The Divinity of Objectification: Part 2

The Divinity of  Sexual Objectification Part 2

   {The Shadow Paradigm}


**Deep Dive** <> **Long Read**


(Sexual) Objectification is popularly known as where a woman is (presumably) viewed as an ‘object’ (of male sexual desire) instead of being treated as a real, relatable human.


But are women just pawns of male fantasy through social media, men’s magazines like Maxim and the pop world of advertising? Or are they (some) massively benefiting while 99% of MEN are the one’s getting left behind socially, sexually and spiritually? Hmm…


Before I get into why objectification can even be GOOD for both men and women and is an integral part of our ascension (from a Light Masculine perspective instead of Shadow), I digress..


It seems obvious why there might be initial outrage; of course women are humans TOO, they shouldn’t be treated as objects.


And post-modern Feminists have a logical point, but I would argue are out of touch with reality for several reasons.


1. Many women massively benefit from this paradigm and objectification (despite some shadow aspects – Nicki Minaj and the Kardashians are perfect examples)


2. Objectification has risen the sexual, social value and status of (many) women to star-like, quantum proportions far, far ahead of most men


3. Most feminists have value conflicts (or confusion) themselves around sex and beauty which often comes across as hypocritical or conditional


4. Post-modern Feminists dis-acknowledge the biological and spiritual role in all of this from the masculine side of the coin


And perhaps the most important point;


From the current climate; it is near impossible NOT to objectify or project onto others in an era of media where many to most of our relationships are now impersonal and not human 1-to-1 interaction.


Because now we are talking about meta-physical (youtube, music video, advertising, print media, photo, video) and meta-social (instagram, facebook) relationships.


In most cases, they don’t know the woman personally, they are in relationship to her impersonality (Kardashians anyone?)


After written word, art, stories and recorded music; this level of self-replication or power didn’t exist before the advent of photographic or digital media except in the imagination of human consciousness.


It amplifies what we value.


Despite dark and shadow where it crosses lines, mostly The masculine has always been in love and in awe with the feminine.


And as Camille Paglia says; “(men’s magazines)…are not tell-tale signs of the (patriarchal) oppression over women, but are instead signs of his endless and hopeless fascination OF women and sex” (paraphrased).


Post-modern feminists rarely acknowledge the good that men have done.


So now with media; a woman can now influence 1,000,000 souls near instantly after uploading a photo to instagram. That is powerful and it is meta-physical influence; she can MOVE people without even BEING there.


She could be getting a facial treatment while 1000’s of people are responding or purchasing her recommended products.


(And even though there is a Light thread of consciousness throughout all of this that is PREPARING us for a quantum evolution) >


Let’s view this entire current reality mostly as a SHADOW paradigm of objectification for clarification;


One that (despite it’s popular, social advancement of women) is filled with lower conscious values and behavior on BOTH sides of the equation.


And it’s predicated on the reality (for better and worse) that SEX SELLS. And a lot of 3rd wave feminists HATE that.


Why? Because from one perspective, women are being ‘used’.


After all; the current system isn’t putting individual consciousness first and foremost…it crosses over into indoctrination, cultural conditioning, win-lose relationships and misuse of power.


There is much fault in the system when we look at it. But is tearing it down the best answer?


So this post-modern perspective that is somehow also anti-woman; in a sense it’s kind of wanting to remove or suppress sex and beauty itself from the equation in favor of political correctness;


‘Let’s be FOR women’s empowerment, but not if you show some skin’.


And judgment and shaming comes into the equation because then they are ‘taking part of this oppressive patriarchy’.


But isn’t that ironically limiting her own self-expression if she WANTS to do it?!


Emma Watson was dealing with this backlash for example after being on the cover of a magazine. I could energetically read and sense her dealing with the stress and value conflicts in different photos.


Emily Ratajkowski claims her ability to show skin and beauty is part of being a feminist and empowering her choice (to the chagrin of post-modern purists).


But, no wonder a lot of women have just become confused and no wonder that despite having a hyper sexualized culture, we are also not very sexually conscious because of all the shame, judgment, criticism and dark tendencies of misuse, harassment and abuse.


But is a woman’s beauty AT FAULT?


