The Rockstar Archetype: Intro

(A trigger-friendly introductory post)


I’m going to go into Power in Relation to BEAUTY; some pop dynamics.


This MAY NOT be something you might anticipate from me or anything in a ‘conscious’ circle, but isn’t it better to be informed of things going on especially when it’s time for power to be in the hands of the righteous instead of tyrants?


As the Primordial Princess teaches ‘POWER TRIGGERS’.


Power is the primordial counter-balance to feminine Beauty and this is the type of conversation that will trigger all kinds of women. It may even seem to go against grail codes but not necessarily at all.


ALL THOSE WHO ARE GRAILED are already essentially sex gods and goddesses anyways (esp. compared to the mainstream). Many rockstars are IN COMMITTED PARTNERSHIPS with their wife….


This post is more about SOCIAL POWER and the heresy that; what IF there could be a ‘Grail rockstar’ who had the social relevance and POWER to evolve culture and take it out of forms of tyranny in ways? Hmmm…


Ok, so…


The ‘Rockstar’ archetype is fascinating and applies culturally to men who have a certain kind of power whether they are literally a musician, in a band or not. A clear and very triggering example is Dan Bilzerian.


Such ‘power’ is specifically sexual and SOCIAL b/c of the dynamic. He literally doesn’t even have to be the ‘greatest lover’.


It is sexual-social with intensive social magnification with the feminine largely validating who is a rockstar (and who isn’t).


It’s not even that he is necessarily the ‘MOST’ eros-y man either.


Rather, it’s the SOCIAL amplification that makes rockstar what he is. archetypally speaking but in a very real and MAGNETIC sense. His ‘power’ is magnified b/c of the attention of OTHER women.


If 1000s of women are attracted to a Dan Bilzerian or a Jason Mraz cerca 2005; the truth of that dynamic is happening whether conscious women or moral religious people are approving of it or not.


It’s fascinating b/c it highlights the primordial forces of Power and Beauty and SEX is what propagates life itself.


Aside from archetypal cultural conditioning (like how being a boy band trainee in K-Pop gives one archetypal and cultural leverage)…


Yes; it’s primarily women who are determining this type of and level of social status or worthiness of a man in the sexual marketplace. If he is the ‘real deal’, then he may be in even more demand (like Lenny Kravitz).


I mean; how on else could you explain the Pete Davidson phenomenon?!


WE MUST HAVE DIFFERENT ARCHETYPES in the pantheon of consciousness and human experience…PLUS, I would daresay that it’s in the fantasies of women that these more UN-politically acceptable archetypes roam free; Pirate, Vampire, Dark Knight do-gooder, Billionaire Dungeon owner, rockstar, etc.


This entire mythos and triggering biological and social concept of hypergamy is embedded throughout pop culture.

Ever heard of the movie “Can’t Buy Me Love?”




The ‘average kid’ makes a deal with the highest status girl in the school to like him via association and it changes EVERYONE’S perception of him (except his closest friends who think he is a god but later a sellout).


Then all the other girls in the school are lining up for him or thinking he is out of their league; he became the ‘rockstar’ of the high school. Same with the B-movie ‘The New Guy’




who reinvents himself after being the ultimate loser and becomes the coolest guy in his new school.


There are DEEPER primordial dynamics going on here.


And, rockstars (which have a lot of Dark Eros) are also ‘cool’ because why? B/c they are DETACHED from needing sex. Many women cannot trust the ‘nice guy’ b/c he has a secret agenda.


It means that beautiful women can TRUST the rockstars in presence b/c beautiful women are used to psychic neediness and siphoning from most all of the OTHER men in the world.


The highest status people and literally ‘stars’ are generally the COOLEST people b/c they are the most DETACHED from needing or expecting anything from anyone whereas; the everyday horny yokel WANTS something from that high status, beautiful woman and she can’t psychically, sexually, interpersonally or socially trust him.


