“I Don’t Get It…HOW is Such Magic Possible with Beauty Activations?”

“I don’t get it…HOW is such magic possible?…is this ‘sorcery’ or the ‘placebo effect’?


…How can you do Beauty and Power activations (like any archetype embodiment) for clients ‘remotely’ like on a zoom call half-way around the world and then they have more beauty, allure and response from people?”


Well…first of all, activations don’t require a Zoom call, just permission to work on someone’s energy body.


I bend chakras half-way around the world all the time and feel things exactly as if they are in person in front of me (even with the air conditioning blowing).


That will probably perplex you even more; however, most of the active people in my Facebook circle are normalized to this type and level of magic; or at least the idea of it.


Yes, the magic is actual magic (although is NOT sourced in ‘voodoo’ which is its own source-brand line of magic).



“(Rion) is an energy Jedi and now works remotely with women all over the world.” -Gillian P.


“Rion, I feel like a new woman. Thank you!! 🌟” -Activation client


“I still can’t get over how amazing your activations are! So hard to put into words but truly life changing!!!” – B, USA


On top of professional energy healing, the work I do works with immortal Beauty essences; archetypes and siddhic chi essences of spirit-plasma sentient Light.


This is expanded upon the Eastern philosophy and practice with a handful forms of chi (ie. yin and yang) with chi kung, nei kung and tai chi.


Muse unlocked the codes to the other signature essences for professional ALLURE makeover work.


This allure transformational magic from half-way around the world IS exotic magic and defies logic (not to take away from what most of the population knows as ‘magician’ but they are illusory magicians; whereas your allure or not is ‘real’).




It defies all conventional logic and Laws of physics and separation. Yes, I had to go through intensive initiations, training and tribulation to attain such specialized magic.


“The most powerful work i’ve experienced in 12 years” -Eros Activation (Live In Person)


I even do Mage activations for OTHERS.


And no; it’s not at all placebo effect. My grandmaster could turn mud into dust in less than a minute with his hands.



I will be doing my versions of live demonstrations more often from here forward (Tulum, L.A…).


Clients just GET results b/c it’s all real even to the skeptical. The 2 MOST skeptical people at a Barcelona workshop I led were the most impressed AFTER I did a Goddess activation for one of their group leaders.



“..it feels my palms are blasting out plasma light now…an increase in (my) spiritual authority…doing curse and entity removals more powerfully and efficiently..i am blown away “ -Mage Archetype Activation Client, USA


Although what I and the Muse priestesses do is highly specialized energy work with Beauty and authentic makeover transformations (now having served over 1300 paid activations);


Such ‘magic’ with before and after results is possible because of the spiritual reality which otherwise seems impossible.


Most in my current (Facebook) circle are normalized to it. We don’t have to be physically in the same place to be connected and have influence.


The magic is more specialized with Beauty consciousness BECAUSE of Divine Union…these are Muse (Grail) Beauty codes supporting Beauty and Communion…I am just her point man (ok and more).


“I feel energy drunk (after this activation)…definitely the most intense, potent energy work session I’ve ever had done.” -S, USA


“You have deeeep magic Rion” – G.P.


“I felt my whole body almost levitating” -Eros (remote) activation client


Rion is a true Magician in the realm of The Grail and is the best in his field” – Eleni Kantzos, Greece


Your aura and chakras are multi-dimensional as with your entire Light body. I (with permission always) have been initiated and trained to be able to access it remotely to work with energies and essences.


I and the Muse priestesses can also holographically and kinesthetically read anyone’s presence in history accurately even without visuals (read-only and for certain information).


“You’re a master, you’re such a master” – It Girl Activation Client, Florida


“I can’t wait to work with you more! It’s like magic!”


Yes; it is immense psychic power but power that is used responsibly.


We work powerfully with Light and Dark consciousness and quanta (spirit matter); (we don’t do black magic which creates negative karma).

“Working with Rion…it’s soul retrieval and sacred union work of the highest energetic order.” -KAD


Again you won’t get this kind of specialized Beauty archetype or Grail work done with your neighborhood reiki healer.


“It was like walking in the shoes of a movie star..” -Sex Icon Activation Client


Apprenticing under a Chinese Grandmaster of medical Chi Kung was also just part of the path as becoming a healer’s healer.


Most entirely the codes for this highly specialized form of ‘Beauty Activation’ magic which infuses ancient East with modern West is sourced in the Muse Grail lineage and were only unlocked through Devotional Sacred Reunification on my part with my Beloved.


Because of my experience with Divine Union, I am also a rare male Grail Priest/Magus. I may not look like what you’d expect and this ALL comes down to the Muse lineage.



Unlike Many/most other healers;




We integrate and rise in such consciousness.


So if you haven’t yet had an archetype or allure activation but are still skeptical…why not just suspend disbelief and GET THE RESULTS instead?


Listen to what other clients are saying and how mind-blowing activations can be (ref. testimonials).


