa with oozing charisma essences of Eros (including Gene Key 21 of Valor; his SQ Spiritual Intelligence encoded with Line 2 of Freedom)


MOST CONSUMERS don’t have the ‘IT’ factor (of charisma or allure);


They don’t have (access to) archetypal beauty or embodied essence and thereby little to no actual allure or charisma that you can feel when someone enters a room.


The good news is that if you are on a greater purpose of service and influence, that can help to open you up to the spectrum of divine practical chi based essences and flavors of beauty and power.


Essence is the TRUE influence beyond merely skin-deep physical beauty. (Wouldn’t you want to master it ALL for your highest expression and where people can FEEL your beauty because it’s higher dimensional light-truth BENDS LIGHT)?


After all; ESSENCED BEAUTY is aspirational in its divine nature; drawing and attuning people closer to Source like a Starlet and there’s nothing higher status than that. The world of ARCHETYPES is fair game and central to cultivating your own signature beauty and allure!


You can LOOK the part with Beauty 1.0 fashion and style support but do you FEEL and it BE IT (like a Starlet or Goddess)? That’s with the divine street cred of the ESSENCES themselves (which then influence your consciousness, beliefs, self image, etc.).


It’s worth mentioning that the DIVINE masculine within the male psyche and masculine consciousness primordially values BEAUTY and is seeking the Holy Grail (which is effectually Communion with the suppressed Divine Feminine consciousness / presence and its Immortal Beauty).


Conditioned Consumers don’t have access to embodying even their own soul essence for starters – let alone the spectrum of immortal masculine and feminine archetypes and other essences.


It’s hard to get archetypal readings on ‘most people’ because they’re just running on programmed conditioning. (And yes, we can do archetype embodiment readings on a scale of 0-10 for anyone).


Instead normies will be like culturally conditioned clones run by SOCIO-CULTURAL PROGRAMMING and cultural archetype imprinting (literally in their chakras and with psychic cord implants on the BACK of their chakras feeding them the program like everyone in ‘The Matrix’ pods; unable to truly be sovereign). Neo ‘wakes up’ in the Matrix when he literally removes the implant.



Many cultural archetypes are social constructivist toxic inversions (but for goodness sake, I won’t even mention them here) and millions of people run out these programs instead of being able to think or act independently.


Sure; beauty consumers and normies in general may focus on mastering skin-deep superficial beauty but people still can’t FEEL their beauty or power. LOOKING GOOD and having a ‘hot body’ may be important and big industry, but there’s much more than that and if your SOUL feels there’s much more to Beauty all this time, you’re right.


This ‘inner beauty’ and soul-based beauty thing; it was never actually ‘separate’.


The future of Beauty influence (as well as Performance Arts mastery) is in mastering the higher dimensional realm of Beauty and Power consciously; a commitment to your soul’s highest embodiment and expression (awash in the essences of choice!).


It already exists in all visual media; we’re only now becoming more conscious and competent WITH this alchemical language of Light.


Without access to the ALREADY immortally powerful and beautiful essences; your beauty is going to remain FLAT and 2D instead of light TRIGGERING something and activating within someone’s heart and soul on the other side of your image.


Most people even flourishing in superficial beauty?


Limited…maybe physically beautiful and appealing yet still more superficial, far less influential, more personalized and you may find yourself wanting to ‘make up for things’ by over-functioning, competing with others or relying more on your ‘personality’ which is the opposite of effortless Beauty and influence.


Fortunately (and this is an extended subject but) some women ARE awakening in consciousness non-consciously and indirectly into great social status and sexual influence because of certain ancient yet culturally affected archetypes; but they’re not doing it consciously nor even from their soul sovereignty directly.




True Beauty is alluring and influential (healing even) in ALL dimensions…it’s connected to ie. Vixen or Goddess consciousness itself because it’s the real thing.


Is your soul choosing or are you just running off of other beauty programs from constricted archetypes and icons?