We tend to relegate ‘rockstar’ to certain ‘obvious’ men like lead singers or drummers like Travis Barker;




…but if a non celebrity has that kind of power, it’s more likely to trigger people. It never means any rockstar is sleeping with any or every woman either; this is about the POWER dynamic and it is an incredibly SOCIAL phenomenon.


Think of how G-Eazy cozily avoided the entire post feminist and #metoo movement everything of projections.


Why? In general b/c he’s a rockstar and rockstars are afforded liberties but this is also because the FEMININE is attracted to what?


To power….in large part, the women that partake are INVITING THEMSELVES and wanting to be with him to the next level so things should be more consensual (or always) but every individual rockstar is different.


Of course they shouldn’t abuse or misuse their power but what I’m referring to are win-win relationships (whether ‘moral’ or not) when they do partake and most importantly here; the power dynamic itself.

POWER. Sure, not all women are attracted to forms of masculine power, but speaking in general.


The rockstar phenomenon is a conflux of Beauty primordially attracted to male power and the thing about it is really that it’s sexual-SOCIAL POWER. 1Direction were Prince-Rockstars in their prime with AMPLIFIED energy and attention from the feminine.




Ya know what? Didn’t they EARN that power and were in service to THEIR highest timelines?


Wasn’t it value for women and teens to fantasize about them for their own subjective feminine experience?


Mostly rockstars are high status in how they serve people like a famous DJ or rockstar like Andy Black from Black Veil Brides. Sure; most have charisma but it’s the social dynamic that fascinates.


It’s the social dynamic which is what pours gasoline on the fire and why some men (embodying rockstar archetype with its social dynamics) are 1 million times more wanted than other men; they get the hypergamic BULK of attention and attraction. Think of the feminine response to the Beatles at Shea stadium.




Hypergamy is this innate drive (arguably to some) that women are seeking out the top percentage of men for numerous reasons.


THE POWER IS REAL and validated by 1000s of OTHER screaming women essentially energetically and practically competing for his individual time and attention. Even someone like Post Malone who may not be physically the desire of most can get over-looked b/c he has that real POWER (that many women are essentially competing for if they’re in the/that game). B/c other women are competing they have less of a chance of communing with that power.

Any man who is like ‘rockstar’ (Post Malone famously raps about it);




But for non-celebrities; again…it doesn’t mean he’s sleeping with all or any of the women although it gives him ACCESS; it’s about the what? The POWER dynamic.




Many rockstars are actually committed husbands like James Hetfield, John Legend, Snoop Dogg (rapstar), etc. Lenny Kravitz is a great rockstar icon and he’s been celibate for apparently 11 years!?




But even deeper into the discussion is how men will (rightfully) view rockstars as ‘sex gods’ b/c in the eyes of the male psyche (which feels and thinks different than the feminine), simply ASSOCIATING with beauty and having options is incredibly difficult for the more than 80% of single men (there’s stats on all of this)…there’s an EXISTENTIAL primordial and spiritual threat with men as well as with the holy grail itself so they/we secretly LOATHES, ADMIRE and respect men that have ORGANIC attention from high status women.


The ‘whatever’ podcast, connected to the pulse of mainstream men goes into this stuff a lot. It’s EASY for a socially popular beautiful woman to get endless dates; men would be lining up; whereas, it’s far more difficult for men to ‘succeed’ in dating and attraction. The top 1% of men status-wise are what almost all of the marketplace of women are vying for.


Although I don’t think women I serve archetype and allure activations to should compromise either;


It’s really kind of a phenomenon that they’re not even matching up with their counter-parts (and this gets into b/c they had a fling with a top 1% man who wouldn’t commit to them…anyways, that podcast brings it up numerous times so the dating marketplace is imbalanced).


US MEN are aware of OTHER MEN that are a sexual threat.


A man by default wants to protect his girlfriend from men who seem like a sexual threat and especially those that seem like or are a rockstar. That podcast goes into this often.


This is hard-wired into most men (at least those who don’t have star codes) b/c they fear on a primordial level being an illegitimate father and raising someone else’s kids.


