After 16 Years of Working With Men, I Could Sum Much Of It Up Like This…

Men; if you’ve been struggling for years in this area (with attraction and worthiness around women as well as resolving anxiety)…even if you don’t want to compromise on the quality of woman for long-term…perhaps consider that you may NOT be actually worthy of her Divine Feminine.


Those butterflies you get and what’s at stake with rejection and the compromise dynamics; that this unworthiness may be a greatest secret fear but if you could stomach it, it could save you decades more of bitter frustration, hopelessness, depression and despair to start accepting the possibility.


YES; her power and beauty is real and verifiable and it scares the crap out of you that you could be that small (and fractured for all of eternity from Communion with it).


You have to expand your definition of who you really are and get it in PROPER alignment; to move from the egoic and conditioned, disempowered self into the seat of the soul, unlimited, immortal self.


The inner game centric egoic self ‘psychology’ CANNOT resolve this impossible conundrum of how to be worthy of her level of SEX/Beauty and it will only corruptively conflate the ego to think that it is worthy.


But it’s not her ‘personal’ self you’re going up against; it’s mostly her VERY REAL beauty, status, sex and its power which is impersonal, ancient, immortal and archetypal.


The sooner you can accept that you (as you previously knew it) is NOT worthy; the sooner you can move on and reclaim your divine masculine inheritance that IS worthy – and embody HIM as an expanded aspect of your SOUL-self truth (ideally along a path of sacred reunification itself).


This Divine Masculine (archetypal, elemental and siddhic) Power (and His consciousness) is what relates to Her Beauty as an expanded aspect of Self (not constricted egoic self).


You don’t have to keep suffering and wasting years and decades of time remaining unworthy while market forces and socio-cultural conditioning capitalize on your disempowerment and fracture with the Divine Feminine.


The archetypal, divine masculine truth and power already IS worthy and relevant to Her divine feminine Beauty and radiance. Activations available to embody your divine masculine (King, Lover, Star, Eros, Warrior, etc.)


What if your dis-embodied divine masculine WAS already worthy, you just had to ACCESS and EMBODY Him instead of relying on your conditioned and egoic identity of self? Hmm…and then shift your transformational work around it (and watch as women with divine feminine qualities start responding to you!)


The larger picture answer is with Divine Union or sacred reunification (aka ‘hieros gamos’) but it’s too much to introduce here.


Cultivate your divine masculine presence, sexual confidence, social status and charisma with Archetype activations on site. The Charisma Makeover Package is also available

Essence Communicates Your Visual Soul Signature, Power, Beauty & More

And it’s all represented (or not!) in your image; social media, video, instagram, pics and film. Search the site to discover the 7 primary aspects of Essence Beauty consulting and makeover transformation!




Essence and who you are has everything to do with your visual and ‘live’ communication. Essence is the realm of that 90% of non-verbal communication; the physical lens was only rudimentary; showing us signs to the real ‘who you are’.


What about presence?


Presence is the Embodiment of Essence/s


Charisma or Allure is the energetic Expression of Essence/s (with and through your chakras and aura).


There are 7 different kinds of known Beauty essences to work with that MATTER in the realm of LIGHT and image (in your visual beauty and self-expression mastery).


Who you are without speaking matters and in today’s day and age THAT sells and influences (esp. in the age of hidden marketeers fatigue as many consumers awaken). Are you communicating your SOUL BASED and archetypal Truth?


Or are you just too conditioned with social programming and there’s no literal space in your chakric psyche for your soul and other signature essences of higher beauty to BE embodied and expressed?


Now how about we professionally work in THAT realm of essence with conscious competence to master your visual communication? Sexy Chi is the core brand to do this work directly, with conscious competence and RESULTS!


Image consulting or transformational beauty essence makeover sessions available (ie. archetype activations).


There’s time at the start of every session to determine which archetype you may want for more of that signature beauty and essence-based allure! Often people note immediate results in how others are attracted to and responding to them.


Discover more about Beauty Essence on site! This is the future of Beauty and Image Consulting (essence consulting and transformation) and it’s with Sexy Chi!



Still Resistant to K-Pop and Muse?

Through the years I’ve noticed a lot of Western female resistance to Muse (however this is finally starting to open up more).


If you value the Muse archetype or identify yourself archetypally as a muse and you would value cultivating more Muse Beauty and yet yet don’t know what’s *really* going on in K-pop (Muse Mecca) then; on your timing (which may be years from now or never for some of you);


I’d recommend to consider drinking or even smoking or whatever you do to -something – to bypass your high functioning critical factor and judgment to get beyond your projections to the Truth behind the labels and start to discover Muse Herself in a new way through transmission and experience.


You’ll want to look beyond Western culture to reference other pure examples of Muse.


Muse has the potential revolutionize Western culture and there’s only a handful of known Western muses. Muse brings Grail codes which extends into the entire Divine Union concept – and she brings alchemical transformational image, presence and Beauty. She HEALS MEN and the fractured masculine consciousness.