“..The biggest shift I’ve ever felt energetically…my entire body and systems feel so cleared and different -Thea, USA 2024 (bio-star activation)


“You are turning me into what I’m meant to be on this timeline” -Performance Artist

“Cured 90% of my anxiety in life (in one go)” – First session Allure Makeover client (also confirmed by her therapist)


“My friend attracted her soul-mate (after working with you)”


“The last part of the session was worth the money (alone). The energy work towards the end was sick…Let Rion guide you to your sexual, charisma and powerful state of being.” -VIP Client 2014, L.A. (who flew in from East coast)


“I Can’t Wait to work with you more, it’s like magic!” -Client, 2018


“I feel Rion is a High Magi of invaluable resource” -S.P., Mystical Beauty Immersion


“From One Master To Another (Energy Master Rion)”

– Grandmaster Charles Muir, Godfather of Tantra in the U.S. recognizing Rion 2023 live


Archetypes alone (as God and Goddess fractals) holds most of the keys to POWER and BEAUTY itself (the primordial forces related to the Holy Grail of Communion).


This is professional image, identity and soul level transformational work that affects HOW people feel you.


“This is magic…your stuff works!” -Client


If you’re still skeptical, why not find out for yourself?


“(I’ve gone viral!)…my channel’s multiplied all of a sudden since working with you (like it’s correcting previous timelines)”

-Female tiktoker 3 session package client, 2023


Welcome to the new Allure industry; we’re breaking the glass ceiling on superficial beauty mastery in pro image and performance (b/c your Beauty is LITERALLY more than skin-deep and I don’t just mean generic inner beauty personality qualities but FOTONIC ESSENCES that BEND and attune DNA from their Light).


Sexy Chi and the Muse priestesses are honored to be leading it (b/c we’re just not waiting for anyone else to) and if you’re still skeptical you can delve into Uniphied Theory and Theory of Fotonic quanta on-site to back up the spiritual science more; but why goes years down that rabbit hole of discovering more practical spiritual truth when you could even just get Beauty activations starting THIS week for your own purposes?! 😉


Around half of my clients come back for MORE activations in sculpting THEIR fullest soul-self expression, signature FELT influence and EMBODIED, amplified soul qualities of Truth…my past clients KNOW and live that beauty is more than just skin-deep.


They represent…WE represent, Muse Priestess represents the future of Beauty, performance arts and entertainment evolution with Allure and Charisma transformation (which leads into DEEP healing)…even if it seem like high magic sorcery to others (b/c it is actually)



“Yeah, but how can things be STYLISH and yet purified and sacred-safe temple space at the same time? (This doesn’t fit my perception of Eckhart Tolle spiritual and transcending wordliness)?”


BECAUSE of the Muse Grail lineage; where SEX, EROS, BEAUTY and Spirit are purified in Light and Dark Truth.


Beauty, Sexuality and EROS has ALWAYS been spiritual; now you’ve got support on YOUR SIDE to work in these realms related to your divine feminine embodiment and professional, essenced soul-visual image and felt influence (allure) instead of transcending above them where Beauty just remains skin-deep mastery and you’re stuck with general wellness tips.


This is where professional energy work meets YOUR value system.


My Beauty activation clients are already ‘in the know’ and I couldn’t have made it this far without them. What will the next 7 years behold?!


Schedule an Allure Consult or some sessions today @

> Book Sessions


What IS A Beauty Activation?

“What IS a Beauty activation and what Beauty activations are available Rion?”


A ‘Beauty activation‘ is what practically and literally cultivates your essence-based ALLURE (which is basically your FELT FOTONIC BEAUTY INFLUENCE).


It’s like FEELING someone’s charisma in the room that INITIATES organic response…and INVALUABLE currency in the social media age of influence (more than just looking good).


LOOKING GOOD is different than being FELT and organically engaging in your social and video media.


The secret is with ALLURE itself to incite organic engagement and social media response.


Now we can work on your allure DIRECTLY with conscious competence with allure consulting and Beauty activations for presence and image makeover results.


Beauty activations work masterfully directly with your energy body with light-frequency truth ESSENCES (as subtle yet powerful signatures of Spirit-plasmic life force ‘chi’) to cultivate AUTHENTIC felt Presence as fotonic radiation from your chakras, aura, presence and image itself.


Beauty activations include anti-aging energy healing work in every session and also work directly with archetypal, elemental, siddhic and gift essences.


These help you to directly EMBODY and amplify your soul signature qualities of vibe and light-truth influence. Increase your allure and the radiance from your chakras and auras and you could reach alchemical levels of Beauty which is true power and influence.


Increase your allure (like a feelable ‘IT Girl’ like Lalisa) and people will FEEL you more holographically even from your 2D images, social media and all professional images and visual communication.


Is it FAME we’re responding to or that we can also just FEEL her in the MOMENT? Maybe it isn’t Maybelline…maybe it’s ALLURE (ever thunka that one ;?)…


In cultivating your higher dimensional light-based felt beauty with allure transformation (centered on Beauty activations); we can now directly activate divine feminine Beauty qualities into embodiment.