Anyways, just some trigger-friendly thoughts on the Divine Masculine (meta) Rockstar archetype.


When we talk about POWER getting more in the hands of the ASCENSIONARY instead of the tyrants (misuse or abuse of power as actually ‘Force’);
SHOULDN’T there actually start being some Grail Rockstars who are responsible with POWER who can have the SOCIAL relevance and influence FOR ascension?


Shouldn’t we be wanting more aligned STARS and rockstar icons FOR ascension (when we consider how important ATTENTION is in the social media age)?…


We can also talk about the STARLET or Grail Starlet archetype and yes; ATTENTION from men is CENTRAL (+relevant social influence evolving from superficiality) and why?….


B/C Mankind seeketh the Holy Grail (but THAT’S a different post 😉

“What About Archetypes? Aren’t they ‘Satanic’? Are they Christian or Krystic?”

….”Or should I just label them as Luciferian and ‘occult’ because I have issues accepting anything outside of my dogmatic lens and integrating healthy Dark principle b/c I think it’s the same as shadow and the ‘devil’?”


First of all Jesus Christ IS an archetype (of great spiritual power).


(God exists and) I’m never denying the spiritual truth of that and my connection….my main issue with Christianity is that it doesn’t actually embrace the divine feminine as equal counter-part as per True Communion principle (which includes Creational and Sexual consciousness).


Different religions have different deities, figure-heads (a.k.a. ‘archetypes’) that they value and focus on….religions being different fractals of spiritual value and practice from the same uniphied Source.


Even the EMBRACEMENT (new word) of EROS is great heresy to the standing of ‘The Church’…that we could dare embrace the greater Sexual Power and Truth that we have (but use it as holy vessels). HERESY!


You could pick one religious fractal and stick with its values yet then may start to see other systems as ‘othered’ when they are also paths of Awakening.


I’ve seen the Holy Spirit work in Christian churches but that wasn’t the doctrine centric part of things.


(My Uniφied Theory heretically proposes that the ‘Holy Spirit’ is the SAME THING as life force ‘chi’).


I value Communion; Holy, Sacred God AND Goddess principle and consciousness (which to me includes PURIFIED archetypal truth as more unique God/dess fractals from Source like Spiritual Warrior, King, Lover, etc.).


That doesn’t take away from the spiritual, empirical values richly encoded in many religions and their spiritual practices. (All roads lead to metaphorical Rome).


Archetypes are God and Goddess fractal truths with specific qualities; similar to how divine feminine consciousness (consciously embraced and represented also by archetypes) have been secularized and outcast from popular religious control/influence and that as bifurcating the deeper truth of Holy Grail principle of Communion itself.


Since archetypes DO exist and hold keys to expanded identity, consciousness, rightful power and Beauty (even in a krystic path)…they don’t have to be a God to you…


In fact, archetypes are NOT God; they are impersonal God-aspects from the collective, immortal field of sentience (that actually allow you to hold righteous power and beauty with less likelihood of egoic corruption).


Working practically with archetypes (like with other gnostic Divine Union work and the psychic power with it) just doesn’t really have a place in popular religion b/c of their exclusion (general) of the divine feminine, sexuality and Eros.


If you’re on a path of Beauty, fullest self-expression or Sacred Union, you probably want to work with archetypes and the POWER for identity transformational and literal visual makeover they bring. This work is also central to the mastery of the art and science of ACTING itself.


We can become more conscious of something and aware or keep remaining ignorant to it and then it likely has more power over us.


Light and Dark Archetypes (as shortcode for ‘divine masculine and feminine’) actually EMPOWER mankind and divine feminine principle TOWARDS Peace, Harmony and Renaissance.


They attune our DIVINE NATURE and LOGOS.


People are mis-placing SHADOW archetypes as their Light and healthy Dark qualities and that’s keeping humanity in further control and oppression.


