For Anti-Stan Haters That Say K-Pop Is Too Fake

‘Stan’ is lingo for k-pop fan btw; so although I’m working at an archetypal level as an alchemist, here I have to address where the consumer consciousness is at.


For those that say K-Pop is ‘too fake’, too perfect, too beautiful, too produced or ‘manufactured’…are these valid concerns?


Well, I’d say that it pends on your values and paradigm. Most consumers value their egoic personalized preferences and lower-truth filters like ‘genres’.


Let’s look at this:


1. Basically ALL music except ‘live jazz’ (?!) is produced ‘aka’ manufactured


2. You (or they) are comparing it to different genres; ie. reggae, country, or ‘spa’ music that seems more organic and ‘natural’ in its vibe and values however much of those genres have pre-conditioned templates, lyrics and values as well


3. It is POP music


4. K-pop includes a general form of professional pop or commercial dance often to be highly choreographed and ‘perfect’ whereas there are other genres of dance which are just as valid but very different (ie. ballet, gypsy, samba, etc.).


There’s something also to be said about the behemoth power of k-pop and its influence. A significant % of ALL youtube traffic is now K-Pop music videos and other related media.


There are now daily new viral videos off of just influencers doing their interpretation of a k-pop song ie


As far as ‘dance’ influence in the social media-sphere…k-pop arguably reigns supreme and this is an extended side topic for discussion (considering that dance tiktoks comprise a large portion of social media influence).


But let’s get to the deeper issue;


Is k-pop ‘fake’ or is even the ‘cuteness’ manufactured?


After being into what others call ‘stanning’ since literally 2007 when SNSD debuted…Well, here’s the enlightenment:


Whether the production and infra-structure around it as a system if very formulaic;


The essences are REAL and they are a LIGHT YEAR ahead of the West.


You cannot fake essence so even though there is a k-pop ‘system’ that is rigorous, rigid and high performance, the essences are real and that’s the higher truth. It’s actually the more advanced work and thing to attain than whatever lower truth people are viewing it through.


Is it fake (as compared to ‘real’)?


No. Highly choreographed and perfectionist in a genre of pro dance? Yeah.


Is rap music in general about being ‘real’? Not necessarily in most cases as a counter-point…there is a lot of archetypal conditioning and standards in that genre so it can be a challenge to find original free-thinking rap per se.


Is k-pop highly formulaic in most cases?


YES, but to me that is not really a limitation…it’s part of its wild success.


The government actually had a vision and funded it in the late 90’s as a cultural project of sorts (surprisingly that ended up working as it’s more free-market now).


They’ve created a PRODUCTION engine of INDUSTRY that really really works and more agency’s are popping up replicating the general formula. It still doesn’t ensure success with every new boy or girl group however as there are many variables but it is quite formulaic.


I mean the entire concept of ‘Babymonster’ is formulaic and archetypal.



To those who are ‘outside’ of it, K-Pop fever may not have hit them.


‘Babymonster’ sounds exactly like a group that has either existed in the system or would be (there was a Japanese girl death metal group…) and whoever the chosen trainees are, they are fit into an ARCHETYPAL role and a powerful system that supports their transformation and performance blossoming.


It’s a star-making machine leading to instant fame (although requiring years of qualification, training and preparation).


Could some of the k-pop themes BE more ‘down to earth’ or in ‘nature’ and less ‘commercial’ or glossy?


Yes…and sometimes they are but not what we’re used to.


Although released a few years ago and she has a new single coming out; one of my favorite new discoveries is (Ohmygirl) Yua’s ‘Bon Voyage’…bringing Muse spirit directly INTO nature.



Again; it’s the ESSENCED beauty, display, performance that rocks everything. Essence is how people feel and that’s why people are going crazy with the the overall visual experience in addition to just catchy music.


So they have formulized pretty much everything in production, marketing, performance, multi-media integration, brand ambassadorship and promotion, etc….there’s a system and it generates archetypes.