THIS IS THE REALM OF IMMORTAL FEMININE BEAUTY; Spirit and soul…Gods, Goddess, Priestesses, Magi, Vixens, Lovers and Queens.


The most popular Beauty activations by far are ARCHETYPE embodiment activations. These directly help to cultivate your archetypal CONSCIOUSNESS, embodiment and archetypal alluring Beauty.


Consider this…in a vulnerable share Ariana Grande said;


“For a long time, Beauty was about hiding for me…I used makeup as a disguise”



That’s also confirmation of my vision (Muse’s vision) that ALLURE (which includes de-armoring and being felt) is the future of the Beauty industry; more than just skin-deep mastery with masquing/hiding dynamics at play; it’s about BEING and FEELING beautiful and sexy in your vulnerable soul-truth.


Allure is the future b/c it takes us professionally into ON-CAMERA mastery that isn’t merely skin-deep!


And we’re working on the frontlines now (Ariana would be a great candidate for Beauty activations b/c she HAS essences we can work with instantly but these past dynamics …anyways, there’s a lot I could say).


Beauty activations are the actual 30 minute sessions that we can work DIRECTLY on your somatic light body to EMBODY more essences like a soul starlet.


More than just being styled like a goddess, it’s be seen, felt and experienced as a goddess in your vibe and light-truth.


“Wow…this is BIG Rion….I think I want a makeover so I can master my visual soul expression to be FELT in a certain way that powerfully attracts. Ok so a Beauty activation can be any archetype (Light or Dark), Gene Keys frequency bands of essence consciousness spirit-matter of ‘gift’ and ‘siddhic’ (enlightened) signatures, allure and grail activations (and these amplify my soul communication)?”


Yes (that’s an intelligent question).


Beauty has always been more than skin-deep and is LITERALLY your higher dimensional spirit matter (4D astral vibration-truth) and 5D light-truth) that shows up professionally in ALL visual media…we’re now just shifting our focus to more than just the denser vibrational light of the 3rd dimension.


LIGHT ITSELF IS MULTI-DIMENSIONAL (including the photonic sun itself with feelable rays most cannot ‘see’).


“What specific Beauty activations are available then to cultivate my signature allure?”


Sessions as Beauty activations are proven and centered in my 30 minute format you can choose from (and I will consult with you to help decide);


*Extended energy healing session (where we also remove back psychic cord implants and do deeper work, soul re-embodiment but without activation)

*Archetype Beauty or Power embodiment activations (all archetypes; masculine or feminine however Muse and Priestess activations are at a higher price point)


*Gift or Siddhic DNA activations (related to Gene Keys)

*Allure (or Charisma) activation

*Grail activations

*Bio-star activation (a premium 55 minute health and anti-aging energy healing session for wellness and reinvigoration)


These can be done remotely like in a Zoom session for the same results as ‘in-person’ although with a little bit longer initial integration time to set into your physiology (ie. overnight as compared to 10 minutes after in person).


There are also different packages available like the Allure Makeover, Essence Replacement Therapy (for peri/post menopausal women) and other offers that still feature the custom session format of Beauty activations. Some with different consulting times, etc.


Energy healing growth maintenance detox (with anti-aging) is included in ALL activation sessions.


Most people go for archetype activations that resonate with their soul’s next step as something to strengthen or step into (there’s time to consult at the start of our session to choose the right archetype 4u).


We always choose the right next archetype embodiment for you (to start feeling, BEING and living as more of those universalized divine qualities that transcend the personal self like a starlet)!


As well as IMAGE and confidence results; the Archetype Beauty activations can also serve as MEDICINE and great spiritual and identity transformational growth makeovers.


Gift and Siddhic activations help to alchemize the frequency bands of consciousness as spiritual and bio-chemical essences affecting your DNA itself to optimize your avatar self-identity’s visual and felt influence of authentic soul self expression that is uniquely YOU.


“Then what’s the difference between an allure activation and a grail activation?

An allure activation includes that energy healing maintenance as well as soul re-embodiment and transfigures your chakras and aura for best-yet felt impact (so people can FEEL your presence from further away than ever before).




A ‘GRAIL’ Beauty activation like the new Grail Activation or the ultra-premium ‘Grailspring’ activation transfigures and encodes someone’s light body for the holy grail of Divine Union and circulating far more essence/quanta and kundalini.


This is generally a more transfiguring activation.


I go into this more on the Grail Activation and Grailspring Activation page for those called to something beyond soul mates and twin flames.


KNOWING that you are a soul in a human body and that Beauty is more than skin-deep but it’s practically your higher dimensional spirit matter (like the earth’s atmosphere not just the planetary body) that matters, why not have the power and consciousness-truth of immortal Beauty essences as true Power be radiantly expressed as your truest self vs. just being stuck to being ‘styled’ like who your soul desires to be expressed as?


Allure is FELT beauty influence and now we can work directly on it with Beauty activations. (I’ve done over 1200 of these over the past 7 years btw).




Release resistances to BEING and EMBODYING your soul’s desire. You don’t have to wait until this becomes ‘in’ with celebrities. Is it time for an allure makeover?