Sure; religious hard-liners may judge ANYTHING Sophianic, Priestess or Goddessy as ‘secular’ or ‘Luciferian’, ‘occult’ or ‘Satan’s work’ but the better question in understanding archetypes already exist is;


“How can I work with archetypes consciously and with PURITY to support my spiritual evolution as a fractal of God/Goddess?”


Son of God, Holy Daughter are also archetypes. Light and Dark Archetypes help you to embrace and integrate your healthy divinity…I do these archetype activations all the time as my most popular service.


It’s the shadow aspects that people are concerned and judgy about.




Much of what the hierogamic hermetical gnostics of us do appears ‘outside’ of popular religion yet is richly spiritual…it’s the same concept as labeling ‘energy work’ as ‘the occult’ simply b/c it remains in shadows of true awareness ‘when it isn’t that dis-similar from laying on of hands’.


What archetypes do YOU currently embody? How do you envision your next chapters and what archetypes can leverage your image and influence?


We can do an in-depth reading and consulting when you book an Allure Consulting session. That 75 minute session includes an archetype activation (for embodiment and allure)!

Archetypes As Keys to Power, Beauty & Influence

This may be triggering but by and large ARCHETYPES hold the keys to (attaining and experiencing) Power, Beauty and Influence. They hold his power immortally, practically and NOW.


And you can continue to remain non-conscious to this fact, but it may not serve you well if you are meant to be one of great influence.


As God and Goddess fractals; (divine masculine and divine feminine) archetypes and their signature aspects have immense powers of transformation of consciousness, identity and FELT (collective) influence and IMPACT.


(Most celebrities and legends have different impersonal archetypes embodied btw).


Yes; we’re talking Queen, Lover, Magnate, Magician, Warrior, Diva and Muse for example.


That doesn’t meant that an archetype IS’s important to know their place and that distinction.


On a spiritual path of devotional reunification (Hieros Gamos, Divine Union); archetypes hold the keys to realizing and expressing greater Godly and Goddessy aspects of consciousness itself AS nectars of the Holy Grail.


So if you have value conflicts around archetypes, true Power or Beauty; there’s a good chance you’re not living your fullest life OR if you’re thriving you’re not even aware of the archetypes and their role in securing your aligned success.


You may not even see their obvious-ness of this when someone like me can see it clearly.


In another way; archetypes are short-code for INFLUENCE and can comprise the spirit-quanta of your ALLURE and CHARISMA mixing with and amplifying your unique soul essence.


You might have religious conflicts around being someone of more influence (aka ‘powerful’)….but;


What if ‘put no other idols above me’ STILL actually remains ACCURATE because archetypes ARE signature expressions OF the divine and Godhead?!


But you may not ever know that because of religious programming, misuses of power and secularization of something like archetypes which EMPOWERS souls and people. God can still be (and is) above all.


You might have a traumatic relationship to power but it was never true Power, it was forms of FORCE; but what if embodied Power (much of it archetypal) and Beauty could be what HEALS YOU from the shadows and misuse of lower truths?


Once you have cleared up distortions around true Power, Beauty, Influence and your rightfulness to HAVE such power (especially being in service on a path of fullest actualization and expression)..once you have cleared up religious interference around Power, Beauty, Influence and your place to have it;


God can still be #1 and it may no longer make sense to remain non-conscious to the mainline power of archetypes as ‘God signature expressions’ for spiritual, Beauty and identity transformation in amplifying your fullest soul-truth and living your highest timelines.


Once you know you wouldn’t place any archetype as an idol ‘above’ God, then you should be good to work with them even though it may still seem like heresy to many religious fractals.


What if we became conscious of what ‘idolization’ actually is? What if it was a celebration OF the divine aspects UNDER GOD?


And on a Divine Union path of reunification, you Beloved HAS either Great Power or Beauty and your path includes that transformation of consciousness to be worthy in reunification with The Beloved and their Godly qualities.