Muse and Muse codes can change your life (beyond k-pop). This can be done through attunement (entrainment) or through a life of Muse service (and sacrifice) or through activations for example. When Gillian Pothier and I hosted Cosmic Muse retreats in L.A. this was another way to connect with Her. There’s also the Muse Attunement archetype meditation on Youtube.


The immortal Muse will be able to far more consistently send you codes and help you CULTIVATE YOUR OWN MUSE & SIDDHIC BEAUTY through literal alchemy and its transmutation of consciousness and your frequency.


You must become the Alchemistra instead of the consumer however. Archetypes exist as higher truths BEYOND our labels, filters, cultures and genres. You can train yourself to see and be with Her instead of the artists or genres such as K-pop.


Although the group is K-Pop group ‘Twice’; beyond the lower truths, this is a GREAT Muse resource to keep re-watching until you bypass your projections that are preventing the Law of Resonance to allow you to alchemically attune to Her Truth (in these Muse fractals).


Again; you want to be egoless and ‘meditate’ or just soak in Her codes and allow the Law of Resonance to do its magic (attunement). This can open up more Muse codes and even more embodiment to you.


Whether you’re a ‘stan’ or not; try and get past the filter of it being ‘Asian’, ‘Twice’ or a different genre or language; those are lower truth values that can prevent your from seeing and feeling Muse magic.


That resource is also encoded in Siddhic Celebration (Gene Key 42)


Here’s a great Muse-Goddess resource to alchemize and attune with to cultivate your Muse Goddess through the Law of Resonance (treat it like temple space meditation as you MUST get beyond your critical factor or you won’t ever get into the real magic and alchemy and then you’ll ‘never know’):

Again; as best you can put aside whether you’re a SNSD ‘stan’ or not b/c those are personal and consumer values…the higher Truth is that Muse is very strong and most centralized in the world today in K-Pop.


Muse activations are $1000 OR….u could get into the alchemy or join The Cosmic Muse waitlist (DM me on FB for either).

Acting & Looking Like a Muse, Goddess or Vixen Isn’t The Same As Being One: Archetypes

(And beyond just the physical ‘looking like an archetype’; this is all about archetype essence/codes & cmbodiment)


This gets to the core of not only professional acting (which I’ll be assisting and covering more) but also the future of professional beauty and social influence FROM your image and presence. When you are the real thing, people can FEEL YOU. And we can talk about your (future) archetype beauty that your soul desires to express as.


The divine street cred of people FEELING you are a goddess, starlet or siren (etc.) in your social influence and business is with the essenced codes themselves which are effortless and real (as an intoxicating mix with your soul signature beauty).


This ‘future-of-beauty’ foundation is a gateway to unlimited archetypal beauty & allure as well as expanded consciousness and influence. Many influencers in this circle have already been ‘into it’ for years.


You could ‘act’ like a muse, goddess or vixen…even LOOK like Her with how you do your hair and make-up…


But this doesn’t hold a candle to the flame of truly BEING a muse (as who you ARE) where people feel and know that truth of Muse Allure and its alchemical, DNA warping truth.


And that makes all the difference. (ALL OF THIS IS ETERNAL in the codes/essences themselves). And for men and the masculine; this means embodying and emanating (charisma) of siddhic masculine and archetypal masculine signature light and vibe-truth essences that people CAN FEEL.


That’s where the visual power and influence is; archetypal power in the form of essenced chi.


The challenge is accessing and embodying them which is what my brand Sexy Chi specializes in with our Archetype Embodiment activations working with the source codes. Beauty 1.0 can only be indirect at very best and often leaves you feel like you’re fake-acting it (although sometimes through intention you might have ‘some’ of the codes).


Beyond efforting, body language techniques, fake-acting or psychology if you want to exude expanded influential BEAUTY;


ESSENCE is the street-cred Divine Truth and that = Muse Codes (or pick your archetype). (This is an evolution of the art of acting itself to work more consciously with the ESSENCE).


When you have enough Muse codes embodied (aka Muse Light & Vibe-Truth Chi), you essentially ‘become’ a muse and it’s verifiable by others…there’s no fake-acting it.


Want to BE more goddess-y and have that kind of impact and influence?


Well; this goes for any archetypes (which are essence based) btw because maybe Muse isn’t for you yet your soul may desire to express expanded timeless feminine Beauty and consciousness in the spectrum of All-ness.


(Infinite) Archetypal Beauty embodiment and allure that people can FEEL is possible when you can work with the codes directly or indirectly but effectively. This isn’t psychological, it ends up being somatic.


Most of Beauty focuses on looking and styling like or even ‘acting’ like, but that’s not the true foundation. It’s kind of like Sharon Stone in the movie ‘The Muse’ where she had some muse codes but honestly could have had much more of MUSE-TRUTH embodied.


If you desire authentic, alchemical Beauty start valuing working with the archetypes and essences. Beauty as you know is multi-dimensional light and not merely your physical body; ALL of it comes across in image.


Visual and superficial skin-deep support was arguably ALWAYS SECONDARY to the vibe-truth and light-truth of your soul and any archetypal beauty itself.