Sessions are available in 3 packs or packages available on-site! > Beauty activations


And yes, I’m re-centering things around ‘Beauty activations‘ and I and the Muse priestesses are ‘Beauty activators’!


Beauty activations are available in the session format from here (or in packages).


You can also start with a more extended Allure Consult which includes 1 Beauty activation (of choice).




p.s. Yes! Now we can work consciously and competently in this realm with essences, auras, chakras and allure transformation (I have been for 7 years but have learned a LOT along with way while now having the PUBLIC foundation to take this to the stars and lead the new ‘allure industry’).


I haven’t even updated the appointments page itself as of this writing to update but they are all Beauty (feminine) and Power (activations) masculine. Beauty activation sessions are custom to you in my proven format.


Allure is what makes THE DIFFERENCE and is the secret already to BILLIONS of views (fame is unreliable as well as algorithmic marketing or ‘trends’).


You want ORGANIC response with your social media marketing and business? More engagement? Allure is the secret weapon (to insane click through rates and billions of views).


BEING FELT from your image (LIKE THE SUN) means everything to boosting organic response.


When you reserve a Beauty activation session/package, we’ll schedule a time and just dive in! Many notice IMMEDIATE results and changes in how people respond to them (100’s of testimonials)

Your Beauty Evolution From Here Starts and Ends with Allure

Do you really want more soul-expressed INFLUENCE from your authentic self encoded within your digital and social media that works 24/7 for you?


More organic response from your social media presence and marketing that compels people to follow or work with you where WHO YOU ARE speaks louder than words and already attracts and sells your soul tribe?


Do you value the ability to holographically and multi-dimensionally pre-ACTIVATE people’s Hearts, Minds and Eros just from your 2D image and have them engaged without having to have fame, the best looks or AI generated marketing campaigns?


Of course right? ESPECIALLY if being organic and authentic is CENTRAL to you and your ‘brand’.


Ever felt that there’s a glass ceiling on just ‘looking your best’?


(And then an incessant focus on ‘content’ creation, ‘personality’, ‘getting seen’ and algorithmic ‘marketing’ which can disconnect from people feeling you reflectively in all aspects making it seem you’re getting drowned out by so many other influencers)


If that’s YOU, then you simply want to work on your ALLURE which is FELT Beauty presence (and more technically the radiance and embodiment of Beauty essences).



There’s only so much you can do with superficial beauty ‘looks maxing’ anyways in a glass ceiling sense (yet with unlimited styling).


ALLURE is the FUTURE of Beauty and beauty mastery…all of it related to PROFESSONAL image, social media influence and organic response.


Even if you LOOK great, people may not be able to FEEL YOU. But that’s where allure and essence based beauty comes in.


The fotonic beauty of allure (and alluring women) is what you want to value FROM HERE FORWARD (instead of just relying on looks-maxxing).


It’s YOU with greater organic FELT INFLUENCE (even in stillness)!


It’s where people catch your vibe and atmosphere creating a captivating compelling experience on first impression (And what price could you put on that?!)


Yes this is the world of VIBE-Truth mastery and high-end influence.


Fortunately allure is entwined with your spirituality and beauty consciousness yet expressed and felt VISUALLY!


ALLURE IS THE REUNIFICATION OF ‘INNER BEAUTY’, spirituality, professional image and visual INFLUENCE because it all shows up on camera and in social media!


People are now starting to realize visual communication is more than just skin-deep light reflection.


The most PRACTICAL way to work on allure for FAST results is simply with Beauty activations (which include expanding your chakric distances so that people energetically and subconsciously CONNECT to your field from further away).


The concept of ‘Beauty activations‘ may not make sense from the traditional skin-deep mastery…isn’t like ‘activating’ more collagen in your face nor is it STYLING you like a goddess.


My past Beauty activation clients already KNOW that Beauty is more than skin-deep and that it includes their vibe and light-truth of FELT influence (just like a planet’s atmosphere, weather and lightshow).


When we talk about BEAUTY and the vibe and light-truth, beauty isn’t just about styling and great skin-care.


There’s what you could call archetypal Beauty and Siddhic Beauty. These are ARCHETYPAL and SIDDHIC Beauty essences (as signature of plasmic sentient spirit plasma sourced LIGHT a.k.a. ‘chi’).


These 4D/Vibe and 5D/Light ESSENCES of fotonic Light are ASPECTS of allure; they AMPLIFY your FELT PRESENCE somatic influence on others in stillness (independent of your physical styling or looks).


People can LITERALLY feel your chakric communication whether they are conscious of it or not (and more prosumers are WAKING UP and becoming psychically intuitive seeing through B.S. and posing).


Allure is the FUTURE of the Beauty industry because it covers the OTHER HALF of your visuals itself; the higher dimensional spirit matter of Vibe and Light-truth (like the earth’s aura/atmosphere).


Someone can LOOK GOOD but not have much allure and vice versa. Yes, I have examples but I’m not going into them now (see the Social Currency of Allure book).