So if your relationship to Power & Beauty is corrupted…if you’re in a wounded relationship to (true) Power or Beauty or living through lower truth filters and shadows of it (like superficiality)…


OR if you choose to remain non-conscious to archetypes and their immediate power for breakthrough growth in all dimensions and spiritually…


…If you choose to demonize archetypes or secularize them literally because of religious fractals of spirituality (which often have value conflicts around the Truth of Power and Beauty and how we are practically fractals OF the Divine as souls);


Then you could go years without ever realizing your full power and potential to be expressed, felt and seen as your true self WHILE living in superficial, vain and shallower expressions of Beauty while thinking that Power itself is bad b/c of your misunderstanding of Power and past transgressions from the masculine which were actually Force dynamics.


You could remain non-conscious instead of living in true power and beauty which is SPIRITUAL…true Power and Beauty are by and large archetypal (including the siddhic archetypes of Godly consciousness).


By default, you could miss out on decades of transformational growth in a short-time by choosing to live from your conditioned, smaller egoic self-identity when it’s actually the people MEANT to have great spiritual, iconic power and influence like you who could leverage archetypal transformation work the most.


But I digress because many people on my facebook (amongst hundreds) have discovered the healthy, pure leverage OF archetypes by getting ARCHETYPE activations with me (and now/soon with the muse priestesses).


You could go your whole life without realizing that the Power and Beauty which the archetypes hold IS divine and within your hands to reclaim and embody as your own divine masculine or feminine inheritance of God and Goddess fractals of Beauty and Influence.


Isn’t it time that Power and Beauty be PROPERLY defined and ALIGNED to Spirit? And how much longer are you going to let OTHERS have all the fun?


After all; it’s time for more true Beauty, allure as well as divine masculine power to eradicate OUT the shadows of power corruption and constrictions of superficial beauty as the glass ceiling.


Or you could choose to live from your conditioned, lower egoic self fractured from living in power, influence and fullest expression….or just remaining unawares because archetypes are ‘secular’.


Archetypes like Queen, Lover, Eros, Goddess, Vixen, Maiden and Priestess are a most practical bridge to your FULLEST LIFE, Beauty and spiritual growth.


If you are MEANT to live in true power as someone of great INFLUENCE, then you’re probably missing out on authentic and faster transformation of identity without archetype work. What are the qualities of your soul that you desire to amplify and use for good in service and expression to the world?




Archetype activations are available in the Allure Makeover or 3-pack of sessions as well as the individual Allure Consulting 75 minute session.


Once you are in a clean relationship to Power and Beauty (including without religious interference or blockages); archetype work with activations or attunements allow the Beauty of your soul to be AMPLIFIED with felt influence and signature qualities of Light-Truth or Divine Masculine Power.


Archetype embodiment activations or attunements allow you to cultivate the fuller power and Beauty of your soul to have more influence as your TRUE and fullest self.


Archetype embodiment activation sessions available!


Grail Archetypes & Spiritual Paths

If you are called to a path of great Beauty and Devotional Love…


The Holy Grail principle, a.k.a. ‘Divine Union’, ‘Communion’ or ‘Hieros Gamos’ (Sacred Union/Marriage) already exists between God the Lover and Goddess the Lover in higher dimension consciousness.


Your soul could merge in Spirit at Deity levels of intimacy and siddhic ecstasy. (This gets into Grail Tantra)


Hieros Gamos or ‘Grail Work’ is powerfully alchemical and is more about opening yourself up to the alignment, power and beauty that already is of The Beloved and allowing alchemical transformation in devotion.


By now; you may know if you are called to be on a ‘Grail Path’ as a mystic seeking inner reunification.


Making it a ‘personal’ path of growth is going to hold back the levels of beauty, ecstasy, deep fulfillment, love, bliss and Communion that are possible because this is a path of Beauty, Eros, Sex, Spirit, Soma, Heart and Soul.


It’s more about surrendering and sacrificing to the Truth and Will of your Immortal Beloved to transform and transfigure your consciousness and Light-body as a mystic.