Once you can find ways to decondition your psyche/chakric consciousness and its concordant energy body; you can potentially gain access to the world of essence (which = true beauty and power INFLUENCE visually and in-person). (All of this can be ‘read’ by the way; check out the psychic readings on our blog).


For further contemplation on Beauty and Beauty Essences (the future of the Beauty industry itself); you can contemplate the Beauty Meditation we’ve made on Powerliminals here.





Fortunately, we can now do this essence based beauty work (consulting and transformation itself) consciously, competently and DIRECTLY.


I’m humbly proud to say that Sexy Chi is the pioneering brand leading this revolution and it’s all sourced in Divine Feminine consciousness.


So; do you want more ALLURE and soul embodied expression that shows your inner beauty as well?


Work with the essences and this can be done with alchemical attunements like the Powerliminals or most directly by the energy work in our own transformational Beauty appointments (aka ‘activations’).


Being sovereign and embodying more of your soul signature essence and other Beauty essences (or true qualities) that your soul desires to express gives you true, expanded mastery over your professional image and influence! It’s just that with this work, we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk with real transformation.


Want to really dive in and cultivate your OWN signature allure to have more professional and social impact and influence? 


More recognition with less ‘work’?


Book a solo session or consider the Allure Makeover Package. And good news is, this type of work you don’t have to ‘fake-act’; cross-qualifies as legit consciousness and spiritual work because the essences themselves as the real deal are powerful and beautiful;


PLUS, if you’ve BEEN into spirituality, you’ll be able to cash in on the work you’ve already done that’s been disconnected from your ‘inner beauty’ work finally showing up ON CAMERA!

A Few Words on Increasing Your Power, Lightwork & Priestessing

First of all; a Priestess or Kingmaker is versatile and she IS powerful. This is the type of power that DOESN’T corrupt and is in divine service (take THAT Bembridge scholars ;).


Although a Grail Priestess carries alchemical Beauty which is transmutational on its own;


Often, she may have to draw upon more ‘power’ aspects rather than more yin style of priestess-ing esp. if she does forms of energy work (which may call for yin and yang at different times).


If you KNOW your work is in alignment and service (and you aren’t ever violating people’s free will), perhaps you SHOULD be more powerful (and beautiful) and scaled in your work, but what would stop you from taking on more power and ability to move energies even better?


Could you be getting in your own way? Are you not accepting of your divinity?


Are there concerns you might become corrupted or do black magic and the bad karma it may bring?


How about if you have a stable temple space foundation and legacy already? What if you are always pure in session space of service?


Even if you’re already doing powerful client, healing or energy work; becoming more powerful is actually about strengthening even MORE your connection to source and upgrading your light-body itself. 12-strand DNA provides more infrastructural POWER to run greater energies and voltage.


This is similar to the difference I’ve discovered between millions of (consumers) people who practice Tai Chi for example (or Reiki); they value the form rather and motions rather than the connection to Source itself which is 99% of the actual power.


People consistently say my energy sessions (and activations) are ‘powerful’ and there’s a reason for it. I’m also known as a healer’s healer.


For my path I’ve been initiated by Muse countless times as well as other masters into more POWER and being able to wield it in service for people. Raw and true light-working power.


I have no concerns of misusing it or doing black magic b/c of the integrity of my foundation and karmic awareness. I MUST have immense power and connection to be able to do the magic I do at the highest levels.


Beyond the physical is the meta-physical or impersonal (aka ‘spiritual’) which exponentially increases in power; power that stars and archetypes hold because their influence is greater than one or ‘personal’.


Maybe that sounds like you or maybe not…maybe you’re considering more a path of Priestessing or Kingmaking. Or if you’re on a path of star or starlet; however POWER and great Beauty is just part of your influence (and social power/status).


My path is all about power (and righteous power) and it has to be b/c I’ll continue serving people of power and literally HAVE to be powerful to take on extreme cases out of nowhere and meet them where they’re at to move otherwise immovable energies (including heavy shadow work).


The average neighborly reiki healer wouldn’t have any effect on some very powerful people’s energy body or going up against powerful demons for example.