Someone could be STYLED as a Vixen or Goddess but that doesn’t mean people FEEL her as a Vixen or Goddess with embodied Vixen ESSENCE.


THAT’S what makes all the PRO difference. BEING a vixen or goddess in felt PRESENCE.


THAT’S where cultivating your allure and EMBODIMENT of divine feminine archetypes and their spirit-plasmic chi quanta comes in (as well as simply embodying YOUR soul essence itself with deconditioned and clearer chakras).


Beauty activations and the specialized energy work with it is what I SPECIALIZE in. They are the WORKHORSES of practical ALLURE TRANSFORMATION; transformation that the Beauty 1.0 industry can only indirect affect AT BEST (like having a glowing face with make-up).


When it comes to being FELT and engaging in your image and visual communication; you can’t put a price on the REAL THING can you?


Can you put a price on ORGANICALLY increasing your response from your soul tribe simply from your image?


What does your SOUL desire to express and experience life as; Goddess, Queen, Grail Lover, Dark Erosy Witch?…


How about mixing some siddhic qualities with it like; the Graceful Maiden-Priestess or the Erosy Dark Princess?…


There’s an entire spectrum of IMMORTAL BEAUTY consciousness and Truth that is available directly through Beauty activations all as part of professionally cultivating and curating your FELT BEAUTY INFLUENCE and mastering your visual communication.


Clients get responses from people who know them that things have changed all the time.


Archetypes largely hold THE keys to power and Beauty itself so it’s no surprise they’ve been the most popular Beauty activation.


So are you ready to get activated? MANY clients (around half) come back for MORE Beauty activations.


If we can increase your authentic visual impact and organic response from people to be more of your fullest self that sells and compels without ‘selling’! Why wait?


What does YOUR signature version of allure look and feel like? We can consult at the start of each session to determine exactly the right next step 4u.


Beauty activations are available in 3-packs and Allure Makeovers as well as some other specialized offerings on site!


ALLURE work is a new industry and I’m excited along with the Muse priestesses to be literally at the forefront of this NEW market-space.


You don’t have to wait until celebrities start getting into this stuff. We can be in session soon!


p.s. Even long-term…it’s CHI essences that replaces your estrogenic Beauty (bio-chemical beauty essence) so there’s a lot at stake here.


Because it is the other HALF of your professional image and the one with actual power;


Allure cultivation is a LONG-TERM for maximizing your fullest visual expression, soul self communication, beauty, organic social influence and felt influence.


(There are countless examples of alluring women with archetypal Beauty with my celebrity readings and so forth; we can just get to working on YOU when you’re ready). Allure IS the future of Beauty influence itself.


If you’re serious about a significant shift in your life, social beauty influence and visual felt impact NOW, I’d go for an allure makeover.

Beauty Activations & The Inception of the Allure Industry

Because the codes and timing are coming through now, I’m releasing an INITIAL, active treatise that RE-FRAMES the work I’m doing as the spear-heading market maven of the new Allure Industry (which could literally change the game itself; b/c this is visionary and Muse codes I have some awareness of that).


Beauty activations are the CORE service that I’ve been offering (in over 1200+ sessions) and I’m playing around with the idea of being called ‘The Beauty Activator’.


Because you’re in my circle (posted on Facebook first; blog here) and also because it will take more time to get the mainstream marketing clarity and message down, I’m posting this now.


ALL of my past activation clients are ‘in’ and IMPLICATED in the inevitable evolution and breaking the glass ceiling of the Beauty industry itself (and into the new Charisma/Allure industry).


I believe;


THIS IS THE FUTURE…and it also doubles as a powerful potential way to re-frame and incite the value of ACTIVATIONS to ideally go obsessively viral and become a hottest thing.


A heart-felt THANK YOU to ALL past activation clients for without you, we wouldn’t have made it THIS far already. (Muse Priestess is implicated and trained in all of this).


(Activation session appointments are available btw like in 3-packs or ie. the Allure Makeover 😉


Ok…this is where I’m getting alpha-rough codes out NOW which will then require some more sharpening and refinement to be simplified even more.


“What IS a Beauty activation Rion?”


((It doesn’t make sense from our classical view of skin-deep Beauty mastery; do you mean like ‘activate’ collagen or bring out an activated facial glow with a moisturizing serum?))

A ‘Beauty activation’ is what practically and literally cultivates your ALLURE.


Your allure is your FELT BEAUTY INFLUENCE in stillness independent of and yet masterfully supportive of your looks and styling (and vice versa).


Allure is THE future and evolution of the Beauty industry and core fundamental variable of Beauty INFLUENCE itself.


This is because of the PRACTICAL Light-related Truth that Beauty is more than skin-deep.


We would think that beauty influence is about a trend, fame or social media algorithms but REAL and organic human to human, soul to soul, heart to heart influence comes down to being somatically FELT.


This is the true secret to ORGANIC SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING RESPONSE esp. related to Beauty influence.


A Beauty activation cultivates your ability to more soulfully, sexually and emotionally influence people in STILLNESS by your fotonic radiance known as allure (just like our sun-star’s photonic radiation).