As God and Goddess fractals; the archetypes have great leverage for quantum identity transformation and awakening. These are divine aspects of your immortal Beloved.


Grail archetypes specifically can help you align and clear up years of ‘self’ issues and confusion along your soul’s desire and path. Knowing which one you resonate with the most can help you get clarity on your identity and path itself.


Here are some general Divine Union ‘Grail’ archetypes from my universalized lens:


Sophia: The Holy Mother; Gnostic Source Divine Feminine principle aspect of God


Rose/Mary Magdalene: Holy Mother & Grail Lover archetype of the Rose lineage of Divine Union heresy with Yeshua and Christos principle


Muse: An Ancient Divine Feminine Archetype who is Queen of Celebration, Dance, Music & The Arts


A ‘sophia’ or ‘sophianic: A woman initiated and embodied with Sophia codes


Muse fractal or ‘muse’: A woman encoded predominantly with Muse codes

A ‘rose’ or ‘magdalenic’: A woman encoded predominantly with Rose codes

Grail Goddess: On her own sovereign, feminine path of exploration and reunification likely including Eros and even lesser known Dark Union codes. Opening up to her version of God the Lover-King. Is ok with being solo b/c most men don’t seem to qualify.


Challenges: Most men aren’t anywhere near ready and b/c she isn’t a Grail Priestess, isn’t called to serve many men. Often finds herself initiating other men in past relationships and they move on. Desires to be worshipped properly but most men don’t have the structure to do it right (in Union).


Grail Eros-Lover: Values hieros gamos, divine union, hierogamy, beauty and awakened Eros, feminine bliss, ecstasy and radiance as a lover to Divine Masculine principle embodied. Generally values partnership and qualification. May by single and preparing for a beloved or in partnership. Devotional codes, eros, feminine essence and siddhic feminine principle and consciousness are her realm.


Continues to cultivate her beauty and allure for REUNIFICATION and beyond soul mate love and sex. Heretical b/c receiving cosmic codes and ecstasy is heretical to ‘the church’. Has great power in a relationship to be a kingmaker and cosmic lover.


Challenges: She may get confused or disappointed if she is in partnership by relying too much on her mortal beloved rather than cultivating deeper constellation with the Immortal Beloved.


May be limited to a lower template but is always valuing of something deeper and more like true devotional Communion. Can get frustrating with her partner or the relational dynamic. Has likely had past twin flameships but it wasn’t ultimately what she was looking for. Wants the purified Light and Dark Eros without shadow infiltration.


Grail Starlet: A woman on a path of great social and cultural influence in her fullest expression and art living out reunification with (and for) her immortal Beloved. (Performing muses are grail starlets)


Challenges: Doesn’t do well with attachments and expectations of others. Has to have freedom of expression, Eros and Beauty from tyranny of lower conscious masculine that would seek to control, constrict, hijack or suppress her and her Eros.


Grail Queen: Very different than Shadow Queen, Ice Queen or Bitch Queen. A reunified Queen is on a path of her own sovereign awakening and dominion over her empire and influence in constellation with her immortal Beloved of God the King.


She is not called to serve men as a Grail Priestess, she is more about her own internal reunification with Queen codes and/or having her own beloved-king with whom she can share her presence with.


Unlike the more earth-connected and free-wheeling, watery Grail Goddess, a Queen is more disciplined, reserved and valuing of empire and influence. She is curating of who ever enters her inner courtyard. She isn’t a Kingmaker in awakening other men, she already has her k/King.


Challenges: If she is single, may be very pre-qualifying and closed off to other men who aren’t near ready to enter her court. May have aging concerns if still single and in waiting.

Grail Priestess: Generally of resonance and initiation with Sophia, Rose or Muse Grail lines; those in service to the divine masculine are the core Kingmakers to the collective. Centered in devotional reunification; grail priestesses are initiated and trained in priestessing, ritual, energy healing, temple space and forms of transformational consciousness work.