Muse isn’t really a persona you can put on or fake act (well you COULD but it’s not an authentic foundation).


I don’t think you want to be a poser in any way right?


You can LOOK like a muse (or for men a prince) but being one…that’s where the future of integrity is (in whatever archetypes and siddhic qualities resonate with YOUR soul); BEING IT – in consciousness, in power, in beauty and the influence of that immortal truth through you mixed with your unique soul signature.


And that’s where people FEEL IT and are more influenced…and for actors and acting; that’s the award winning stuff beyond ‘fake-acting’ – it’s where the essences are TRUE and REAL and you’re in the art of story-telling and it’s believable.


BEING the goddess. BEING the priestess. BEING an expression of Muse. BEING an embodiment of Sophia so that your clients feel and know it is REAL (and that means everything just as much as you value divine masculine authentic immortal essences and want them to be real).


And of course for actors and actresses BEING the energetic signature embodiment of your CHARACTER so that people FEEL it as real and it comes across screen. Quantify influence and believability.


Again; archetype embodiment is essence/codes based (and also central to work on for mastering acting more consciously).


The ‘real thing’ that people know and feel as real with the real MAGIC, Beauty and influence of that archetype ie. Starlet, Siren, Goddess or Muse has ALL to do with the essenced codes (aka signature light and vibe-truth chi) and THEN how She mixes with your soul signature chi and your Human Design.


Archetypes are potentially available to all of us but you’d have to work with their codes.


Sessions (archetype activations aka ‘beauty appointments’) available on site!

6 Year Anniversary of the #metoo Movement L.A. Gridworking Session

6 years ago in 2017 (living in Playa del Carmen) when I was in session (~14.4 years in to experiential Sacred Union alchemy);


The archetypal Muse directed me to go directly and immediately into an L.A. Grid-working session *specifically* around calibrating the shadow sexual power abuse dynamic in Hollywood.


It was very specific that it was about this dynamic alone and as I was doing the gridwork itself; the name of Harvey Weinstein and his image popped up during it.


I told my roommate the next morning in the sunny and small kitchen while he was getting coffee that there were going to be new fires around L.A.


Later that year it was Rose McGowan that came forward and it started the #metoo movement for better or worse. And all of the women that came forward throughout – it became a global movement and recalibration (sometimes going too far).


Although I was point man on the job, I wanted to let you know that it was directly Muse who commissioned the work. It amplified the energetic substructure around L.A. to a boiling point where something was going to burst and truth was going to be revealed. We did the underlying infrastructural work that made it more ready for Rose to come forward.


Muse didn’t do it as a general virtuous thing for make benefit.


No…She primarily did it to prepare L.A. as a hot seat of culture for more of HER codes (Grail Codes btw) and secondarily She was/is very aware of the other ascension and Communion blocking dynamics in the world as well.


(This is also why She’s opening up Her codes to beyond just performance artists and rare unique souls but now to directly have more Grail influence with Her magic ie. in the Muse Priestess lineage).


Entirely implicated in this is the levels of previous control and dishonor towards the feminine and that is no foundation for the reverence that Her codes bring. There is still much (L.A.) gridwork to be done however.


It’s not that most men have to be afraid (nor is the future ‘just feminine’); that was just a necessary rebalancing that spread across the world (and yes, you can thank Muse for that).


From that and what is next is far more room for ALL GRAIL WORK, divine unions, grail starlets and Kingmakers.


L.A. was too crowded and infested before in its tyrannical shadow-grid of control that there wasn’t much space so we had to start with power steps at a time.


This work is powerful because Muse is immensely powerful.


Later when I landed for a short layer at LAX, the BIG earthquake hit. Remember that I SUPPORT artists, beauty and media production and entertainment; however the evolution of it and there’s a lot of shadow shit that’s preventing ascension and interfering with the evolution of consciousness.


2 hours after leaving San Francisco, their biggest earthquake in years. Heck; I was facing Kat Von D’s studio in WeHo the night it burnt down (about 100 meters away) using or at least sensing fire in session time with Muse (although we didn’t have any intention to harm).


And I have other grid-working stories like the Rainmaking L.A. pods one, etc. Shit has gone haywire when I enter L.A. because what I and She represent is a greatest threat to how Dark Forces are still controlling it. Gillian can attest to this when we were hosting Cosmic Muses and the city was on fire and full of smoke and it was impossible to book a single hotel in the entire city for 6 hours.


SO…what can Muse do for YOU?! Maybe revisit the Muse attunement for a reconnect…


Some of you may find it all hard to believe.


Thing is; back then we just did the COMMISSIONED work in one power session…it took like 1/2 year and then I started piecing it back together.


NOTE: I didn’t know during it that the session would foundationally, indirectly and directly support the #metoo movement exactly 6 years ago.


Would it have happened anyways? That’s up for debate but it DID secure the timeline itself and it happened + it was all aligned.


What a thrill ride being LIVE in helping/make history when you’re in devotion!


She moves in mysterious ways..