Who Is AMP For?
Women Who Want To:
*Cultivate their own signature Beauty Essence & Image!
*Experience verifiable increase in attraction, response, interest & influence from prospects, lovers, etc. (like a starlet)
*Reclaim their feminine allure, embody & express their authentic soul essence
*Inspire DEEPER, stronger attraction & even devotion in the Masculine (effortlessly)

*Have greater mastery of your visual communication & extended impact (like a top stage artist with your qi)
*Experience transmission level image, voice & written word magnetic influence; communicate from your Soul
*Recognize that beauty is not just extrinsic & want to bring their soul beauty out in their presence & image
*Re-spark & transform their current relationship or attract a beloved; inspire his Kingship from your Beauty

*Start having alchemical, magical & healing presence that also sells themselves as their brand
*Release years of trauma, fatigue & burn-out from living out of alignment with your Feminine Essences
*Be in on the future of the Beauty industry now instead of waiting until it’s popular
*Start having Gene Key auric aspects shining through: Siddhic Allure!
(based on where we are starting from; some clients require more foundational work ie. in healing relationship with the masculine)

*Cultivate Queenship or other archetypal aspects of embodiment, worthiness & expression
*Start mastering your Temple Beauty in all dimensions (great for professional performance artists)
*Increase the alignment & INFLUENCE you have from your professional image & presence
*Have a competitive advantage & stand out over those still focusing JUST on their 3D Beauty & generic wellness
*Start experiencing changes in how others perceive & respond to you in a short amount of time

*Awaken your spiritual & beauty consciousness as part of this work as you heal & cultivate
*Experience a major beauty & consciousness makeover upgrade at a transition part of your life
*Resolve lifetime value conflicts around Beauty b/c now it IS spiritual & practical
*Enrich their Sex & Love lives by bringing in Siddhic Beauty & cosmic archetypal power & connection that Great men cannot resist

*Start cultivating inspiring & healing levels of boundless beauty
*Overcome years of trauma & resistances to the masculine while cultivating your greater feminine beauty
AMP is doing rich transformational magic!
Sexy Chi’s Rion Kati has plenty of testimonials from energy work & activation clients from AMP & solo sessions;
100+ hot new testimonials waiting to be added to this site Spring 2021