In Spirit-Aligned Business, Divine Feminine Beauty and Social Influence, YOU ARE YOUR OWN BRAND. Shouldn't you put YOURSELF first and ensure that you are OPTIMIZED for in-self performance, visual appeal and growth year round?

If you’re like me, you know that you are on a soul path of a dharma to it’s fullest.


Your soul tribe and those you influence WANT you and deserve you at your best year round!


If you think about it; can you afford NOT to be deconditioned, healed, attuned and optimized throughout the year in your soul-self power and beauty so you can continue to serve and PERFORM your magic at your highest for your soul tribe while living your best life?


Would it make sense to secure evolutionary growth assurance for yourself in the direction you want without your own self-sabotage?


Do you choose to be on your best, highest timelines and prefer to work with the best in your spiritual and personal growth?


Do you find yourself getting exhausted, fatigued, burned out and simply BOGGED DOWN as time goes by, but you would RATHER have something in the mix that re-optimizes you on an energetic and anti-aging level so you can keep serving and performing at your best?


Would you want to be more embodied and have more allure/charisma in 6 months? MUST you be (for your dharma)?


Yeah, I’d say you’re in the right place. I’ve seen different trends in working with spirit-led entrepreneurs and influencers for these years. Getting burnt out and energetically drained is actually quite common but then it affects your own quality of life.


In serving 100s of clients from around the world with the direct work I do;


I love being a secret weapon behind their own quantum breakthroughs (and higher performance) in beauty, life, business, consciousness, bliss, performance, social influence, divine union and love.


Finally…a service-based transformational offer from me/Rion that ensures your quantum growth while preventing a lot of self-sabotage as well as time lost to entropy, shadow, confusion, procrastination and your own fluctuations that wog you down! (More details below).


See….High performance (and legacy building in real-time) isn’t really about working and burning yourself out to get things done – especially in spirit-led businesses or you-the-brand social influence…it’s really about being in ALIGNMENT, energetically VITAL and embodied with your soul essence (and other essences you’ve cultivated), influencing from your true self.


It’s about being able to keep working AND growing to have even more in-self influence in the world. Your soul tribe is relying on YOU to be at your best for them all the time.




Would you rather take 1/2 year …


…or TWO-THREE years or sporadic timing and in-decisioning to get the same amount of growth done in prime areas?


By ‘booking yourself ahead’ you can essentially prevent the larger BURNOUTS! You don’t have to wait until it’s extreme to then get self-nurture for yourself.


Because we can go as fast as you want and I love clients who are on a BIGGGG purpose.


In retrospect;


Are you the type of person that realizes that you would have got to certain places faster if you just invested in the proper immersive support instead of taking years to ‘figure it out on your own’? …and that it may have cost MORE by just not getting the level of support at the right time?


Then you obviously understand the value of your time and not taking extra years to ‘do it yourself’ in certain areas. (Even healers require pro healing).


Hey; I’m a true entrepreneur and innovator and yet I understand the value of attracting and working with master guides for how they fit into MY foundation and supportive innovation.


Even the best require support and rejuvenation; and I’ve worked with all kinds of leaders on the forefront of Divine Union, spirituality and conscious entrepreneurialism.


After all; your time is a precious commodity itself.


You probably also realize that true masters, guides and leaders are always working on (or cultivating) themselves and always get professional support in some form or another, right?


"Cured 90% Of My Anxiety In Life (In One Go)"
-1st Session of an Allure Makeover Client, Europe 2020

I think that because you MUST be on your highest timelines, that you are someone who values quantum, consistent breakthroughs and leaps in consciousness and results at an identity level in fullest soul alignment, embodiment and expression.


If so, you’re in the right place because we can get started ASAP to keep you breaking through – throughout the next 1/2 year.


This new offer is for you if you KNOW you want to be further ahead in 6 months with:


*Allure/Charisma that people can feel and respond to whether in person or through your new media


*Soul-self embodiment so that your true essence is felt, heard and seen rather than having to ‘make up for things’ and working harder b/c you aren’t in full alignment


*Releasing long-held subconscious blocks or traumas so that there is less chaos, drama and resistance and more peace, ease, bliss, attraction and love


*Beauty influence b/c you’re already in on the future of beauty influence which is ESSENCE based and Sexy Chi is the central brand


*Sexual vitality to feel vital, attractive and sexy at any age


*Sexual power or eros-soma drenched beauty to experience greater, deeper richer love and sex (most of my work is sourced in Hieros Gamos)


*Spiritual growth of consciousness – the Archetypes and Gene Keys (with shadow work) hold infinite liberating power not just to escape the human experience but to live heaven on earth like a soul star/let


*Your Soul-Star/let path so that you KNOW you are on your highest timelines and having your deepest influence in fullest expression without compromise (in your market and on the world stage)