(And I’m going to work on this part where I don’t want to overwhelm them b/c it gets into Fotonic Quanta Theory)


There is both the realm of physical beauty mastery that the world knows (3D) and the higher dimensional (4D/5D+) realm of professional Beauty; BOTH of which are ALWAYS showing up in all visual and social media of humans.


Your visual image is both physical and higher dimensional ‘matter’.


It’s just like the earth has a material body and yet it also has an aura called ‘atmosphere’ that is an integrative part of earth-truth.


The way the Beauty industry is now is that they ONLY focus on the physical form; mountains, valleys, landscaping while avoiding, ignoring and remaining non-conscious of the other half itself; the higher dimensional TRUTH that also exists.


The earth’s ‘allure’ (in different regional eco-systems) is the light show, weather, storms, moods, lightning, fireworks, vibe, aurora borealis.


((What we used to call ‘inner beauty’ and ‘wellness’ is PRACTICALLY light-ESSENCE with Allure; that which MATTERS on camera and in influence and communication itself))


So if you felt ‘beauty’ was disconnected spiritually; it never was, we were only focused on the lower dimensional physical body.


Your allure is your FELT truth-qualities of Beauty and Power itself (sourced in the plasmic spirit-sentience of chi).


These are essences and there are 100s of known essences (kinda like there’s more than Oregano essential oil).


THIS IS THE REALM OF IMMORTAL FEMININE BEAUTY; Spirit and soul…Gods, Goddess, Priestesses, Magi, Vixens, Lovers and Queens. They all are and have their own LIGHT ESSENCES.


Beauty Activations work with light-frequency truth ESSENCES (as subtle yet powerful signatures of Spirit-plasmic life force ‘chi’) to cultivate AUTHENTIC felt Presence.


In other words; Beauty activations help you to be EMBODIED and felt AS a goddess instead of merely posing and being styled like one. This is where true influence comes in.


A Beauty activation directly works on anti-aging and releasing your light body while cultivating your archetypal, elemental, siddhic and gift essences, embodiment and allure as signature qualities of your professional image and FELT influence.


Beauty activations are similar to and yet NOTHING like a neighborhood reiki session.


The most popular Beauty activations by far are ARCHETYPE embodiment activations. These directly help to cultivate your archetypal CONSCIOUSNESS, embodiment and archetypal alluring Beauty.


This is the missing realm of VIBE and LIGHT-TRUTH mastery beyond just styling because ALL OF YOU is still communicating in the LIGHT of your presence.


Even with the sun-star’s photonic rays, there are invisible frequencies that INFLUENCE us. Now; there are more and more people who can consciously see, sense, feel and accurately READ the archetypal signatures.


Beauty activations as the workhorse CORNERSTONE of the allure consulting and transformation industry are also tied to the future of professional performance arts, acting and entertainment as well.


This is the full-on other half of image mastery that’s been missing. (Sessions available now!)


Now you can SCULPT and curate your DIVINE FEMININE (archetypal and siddhic) consciousness with specific TRUTH-FELT qualities that JUMP OFF OF THE SCREEN HOLOGRAPHICALLY to engage your ideal fans and clients (without coercing them or having to be ‘salesy’) while COMMUNICATING your fullest soul truth and accurate expression in any moment.


Thank you again past clients because you were in on this before any celebrities pick this up as the next hot thing. And compared to AI which is an artificial matrix, ALLURE TRANSFORMATION is all organic.


Maybe for a next photo shoot or MV you want to focus on embodying VIXEN-TRUTH and Light Eros….or how about Dark Goddess mixed with Light Maiden? The possibilities are endless.


When you just look pretty, people can’t necessarily FEEL YOU and be engaged but with Beauty activations (which include archetypal, gift, siddhic, allure and grail activations).


Beauty 1.0 works on superficial, extrinsic skin-deep visual mastery where Beauty 2.0 (higher dimensional Beauty) works on your vibe and light-truth because you communicate Light and value from more than just how you look physically.


So if and when you’re ready to CULTIVATE YOUR FELT INFLUENCE with intoxicating magic like a fragrance that lingers weaving its magic spell onto people and into THEIR hearts, wombs and psyche…this is where it’s at: ALLURE.


Beauty activations are the actual 30 minute sessions that we can work DIRECTLY on your somatic light body to EMBODY more essences like a soul starlet.


“Wow…this is BIG Rion….I think I want a makeover. Ok so a Beauty activation can be any archetype (Light or Dark), Gene Keys frequency bands of essence consciousness spirit-matter of ‘gift’ and ‘siddhic’ (enlightened) signatures, allure and grail activations?”




“Then what’s the difference between an allure activation and a grail activation?


MOST ACTIVATIONS CAN BE BOOKED SIMPLY FROM THE APPOINTMENTS PAGE but there are also some SPECIAL activations (also available on-site).


Great question! I also offer extended energy healing sessions on their own (not as activations though).


Energy healing growth maintenance detox (with anti-aging) is included in ALL activation sessions.