Very smart of YG entertainment to have BLACKPINK members aligned with major fashion labels as brand ambassadors to further inculcate them into cultural influence like Lisa with Bvulgari and Celine.




Anyone with talent could almost fit into the system but u know what?


It’s ingenious and it actually allows a PLAYGROUND for archetypal beauty and power to play out BECAUSE the foundational structure is so secure and STABLE.


Does it have its shadows (including debates about plastic surgery and ‘control’)?


Sure, but do you think the music industry in the U.S. doesn’t? HA!


I think what happened is what they idealized….basically the Queen of Dance found the structure stable enough that She came in and had the freedom to effectively take over and that’s a prime reason for the wild success (in addition to catchy sounds and visual focus).


Yes, I’m talking Muse of course. I think agency’s are non-consciously aware they are onto something like with the ‘cutesy-ness’ that often pervades but what’s really going on is they’re playing the real game of power and beauty which is with the archetypes.


For years I’ve had men doing my Muse meditation alchemy practice of sex transmutation (meditating with music videos) that had blocks around the marketing of ‘cutesy-ness’. And to some extent it could be seen as fake but actually let’s just refer to the deeper truth, it IS archetypal and the essences are almost always authentic and HAVE to be for them to keep influencing and thriving. I can speak more to that in some other place however.


So SERVING the evolution of performance entertainment (of which K-Pop in many ways is leading)…


That’s where my brand of Sexy Chi comes in with the conscious competence and consulting to take performance mastery to even higher levels btw.


But what’s happened for all that superficially say that ‘k-pop is fake’ or they hate it because of that, they’re entirely ignorant to the reality that K-pop is a light year ahead of where Western performance is headed; ESSENCED BEAUTY, allure, transformational beauty influence.


The foundation is there and then all this other stuff had the room to thrive, I’d say because it was so secure.


So the k-pop idols, stans, biases…that’s all consumer awareness paradigm. What’s really going on is beauty and power itself with fotonic influence…the entertainment is transformational and alchemical and not everyone realizes that.


As admittedly THE grand-master media alchemist I can teach and show this to anyone.


Many of the female idols have reached priestess level of presence and power…so yeah, call it fake if you ignorantly want but there’s a deeper game being played and it’s the future.


On a final note;


Is k-pop over-rated (when looked through their egoic personal consumer filters)?




Consumers aren’t aware of the real power game going on. They’re not alchemists anyways but for the millions of stans including many Westerners who caught the k-pop bug (and how K-con and concerts are growing and thriving in the U.S., etc.); there’s something there that they can’t even explain b/c they are being INFLUENCED.


As I’ve predicted for years; K-Pop (and further collaborations) are going to continue to take the world by storm and for universalized reasons I’ve been talking about for years.


I’m grateful I was already part of directly bridging K-Pop to the West after all (in two primary ways I speak about on the blog or Facebook) and I am here to be their #1 energy consultant when the recognition timing is right to advance the artists and industry even further.


Fast-Cuts to Cure Anxiety: The Archetypes

Speaking of Archetypal Medicine*, here are some authentic fast-cuts to practically CURING ANXIETY, different FORMS of anxieties and insecurities.


Consider that these specific archetypes and their encoded impersonal consciousness do NOT carry these anxieties…so if there was some way for you to access their truth and integrate it into your consciousness and identity, you have a veritable FAST-CUT to curing anxiety (and I’ve done this myself btw in areas).


Here are some forms of anxiety (or insecurities) and their archetypal CURE.