Are you holding BACK more of your potential (lightworking) power and magic in working with source (and source-ery) because you have value conflicts around power or think that its just tyrannical masculine that would be abused?


Are you maybe too humble or soft feminine to take on more lightworking power?


Too many conscious people have value conflicts and distortions around power and its misuse…this may hold back their even greater healing abilities however when your values are aligned and you’ve proven a stable foundation, your guides may open you up to even greater initiations and power itself. How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to continue serving? Such is a path of a priestess.


Master Zhou (my Chi Kung master now ascended) and I individually hold very powerful sessions with our separate clients b/c our dharma is aligned to service which requires great power.


There are no value conflicts around taking on immense (chi/light) power and working with the elementals and other essences. Source gives us more access b/c we have become greater vessels in divine service. Our soul identities are larger than our body.


Ok; with that said – yes we are more yang as men and his primary energy work essence is fire, whereas mine is power; what if you are feminine essenced? There may also be value conflicts around power…heck, it might even feel to masculine or yang for you to do it but this may also pend on what kind of work you’re doing.


If you are doing energy healing of any kind, you could probably use more power to scale your abilities and results. Grid-working requires immense power and effect (demi-God levels).


You should haven’t shame around this as it’s deepening your abilities in divine service. More power to the righteous is a GOOD thing…even noble.


The best way I can address this is that in the Muse Priestess lineage where I take them through specific lineage activations (similar but different to the new Bio Star overhaul activation to increase power);


She/Muse requires her Priestesses to be incredibly powerful in their literal energy working abilities and its application (which can switch between yin and yang style of work) as well as having alchemical levels of presenced FEMININE beauty.


As I talk about elsewhere there are different forms of power and what we value here is the power of beauty and power itself in EMBODIMENT or presence (rather than external accomplishments however that feeds into your own embodiment itself); the power of presence….and the light-working power to help activate new levels of archetypal and siddhic beauty/power within your power of presence (thereby = more INFLUENCE on your clients, fans, people).


Yes power can be misused and abused however that’s for those led by shadows and infiltration. With more power comes more responsibility Peter Parker.


Understand that as you cultivate your own boundless beauty and allure; having alchemical levels of embodied beauty essence IS very powerful on its own including for the masculine for it is the PRESENCE of the divine feminine that the divine masculine could alchemically COMMUNE with in Remembrance.


Again; a Priestess (esp. a Kingmaking ‘Grail’ Priestess) has to have the ability to access whatever is necessary and be potent in her abilities which includes increasing the infrastructure, health and power of her body and energy channels to hold and move chi energy itself (of masculine and feminine flavors). This will also help her to hold more elemental chi when necessary to draw from.


The BioStar Activation is now available for priestesses, dakinis, healers, energy workers, grid-workers to upgrade their power core, light-body and service itself as well as their ability to hold and receive more light and divine masculine and feminine essences/beauty/charisma.


This new activation is available for $1000 for a limited time; comment or DM me.


The archetypes have a lot of POWER (aka ‘chi’) and Beauty (feminine power).


You can read more about my activations and client testimonials on site.


If you’re not ready for the Biostar; why not book an appointment to activate more radiating chi (power/beauty)!?


If you’re a social influencer or starlet, is there really any limit to the higher dimensional beauty (feminine power) that you could wield?! Allure Makeover Package available.


Grail Priestesses Wanted

Heretical Prediction:


There’s going to be a massive shortage of Grail Priestesses (and a rising market demand for them). Why?


To fulfill the demand for these future Divine Unions which I foresee as THE future of the ‘relationship market’ (after all it’s the thing beyond soul mates).


The ‘market’ is going to expand like hotcakes and it’s great that women are really getting into doing their work. I serve that.


But what about the men?


I’ve been predicting this for several years already.


It’s a Kingmaking Dilemma:


Someone Has To Prepare Kings FOR Their Grail Queen Enough B/C The Queens Are ‘In-Waiting’ Doing Their OWN Inner Union Work


Until that man is readied enough to even show up on her radar, the Queen (or the Reunified Grail-lover woman in waiting) doesn’t have reason to care for him specifically.