Is this conditional empowerment the ultimate answer for the awakening of women without having to return to the 1950’s?




Unfortunately; many women have taken the logical route bandwagon and SUPPRESSED their sexuality, sensuality and femininity to adapt to adapt to the dynamics of this masculine led paradigm. And to get ahead ‘in the game’ socially and professionally.


And it makes sense to SOME extent when you consider how non-conscious and judgmental mainstream male consciousness is towards women; where a woman can be slut-shamed – or in extreme cases be at risk of harassment or rape.


One thing that is glaringly obvious is that men are a big part of this equation.


MOST modern men are not helping at ALL; they are also pawns (I wouldn’t say victims, but pawns) of this social matrix that sells sex and uses it more to condition and control or influence people rather than heal and awaken them.


Just take a look (or perhaps don’t) at youtube and yahoo commenters and how much shaming is involved towards women who have or express physical beauty and body. The current consciousness of man can’t handle it and almost DOES want to control or suppress it.


And a shadow part of this paradigm (well and humanity itself) has also been exposed with the #metoo movement. This is GOOD and necessary part of the re-balancing.


But ISN’T it true that Sex and Beauty is an INHERENT aspect OF the impersonal and spiritual Feminine?


And that her physical form is an invaluable feature OF feminine beauty?


And despite a fraction of the male population that would act out on shadow fantasies to control or abuse a woman (which has always been historical), hasn’t her form and beauty INSPIRED most of all of mankind, creation and evolution?


Perhaps #feminism today is just responding WITHIN THE CONTAINER of the shadow/dark masculine side of this cultural creation that ‘sells’ and uses sex and beauty as a tool of influence and where non-conscious objectification of women and the female form runs rampant?


Is porn a shadow aspect of consciousness or is it a form of ART, beauty and self-expression?


It pends on your perspective. Like money or fire, it can be used for good or for destruction. Are we even looking at the Light side of the equation? And what if we started removing the shadow aspects?


In any case; Sex and beauty have higher value than ever in our era of MEDIA which has allowed objectification to thrive with female form now everywhere in magazines, videos, the internet and advertising.


Isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t it give women MORE power and possibility? Why aren’t we valuing the good that it has done?


Or is there something we are missing here entirely that is part of the overall awakening of feminine consciousness?


So even though the current masculine ‘patriarchal’ dynamic doesn’t offer true freedom and environmental space for the feminine essence and neither does post-modern feminism represent the entirety of immortal feminine consciousness and desire;


There are some legitimate reasons behind their perspective for concern.


Let’s look more into the shadow aspects because this power of Sex and objectifying women is having influence on actual culture, behavior and relationships.


Another downside of the current shadow paradigm cultural aggregate in which non-conscious objectification runs rampant (and gives women great power to adapt into the aggregate) is > the focus on Beauty as extrinsic, external and literally ‘superficial’. Body, booty, tits and ass.


Nothing wrong with it of course but is that ‘all’?


I would say this isn’t ‘bad’ per se but in the bigger picture it becomes clearer that this is kind of a real Dark trait because it effectively divorces from intrinsic beauty and internal self-worth, authentic soul expression and a woman’s holistic beauty.


It’s kind of removed the spiritual, humanistic and soulful essence OUT of professional image.


Sure some women go to extremes with botched plastic surgery to fit within these idealized standards.


That could be seen as a dark aspect, but at least hasn’t external beauty itself been allowed to thrive more than ever?


Unfort. much of the focus on the superficial seems to work against a lot of women who are left out of ‘the game’ and who don’t have the double-edged sword privilege of being beautiful?


The (external valuing) Beauty industry is MASSIVE and growing. It’s indoctrinated into our popular culture; Cosmo, Vanity Fair, Kardashian’s and companies drivings billions of dollars in revenue (L’Oreal, Maybelline, etc.). Products, products, products.


Beauty and Sex SELLS – and these are core feminine powers and values.


Is there divinity in any of this without having to rewind to 1950’s values?


There IS…and that’s what I’m getting to, but I do believe the foundation and container we have is FLAWED and includes power games and shadow where a woman is concerned about even dressing sexy in a workplace and being at risk of physical or emotional harassment and men abusing their powers and status.


