A Word On Entities & Demons In Energy Work

In energy work & energy healing, we are working with aspects of the psyche and consciousness. This means that in your multi-dimensional energy body there may be demons or entities that are stuck, attached or interfering with your psyche.


These can hold back a lot of things in your life; drain energy, keep attracting negative patterns, etc.


It’s not that all demons are ‘bad’ per se but as entities, many of them are malevolent and can do a lot of damage including taking years off of your life, creating cancers, etc. (this isn’t a thorough overview). So in energy healing and detoxing your chakric and auric psyche (included in all activation sessions available on site), I may come across some heavier, stuck entities or demons in someone’s field.


I’ve said this before that my experience is preparing me for being an exorcist (yet that would require even more specialized training and I’m not necessarily called to it yet).


I have psychic ability to easily sense kinesthetically when someone is infected; also I’ll start purging as a shamanic sense and know something is extra dark as we’re clearing it. Some people have them for years until a session with me and report feeling much freer afterwards.


A varying % of people have authentic demonic infiltration (I’d say about in 8% of clients including 1 very recently).


Less serious are weaker entities but even more serious and rare is straight-on possession. Entities/discarnate spirits can attach to or reside in the aura or chakric psyche centers thus affecting things with fatigue, siphoning energy, cancer, specific shadows, low frequency consciousness, etc. keeping you stuck.


(In ALL of my and upcoming Muse Priestess certified sessions we are doing energetic detox maintenance for entity & demon removal, etc.).


That 1 x-client of mine recently masquerading as now TWO different women is between demonic infiltration and possession; the demon is largely running the show and operating their spirit, psyche and thinking keeping them in delusional psychosis loops.


When someone doesn’t seem themselves; it’s likely entity or more serious entity/demonic infiltration.


This in his case equals very heavy infiltration. KNOWING that it’s demonic and that it’s not his actual true soul self can help you in similar cases to detach yourself and do energetic psychic protection and maintenance for yourself. You may still have to literally block them, etc.


Of course I’m not allowed to work on anyone’s field without their permission so I wouldn’t remove his demons (and no I absolutely didn’t place new ones in there as I never would do that and never have; that’s what the demons he picked up later on is telling him).


Know someone who is unusually under the weather or fatigued? Stuck in downward spirals? Chances are it’s some form of discarnate infiltration in their/your field.


There are different ways to release and operate with demons (who thrive in the 4D/lower astral realm); from friendlier agreements in releasing to crispifrying under supreme divine authority.


With exorcism; there’s definitely some other things I’d have to know (including other modified protection measure) and even then although I’m very effective at removals; I haven’t always worked with the heaviest clients ‘all the time’ but things are open to head in that direction.


Whether lighter infiltration or straight-on possession the standard is to get explicit permission before I/Muse Priestesses or others in this work are allowed to work on their field. Demons can really wreak havoc and split the psyche; different demons specialize in what we would call many of the 64 shadows in the spectrum of consciousness.


There IS other ‘dark’, collaborative work but that requires very special care and it’s not something I’m drawn to yet or ever; we’re talking about daemonic sabotage on people’s sovereignty.


Often the BEST way to get rid of them is with direct energy work from a powerful energy work. I’ve released many demons from across 100s of paying clients so they can be more free and it’s just part of my workflow and nothing to be ashamed of (I share energy notes after still). Even conscious people offer get psychic attacks and require growth maintenance.


I’m a very experienced energy healer and lightworker (see the About Rion page).


Sessions available on the appointments page; again growth energy healing detox maintenance is done in all energy based sessions (aka Charisma or Beauty Appointments)

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