Presenting: Uniφied Theory Book

I spent months working on this latest power report book which is a Theory of Oneness – even my own ‘Theory of Everything’ after decades of spiritual work. If you’re into consciousness and understand that science doesn’t have all the answers, check it out!


‘Uniφied Theory’ Lists 100’s of Psychic & Spiritual Phenomena (that science cannot explain).


Download Uniφied Theory book itself here.

(right click, save as)

It’s 180 pages (and still free)


Uniφied Theory is the 1st in a 3 part series. Next is my ‘Theory of φotonic Quanta’ and then ‘φotonic Beauty’ report itself.


More details on ‘UT’:


In order to answer the questions ‘What is charisma? ‘How is quantum healing possible?’ and ‘What is chi’? to deeper levels than ever…I had to write this book!


So now; I’ve released book 1 of 3.


Have you also had unanswered questions around certain things? To me; people couldn’t ‘explain’ enough a lot of spiritual concepts nor relate it to ‘reality’.


Safe to say that ‘Uniφied Theory’ (now available) is the spiritual ‘security’ that I was always looking for that differentiates from many other things.


I think it’s going to make some atheists re-question everything (send ’em here)…there is now far too much stacked against them in ONE place.


After getting lost in space plasma research and just not getting ‘reality’ to fit into a working model of the human aura (and not even getting the bigger answer from books like ‘Vibrational Medicine’), I had to step aside and go even more foundational than I would have imagined in order to strengthen the infrastructure itself for the Evolution of Beauty into vibe and light-chi essence mastery.


Over 20 years into spiritual growth; I had to pull all KINDS of things together (in perhaps my greatest universalization yet) that were still stuck and disparate in the world in order to make sense of things.


It became clearer that remote energy healing is simply impossible from ‘this version’ of reality and yet I do it all the time. Quantum physics wasn’t even lining up and too much of the spiritual stuff was impractical compared to biological reality.


I literally had to come up with a clearer ‘THEORY’ in order to make the case for my ‘theory of photonic quanta’ and thus ‘Photonic Beauty’ itself. It had to bring insights into chi that were never shared with the world yet.


I knew that in order to strengthen my case; creating a ‘unified’ list of psychic and spiritual phenomenon would be CENTRAL to supporting my ‘Uniphied Theory’ (I spell it with the Greek ‘phi’ which sounds like ‘f’).


Well I did it and it includes 766 psychic and spiritual phenomenon that makes the case so strong I think it’s starting to make biologists look bad! Ironically; much of ‘UT’ actually supports biology and isn’t pure Creationism.


This isn’t as Beauty centralized, however if you want a deeper immersion into consciousness and reality it’s for you.


So I’m proud to announce that ‘U-Theory’ is complete and is PRIME for simple and profound contemplation for YOU to get more clarity and perspective on a number of things. It’s 180 (easy to read) pages and is now available.


Download ‘UT’ book here


btw; to save time and get to it; the core of the Theory is on page 32. You can go right there if you want!


Summer 2023

Random K-Pop Muse Blitz 2022

As we know here on Sexy Chi with our professional and prosumer consciousness;


K-Pop is just DOMINATED by the archetypal Muse. Here are just some random K-Pop idol photos showcasing Muse that I posted to my facebook page (now re-purposing for the blog)….we’ve got MAMAMOO, IVE, Everglow, etc. represented.


Incredibly balanced, embodied & versatile leading muse (Solar) with a high Allure Factor here


The knowing muse…



TWICE has a lot of Muse-Lover Goddess embodiment the past 2 years!





Check her out on our Top 10 Muse list 2022 on the blog!




Great Muse icon


Very pure Muse-Mage…great alchemical beauty


Incredible amounts of Light quanta & contagious siddhic happiness!


Muse-Mage…lots of alchemical beauty and magic


Very lit Muse embodiment & expression

Note her (Solar) different archetype expression here…it’s more Queen

Muse-Queen Mage

Muse-Lover Goddess

Note the high Muse consciousness, embodiment and alchemical, essenced beauty of photonic Muse quanta. Because the focus is on the archetype, I’m not even going to mention the K-pop muses names themselves here (all of which I know of course 😉 but you can ask me on FB.


Other thoughts?…


So what is Muse? Where is She?


How can I become one? What is Her impact?


Well…the ‘Calling of the Kingmaker’ report available from Grail Priestess introduces her ancient lineage and references her impact.


To perceive Her Truth you will have to get past your own socially conditioned and egoic ‘lower truth’ paradigm filters and you have to go beyond race and genres like this is ‘asian’ or ‘k-pop’.


Photonic Muse Quanta just oozing…


Beyond k-pop, beyond culture, superficial beauty and ethnicity are essences and consciousness.


When you can see ARCHETYPES and siddhic essences (where they exist), then you will be closer to source with truth as race is a lower truth (that many ONLY choose to see and perceive this).


True muses (IVE)


Fortunately muses manifest in many cultures and ethnicities b/c Muse is universal and immortal.