There is also a misunderstanding OF the authentic biological differences between men and women from feminists, that men have 10x the testosterone and that he can literally be affected sexually just from a sexual image.


But is the answer to SUPPRESS beauty it because some men can’t handle it or control themselves?..I would encourage discussion on this post b/c we are all part of this conversation.


In Western pop culture (and South Korea); Beauty and sexiness is a massive value. I believe this is all integral to our ascension as compared to the outright repression of female form in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Muslim filled countries. But it requires a shift in our consciousness.


I will add that not all Western women are using beauty dysfunctionally per se, but remember we are just talking about the shadow aspects of our current paradigm here.


Now; let’s look at the UN-acknowledged men’s side that is also at disadvantage.


Part of the shadow of this paradigm of objectification is the Pavlovian style conditioning that has taken place from advertisers for 50 plus years harnessing, using and/or manipulating Sex and skin to get men to get triggered into a sexual emotional response through association and for women to buy based on competition and status (Beauty).


It’s almost like we are indoctrinated into the entire paradigm. We are taught to value something and then that demand can be manufactured and cultivated.


It’s very Apollonian as Camille would argue and IS in alignment with the greater sex drive dynamics going on. Man desires to kind of control or suppress beauty because he is also afraid of it and the raw primordial energies of the pure Dionysian #feminine and the subconscious murkiness of ‘the womb’.


Men’s magazines literally support all of this sexual constructivist, Apollonian fantasy relationship conditioning with their Top 100 lists and writing such as “sacrificing a left nut to sleep with this one woman for 1 night”.


Beauty is glorified but often with shadow aspects and sacrifices.


This social matrix cultural ‘conditioning’ itself has carried over into physical relationships with millions of men now living through anxiety around beautiful high status women which further feeds the fantasy of relationships and leaves them unable to cope with real women.


People often end up buying the fantasy of relationships moreso than truly connecting with each other.


Many single women keep buying into more Beauty and higher status often living vicariously through novels, movies, tv shows, and consumer products and for men it’s worse.


They are often on the bottom end of the stick unless they have material wealth. Now, we even have #incels who are so out of reach with women that they may never even get a date or have the courage to even say ‘hi’. Postmodern feminists don’t care at all about that and how real women relate to them as the disavowed, is not the nurturing, healing, caring and cultivating consciousness FOR their Kingship.


There are men who are so stuck in a non-conscious, man-child cycle of porn and fantasy that it might be all they ever know because to them it feels feminists are angry towards men and all other women have sexually disavowed them as the outcasts.


Stunting men’s evolution as well;


This is SHADOW of our current paradigm (and to some extent of Capitalism itself). Most men won’t know what it’s like to be objectified but they also won’t get to benefit from all of the attention, attraction, choice and status that it provides.


But they also don’t have to be on the dark side of the receiving end either; harassment and misuse of power etc. nearly as much.


But are THOSE the men who are rapists and does objectification cause rape (where they have no accountability over their own decisions)?


And when the hell can we have a society or space where a woman can be as sexy and FREE as she wants to be as part of her true self?


Well; we’ll get to that outlook.


I agree that objectification might ‘fuel’ the shadow masculine of those that have shadow tendencies and would take action out of abuse of power and control dynamics, but I don’t think objectification is directly correlated ‘at cause’ with rape.


Before media, men have had fantasies and desires for millennia but of course men should be behaving more consciously.


But I don’t believe that the solution is necessarily to be ultra-conservative either (reference Islam or ultra-Christian) because then a lot of things just go underground anyway because of our primal urges.


I believe Sex and the image of women is now here for the evolution of humanity into an entire new era of co-creation and consciousness. She HAS been suppressed for centuries and centuries.


From experience; I see and know the gap between Shadow and Light. In working with men’s dating and attraction for 15 years, I would say that many GOOD men have turned more beta and self-doubting than ever or have becomes involuntarily celibate.


And other than the smaller percentage of men that would actually lash out; most of the men who are objectifying women (and really just projecting fantasies onto the impersonal feminine) wouldn’t wouldn’t hurt a fly.


Even in the midst of the overdue #metoo movement (of which I was doing L.A. gridworking before it happened to cleanse out corruption), a lot of OTHER men were entirely being unacknowledged and overlooked…not even part of the conversation and still frustrated.