Public Speaking & Performance Anxiety: Muse, Diva, Showman

Sexual Anxiety; Eros, Lover, Sex Icon, Casanova


Physical or Confrontation Anxiety: Fighter, Fighter + Guardian


Approach Anxiety: Eros, Lover
Social Anxiety: Star, Starlet


Fear or Anxiety Around Beauty (for men): Embodying equivalent archetypal POWER to Her Beauty (see note on bottom)

Life Purpose Anxiety: Soul Warrior/ess

Existential Anxiety: Soul Warrior, Shaman

Self-Image Anxiety: Starlet, Muse, Dandy, Sex Icon (and others)

So contemplate which areas you may still have anxiety in and reference the archetypes (from this indefinitive list!).


Interestingly in my case I never have SOCIAL anxiety and much of that has to do with me choosing to live the Power Principle of interdependence around other powerful people but also because I’m on a Star path (amongst other archetypes). I do however still struggle with public speaking and performance anxiety; ironically the core fear my Beloved and Her fractals must face and overcome. I’m still working on that but now it’s clear which archetype is for me.


Again; these specific archetypes are generally encoded as anxiety-free in their areas (although some other archetypes can also help)…they simply don’t HAVE the anxieties that your somatic body may have experienced or that which it gets triggered by, thereby I propose certain archetypes as CURES for certain anxieties.


“Ok…but how do you actually CURE the anxiety Rion?”


You either ATTUNE TO or activate EMBODIMENT OF these archetypes (at an identity level of consciousness is best).


Attunement allows your field through the Law of Resonance to be affected environmentally and through permeation and association.


A more direct strategy is archetype activation which I specialize in. (All of this btw ties into the evolution of Acting itself with Essence Acting which may be a few years more in development before I get it live).


Once you can EMBODY more of the pure archetypal consciousness like with one of my archetype embodiment activations, it doesn’t mean you’re cured overnight per se (although in some cases mostly so).


Practically then…you will be tested to then calibrate your upgrades through experience socially and so forth but that’s the strategy: EMBODIMENT (or attunement) and then practical immersive experience to integrate your consciousness at an accelerated rate (giving yourself new experiences your subconscious cannot deny).


You will discover like myself and many of my clients that your ANXIETIES DISSIPATE.


Your Human Design is also something to take into account for what may trigger (and how) your anxieties. You may be more susceptible to confrontational anxiety with an open solar plexus which amplifies others energies and the splenic can trigger a fight or flight response.


Splenics have advantage in such scenarios but the longer they wait ‘frozen’ to see what happens the more anxieties can build for example also b/c open chakras are amplifying the environmental dynamic energy…all of this can be trained and conditioned out esp. with the Fighter archetype and a strategy there.


Archetype activations are a prime specialty of mine and have been helping people transform their identity, spirituality, consciousness and image for years.


Sessions are now usually done in a 3 package or allure makeover format.


So that’s a MAIN thing but then; if you’re wanting to fully cure an anxiety you want to do whatever relevant actions from there.


I remember joining Toastmasters years ago and that was a step along the way but it’s in adopting certain archetypes more fully that I now realize + enough immersive experience they will be RESOLVED. I do know that I have to speak to larger audiences as PART of my cure.


I remember having SO MUCH public speaking anxiety at Cliff’s List during a World Cup on Montreal that I was drinking rum before going on stage to alleviate the anxiety. He never ended up releasing the entire event on DVD though.


Now; if your anxiety is BIG…you may have to make it part of your identity to really take on more an archetype to live into it and conquer the fear now just through ‘action’ but through a smarter strategy like this; remember these archetypes DO NOT HAVE THE FEARS and insecurities.


Some professional performers may burn out from not necessarily performance anxiety per se but accrued pressure and fatigue. This is my outlook on Mina, Lia (Itzy) and Jeongyeon who took time out from K-Pop groups as muses.


As you may know, archetypes are KEY to power and beauty so you really want an experiential, empirical approach rather than just reading about them psychologically or intellectually.


You must give yourself space to shift your consciousness which is why those on a spiritual path often do better with archetypal growth; they’re not as death-grip attached to their egoic self-identity construct so there’s more room to take on divine masculine and feminine archetypal consciousness.