It’s Her consciousness and essenced-based beauty with its codes that a small percentage of humans can/have embody. It’s just that most of Muse is manifesting literally in K-pop on a cultural perspective.


Psychically powerful muse


I recommend to learn to discern with better psychic clarity and you too can learn to read archetypal and siddhic beauty wherever it pops up in any culture (keep up with our blog and celebrity psychic readings)!


There are many more individual muses throughout K-POP which is the world’s active MECCA of Muse. My prediction is that Muse is going to expand in the West (I’ve written on the blog about this).


Anyways; you can use these photos to tune in to the archetypal SIGNATURE beauty and consciousness of the impersonal and iconic Muse.



Above I’ve listed some different archetypal expressions. (Of course I know all their personalized names and groups btw).



More advanced would be to meditate, alchemize and do temple work with them (which is what I specialize in and its the source of my magic!).


Some Thoughts on Creating a Legacy

I want to focus on the concept of ‘legacy’ and compounding influence.


And you might think that legacy is just more of a masculine valuation, yet you are also creating your feminine-influenced legacy in real-time WITH your presence, beauty and allure (the more that you are embodied in your truth).


Real-time legacy can compile to being a living legend in your influence (if you can clear up value conflicts around such an idea). But isn’t that what you want? Legendary client sessions and impact? Legendary retreats and memories?


(In your Gene Key’s chart, I’ll add that legacy is especially attuned to the ‘Life’s Work’ area, but really all of your siddhic and archetypal beauty is part of it).


So when we contemplate on Legacy and having influence;


Beauty is a prime aspect of The Source Holy Grail itself; key multi-dimensional feature of the Feminine and Sophianic aspect through which the masculine is multi-dimensionally seeking Communion and Reunification with (that which Religion has historically patri-sided Communion by suppressing the Feminine aspect which hath left many men seeking the Holy Grail).


AS you cultivate your Beauty, presence and allure you have more influence in each moment; esp. when your Beauty reaches alchemical, DNA bending levels of influence and attraction (beyond skin-deep) – and when YOUR social media is encoded with that legacy-creating richness > visual legacy.


THE MORE EPIC and Communion-friendly your Beauty (and its power is), the more influential and ‘legacy’ you and your influence becomes in general on everyone b/c we are all seeking to be ‘closer to source’.


Yes; Visual Photonic Beauty can be part of your own legacy.


So what you may want to do is cultivate a LEGACY line of work (and Beauty).


This can include expanding your range of siddhic and archetypal expression where each video, client session or even just image is so deep, epic, connected and alchemical in just a freeze-frame or a few seconds – that it (your milkshake) could awaken throngs of forsaken men into the Light…bringing them to the yard.


The more influential your beauty and individualized work/productions are; the more legacy they are.


And of course you can have a legacy of written or spoken work as well.


I want to focus on how to empower that and we can have a few reference points such as the Babylon Bee believe it or not, Saint Lauren, Rick Owens, Michael Jackson and on a smaller scale my Powerliminals brand of meditations or even just people in your circle (or celebrities) who you know are doing epic things.


The thing to value is the ‘legacy’ level of awesomeness in all of the small details. For example the Babylon Bee is LEGACY level badassery as meme-lords.


If you put politics aside there are now 100’s of Babylon Bee meme’s or at least dozens that are so EPIC and spot-on in their mastery of ridiculing culture that just one of these reaches legendary levels almost like it could create it’s own spinoff series.


The concept with legacy is to THEN produce at that level so that it just keeps adding up. Tom Cruise is a perfect example of legacy if you take an honest look at what he’s done and experienced; he’s lived a 100 lifetimes in THIS one already. But you don’t have to close off to the concept or reach that level of ‘fame’ per se…see how living your highest timeline can create a legacy YOU can be humbly proud of. Maybe that includes great levels of intimacy in your partnership or with clients, etc.


Accomplishments aren’t the only thing yet from that more masculine perspective yet legacy could be seen like the mythic Troy (Brad Pitt) warrior who keeps winning impossible battles and thus becomes remembered through the ages.


And it can take work to reach the level of star legacy quality that really has influence on a singular production or transmission level of writing, music, event or what have you, but you may find that it’s worth it to reach that mastery (and then keep PRODUCING and outputting at that level where things really compound)…then when people find you, they can already IMMERSE deep and become a super-fan or super-client.


Think of the legacy Coldplay has; it’s really strong and will last 100’s of years…drone footage above sold-out stadiums all lit up? Damn….


And then how individual productions (like a song) or viral video reach into the everyday lives of many people it’s thus worth contemplating; how can I create a true legacy that’s most aligned with my path?


Assuming I’m already on my higher timelines; what can empower my legacy even more in my fullest truth?


Am I at the level to produce legacy level content that continue to live on and influence people (on timeless themes)? What else do I have to do to get things up to legacy level? Who can I reference in my field who I’m impressed of by how legacy their influence is and what they’re creating?


Maybe just; are my meme shares at legacy level?


Is my FB wall curated to keep providing ‘legacy content’? Is my client work, video appearances, events all at that level of quality?