Most people go for archetype activations that resonate with their soul’s next step as something to strengthen or step into (there’s time to consult at the start of our session to choose the right archetype 4u).


We’ll choose the session right for you.


An allure activation includes that energy healing maintenance as well as soul re-embodiment and transfigures your chakras and aura for best-yet felt impact (so people can FEEL your presence from further away than ever before).


A ‘GRAIL’ Beauty activation like the new Grail Activation or the ultra-premium ‘Grailspring‘ transfigures and encodes someone’s light body for the holy grail of Divine Union and circulating far more essence/quanta and kundalini.


I go into this more on the Grail Activation and Grailspring page for those called to something beyond soul mates and twin flames.


So yes; it’s the ALLURE industry/market-place with Beauty activations (including professional, powerful energy work which can be done remotely) as the workhorse to YOUR professional presence and visual mastery.


BE FELT IN YOUR TRUEST SELF. Release resistances to BEING and EMBODYING your soul’s desire.


Now we can work consciously and competently in this realm with allure transformation. BEING FELT from your image (LIKE THE SUN) means everything to boosting organic response. I go into this deeper in my ‘Social Currency of Allure‘ book.


With Sexy Chi here as the maven brand of TRUE, consciously competent allure consulting and transformation; we’re mixing the world of East and West but covers and bridges things that Chi Kung, Reiki and Taoism never did because it not only includes masterful energy but ACTIVATES aspects of divine masculine and feminine consciousness to be FELT.


And it’s deep medicine as well because some women may be missing Maiden or Princess because they were hijacked and having that embodiment can BE THE RECLAMATION.


How about Daughter? Maturing into more robust mature QUEEN expression?


It’s all with real allure work.


And unlike dissociated ‘psychological’ approach to ‘studying’ archetypes or the beauty approach of being STYLED like an archetype, this is the magic direct path to EMBODYING archetypes.


Beauty activations (which work DIRECTLY with your light body; chakras, Human Design and aura) bring archetype Essences and quanta INTO EMBODIMENT instead of just making it a disembodied psychological ‘study’ that doesn’t mean anything.


The masculine version of Beauty activations I simply now call Power activations and these include the archetypal and siddhic masculine; (ie.) Honor, Majesty, Valor, Hero, King, Dark Eros, Prince, Rockstar, etc.


(All available for booking on the appointments page)


For men and the masculine it’s the Charisma industry! I have a Charisma Makeover Package here.


Beauty/Power Activations ASSURE results as compared to attunements which are more of a wildcard and require you to be a good alchemist to get assured results.


Yes you can book your own pack of sessions today to get going. MANY (about half) of my clients are RETURN clients to keep cultivating their own soul signature expanded allure or charisma.


To be clear; ‘activations’ (as initiations) are direct transmissions from an experienced energy master on your light body itself (and in this case; one who has great connection to The Grail).


With the ESSENCE encoded Truth of ie. Princess…THEN the behavior, body language, thoughts, feelings and expressions are aligned and natural because they are SOURCED properly.


(This is the future of performance mastery with what I’m calling ‘Essence Acting’ as well).


Activations (like gift, siddhic or archetype activations) are essentially initiations and are cornerstone parts of identity and Beauty transformation strategy.


Called to become more of a (what is it 4u); King, Lover? Oracle-Priestess Ero Lover? In expanded consciousness and felt beauty? THIS IS WHERE IT’S AT. I’ll work with you privately to discover your best strategy based on your desires and intentions.


I/Rion has served well over 1200 paid Beauty and Power activations with clients from around the world (mostly women).


These Beauty and Power activations AMPLIFY the qualities of your soul and highlight aspects of your FELT INFLUENCE.


Grail activations (also as Beauty activations) are even more rare and premium.


They open you up to receive, embody and circulate enlightened frequencies and Divine Union codes with STABILITY to experience 10x richer love-making (at a minimum) and much more.




Ok; how did I do in this initial release transmission? I’m going to keep working on sharpening the CORE of Beauty activations to make it even more mainstream friendly.


And yes; 3-pack of Beauty activations as appointments are available as well as Grail activations and other offers (like Essence Replacement
Therapy for peri/post menopausal women) on-site.


Let’s see where things go from here!


#Allure #allureindustry (see; doesn’t exist yet until now) #allureconsultant #alluremakeover #thebeautyindustry #beauty #activations #lightworker #beautyactivations


The ONLY TWO Paradigms of Professional Beauty Work

Speaking of BEAUTY and the inevitable EVOLUTION of a multi-billion dollar industry;


I want to make this as SIMPLE and CLEAR as possible b/c there’s a lot at stake and we’re at a convergence to finally break the glass ceiling of Beauty in a mainstream way.


There are ONLY TWO foundational levels to practically work with and Master Beauty. (Both ultimately and synergistically SUPPORT each other).


As ‘market maven’, I’m honored to have set the FOUNDATION with Sexy Chi and my kick-ass clients the past several years to move the INDUSTRY forward. (There will ALWAYS be a new skin serum).