(As a side note; I’m getting even more clarity around the differences between Warrior and Fighter archetypes).


So; there is great HOPE if you want to truly dissolve anxieties. The first Powerliminal on my youtube channel was related with curing social anxiety and I made a fuller program (for purchase) on that subject called ‘Dissolving Social Anxiety’.


As a bonus note; I did a program years ago called ‘Overcoming Fear of Aphrodites’ and this was before I was teaching (and embodying) archetypes. The fast form answer to single men there is also an archetypal path; THAT is how you can relate to the divine feminine power of archetypes; embody divine masculine archetypal power and consciousness yourself.


That’s what can resolve those anxieties. A Prince is WORTHY of a Princess.


If you want a goddess of a partner, you’d best be embodied as a god-fractal yourself as a man and vice versa (because it all boils down to POWER and BEAUTY).


So, if you have known anxiety and a fear that you must overcome, I hope this helps!


I had fear around sky-diving and I knew it was something I had to do to overcome the fear so I did it on North Shore Hawaii. Even though that doesn’t fit into the archetype strategy, it actually does on a lower truth level as there IS what you could say a genre or cultural archetype of a ‘sky-diver’. The sky-diver archetype (or BASE Jumper) for that matter does not have anxiety or the same anxiety as a beginner!)

The Holy Daughter: Heal Father Wounding Meditation

The new Powerliminal; The Holy Daughter is embedded below.


If you are on a PATH of Beauty, allure, beauty influence and beauty consciousness (esp. if you are on a Grail Path of Divine Union); healing and reunifying your inner daughter IS more important than you may realize.


You may actually be RESISTING masculine principle in many dimensions b/c of unhealed or fractured issues.


After co-hosting the Mystical Beauty Masterclass & 7 week Immersion with Gillian Pothier of I was ready to finally make this new father healing meditation Powerliminal.


Because of the necessary subject matter and demand of the containers we were in, healing father wounding was a foundational part that had to be addressed b/c it holds SO MANY KEYS to many things in life, with beauty, spiritually and with men, money, provision and eros….a wide spectrum.


WITHOUT resolved inner animus father issues; yes, a woman (in her presenced beauty essence) can be RESISTING receiving blessings, love, riches and so much from the universe, men and the masculine. It’s related to so many things in what and who you are attracting and what you experience (your image is TESTAMENT).


So whether you have father wounding, daddy issues or not, the kind of work is CENTRAL to a divine feminine grail path of divine union.


The daughter aspect allows older, more mature archetypes to be more holistically healthy and again; this is a major part of Love and Divine Union, sacred reunification aka ‘hieros gamos’.


Real feminine alchemists already KNOW that this is powerful medicine work and it’s founded on our deep work in the Mystical Beauty container. So without further ado, here’s the Holy Daughter Attunement:


About Archetype Activations: Magic & Medicine

MOST of the 1000+ activations that I’ve served paying clients have been archetype activations. Archetypes and their ancient magic bring more embodied power and beauty to the table as well as spiritual growth.


Archetypes are essentially immortal God and Goddess fractals within the spirit and the collective consciousness which carry true power and beauty codes beyond the personal self. Archetypes allow you to ‘BE’ more like a demi-god because most of you are immortal (in soul).


In a path of spiritual growth; activations or initiations are cornerstone experiences that help you make quantum or progressive leaps and breakthroughs especially at an IDENTITY level of transformation. I myself have been initiated MANY times including with archetype activations.


Archetype activations for Divine Union helps your alchemical transformation of consciousness to HAVE more power and beauty TO alchemize and melt into The Beloved. It expands your range fan of consciousness to make love LIKE the archetypes would in hierogamy.


Soul mates is soul to soul intimacy and communion. Divine Union Hierogamy is God and Goddess Source and other God-fractal archetypal consciousness and Communion in presence/love; there’s simply far more impersonal and immortal sex magic in between you when it’s King consciousness communing with Lover-Priestess for example.