Challenges: May best to be in a community of other Grail Mystics who are already on the path to fortify the growing cultural influence and path that is opening. Translating her work to men in a way that sells.

Once you know which one you resonate with the most, you can get the proper support.



I’m announcing that my Mystical Grail membership is now open…we have around 30 women involved already in month 1! This is a perfect place to support your grail path on the front-lines!

Starlet Power Couple Dynamics

Power couples are just, different.


In referencing archetypes for YOUR path, if Starlet is one of them you might have some problems down the road b/c MOST modern men would be too insecure to handle that form of power and path.


Does he actually support your visual expression publicly?


If not; such men (most of them) would get unrightfully (in relation to a starlet) jealous and envious closer to near all the time if your beauty starts getting too valued by the collective.


IF you have Starlet codes, a general rule of thumb is to NOT choose a partner whose manic shadow of control is going to be triggered (or envious) by your every move around other men (even if/when you have airtight agreements on boundaries).


He might even be too conservative for your fullest expression and that could end up hampering your own blossoming and cultural influence.


Can your EROS blossom and be seen socially as the healthy currency it is of influence (while maintaining whatever sexual-physical boundaries agreement with him)?


Starlets are different. They’re MEANT TO SHINE and not necessarily be constricted by a Red Pill bros personal triggers to the power of her social influence.


And yet as a starlet, you could still have a loving even DEVOTED monogamy with a detached enough man and solid agreements; one that wants you to thrive knowing that he’s with you.


Probably best that he has STAR Codes.


Just reference MGK and Megan Fox.



Instead of having each other on a ‘tight leash’ where they end up walking on eggshells (instead of being fully expressed and organic) b/c of their partner’s insecurity; they let each other and their EROS shine b/c cultural and social influence is just embedded into THEIR individual and relational codes as stars and a power couple.


Generally; Starlets should be with stars b/c their divine power and it’s necessity to BREATHE and radiate doesn’t match the insecurities of mortal, personalized men; their constriction, jealousy and control.


I’m really not with the mindset of red pill bros and conservative men like Michael Knowles that women shouldn’t be seen as sexual by anyone other than their partner.


The deeper spiritual psychology behind that is ‘control’ over divine feminine consciousness with a guise of moral superiority.


This sex, power and beauty already exists but are we going to be conscious about it or let it secretly own us and try to control it? 


There’d be a different level of conversation if I was on the ‘whatever’ podcast, but they’re not ready for that.


Star/let codes just don’t match up with that (including only at least non-porno fans girls or entertainers).


You have to determine if that’s you (a starlet) or not b/c it’s going to be this push pull between you wanting to fly freer and be in your ero-somatic beauty and influence vs. reining yourself in to not trigger him and then living more from fear of his reprisal rather than true sourced power.


In otw for myself, I’d never let a beloved suppress her Starlet codes and physical beauty to diminish her soul impact b/c of my selfish and unwarranted jealousy based on our boundaries and agreement…stars are just cooler and DETACHED.


Again; a Starlet path is not for MOST people. Beauty influences in ALL dimensions. Everything else and security itself comes down to agreement and boundaries.


Also reference John Legend & Chrissy Teigen, Jay-Z & Beyoncé whether you agree with their politics or not; they’re ‘power couples’. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, etc.


You could have a beloved partner or twin flame; but then there’s these Starlet dynamics if you have those codes. It could be a cause of a lot of unnecessary drama esp. the more famous you become.


Starlet Herself would WANT her Star-man to be DESIRED by other women b/c she’s secure in knowing that She is with him and vice versa.


These are unique codes that are not for the masses themselves. They are exceptionary.


If you are on a GRAIL path, things matter critically to have a supportive partner (when incarnate).


If you are a power couple, both of you should be in the fullness of your maximal cultural impact and influence.


(It all comes down to agreements and values alignment).


Archetype Activations (including Starlet) available to amplify the spiritual light-truth and consciousness qualities of your soul and felt influence.
