Image Influence: Your Energy Doesn’t Lie

Image sells more than ever. Sales and influence is evolving into being more kinaesthetic and psychic in our sensitivies and instincts about someone (esp. for services).


People ARE gauging your image whether you deny it, don’t care about it or just ‘want to be yourself’ – people are making assessments about working with you or for other reasons.


And your energy actually tells more than you may consciously realize and this is important because your fans, customers and consumers are becoming MORE aware of the truth: they are becoming more psychic.


Especially consider that your image can continue influencing people generations from now (and the advanced truth of this is alchemical influence).


So….your image is multi-dimensional light communication. It’s not as superficial as you think – that’s only because people have been valuing the 3D and haven’t developed more of these conscious tools that we have with Sexy Chi.


Your energy doesn’t lie and here’s something of an idea.


As an image consulting professional, if I did an objective energy reading (although I’m tempted breach objectivity on this one) about the author of ‘White Fragility’ it might seem brutal and very offending to some; however it would be true (about her energetic health in particular).


Keep in mind that your image is out there and you are IN the public eye. So with Robin DiAngelo if I just saw her image, I couldn’t work with or trust her because it makes me cringe…something FEELS off to me.


Sure, her image isn’t main thing in her industry that sells, but if people valued it like it should be valued, they would ‘know’ a lot more.


Your image can give out yellow flags for those who can read them – and more people are being able to sense, intuit and read things like this.


Again; (conscious) consumers are becoming more aware and psychic of the truth of things – as well as how it matches up with their perception and experience of you. Integrity matters more than ever.


The more aware of your energetic truth people are, the more your image is a double-edged sword that can work for or against you; even if they will be MORE attracted to or repelled FROM you.

And they might be repelled for the wrong reasons – or reasons that are entirely out of your awareness. (We can fix these things btw but it’s deeper work in some cases than you might think).


Energetic health is foundational and implicated with other things in your life and I can’t afford to NOT tell you accurate truths so that you are aware of it and we can get things aligned. Practical psychic clarity is my foundation with this – even if it hurts.


The psychic reading I do is verifiable truths about you and other people; this is what I share. It’s a different style of psychic work than predicting the future btw.


Can you afford NOT to take your image professionally at this point?


After all it is communicating who you are and consumers and conscious clients ARE becoming more discerning.


They are also going to start sensing if you are just looking good superficially but are missing a real energetic soul communication ‘spark’.


There can be many things holding back your soul embodiment and expression…energetic health is 1 component.


The good news is that there is also more reason for them to be ATTRACTED to you and KNOW they want to work with you just from your image and how it multi-dimensionally affects and even pre-attunes them before they even hear from you.


Image is more than just the superficial 3D of beauty and ‘pixels’.


Want to really start mastering your image? It may take real soul work but that’s the thing you can’t put a price on…the real energetic beauty which we can cultivate to help you attract more of the good stuff in life while emanating your inner AND outer beauty.


I do offer fuller $100 energy readings btw which is a credit/retainer for further work with me.


Yes – IMAGE sells and this is an expanded topic I will be sure to write more about (and as you know multiple industries are founded on image having influence and sales like entertainment, media and advertising).


If you are an online coach; your image also matters more than ever – ESP. if you are doing anything spiritual or soul related.


Do you have the congruent essence that you SAY you do?


Is it all coherent?


I worked with one spiritual coach who I felt was more ahead of where she was at the start of our first session, but then magically VOILA- her energy opened up and THEN I felt she was the person she was saying she was online and presenting herself as. Her image THEN (re) became congruent with her brand and communication.


I’ve had many clients who their businesses picked up and they literally started making more money and attracting new clients after working with me.


See, people can sense that (even if non-consciously) and prospects are getting smarter and more psychic like this – and it may even take ongoing energetic maintenance to sustain (and cultivate) your energetic truth – esp. if you are doing video often.


Want more influence (LIKE a star) from your image? Master more than just your physical beauty and the traditional image consulting elements of make-up, fashion, skin care and color coordination, etc. Let’s get to work!


In many markets, people EXPECT that you are visible and can’t just ‘hide out’ much longer.


Different Beauty Activations and readings are available on site.

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