The Priestess CAN help prepare him as a Divine Union bridge for him to get on her radar.


Priestesses SERVE and Grail Priestesses are especially relevant for Kingmaking (these include Muse Priestesses and ie. Sophia Priestesses yet many of the latter aren’t trained to serve men).


The market gap is painfully obvious to me and is a powerful opportunity for those who can see the future and are encoded to serve as Grail Priestesses.


The ratio I guestimate now is about 50:1 those on the Grail Queen path vs. Grail Priestess.


Who will prepareth the men? Read more about sacred or ‘divine union’ on-site and on my fb wall.


Or perhaps get the Calling of the Kingmaker report on Grail Priestess.

The Summer Camp Muse Archetype: Teenage Dream

Went it comes to curating your allure and social / beauty influencer vibe, this is a wonderful, rarer archetype to work with. Summer Camp Muse activations are now inaugurated and available for this lesser known archetype!


(Just book on our appointments page and we can confirm which archetype session at the start of it on zoom).


A client asked earlier today (at time of initial writing) and then a different client asked and got that activation today.


SC Muse is the consciousness of the localized ‘dream girl’.


She’s the high status local starlet; an inspirational transcendant hot girl who all local subcultures look up to and respect.


She has it all going on and knows it but with a sweet erotic innocence.


Social power and she knows how to use it to tease, flaunt and influence her bubbly pop ways.


She’s the #1 desire of teenage boys; like a dream girl on a local level who came from out of this town (and world). She is uber-fun and associating with her brings high status.


She’s the Lisa P. from ‘Adventureland’



She’s the Weird Science muse of Kelly Brock



She’s the McKayla from ‘Hot Summer Nights’



(There’d be several other cultural examples I’m open to add)


Once you see enough cultural examples, you can start to tune in to her signature light and vibe-truth. Can you see and feel it? (Remember, she IS the local HOT thing)…



(AND this is great acting from ie. Margarita Levieva here b/c she actually had the VIBE-truth and codes of Summer Camp Muse down; embodied and expressed!)


Unlike a cliche local cheerleader who is just superficially ‘pretty’, hot and has high social status;


Summer Camp Muse ACTIVATES aspirational desire and INSPIRATION within the eternal teenager on the sexual, social, emotional (she drives ’em mad) and even spiritual level.



A woman’s confidence is largely coming FROM the codes themselves which then defines her levels of acceptance, how she respond and relates to others, etc. (What would summer camp Muse do?)


Beyond (fake) acting, the ‘real thing’ (including performance winning acting) is essenced based truths.


Although Katy herself could have had more of the SCM vibe; the entire audio vibe (and video intentional vibe) of Katy Perry’s ‘Teenage Dream’ btw is Summer-camp Muse!




The archetypal SC Muse; Her field is LIT; activating and bending chakras within boys 2 men. This is different than just a high status cheerleader who stays in her circle and men only value for her looks and feel division from her high and aloof status.


SC Muse has Muse codes and weaves her fragrance (and knows it) but it’s usually on a more localized level although sustaining Summer-Camp Muse is possible on a more collective level.


This is a rarer archetype and it’s safe to say that Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.


Is Summer Camp Muse part of your soul’s desire for embodiment and expression? Maybe a seasonal thing?


B/c it’s not an official Muse activation, I’m open to do SC Muse activations (which have already begun) for the regular activation/session pricing (at least for a limited time).


For all the ‘seriousness’ of divine feminine transformational work, SC Muse qualities and her carefreeness and liberty MIGHT be something to really feel into (perfect for summer vibes and hot boy attraction or bringing something new and inspired to your current relationship!)…


…perhaps representing an unpotentiated aspect of your self and your desires to know what it would be like being Her.


Pop culture examples and critique used under fair use copyright guidelines as always. Copyrights belong to respective holders


This activation is available however for now (yes men have sometimes asked for feminine archetypes and vice vs.); it’s RECOMMENDED that you already have Muse codes embodied and/or the Muse activation before getting this one to get the most results however I’m still offering SC Muse for only $250 while the Muse activation itself is $1000 (both pricings may rise at anytime).