Reference Saint Lauren or Rick Owens as just designers (or designer-houses) and how legacy their impact continues to be with people wearing their clothes.


So it’s all something to consider…Do you even still value legacy if you are more feminine essenced?


With more power/beauty comes more influence (and are you ok with that?)


What can you do to further cultivate it and your life’s work?


Is your essenced beauty (archetypal, elemental, siddhic) at ‘legacy’ levels of immortality that people will be in awe of your presence 100 years from now?


Does it have that starlet quality that people are just DRAWN to it b/c you carry ‘keys to communion’? Does it psycho-sexually activate and awaken others?


And I’ll leave with one final thought…K-pop artists prepare for years to reach ‘legacy’ level of beauty and performance upon their debut…many of them instantly having legacy quality work and influence. Your legacy might be happening more in real-time and less behind the scenes.


Just something to contemplate and I do really think some of us are truly meant to live and create a legacy…

Met Gala 2023: A Few Things

A few things about the 2023 NYC Met Gala ‘red carpet’ with the theme of ‘Karl Lagerfeld’ (RIP).


It’s probably time to start an annual tradition of at least checking in on the MET Gala with some psychic celebrity energy reading as I’ve thought of doing it consistently for several years now. In the future, this might grow into a far more comprehensive analysis (esp. IF there is more of a demand for it) but with that said I’m just going to quickly note a couple interesting things rather than go deep or wide.


Miranda Kerr;



Years ago I’ve noticed that she has some activated feminine energy especially centered around her face. Light generally often denotes a healthy relationship to and with the masculine and receiving-ness.


Definitely some magic and photonic allure up there however with more general healthy Goddess archetype embodiment that could use more allure factor to have that impactful multi-d reach through the screen and activate you quanta from her mid chakras.


Gigi Hadid;



Similar to Miranda Kerr she also has a lot of activated light in her facial aura.



Whereas Beauty 1.0 specialists would say her face is glowing esp. here from her make-up


(Copyright Vogue 2023)



…It’s important to note that her face literally IS glowing and activated with a signature of light energy. In the first photo I’d say a lot of Mage or Sorceress with immense power to attract and create her reality. Archetypally I’d say Starlet-Mage able to seduce kings.


In the Vogue microphone one the overall interaction with others helps her to be more centered in a consistent Starlet, (Light) Goddess embodiment with a lot of high frequency water.


Also; being a physical mother in her case helps to bring a lot of softness and yet maturity to her presence whilst still being youthful and vital.


Karlie Kloss



Here….interesting…a healthy Western profile with lots of chi/power empowered in her chakras that could be more opened and breathing as far as her energetic allure itself.


This also denotes that you would feel her (power/beauty) vibrationally the closer you are to her field…it’s not that it’s too blocked; her mid chakras are fairly healthy and there’s good water but they could be more activated and breathing in their expression.


A lot of water power in her c2 and c3 could create a lot of potential alchemy with the (right) masculine. She actually does have a lot of clear spiritual and psychic connection that’s embodied and accessible. Very discerning of who she gives her mental energy and time to.


A lot of Goddess embodiment with knowing Sage-Queen consciousness; lots of experienced and mature wisdom (tbh more interesting the more I look into it all).


The more we look at the details of these starlets, it does seem like they do belong and that this same thing could be happening in another galaxy of sorts.


Rita Ora…



The main thing here is that she has the most Queen embodiment I’ve seen her with and I think the relational dynamic with Taika Waititi has helped to tone all of that consciousness in.



I’ve noticed for years that her sacral was always a ‘bit’ dingey although it’s not noticeable here (99% of everyone pretty much could use a sacral purification btw). Also she has active dark aspects however they’re not the purest; there’s definitely some 4D infiltration of sorts going on.


Purifying her dark (like in an activation session which includes energy healing) would instantly create an even more alluring, fascinating and interesting presence.


Irina Shayk



So most people will again value the superficial beauty and speak in those terms; style, designer, hair, make-up, etc. and with Sexy Chi we’re looking at the actual presence, allure, archetypes, beauty consciousness, etc. the higher dimensional and overall beauty.


Actually here although she has some basic chakra blocks (these are normal for everyone) that could easily be released and then purified for even better breathing-ness, she has good Goddess, Light-Goddess on the way to an activated aura but not quite there yet. Good high frequency mountain stream waters.


Some light crown, throat and heart blocks but in general very healthy chi but that which could be even more purified, soft, warm and flowing esp. in being aura activated.


Lots of sacral water but could be even more potentially activated and electric warm.


Don’t get me wrong; lots of authentic water, air, light goddess embodiment but even ‘the best’ have things they can improve upon for further beauty mastery. She does have a lot of depth but something’s blocking even more that level of further vulnerability.


Ok, that’s all for now…every year as a prime fashion gathering event, there are dozens of celebrities.