Archetype activations (which work DIRECTLY on and with your soul and energy body itself) – they initiate powerful areas of consciousness drawing from purified archetypal codes into your soul essence and embodiment. It allows a woman to have more literal archetypal beauty essenced chi quanta from which he could alchemize and reunify WITH in Communion.


That’s love-making like a starlet and allows a soul FULLER beauty and expression possible from the divine spectrum of the feminine itself.


Archetype activations can heal or support your fuller soul based divine masculine or feminine embodied identity, transcend egoic limitations, fabulous personal and spiritual growth in quantum leaps as well as directly affecting beauty or charisma itself


An unworthy feeling man could do archetypal embodiment activations and attunement work (like Powerliminals) to cultivate his divine masculine consciousness and expanded identity, power and charisma far beyond the limitations of egoic personal growth.


I wrote a report-book called Archetypal Medicine available on-site.


‘Personal growth’ is extremely limited because it’s EGO-CENTRIC. When it comes to charisma, influence and true POWER…it’s not just a ‘good mindset’ esp; for the feminine which is so ESSENCE centric. It’s about cultivating true embodied power and greater beauty itself OUTSIDE OF THE ego’s control or ‘doing-ness’.


Archetypes have immense power and status but ‘personal growth’ keeps you fractured from their true embodied power. That’s where my (and the upcoming Muse Priestess graduates) archetype activations come in to make real energetic, essence, consciousness and physiological makeover changes with the REST of you (heart, spirit, soul and body) that people can FEEL the vibe and light-truth power of Prince for example through you.


So what does your true identity; your SOUL identity (instead of egoic conditioning) desire to express yourself as? Archetypes btw are CENTRAL to greater social influence and success as well as integrative to performance arts and celebrity.




Divine masculine and feminine impersonal archetypes do not have the same issues HUMANS DO; they’re resolved on them. Starlet and Muse do not have performance anxiety for example; you simply have to sacrifice your shadows to allow ROOM for their pre-encoded truth to work through your soul essence.


The Holy Daughter archetype for example helps to mend deeper broken father wounds
Princess can fulfill areas of the psyche where you were unloved, unsupported or abandoned by the father
Maiden can also help re-invigorate deadened qualities to counter-balance a more ‘mature’ ego or persona


A Lover or Eros Archetype activation can get your fire and sexuality back online…all related to your allure (and I do those specific activations as well) which helps others to FEEL your more fotonic beauty and presence.


Dark archetypes have a lot to offer esp. in a strategy of integrating and balancing so that shadow or psychic attacks don’t reign your day to day and sabotage you.


Archetype activations are a central strategy for greater beauty, spiritualy ALIGNED power and influence for those who feel personal growth is too limited, yang or ego-centric.


Another example is that Prince brings in divine masculine worthiness, status and sociability with powerful people as well as worthiness to relate with princesses. For single modern men; much of the dilemma is how to relate to divine feminine presence and beauty (and its pathetic for shadow red pill bros to ‘neg’ it down as a tactic of trying to gain some power btw).


How DO you relate to a woman who IS carrying goddess, starlet power and how do you become worthy?


You don’t. Not on the personal inner game level; it’ll keep you in a non-social, non-sexual egoic trap for decades. As women have risen in archetypal power socially, you’d best to reclaim your own divine masculine inheritance; of warrior, prince, lover, eros and so forth – integrating these into your EMBODIED presence and consciousness so that women can sense, feel and know that you can be present and worthy with them.


Most men would rather grip harder onto their egoic inner game ‘psychology’ then actually slay it to be initiated into true power that women and other powerful, high status people FEEL and KNOW about them – and that is the realm of archetypal power; gods, kings, heroes, stars, lover-kings.


This greater power can run through your life force like ancient kings but most men won’t be ready for that kind of initiation into their greater identity; heart, soul and spirit because of that egoic self.