We can consult at the start of any sessions to make sure we both agree on which archetype/session we’ll do within the 25-30 minutes. Book a session on our Appointments page and you should be redirected to scheduling afterwards.


With archetype activations (all of which include energy healing detox in every session); we’re working DIRECTLY on your field to install universal pure archetype codes from that immortal archetype leading to transformed consciousness and more archetypal beauty and vibe-truth allure.


DJ Soda Signature Allure & Influence

Speaking of Cultivating Your Signature Image & Branding..esp. if you are in business or are a social and beauty influencer..


…It might be worthwhile to reference DJ Soda; a Maiden-Goddess success story (however often she’s mostly Maiden-Muse as archetype embodiment can fluctuate based on mood, intention, etc.).



First of all she has open energy and allure whereas many women close off their energy and personalize it so their chakras and aura aren’t able to be ‘felt’ by people at the back of a room let alone an audience.


Being around her youthful Maiden energy (archetypally akin to early SNSD) is rejuvenating and she brings that vibe to her shows.


But it’s interesting that she’s actually the inverse of a lot of female dj’s. It’s a mind twist for a lot of men b/c most women ‘this hot’ actually behave the opposite but she’s warm and friendly AND ‘hot’ in the male mind/psyche gaze? (A lotta women will hate her for this and yet her vibe remains true).



This gives them the feeling that they have a chance and that anything is possible not just for her looks but being around her vibe-truth and energy it is its own form of medicine.


After all, maiden is responsive and un-wounded in relation to the masculine. She is quite pure although some would say ‘naive’.


Archetypally it’s RARE to see a woman with a universally ‘hot body’ who would retain maiden-goddess embodiment in music (outside of k-pop at least) but this vibe-truth is part of her signature allowing her to be more easily recognizable and gain rapport with her fan-base essentially standing alone by having her own unique beauty and image signature.


Remember that primary archetypes don’t belong to any culture; they transcend cultures.


Maiden has vitality, youthfulness and lack of tainting from the masculine…she’s very free.


Yep; a Maiden-Goddess Muse Deejay!


Some would criticize that she hasn’t become more ‘mature’ but much of this is often seen through a distorted Western lens. Her Goddess embodiment (in her body not her head!) is already developing and embodied enough but it’s why that’s her secondary archetype and not her first.


And the more you tune into to the signature of the archetypes, the more you realize that yeah; she doesn’t have much Vixen or Starlet (even Muse), etc. and/so if she wants to cultivate those to shift her brand and image along with her growth and change in consciousness – someone tell her about Sexy Chi 😉


And actually if she wants EVEN sexier Goddess embodiment-truth there are ways to work on that (including activation).


So imagine if you could cultivate your own signature in-self soul brand vibe and light-truth in your image that could help you be in YOUR fullest expression and truth while standing out in your industry?


There is ancient Beauty and Truth with the ARCHETYPAL feminine consciousness and its spectrum far beyond the constrictions and ’empowerment’ (beauty is its own form of power) with ie. Post-modern feminist conditioning. Find what speaks to your soul and its desired fullness of expression and experience…(appointment/sessions available to help cultivate it or get the Allure Makeover Package to get numerous sessions with consulting).


After all, there’s other archetypes to work with too. Which ones would comprise your ‘signature’ allure?


(Read more about some archetypes onsite)


Think of HOW she is affecting people during her ‘performance’ on top of just her skills or talent; her vibe and image has MUCH to do with her success if not most of it; esp. to people who aren’t used to it and even in the industry most dj’s are very different.


Maiden brings authentic FUN consciousness and that influences the experience.



Think of how most dj’s are more energetically vain but pumping up the crowd; more of the experience relies on the quality of their musical talent whereas it would be MORE authentically liberating (drug-free) if the DJ had an alchemical vibe like she does of some variety.


Check out other celebrity psychic readings on site. Archetype activations available!