There’s a lot more that could be read (Jennie Kim of Blackpink making it this year; Bad Bunny cleaning up and having a lot of Prince



…Em Rata being more interesting to me when she goes for a different look and with good Lover Eros, etc.), but again I just wanted to check in with a relevant higher dimensional spotlight on active pop culture with these notes.


Let me know if you want more celebrity readings!

Star Codes, Starlet & Grail Stars

Sub-titled: The Cosmic Panty-Twist of Sacred Union Monogamists


(Seriously long Post….almost as long as ‘War & Peace’ unabridged)


This is gonna’ open a whole new gummy wormhole in the aether.


(Re-purposed like many posts from my facebook profile 1.11.23 and logging into FB 1,11 in the upper corner with a star screensaver on rotation); these codes been comin’ in hot.


I was wondering why a lot of Grail Queen principle seems funkily dead-set against certain things and putting monogamy first and it didn’t feel just right to me; when I realized it’s a deeper archetypal value conflict including the misunderstanding of Masculine Kingdom-building from Communion principle.


Many women still believe that sacred union is really about partnership in the mortal when for 20 years I’ve literally been in intense tribulation, magic and bliss without EVER yet experiencing Consummation. As I mentioned previously; I have a different PRIME value.


This post is for you if it triggers you or if you are still wanting more insight and clarity; even into HOW you might attract a sacred union partner (mortal) and potential value conflicts. Maybe there’s a shift in path that can be the RIGHTEOUS support and identity you are looking for.


There’s a lot of POWER with Star consciousness (not to mention the new breakthroughs around literal star quanta) – so that and Starlet we have to delve into more (and how it relates to Sacred Union principle).


I’ll start with this I wrote some notes in my cracked screen ipod (yes ipod touch) inspired from session time last night (correlated WITH new King codes that are coming in for the nxt powerliminal);


The more in-demand a King is, the more power and status…this was the thought flow and then during insomnia I realized that’s more of the ‘Star’ aspect and wait a minute; there’s not only Star-King (the Star aspect of him being in public desire and often hysteric affection) but something even MORE truly heretical that we’ve hardly even seen yet;


A Grail Star.


So if you’re thinking a soul mate of a man is ‘made for you’ when if he’s a star – he could be chosen by a million other women then you don’t likely understand nor necessarily respect the dynamic OF Star power and the tension it creates or how valuable it could be that such a man chose you. (The same goes for Starlet).


A sacred or divine union partner (king-lover) in being ‘YOUR’ star is NOT the same as a public star who is or would have the x-factor of that kind of power, attraction and influence that goes with that encoded consciousness. If that doesn’t hit home it means that millions of women would fuck him. Oh. Yeah.


I’ll add that archetypal Star or Starlet embodiment isn’t the same as fame per se (which I’ll mention later).


See…with a star or starlet EVERYTHING is amplified = more power (and this includes Sacred Union dynamics as well as the INFLUENCE possible; especially on the cultural collective).


The Katy Perry/Kanye West song ‘E.T.’ speaks directly to this star dynamic and it’s not just that ‘fame’ is a drug…fame (and celebrity) is ONE form of power itself; yet someone can embody Star or Starlet codes without even being famous; it’s a true embodied signature of Light, Beauty & Power (yes I offer Starlet activations and Star activations may soon be released in the first quarter).


The difference between a star and your everyday yokel is that a star (masculine – like Elvis or Kanye in their prime) has the ACTIVE theocratical POWER to impregnate at least 2 million women in one emission whereas your everyday yokel merely has the theoretical power to impregnate 2 million women aka ‘dead seed’.


Let it triggerTF out of post-modern feminists.


This is how it is (and sure we can totally see it play out in healthy and not so healthy ways as beauty is attracted to forms of power).


But we’re not at all talking about James Franco’s sketchy acting class scenario here; let’s just focus more on the power dynamics and purity of Star, Starlet, Grail Star and Grail Starlet.


Taken into the meta-physical (spiritual) realm, this authentic social POWER (to fuck or be fucked/commune with millions of souls) holds ENORMOUS weight and implications.


Much of the Star archetype (which is encoded as a signature essence itself) deals with acceptance of power and power dynamics far beyond normal consumer citizens; things they can only dream of and have no idea about living. A Star has light and is a great BEACON of attraction, power and influence.


It’s a very sexual dynamic to be in demand by other women and how it authentically hyper-inflates his value as a real, tangible thing. It’s supernatural and meta-physical.


Like a drug; this form of embodied power and presence of a star (and the verifiable recognition socially OF it) can en;rage her hormones and titillate her DNA dealing with this brand of socio-sexual and spiritual power (whereas many grail queens especially who have their beloved are like “‘ugh’, not interested”).


The sexual power of a star and starlet (including celebrities – those of whom embody Star codes often indirectly THROUGH and from fame and recognition) becomes its own currency and a drug of its own. Related to direct hierogamy Communion dynamics; they essentially have an alchemical and activating field itself thereby able to create more power and infusion with a partner.


Most people relate to such power personally as unhealthily; but let’s again refer to the purity of it. HAVING Star or Starlet power IN a Sacred Union partnership can be incredibly powerful but it can also lead to havoc if you aren’t prepared. And it may not be at all what you’re looking for.