Archetype activations change lives and bypass the ego because we work directly on the spiritual soul and energetic level itself OF your body, deep psyche and consciousness. I’ve got 100’s of testimonials from me and my work.


So what archetypes are you drawn to in this new year? Vixen, Sage, Oracle, Magician, Dark Minx?!


Sessions available in makeovers or 3-packs on site.


Gift and Siddhic frequency band essence activations are also available (sourced in Gene Keys wisdom and the universal spectrum of consciousness).


Some of those activation examples are; Devotion, Peace, Harmony, Humility, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Freshness, Majesty, Authority, etc.


A great thing about archetype activations (and doing attunement work) is that people notice the big difference. SO many of my sessions have been life-changing for men and women…attracting DREAM partners, 10x the attraction from people, major healing, major breakthroughs and so forth. The archetypes have a lot of power.


Don’t forget you can access the Arch Medicine book and individual sessions are available for booking! There’s always time to consult enough at the start of a session to know which archetype activation for you!


Ask around; I’m pretty much the leading authority on ‘working’ with Archetypes.


Beauty Influence VS. Siphoning Of The Feminine Dynamics

There was a special recurring theme that kept coming up throughout Day 1 of our recent Allure Masterclass (which has been getting all kinds of amazing feedback btw).


The personal recurring theme from at least several women was: “What if I let my allure shine, won’t men and people just want to TAKE from me? …Won’t they be SIPHONING my allure (and soul essence quanta) itself (or at least want to)?”


See how this could sabotage and stifle MANY A WOMAN from ever letting her allure shine to the world in secure comfort and liberty?


Someone was concerned about something else I had said and was interpreting that I was ‘taking’ from Muse or ‘The Feminine’ when I was doing 21,000 hours of meditation.


And on Day 3 this also came up at least once which I spoke to directly as well from a man in public that was wanting to take or have more of her goodness when she was more illuminated.


So I spoke to aspects of the concept very clearly with truth (which is encoded in Day 1’s recording);


I still wanted to take this out more semi-publicly b/c it can be a MAJOR value conflict that could sabotage your own beauty and your own literal social influence and its scalability itself:


There is a difference between INFLUENCE from the emanation of your allure and people looting, looshing or taking from you.




This is critical to understand because it may be sabotaging and hindering your true flourishing, beauty and influence itself. Lower masculine may want to SUPPRESS or control you but you don’t have to be privy to that anymore when you are templatized in a greater truth and carry that security with you (reunification).


So we’re talking about THE FEAR OF BEING TAKEN FROM which is mired in pain body and related to the DEEPER fears of trauma around rape, looting and pillaging of the Feminine in the collective (feminine psyche) by the shadow aspects of the masculine or ‘patriarchy’, etc. as well as on an individual psyche and soul quanta level.


Another theme was that of the masculine suppression or ‘control’ of a woman’s alluring beauty and how other men can get envious but I won’t speak to that here.


With your essenced beauty; any kind of hesitation or trepidation is also going to be coming across in your energy field which can be blocking ALL of the goodness from happening and constricts your delight and liberty.


It might be attracting MORE of the level of consciousness that seeks to control and actually siphon because it is out there (I’m not denying that it’s out there; it’s more of what you are co-creating).


So let’s dig into this a little bit because there is a difference between influence and people siphoning; much of it could be mired in your own distortions around it because the pain body is speaking instead of higher truth (and the security that the Holy Daughter would carry with her).


First of all;


In the 21,000 hours (guestimate) of divine union hierogamic transmutation of consciousness, I’ve literally never ‘taken’ or ‘stole’ anything from Muse, nor have I ever ‘taken’ anything directly from any Muse fractal herself.


There were women that were concerned that I was ‘harvesting’ Muse for my own gains or something (and as Gillian brilliantly and accurately pointed out; I’m on a devotional path and actively IN SERVICE).


