*Feminine Allure*

Yes, finally ALLURE! 

What is it REALLY and how does it relate to Beauty?

Allure is a primary quality of your overall beauty essence. And BECAUSE this is such a central aspect of beauty, we want to have a working and practical definition of it.

What IS ‘allure’ more specifically?

First; a dictionary definition:


1. the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

2. powerfully attract or charm; tempt.

Or as Gillian Pothier says:

“Allure is the energetic capacity for women to captivate, magnetize, spellcast and wield influence REGARDLESS of their “extrinsic beauty”.

‘Allure’ is also the feminine essence form of ‘charisma’ & great starlets like Marilyn Monroe have wielded it.

It does taking learning to discern it because it is a quality of feminine essence rather than just physical, skin-based 3D ‘canvas’. This means that it is in the 4th and beyond dimensions of her image’s Light.

Now in 2021, I prefer this definition of allure the most (mine):


“The circulation and expression of multi-dimensional feminine beauty essence in, with and through (her) image and presence”

Yes; it is about a woman (or predominanty feminine essenced being which can include Trans) and the overall breathing-ness of her energetic beauty, essence & authentic soul (or energetic) communication IN her professional image and presence beyond and with the physical.

Her allure can include all of her higher dimensional beauty essences, their qualities and is the circulation, breathing-ness and expression of them.

And good news is that we can effectively GAUGE your (or any celebrity’s) allure WITH the Allure Factor on a 1-10 scale gauging the general breathingness of your feminine essences.

For example Margarita Levieva in this scene from the movie ‘Noise’;

Allure Factor: 8.6

Now SOME biological women may actually have more masculine essences in which case we could read their Charisma Factor (or both).

So feminine-essenced allure is especially related with the Expression variable of the embodiment of your beauty essence qualities (Essence, Embodiment & Expression can each numerically be gauged for any unique Beauty Essence; archetypal, elemental or siddhic, ie.).

Exuding allure and having a greater breathing-ness of your energy body (incl. layers of it or ‘bodies’); 

This is also how people will be able to FEEL you and the HIGHER your beauty essence power, frequency and cultivation, the more beauty you will literally be able to radiate and expression through your field/image/presence. 

More power, more beauty on the higher dimensions = more influence.

It’s how certain people have so much influence from their image in what otherwise appears as ‘2 Dimensional’ pixels.

So if you have high archetypal beauty embodiment like Maiden 8.1 for example but a low Allure Factor like 4.1, there can be things to work on to get your essences to literally breathe and EXPAND (projecting your qi/essences) through your chakras and aura.

In sessions or psychically (remote), Rion can kinesthetically gauge exactly how far each of your chakras communicates overall (field projection) as well as in essence itself.

Most people have low charisma and allure because of chakra essences that are blocked and very personalized – a constricted presence which makes it difficult for people to feel them – literally – their chakras don’t even reach the other person to have an effect (in many cases extending a literal mere inches).

One of the obvious secrets of top performers is that their literal aura and chakras extend to the back of the auditorium so that the people can ‘feel’ them. The best performers know how to project their ‘chi’ in other words; and really their soul essence from their chakras.

So when you are on camera or doing video marketing or a photoshoot, you’d want to project your qi (beauty essences and all of it) BEYOND the camera, then people will be far more responsive to you. 

The masculine quality of charisma is more yang, projecting and masculine essenced (related with ‘power’) whereas there is usually a vulnerability and softness to true feminine allure….usually it has more feminine essences.

With that said; there are many Beauty Essences and even amongst the 64 Siddhic Beauties, some of those are more masculine or feminine so you’re going to have a mix to some extent but usually a predominance of masculine or feminine based on your soul identity. Most people’s soul predominant essence (M/F) are embodied to match their biological gender – but not always.

So, allure is now PRACTICAL and workable. It’s not woo-woo or even just a generic reference point anymore. 

We can LITERALLY assess and gauge it on anyone even at any point in history (without even having to see their image because their holographic presence imprint can be felt by very powerful psychics like Rion Kati with 90%+ consistent accuracy).

Sexy Chi services including Allure Activations and foundational energetic health work that allows your chakras to breathe and be felt at greater distances are all available with Sexy Chi Appointments (in that simple session format). 

Every Allure, Siddhic or Archetype Activation (available in an Appointment) includes complimentary consulting, energy healing detox and tune-up as well as written or verbal feedback on details of your session.

You’re in the right place for ALL of your Beauty Essence and pro image cultivation! Also feel free to refer and share Sexy Chi with friends and colleagues.

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.