Allure Consulting & Transformation: The Right Tools For The Job

True allure transformation best requires the proper language, skillset and tools. With any professional area, you would want the right tools for the job right?


Well with allure, it’s not make-up kits, nor is it creams and serums.


This is the main challenge that most women and people who value beauty face; we’re living in a superficial, physical form based paradigm of skin-deep beauty and there are MASTERS of that Beauty paradigm in working with the TOOLS of physical beauty; personal trainers, stylists, skin care specialists, hair stylists, make-up stylists, etc.


But that’s just ONE HALF of your VISUAL COMMUNICATION because the LIGHT of IMAGE itself is not merely the photons showcasing your physical body and physical beauty; it’s also the 4d and 5d vibe and light truth (essenced) that ALSO and ALWAYS communicate in your photos, videos and visual media.


It’s the same concept of how we can’t ‘see’ UV Light from the sun’s radiation but it we still feel the effects and it is ALSO LIGHT.


Fortunately; now (as an allure and charisma consultant) we have the languaging and tools for PROFESSIONAL image work in the world of BEAUTY ESSENCE and Allure! We could call the Beauty industry as we know it; Beauty 1.0 and now we’re in Beauty 2.0!


Sexy Chi is globally leading the way and if you want to soak in more of the higher truth of Beauty, why not dive into the new allure attunement?


Here’s that link again:



With it and my consulting and sessions you can most directly open to the world of ESSENCED Beauty (there are hundreds of signature beauty essences to work with).


I think that’s better than non-consciously hoping for an effect indirectly with the right lip gloss which can indeed help but really, shouldn’t that be SUPPLEMENTAL to supporting your VIBE-Truth?


Find out more about the world of ESSENCE allure consulting tools on-site here (from archetype essence reading to allure factor, etc.).

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