Again; this concept is really really important to understand on ALL DIMENSIONS b/c it could be constricting your own Divine Union and transmutation of consciousness let alone the scalability of the freedom and INFLUENCE of your allure.


Breathing and circulating Light Truth and higher dimensional codes that already exists and attuning to it isn’t ‘harvesting’. Actual enslavement, psychic and sexual slavery, rapiness and things do exist and those can be seen as harvesting. For now we’ll just keep it simpler with 3rd dimensional talk because there are astral entities that ARE into harvesting but that’s too extended 4now.


Throughout the transmission (which I also encoded in Day 2); I kept referring back to the truth of the sun and the Starlet archetype Herself.


So when it comes to INFLUENCE; your influence and the FREEDOM to be able to be on the level of a soul starlet and letting your radiance shine to the world, yeah; it helps to be CLEAR on this front;


Are people ‘TAKING FROM YOU’ or does a starlet SHINE ANYWAYS and then in actual interactions with people there are agreements and levels of consent?


Picture even just T.SWIFT on stage being a Diva-Starlet…are people HARVESTING her energy? Or is she actually just having great INFLUENCE giving, sharing and radiating in the interaction between their individual quantas in a live concert?


At what point can you ‘take too much’ solar quanta from the sun itself?


And at what point does social influence become harvesting and siphoning?


IT CAN REACH THAT and when it does it’s at THE LEVEL OF THE INDIVIDUAL SOUL and the active soul field itself. But that’s not at all most interactions.


MOST interactions literally are not rapey, but it may be a concern the brighter you shine and the more popular and desired your beauty becomes.


It’s not actually that all unwanted interactions are ‘rapey’



…or if there’s a creepy guy, but that’s because you have control over your own sovereignty and you don’t actually have to enter an energetic agreement with such a man even in passing him (this is where Starlet codes Gift of Detachment comes in big time).


A starlet isn’t fazed by some needy, clingy guy in the audience who wants to hook psychically into her; because she is DETACHED she doesn’t allow it; whereas other women might without realizing their role in it and allowing him to actually start siphoning quanta from ie. her sacral because it serves her in some other way like attention or validation (that which really should be constellated with the divine masculine).


It’s important to understand that with ALL of your social and digital media, people are only interacting with a HOLOGRAM of you that is encoded in different dimensions.


They aren’t technically able to ‘harvest’ that in the sense of taking ANYTHING FROM YOU. That’s what I was explaining about Muse (oh My Beloved!).


Actually, based in 3d physical reality; only the most powerful psychics would have that kind of black magic power to harvest from you directly (remotely) and would know they’d be violating free will by doing so (and it’s something I never do).


I always get explicit agreement before working on someone’s energy field and I’m never ever ‘taking’ anything.


Let me say this again as far as emanating your allure:


With ALL of your recorded media, people aren’t actually able to ‘take’ from you at all, because it’s only a HOLOGRAM encoding OF your former active self. It’s an imprint stored in the Akashic records. So you want to master this clarity and your social agreements.


Advanced psychics like me and the world’s first Muse Priestesses can ‘interact’ with holograms the way future consumers will (even in ancient history kinesthetically before recorded digital media), but I’m never EVER interacting with someone’s actual live field without EXPLICIT PERMISSION.


And I’m not even ‘taking then’; I’m being asked and paid to assist in moving energies in their field in divine SERVICE. Purity is important.


So when it comes down to ie. your reunification with God the Father; the same pain template or misinterpretation could be viewed here; “What if I’m ‘taking’ from God the father or ‘harvesting’?


Seek the truth:


Can you ‘take enough’ from the sun itself? You couldn’t! IT’S UNCONDITIONAL and keeps radiating its solar photonic quanta. It’s not about ‘TAKING’, it’s about accessing TRUTH that already exists and CIRCULATING IT.