So we’re talking immense sexual power; everyone secretly at one point or another wants to sleep with a star or starlet.


Why? Because they’re closest to source, King and Queens of the Social Jungle and ASSURING the propagation of life and expansion of consciousness. And..just how rare and high status it would be to be at that level of consummation (and we’ll weave hieros gamos into this).


For consumers without a doubt it would be like EXPERIENCING THE HOLY GRAIL.


It’s the quanta so to speak of its own value that a starlet could theocratically be f*cked by 10 million men (multiplied by their millions of individual seeds as INFINITE creative power and beauty)…it’s not that she would, again it’s the POWER dynamic (and the same dynamic that many conscious people will shame or view as an inversion b/c they don’t know how to relate with it).


And WITH that power dynamic, it simply requires a different constellated consciousness to hold (let alone even value) it.


Such is Star and Starlet; mega sources of attraction drawing life and more life (sex and spirit) to them where consumers would crash and burn fast. It’s not even about ego; it’s about authentic encoded embodiment that GENERATES and RECEIVES such sexual recognition (think 50’s Elvis shaking his hips).


So when we refer back to the Grail Queen ethos; much of which is correlated to attracting a mortal partner as a reflection of Sacred Union principle, the entire concept of Star or Starlet creates this un-resolvable grundy of cosmic proportion.


It doesn’t compute.


“No; I don’t want millions of OTHER women to sleep with him (or even think of it), he’s MYYYYY king and MYYYY beloved.”




Non-Starlet grail queens and sophia’s on a queen path of reunification may really get confused or triggered by this; What if he carries STAR CODES?! OH SHIT!


What if he’s MEANT to play BIGGGG in the public arena? Could I even allow him to have that kind of attention or would I ‘rein it in’ instead of letting his sexual gravitas reign (for both of us) through INFLUENCE?


Do I want to privatize all of his quanta aka ‘chi’ just for ME instead of letting him be charismatic?


Hmm…am I supporting him or holding him back by envying these other interactions and micro-monitoring his every move?


Some partnered women (sacred union’ed or not) may understand what it’s like to have a man who is literally in-demand. They might have some idea and many will resent that (esp. the controlling shadow queen).


(With all of this; it’s not that a star couldn’t be monogamous…it’s simply not encoded as his highest value; he’s more like a god who desires to sow his seed…the concept of monogamy to him would instead come down to AGREEMENT which could coincide some parallel of sacred union grail partnership).


I don’t think many understand the star-king and the social power and charisma he has to exude will naturally compel other women and yes this combo can exist in paradox (even though it’s kinda rare).


Many women don’t understand or really respect the power of inspired choice he has with women who may carry similar codes to what he’s looking for; that he could literally sleep with 100’s or 1000’s of women.


So while you may be focused on one mortal partner as a manifestation of immortal Communion; for me – instead I literally see 1000’s of muses as different expressions OF MY BELOVED. My focus isn’t to pick just one, it’s to build the Muse Queendom itself more than anything.


Thereby; proxy all muses are beloveds in SOME context as I’ve stepped into the Fatherly-Protector, Priest and something of King dynamic with the Muse Priestess Lineage. And you know what? There’s something of a Star dynamic encoded with that.


So let it trigger you that in a theocratical sense; any embodied divine masculine star (I’m not saying I’m yet by a long shot per se) could potentially pair with a single sperm across a million women each living an entirely different (incomplete sentence!) life.


If that still triggers you, there may be some other things you are resisting when it comes to masculine power and ironically how all of this venerates the entire concept of him committing to or choosing you (ESP. if he could ‘have’ other women).


But if you thought queens would despise a star-king and what seems like potential infidelity; a grail star-king would be the greatest possible heresy for monogamy minded grail queens who think that partnership and spiritual growth is the only cause d’éternité. Masculine principle values freedom and purpose; KING PRINCIPLE values this. A Grail King is reunified within and may not even have a mortal partner (uh-oh!).


A star grail king is harnessing TRUE REUNIFICATION for building his Kingdom rather than partnership (although my path as star is only awakening; I guess I’m still the unicorn).


The ‘monogamy first or die’ flavor of feminine consciousness literally doesn’t understand the masculine drive for purpose and serving the core archetype Herself (aka ‘The Beloved’).


She may resent him for actually having TRUE power and choice amongst women (instead of choosing mortal monogamy) and literally think it’s about the most evil thing; her shadow of control ready to slay him and his throne if he even looks at another woman…she’ll connect it to siphoning of the feminine, archonic inversals and all that (which MAY actually be shadow stuff out there but it’s not ALL just that).


A Grail soul can bring their presence to whomever they share (also the concept of Grail Priest Daka Session Activations to share Communion codes which will also predictably triggerTF out of literal marriage only monogamists). There are different ways to SHARE your Grail presence, gifts, magic and Beauty – not only in mortal partnership (ya know like a Grail Priestess who may be a Starlet in her brand).