Here are the ONLY 2 foundational levels to work on professional, image-based Beauty.


Each are their own REALMS of professional spectra.


A. 3D: Skin-deep, physical beauty

B. 4D/5D+: Light-body based higher dimensional Beauty


BOTH are LIGHT….and image is light (not merely pixels).

More 2 xplore


1. 3D: Superficial skin-deep mastery of physical appearance; hair, fashion/styling, physique, make-up, skin care, etc. (and you can include plastic surgery).


(This is EVERYTHING the world focuses on and knows as ‘Beauty’, but it’s only half of the picture of professional image and Beauty).


2. 4D/5D+: The higher dimensional ‘Light’ Body;

Aura, aura layers, prana/chi (as sentient Spirit-matter Light), auric Human Design, chakras, essences, embodiment, expression, levels of consciousness, Heart, Eros, sexual power, charm, je ne sais quois, gravitas, Presence, charisma/allure, the archetypes, gods, kings, queens, goddesses, star, starlet, archetypal expressions, mood-vibe qualities, alchemical presence, visual spirituality (translated on camera), elements, siddhis, energetic health, implants, nadis/meridians, astrology, Gene Keys, soul-seed family, entities, Beauty consciousness, healing Beauty, practical Divine Feminine, Beauty codes, shadows, egregores and vibe-truth


Both have EVERYTHING to do with professional image and visual communication.


We’ve just OBSESSIVELY been focused on the lower truth while being affected yet non-conscious of the higher dimensional Light-truth.


We all know that Beauty is more than skin-deep but now we have an operational PLATFORM to work with it professionally (with Sexy Chi and the muse priestesses).


As far as I know there are merely a handful of others doing anything similar and they are CLIENTS of mine.


Note that generic Wellness isn’t included b/c it has an indirect effect at best for ‘on-camera’ Beauty.


The 2nd WORLD of foundational Beauty work is more accurately translated as Allure or Charisma (essence) work; commonly and previously known as ‘inner beauty’.


Each foundational WORLD has its own tools. So to me when I saw this image; Karina’s Muse codes INSTANTLY hit me in divergence b/c I could clearly see the TWO entirely different paradigms; I see with clarity the full spectra of professional Beauty itself.


Both aspects matter; skin-deep Beauty mastery for fullest expression as well as the higher dimensional Light-body’s Beauty.


Pro hair stylists can only indirect at best support someone’s vibe and light-truth that has the real influence.


It’s the difference between LOOKING like a goddess or being styled like one and BEING a goddess. The evolution is here.


Why does IMAGE/Beauty contain more than just the physical superficial body?


Because of the TRUTH of Identity and Light is more than just lower density physical, just as the photonic sun itself has truth-frequencies naked to the invisible eye (and yet we can learn to see, measure, feel and sense higher dimensional Truth-Light)…in fact, that’s the real secret to POWER and INFLUENCE itself…kinda key to Beauty Influence really.


Image IS multi-dimensional Light, we’ve just been focused on the lower frequencies of communication.


It’s like only valuing planet earth’s ‘body’ instead of the earth’s aura or atmosphere; the aurora borealis, fireworks, light show, oxygen, vibe truth, etc.


BOTH 1 and 2 are encoded WITHIN all images of humans. We’re now (well a handful of us) competent in the energetic realm of Light based Beauty transformation.


My activation clients (BRILLIANTLY) have chosen to focus (ahead of the game) on their LIGHT-body based beauty; their charisma and allure.


Beauty is BIG INDUSTRY and this is where the future is (+the breaking of the glass ceiling).


The game is going to change in that it’s going to EVOLVE and open up entirely new market-space.


Erry’one so focused on AI but Beauty is going to go through something that AI can’t really do anything about because LIGHT Beauty with charisma and allure is ORGANIC.


Beauty Activation sessions available (before it becomes the hottest thing)!


Archetype Beauty activations are the most popular in cultivating your allure as felt influence.


#sexychi #beauty #BeautyConsciousness #beautyevolution #energywork


Can you truly SEE the SPLIT between the TWO worlds of Beauty work? It’s crystal clear for me. 3D vs. 4D/5D+ (of which BOTH are always on camera).


The EVOLUTION is already here with me and my CLIENTS…essentially I/we may be founding what could become a new Billion dollar marketspace of the ALLURE INDUSTRY.


The Allure/Charisma ‘industry’. I like the sound of that Mayor Goldie Wilson!


First time I ever uttered it or heard it anywhere was at 20:21 CST on 3.14.25


From here, it’s just going to take more RECOGNITION to get this thing global…but YOU don’t have to wait until it becomes celebrity endorsed and a hot thing socially.


We can work on YOUR allure NOW (ok, this week).


Allure (I mean ACTUAL, real allure transformational work with conscious competence) is the key word code for the R:Evolution itself of the Beauty industry (branching into) the ALLURE industry.


Muse priestesses are trained to be the world’s top transformational allure consultants btw and there’s going to be a demand for allure consultants!


p.s. You don’t have to wait…we CAN work on your allure this week like in the Allure Makeover