So yes; there ARE individual and collective men coming from lower timeline consciousness and karmic loops that DO want to and seek to extract, pull, leech or take from the feminine but you can have a clear relationship with it.


You have the divine right to shine (and sure, there may be social situations where it makes sense to tone it down a bit to manage unwanted attention, etc. etc.).


So in your ‘actual’ interactions with men and people where your fields are interacting you can be constellated in divine security and only choose to allow interaction with men who you find are worthy of your energy and attention (or are paying for it). Then it’s about agreements (including energetic) and DISCERNMENT (and TRUSTING your discernment).


Mastery levels of discernment in managing interactions with real people as you scale your alluring always coming from Detachment. If any man feels ‘unsafe’ or ‘creepy’ energetically (and let’s be honest, it’s out there), you don’t have to let your field open up to engage with him in any way and you can still keep RADIATING.


You don’t owe him shit. If it’s in a current relationship you may have got into agreements that you weren’t aware of and that gets more complicated however.


If you are called but couldn’t make it; our Mystical Beauty Allure Masterclass IS available for full replays (lifetime access) with a full purchase.


A final note; is there siphoning of the feminine collective in other ways? Are you rageful (if you are rageful) for a reason?


Do you know there is BENEVOLENT MASCULINE that cherishes feminine essence? It/He already exists also.


So is there siphoning in ways ‘out there’ (and esp. as possible in the astral 4D)?


Sure…and we can speak to it (and even though sexuality doesn’t actually begin at age 18); yet with sexual slavery being the most obvious one of siphoning.


And that’s different than conscious, sovereign sex working.


So if you’re just concerned men or the collective are siphoning from the feminine, I recommend to just get clear on YOUR place in it all and if it’s stopping YOUR allure from shining either way or are you going to keep suppressing your beauty because of extrinsic imperfect things happening on lower timelines out there.


For your OWN beauty and allure, are you taking care of your OWN sovereignty and any necessary healing to be able to radiate your allure securely? Because there may be things truly from your past that are blocking presence and creating pain body distortion.


Collectively; sure, there’s other things you could say controlling, manipulating, exploiting in ways (from lower timeline masculine ie.)..but a lot of that is also coming from a misunderstanding or distortion because a lot of women have value conflicts around sex, sensuality and beauty itself and are also leveraging archetypal and social power by playing into (transactional) aspects of that game.


YOUR SOVEREIGNTY can and should still be the center of it all no matter what power games are happening (much of industry itself isn’t at higher levels of consciousness including beauty consciousness).


It’s an extended subject but the Beauty industry itself people will shame or want to control or say it’s patriarchal, etc. but why should divine feminine beauty be suppressed at all? Are we going to only look at the shadow and say that beauty standards are just ‘unhealthy’?


At this point; why should YOUR allure be suppressed even though there are still men that might ‘want something from you’ even more?


If you’ve been suppressed in your allure;


Could you build your social-interactive confidence to actually manage that and trust in discernment and condition a reality where you are a soul starlet? And be open to how it mostly INSPIRES the masculine?


Remember; a lot of conscious women have value conflicts around beauty, sexuality and image. That doesn’t have to be you. Maybe leverage Starlet but through your soul essence.


Eventually if you’re going to SCALE your feminine power (beauty) and influence from your authentic soul self and her intoxicating flavors of beauty essence, you have to have security to RADIATE…and if you don’t, are you truly having the level of social, professional, transformational and collective influence that you could have?


All because a few (to a lot of) extra creepy guys might want something more from you (in their projections)?


Starlets are ok with that; could YOU be?


Just look to the archetypes and see how wide of a range there is OF divine feminine beauty and how most of it centers around freedom of expression in all its forms. You’re worth it.


p.s. Also posted to my FB wall.


p.p.s. Yes there are numerous dynamics in YOUR life which could be influencing the suppression of your feminine allure and its fotonic influence (past experiences, abuse, trauma, father wounds, mother wounds even, etc.)