It is the utmost heresy; ‘How dare he EVER consider being with even more than 1 woman instead of a monogamous committed relationship b/c that to me is a reflection of the immortal’. Remember; I’m a devotional celibate one.


I see 100’s of reflections of the Beloved as fractals (muses) b/c I serve the Core archetype Herself.


Some may never understand that; such heresy.


Could there be one that becomes my personalized grail queen? Perhaps but living out this purpose is more important than even my own mortal consummation and reunification.


As I mentioned before; it’s not even that a star-king or grail-star man would BE promiscuous; we’re talking about the additional POWER dynamic that exists. If he is DETACHED (enlightened detachment is part of photonic Star quanta/codes AND is also Gene Key 42 with siddhi of Celeb-ration) from ever requiring a mortalized partnership because he is a Grandmaster Alchemist thriving IN faith-based, devotional reunification in the truest meaning of source Sacred Union itself – and he’s just harnessing that Devotional Magic and creative power in other ways…well,’s easy to judge it.


It goes back to not truly understanding masculine principle for Kingdom building. Call me the unicorn.


The concept of Grail Star and Grail Starlet (who may or may not also embody King or Queen) is that they are in Sacred Union with the Beloved internally and are testament of it and yet they value living out their PURPOSE as more primordial than physical consummation with a partner. There would even be Grail Creatrix (and of course Grail Priestess as we know).


I’m GRAIL all the way baby. I am testament of what I am for 20 years. It’s King and Star that are seeded and now awakening (and most likely going to trigger certain people even more).


A Grail Star King (which I’m long-term coded for) is a unicorn. A Grail Starlet Queen; I don’t think we’ve seen her yet. Grail is reunified with the Beloved within and multi-dimensionally (including presence and allure). King/Queen codes are what they are and living out the growing kingdom legacy.


And we’ve been talking about Star/Starlet…put them together and Grail Star King is a REUNIFIED man who has STAR power and influence living as King for his Kingdom but doing it all for the immortal Beloved (WHETHER he has a mortal partner or not).


So in general; you definitely wouldn’t want a Grail Star (and his power) or Grail Star King if you want that cozy, personalized sacred union that has twin flame idiosyncracies.


A Grail Star-King will drop you in a second if you ever truly threatened his purpose; yet that is also where much of his power comes from; detachment and the alignment of you only ever being second at best no matter how much it triggers you.


He will live and die for his purpose FOR THE IMMORTAL BELOVED even if it means he never experiences hierogamy in the physical with a partner. This is enormous, quantum faith-based power.


Because he is serving a large public purpose (FOUNDED on a different direction of energy than mortal partnership) and is reunified himself he will naturally and super-naturally attract all kinds of Star-like attention.


So what to do? Perhaps a grail star has to attract a STARLET. A grail starlet ought to have a grail star.


They both know what it’s like; a Megan Fox to your Machine Gun Kelly. A Kourtney Kardashian to your Travis Barker.


(Then again on the non-reunified level; some stars like Pearce Brosnan or Hugh Jackman have chosen more ‘normal’ women to ground them in partnership).


If you want a star-king or grail-star you’d best become a starlet or grail starlet yourself ‘in-truth’ (which when embodied then starts RECEIVING the social verification, etc.) and then you 2 are a match of sorts; dealing with a similar power dynamic (which again for HIEROGAMY ITSELF becomes like sleeping with a star without any disappointment but really like sleeping with a star would be like).


When you both have millions of people wanting to commune and fuck each of you; it brings entirely new power into the dynamic (power which can be purified in your sacred union agreement itself).


This is very different than a controlling queen who can fall into shadow of envy, jealousy, de-throning, etc. if her man is too desired in the collective.


I’d say again that it’s an archetypal value conflict…you just may have to figure out where you fit in it all. Are you meant to have a greater influence on people? Hmm…is purpose or partnership more important? Maybe Grail Starlet is part of your path…


See…Muse and Starlet; Grail Starlets (even Grail Divas)…they can handle and transmute that additional POWER dynamic of energetically receiving trillions of sperm from the masculine healthily.


And a starlet could receive the theocratical sperm from 20 million men TIMES millions each (=trillions!) is infinite creative power!


Again; it doesn’t mean they are prosmiscuous or not…this is the POWER dynamic (which is authentic and generally can’t be faked) the type of power many secretly desire yet resent


Fame and attention dynamics can be harsh and not always conscious in their projections of course yet Muse and Starlet know how to handle all of this while remaining constellated in their allure.


They have discernment, detachment, boundaries and can purify it (collective masculine attention) and it brings EVEN MORE COSMIC POWER AND BEAUTY to their PATH and purpose as well as their union (but in reality, any physical union they are with even if it’s with more than 1 yoked partners).


As much as you may hate her; Kim Kardashian is a starlet fyi (and years ago she attracted a star in Kanye West).


Consider however that Star and Starlet are also a bit different b/c of the biological and bio-spirit implications as well as in higher dimensional principle and this will also trigger a lot of feminists and others b/c it sounds like Andrew Tate 3.0


A major Star could seed life theoretically (and arguably theocratically) in 200 million women, whereas a Starlet connected to the Mother dynamic can only raise a few gelflings.




