What is Sexy Qi?

Sexy Qi means ‘energetic beauty’


Someone who has ‘sexy qi’ like Jason Momoa for example is someone who has charisma (masculine) or allure (feminine).


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You may start noticing ‘that certain something’ that certain celebrities or people have that makes them stand out but you can’t put your finger on it…there’s a charisma or an allure about them that is captivating – AND in some cases, it’s not even the best-looking person or with the best style but they’ve got ‘something’.


They’re still sexy anyways…that’s sexy qi. And we should differentiate that energetic beauty as a separate component than their physical beauty or looks. And it proves it because we have seen examples of hot people with bad vibes and vice versa – where their energy is just hot and sexy but they aren’t the best-looking.


They have something ‘more’ going on (energetically and multi-dimensionally) rather than just having good looks or a hot body. There’s ‘something’ about them that is alluring in their image and live presence.


Momoa has it both obviously 😉


At the source; ‘qi’ itself (aka ‘ki’ or ‘prana’) is an ancient Chinese term for life force energy itself.


On its own; sexy qi/chi means ‘healthy and sexy’ life force energy.


‘Sexy Chi’ as a transformational image consulting brand itself is this fusion of East and West that supports energetic beauty cultivation.


Here, we cover the REST of image mastery that isn’t limited to just the superficial skin-deep appearance and the Beauty 1.0 Industry that supports it now (including hair, fashion, skin care, dieting, body/fitness transformation, etc.).


You are in the right place to keep getting more insights into celebrities and looking beyond just their good looks, make-up and style.


The energetic frontier of professional image and beauty is the final frontier of true mastery and influence.


And you are also in the right place to start cultivating your own energetic beauty, charisma or allure to attract, manifest and live a sexier, richer life of influence with your image!

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