*Siddhic Beauty*

Related to the deep wisdom of the ancient I-Ching and a modern update with the Gene Keys; there are 64 specific ‘signature’ siddhic essences of enlightened Beauty and (beauty) consciousness.


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Each of these 64 DNA related keys have their own energetic signature frequency bands (of Shadow, Gift & Siddhi) that can be expressed visually as enlightened beauty and forms of authentic higher dimensional Light.


This is because consciousness, essence and qi are related; when you have the Truth of a signature siddhic essence of consciousness for example, that subtle yet signature qi is going to come across in the Light of your presence and image (to some extent).


Be mindful that some Keys are more of the archetypal meta masculine or feminine in essence (likely you have a mix) like how the siddhi of Tenderness is a Divine Feminine essence.


Some examples of siddhic beauty essences are; Grace, Intoxication, Devotion, Honour, Majesty, Florescence, Celebration, Universal Love, Innocence, Purity and Peace.


You yourself actually have 6-11 of these potential enlightened beauty frequency bands within your own hologenetic profile. 


If you are stuck in the shadow frequencies, their energetic signature is showing up in your image and field as well. This can be ready even in celebrities when it shows up (but we won’t name names here).

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This wisdom really gives us a LOT to work with for advanced beauty mastery!


Here are 2 quick examples which are also featured on the Sexy Chi beauty blog but here in shorter detail.


For example, one of Jason Momoa’s Keys is 56 in his Culture sphere.


On his youtube channel, there are clips of him promoting Aquaman in different parts of the world.


He gives a promo appearance in this one around people and culture – and is emanating frequencies of Intoxication. This is unique to his true self and will attract more recognition and success (also his life theme AS the auric design of a Projector).


Most people would think that he’s smiling so its a ‘feel good’ scenario without understanding the deeper Truth of what’s going on energetically and that his Intoxication essence signature is also alchemical and can transmute your consciousness being near it…it literally can be INFECTIOUS. 


Most people aren’t advanced enough to get the value out of a photo however b/c it requires being more of an alchemist – but if you were there in person, that would be affecting even your DNA itself to let in more of that signature Intoxication and divine drunkery.


Another quick example is that of JFLA whom Rion felt had a beauty essence of Grace.


He found her chart and sure enough, that was her Radiance sphere; the 22nd Gene Key! This is a real secret as to her success doing video covers; she’s emanating authentic higher frequencies in her image.


Grace has alchemical healing powers that when near it can absolve people of their sins – imagine THAT kind of Beauty!


Copyright JFLA


With that said, we could also add some other emotions to the siddhic beauty realm such as Joy.


Lia from K-Pop group ‘Itzy’ is a perfect example of alchemical beauty essence of siddhic Joy (amongst other high frequency beauty essences present).


Itzy, Copyright JYP 2020


Her beauty essence of Joy is TRANSFORMATIVE if you were to meditate consciously or let it affect you (non-consciously). So again; all of this is Beauty ESSENCE; the truth of what’s going on in image beyond just the physical skin-deep focus of Beauty. Both are important.


All of these essences btw are ‘closer to source’ and what’s possible so when you raise and cultivate your own beauty frequencies, you carry great powers to transform and uplift OTHERS experience literally from your image and presence.


You have a lot of Siddhic Beauty potential that can be cultivated while also transforming and upgrading your quality of life itself. These aren’t superficial fixes since they are authentic essences from consciousness/qi itself.


We’ve got a lot to work with off of your Hologenetic profile for cultivating Gift and Siddhic Beauty. Rion Kati is the first known person in the world to combine the lesser known art of Invocation with Gene Keys with actual energetic activation work to do Gift and Siddhic activations.


These are available on the Appointments page and include consultation time. Not everyone is prepared for Siddhic activation work right away.


Ok! – If you have gone through our entire Beauty Essence sub-menu, know that it was just a quick and solid overview of Beauty Essence for now. 

There are many more examples and (beauty essence ‘aka’ energy) readings throughout our blog (and growing).  Now, let’s look @ professional Beauty Essence Assessment.


You can find out more about Gene Keys itself @ GeneKeys.com although it doesn’t make the direct connection to your beauty like Rion professionally does here


Rion is finishing up the sanctioned Guides course to be an official Gene Key Guide. A private GK Reading/consultation is available on the BEA Get a Reading page.

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.