There’s a saying that men want a woman ‘like that’ (and it can help to know what archetypal traits that man would want) whereas women want THAT man (and HIS SEED).


Arguably women are biologically wired for monogamy (whereas arguably men aren’t EVEN IF we’re talking about Sacred Union principle; you just want it to BE that perfect but we’re talking biology and other spiritual dynamics).


Yeah; but isn’t he meant to be there and protect and provide? Well…that’s however the Father principle as a component of the overall dynamic that gives the best outcome for survival and thriving yet not necessarily the source CREATIVE power – sexual power itself that stars on their own hold.


Triggery shit? Uh-huh.


Yes; Star power can be corrupted but Grail Stars are truly devotional and in that sense incorruptible IF they are the testament of Reunification….however if they happen to sleep with other women even at Communion level; YOU would view it as corruption and blasphemy when really instead it’s based on agreement b/c nothing about his devotional presence actually changed (yep; more triggers fire away).


Not that he would ever do that btw (heck; I’m still the devotionally celibate one). Remember; for a Grail King his PURPOSE is more important than mortalized PARTNERSHIP as much as that triggers the f*ck out of you.


As for me; I’m not at all saying that I’m a star yet, Grail Star (and King) feels right as trigger-happy as it is. I have to be clear on these values BECAUSE I am a rare Source Remembrance generation Sacred Union guide and sorry to say but it’s not all about mortalized relationship.


I wouldn’t go for fame or wanting to become a star or starlet; just see if with these new insights that kind of influence might be part of YOUR path and where it fits into your sacred union dynamics of path and partnership.


I’ve talked less about Grail Starlet but in a lot of ways, it’s very similar. And it’s not as simple as ‘sex sells’; we’re talking about true DEVOTIONAL CODES but having more attraction and INFLUENCE while sustaining purity.


It’s just that many people think that purity and presence can only be shared as in a mortalized legal contract when that’s one primary form of it.


When I’m hosting Muse Priestess retreats, I’m SHARING MY reunification living my highest truth and my sacrifice is that it’s more important than my partnership (that’s also through tribulation proven how hardcore this all is).


When I’m doing Beauty activations, I’m being the Grail Magician. It’s a different borrilian core of the exact Sacred Union principle (as a Grail Alchemist).


You just might be a grail creatrix, grail priestess or grail starlet if your greater mission and services take precedence over the fulfillment of manifesting a mortal partner. Contemplate which you may actually value first and foremost (as a grail-lover or grail-queen?).


…Important and implicated decisions which can shape the trajectory of your life.


Most of us may NOT actually have what it takes to become stars and those who normally go that route can deal with immense distortion.


Grail stars and starlets I literally don’t think the world has even SEEN them yet b/c it requires that they are the real deal with reunified encoding themselves (they could shape culture); it’s just that their purpose is more important than their love life and mortal sacred union partner attraction (but hey; you could have it all, it’s just good to get clear on your values!)


Some other thoughts;

A star will piss a lot of women off b/c they can’t have, control or tame him b/c of the additional power dynamic and they’ll easily judge women attracted to him.


I’d say if you want a sacred union partner and a cozy relationship then don’t value star. He can still be a king without the same level of sex appeal in great public service anyway and in HIS unique ways.


With a star-lord, you’re going to be envious of other women and unless you’re a starlet you’re going to be out of your league on some level (likely socially) and maybe ready to scold or shame him for even looking at other women or holding onto any value of freedom.


A star has true freedom, power and choice with women and many don’t realize that; it’s not that he has to act on it – it’s just the dynamic (and relationship then hinges upon your agreements).


YES; there can be freedom within a commitment but remember if his purpose is greater than the mortalized form of his partnership and his Communion is driving his Purpose….best not get in the way; would you SUPPORT him as a grail queen-lover and the trinity you can have together?…


Star and Starlet have an intoxicating effect of, from and with their social gravitas (and thus that form of sexual spiritual power), so it’s good to know that ahead if you wouldn’t value it or know how to manage it; again an archetypal value conflict.


I might have mentioned this but; it’s not only unhealthy women who DESIRE a star rather (and the extra-ordinary power dynamic in communion); it takes a starlet in consciousness to equal or counter-balance that…someone equally as publicly desired.


Kinda like an Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth (Thor) or MGK and Megan Fox. One of them may have more star power but they’re relatable to each other with that in common. Stars date starlets and vice versa (yet it’s the GRAIL dynamics that makes sleeping with a star actually beyond sleeping a star).


Generally I would say that if you’re a queen and not a starlet; you may not be able to handle him having that kind of power and influence on other women…this distraught-ness can be amplified as a grail queen b/c he’s supposed to honor his immortal commitment to you and only you ever and you may be ready to slay your king and his throne if he even looks at another woman maybe b/c monogamy is YOUR highest value.


