If You Are Under Heavy Psychic or Spiritual Attacks

This definitely isn’t for everyone but;


Have you been under psychic or spiritual attack to where its really compromised you in a lot of ways?


If so, keep reading. The work I do actually has a deeper practical and spiritual foundation including with energy work of which I’m very experienced and initiated in…chakras, auras, it’s all very real and practical.


Is this you?


Do you know that you’re a pure soul with good intentions and a lot of LIGHT?


Yet it may feel like you are under heavy, dark psychic attacks, curses, suffering, held trauma, past/early sexual abuse and general ascension inertia (especially if related to the Sophia line) and it’s ultimately (preventing you from) Sacred/Divine Union or living in healthy operational sovereignty as a lightworker, healer or high profile person?


If you find that you have kept running on these patterns for years (often where you find yourself being stuck as the victim)..


It may be time for a RECLAMATION. There are spiritual and psychic issues that psycho-therapy and psychiatry doesn’t always effectively address. They each have their place and such work isn’t a replacement for when psychiatry is called for.


If hardly anything has helped for years to get out of the toxic swampy entropy of this shadow-grid suffering you endure (psycho-therapy seems ineffective and trained medical professionals wouldn’t understand what on earth you’re talking about or even believe you)…


The Reclamation package might be for you.


If this is you or if you’ve been hanging onto an ‘x’ in your psyche or a form of abuse that still kind of haunts you in ways while still residing there and you want him released…and if you truly desire SOVEREIGNTY then sacred union and to finally move on from this kind of oppressive torment..


And if you know this is aging you faster and affecting your sexual, spiritual, emotional, psychic, mental (and even physical) health (thereby making you even more depressed)…


It may be time for a Reclamation which also works with your energy body and energetic health (and thus physical and physiological health) directly.


I’ll give a couple more tips that are also covered ON the Reclamation page on-site first.


Generally you want to release the toxic shadows as integration and live more from the gift and siddhic frequencies where you have light and DARK in balance (shadows removed or at least managed and definitely not controlling you). It’s about regaining your own sovereignty.


RELEASING is critical; there’s just MORE of the evil-dark shit in YOUR psyche than the average person so yeah; not everything is going to work.


A lot of powerful lightworkers and ascensionaries including myself can get very strong psychic attacks because you/we are a biggest threat, but I don’t ultimately live under their control or burden.


Plant medicine in many cases could help support and do miracles HOWEVER in some cases it can make it worse.


And if you’re not ready for plant medicine (or for other reasons) and you ARE interested in the energy work support aspect, I’ve developed a 5 step process relevant for you and others like you to finally break free of the oppression. If you are interested, you could also reach out to me on FB chat.

Find out more about Spiritual, Soulful and Psychic Reclamation here.


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