Speaking of Feminine Allure

Is your beauty and presence *inspiring* and evocative to the masculine?


Does it stir him and activate other aspects that compel him to you? Does it light a spark? Or does he just think you are ‘hot’ but doesn’t FEEL anything else?


Can you grasp the implications of what that means for attracting a relationship?


For without inspiration, the masculine spirit’s commitment or devotion could be half-hearted dread (of a relationship) or remain as just physical attraction (which can fade) and a superficial fling in the age of tinder. But maybe you want something MORE.


If u are relying on physical, extrinsic beauty alone (ahem Beauty industry) to attract (or manipulate) men; that’s not much of a foundation for deeper everything.


Your IMAGE can communicate SO MUCH MORE…it can be exuding with different feminine essences that CAPTURE and alluringly ignite the masculine and opportunities TO you – effortlessly. A multi-dimensional beauty with real world results in how others start responding to you…new doors opening.


Sexy isn’t just PHYSICAL beauty; it IS about your Essence and now we have the new industry standard awareness and tools to work on it professionally with Sexy Chi!


Perhaps there are too many women lost in the demands, desires or expectations of an ideal relationship whose spirit isn’t inspiring and igniting to his masculine essence heart and soul that desires true communion.


Perhaps your OWN energy is closed off from energetically HEALTHY and SEXY communication like a star – even if you are physically beautiful.


(Even the Western focus on personality can get in the way of what truly attracts that King – or deepening your current relationship).


You can cultivate all of this and it might require deeper foundational energy healing and work to get started.


The Masculine and Kings don’t want commitment for the sake of commitment; he must be inspired esp. if his purpose is first and foremost. And the rest of masculine principle wants to FEEL you and be INSPIRED from your beauty that is more than skin deep – and then the world is your oyster.


And in realizing that extrinsic beauty is just part of the equation; there are women who are opening up into their feminine soul essence who are experiencing a new reality with men and the masculine.


Explore some of my client testimonials and if you feel called to work with me, you can start with an energy reading or 1 activation.

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