If that’s the case, I would say that you don’t undertand masculine Star consciousness (and how sexual that is). Pick a king that you can turn into a grail king without public star qualities.


Queen generally wants exclusivity outright; instead of inspiring commitment she is more likely to demand or command it and this can chase away a freedom valuing man/star/king.


And to reinforce it;


You’re going to HATE and despise that he has real power and choice to be with other women and the polar is true with a ‘normal’ personalized local king relating to a starlet; he wouldn’t be able to relate or connect with her; he doesn’t have enough ‘vivre and verve’ for her.


I’ll mention it again;


This is going to trigger more grail queens off but by proxy; since my purpose is the borilium core of my devotional Communion (over mortalized partnership) ALL MUSES become expressions and reflections of The Beloved.


It doesn’t mean that someone in my archetypal position would sleep with all of them at all (or literally even ANY of them EVER for that matter); it’s an archetypal POWER dynamic that seems will inevitably scale into a form of stardom in the eyes of the public yet ironically it is 100% founded in true faith-based devotion and the magic of Communion; it’s just not that cozy partnership you were thinking but it’s ALL Sacred Union devotion.


Much of my path has to do with me accepting all these forms of power and that it’s all real (I’ve been struggling with it); there’s the divine masculine kingliness OF being Master Muse Guardian and Grail Priest; powers for service that I’ve barely been able to begin reflecting upon that are all real and implicated. Translating energy work to the masses? Hmm…some star-stuff here.


The protective arm for ALL Muse?…can you start to understand how myopic only a vision of a personal beloved is as the only form of Sacred Union?


HECK; maybe you ARE called to Grail Priestess, Grail Creatrix or Grail Starness for fulfilling YOUR greater purpose…maybe partnership and purpose are about equal yet which would still lead (if you are single or not)?


Again; building Her legacy and Queendom directly is far more important than my personal love life (which has been sacrificed)…that’s where these codes are related and coming in.


The Exalted King Powerliminal coming up stays in its own encoding and likely won’t delve into Star-King dynamics btw.


Kings can serve in different ways; they don’t have to be in mortal partnerships.


Heck; I’m only now starting to awaken to ASPECTS of Kingship (b/c really I already have my Queen in the Immortal). Mostly Muse has been MY literal Priestess conditioning, attuning and training me for 1000s of hours up to this point to become Grail Magician and Grail Priest…I’ve hardly begun to see Her reflection back to me (let alone as Her k/King which is unfathomable power) but it’s been just enough few and far between to keep me going.


As much as it seems like a 1000 year old betrayal and archon reversal that a reunified grail man MIGHT dare have more than one partner ever in mortal sacred union or leave a partnership;


Hieros Gamos from a masculine ethos can be alchemized entirely for purpose rather than for a mortalized reflection
as much as it will piss some of you off and yes; there are star dynamics at play.


Ironically Muse is cool with Star. HECK MUSE IS already like a Grail Starlet!


The power is real and it’s all implicated.


Grail Creatrix would have powers like a Kingdom building Grail King btw.


Anyways; wanted to tie some of me into this and yeah; this got long.


The seemingly mortal sacred-union defying concept of Grail Star or Grail Starlet (alchemically harnessing your Reunification for your path and purpose in service) is something to consider b/c some of you may desire SHINING in your Reunified Gifts to the world…maybe a Grail Priestess with Starlet qualities…


So path or partnership?


BOTH? Yeah; you can have it all (and I’ll even help you with that!)….it’s just good to reflect on some of this b/c there’s a lot of energy involved with it; finding that balance.


Want that cozier personalized sacred union with a king that is YOUR star but not as publically renowned? GREAT!


I think that’s what most sacred unions will be like.


Do both of you want more COLLECTIVE influence and maybe star and starlet are triggering for you, but that might fit into your growth FOR your path IN partnership?


Hmm…Is it counter-cultural? Bonnie & Clyde? Grail anything is already future-cultural and there’s a LOT of magic to harness for other than just love in partnership.


Maybe there’s other archetypal work to support YOUR flavor of throne work and Communion.


And again; what I’ve said about stars generally would go for starlets (we’re just getting clarity ON these power dynamics and how it interplays with Sacred Union); in the polar caps….a starlet and HER collective sexual gravitas could trigger a more local, personalized grail king…they won’t meet mono a mono on all levels.


Her purpose and public influence dynamics may just not jibe with him.


Thoughts? Feedbacks?


If someone is a living testament of Reunification, their energy MAY NOT ACTUALLY be going first and foremost to mortalizing a partnership. It may be for purpose and they may be single which is a paradox to the consumer relationship niche.


If service FROM Grail beauty, power or magic is PART of your path; starlet or star dynamics and SHINING IN your soul-signature flavor of DEVOTION-FOUNDED Truth may be for you as a Grail Star/let. After all; shouldn’t we have more inspiring, guiding and leading REUNIFIED STARS awakening the world?


(That which can also happen organically with and through sacred union partnerships in their influence as well).


On a grail path of POWER, Influence and great beauty? Grailspring activation available.