Many incels DO view women as objects and express urges to use women as sex slaves and so forth b/c of being disavowed.


This is a shadow aspect of the masculine; it doesn’t mean that they would actually turn women into sex slaves. Is disavowing them even MORE the entire answer?


With it all; I think equality of outcome is dangerous and despite the suffering of incels, I don’t think a neo-Marxist approach of leveraging women to nourish those men sexually would ever work (something even Dr. Jordan Peterson postulated). Why? Because women in their independence and sovereignty wouldn’t want to do that.


Thus we must admit that life isn’t fair. Capitalism isn’t perfect but I think is far closer to spiritual freedom and truth than Socialism for several reasons including that there are no limits (necessary for ascension).


But we are talking about the Shadow aspects. Sex has in large part become fantasy (look at the gaming industry and how most of those men would have issues relating with socially accepted women).


It’s all mostly fantasy b/c of this appropriation of sexual #energy that really benefits the architects and corporations the most. Men are conditioned by default. Women ARE on pedestals but mostly with these other shadow aspects.


Sex, its energy and power is used as a TOOL…even a commodity. Some women have it and have the power in this game and can wield it – even keep it forever from certain men.


Again; shadow dynamics also because it isn’t centered on a woman’s sexual and spiritual growth nor a full integrity of human relating and CONNECTION.


It’s capitalist consumer driven ‘dark’. From the shadow outlook of the paradigm that has a lot of shadow; there’s a lot of gloss but not a lot of soul from its core and how we relate with it.


In some sense; it’s kind of like what happens to Bedford Falls when it turns into Pottersville…where the values just seem out of alignment and only Capitalistic exchange or manipulation (and the Shadow of Capitalism called Greed and Profiteering).


With that said; I admit that MOST of the ‘fault’ of this Shadow paradigm must go to side of the masculine; the side that has originally created, architected and profiteered off of using and selling sex and beauty (for better and worse). Kind of like Mr. Potter who saw profit in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’


The side that has created this less than perfect space for women, but has also allowed some aspects (including some female archetypes) to thrive.


It is an old paradigm. Some would refer to it as ‘the patriarchy’.


So with all of this;


Should we DISAVOW or suppress a woman’s inherent aspects of SEX and Beauty just because there are some shadow aspects that are being manipulated or controlled by some men of power?


Is THAT the ultimate answer? I don’t think so.


And it’s where post-modern feminists get it wrong imo. Men definitely have to step up and start being a new change but not in the sense of disavowing THEIR authentic primal desires for women either in favor of what sounds cushy and heart-centered only either.


And what if there were OTHER aspects of meta-feminine consciousness that WERE thriving that feminists weren’t even valuing or looking at?


What if (in this post #metoo era); modern women can start RECLAIMING the authentic and holistic power of their sex, beauty, form and allure without shame and without waiting for the entire cultural space to evolve?


And what if a few heroic men could evolve to step up and hold space WITHOUT shame or judging them for it?


Hmmm….And this is where we start transitioning into the #Light.


If #Sex, #Beauty and Form are inherent, powerful aspects of the Impersonal Feminine…should we deny that they are feminine as a logical and emotional response to the current shadow paradigm?




What would happen instead if we removed the Shadow aspects (that use it to manipulate, sell, condition, objectify, barter, power-play or even abuse)?


What if we reconnected with the DEVOTIONAL, #sexual and spiritual aspects of the masculine and feminine?


What would the male gaze be like if it wasn’t just perceived as #shadow #masculine in regards to #objectification?


What if women could live in sovereignty with FULL freedom of expression of ALL of the archetypal and immortal Feminine and had environments that could support that without sexual shame or oppression?


And what if post-modern feminism was simply a ‘step’ (and an often dysfunctional, hypocritical one at that) on the path to TRUE sovereignty and power reuniting the FULLNESS of The #Feminine for the holistic ascension of woman?


THIS is where we can start looking at the Divinity of Objectification as well as the alchemical and co-creative possibilities for #ascension with Beauty, Sex and #spiritual growth.


An era that allows even MORE power and growth than ever before in human history.


Finish in Part 3…


The Divinity of Objectification: Part 3

{Masculine Spectrum & Commencement}


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