*Archetypal consciousness and presence cultivation so that your feminine beauty or masculine power reflects the truth of your soul’s fuller desires and potential instead of being inhibited by the conditioned and egoic self that gets little response from people


*Far More optimized living of your Human Design (incl. deconditioning) so you can live with MUCH more ease, multi-dimensional satisfaction and recognition DAILY (every session we work on removing chakric and auric psyche blockages and interferences)


*Gene Key frequency band inspired direct Gift and Siddhic consciousness & essence cultivation so that you are further along in alchemizing your shadows and expanding your spiritual and beauty consciousness as a soul star/let while optimizing your professional visual signature influence


*Matching the BIGNESS of your dharma in continued and ASSURED cultivation where all you have to do is show up to initiate another up-leveling on top of energetic growth maintenance


*If you want to KNOW that you are much further ahead in 6 months, then this offer is for you and will affect everything else you do.


*If you want 6 months of several ASSURED turnkey quantum leaps, then this new offer may be perfect for you (this or the Allure Makeover which is otherwise quite similar foundationally).


“…(For your medicine), what I felt most clearly; I felt most in a female body – (I) felt (that) very very strongly.”

-Tara Khandro, Bali , Allure Activation (Remote)


“I’ve yet to encounter a male practitioner that I felt this comfortable with.”

“I cannot stress enough how absolutely delicious this energy experience was for me. It was like bathing in honey light that penetrated my field from every angle (and when I tap into the memory of the session). 

It’s like being in a state of samadhi that I’ve only experienced one other time in my life….Sooo good!…”

-Muse Activation (Remote)

For years before I had this offer; the ‘normal’ thing is that people would book a session here or there on their own timing ‘on-demand’.


The thing is, it often takes someone to be in a really inspired state or a more extreme state to make the decision to work with me instead of just having a secure growth strategy in place during more of the mundane, even-time which is MORE OFTEN.


What if instead; you could just ASSURE your growth and lock it in UPFRONT to prevent self-sabotage and months or years of TIME ENTROPY (which is its own cost to where you could be on a faster timeline)!?


I’ve noticed that several clients (smartly) have asked about on-going maintenance b/c they realize it’s importance in their life to keep them at their BEST (especially if they are spiritual and in serving others).




Like them; you might realize that you can also get too bogged down with what’s going on around you. It might take too long to remind yourself that it’s time for another session (also b/c I don’t consistently reach back out to past clients TO remind them).


Often; people would come back to me VERY burnt out after 1/2 year since the last session instead of LIVING as more optimized throughout the ENTIRE TIME.


Getting bogged down, distracted and fatigued (often showing up as a watery solar plexus) is also costing them in other productivity, wellness, quality of life, etc. instead of just keeping the train rolling ON the ride of their higher timelines.


Even if you have good nutrition and hydration, your ENERGETIC HEALTH is also critical for high performance AND being biologically anti-aged (as well as being and looking younger.


In supporting YOUR dharmic growth at soul performance attuned levels;


This growth maintenance package prevents your own self-sabotage of getting proper energetic health maintenance (and soul-centric archetypal and consciousness growth and beauty), when we simply have another upcoming session coming up that is still flexible with your schedule…and then another one after that, etc.


BTW; this isn’t just energy healing to get back to a statement of passive contentment…this (and my style of work) is DHARMIC EMPOWERED and aligned.


It’s why my Chinese Grandmaster was so powerful as a Medical Chi Kung practitioner; it aligned with his dharma and the force of life.


This work is for those on progressive GROWTH paths of consciousness, spirit-led business, divine feminine beauty paths, social power and influence. POWER (and Beauty) is the central theme.


Why not get the magic more often and remove time entropy and space delay?


I’ve always called my (powerful) energy healing work in each session as ‘growth maintenance’ to ALIGN with my clients who are heart, sex, mind, body, spirit and soul liberation and growth-minded. It’s about far more than just wellness and vitality; it’s about IDENTITY TRANSFORMATION and growth.


It’s important to understand the spiritual and somatic psychology behind this;


It’s not just about getting one energy clearing once a year and then ‘you’re good’.


Your own energy body, energetic health, vitality and professional allure or charisma is something to ALWAYS work on, MAINTAIN and keep cultivating and mastering esp. in this VISUAL and social media day and age (as well as the importance of having people feel and know you are the REAL DEAL from your visual presence and vibe in an era where marketeering and inorganic AI is taking off).


"I Still Can't Get Over How Amazing Your Activations Are! So Hard To Put Into Words But Truly Life Changing!!!" - B, USA

Soul Performance Growth
Maintenance Package


A Session Should Be 10x More!" -California Client, 3 Sessions+

""You're the best healer I know. Extremely powerful (last session); (It's) night & day how I felt after" -3 Pack Client

I’ll say this again like I did at the top;




Including how people sense, feel and vibe off of your truth and its signatures (even before your words).


And you should be OPTIMIZED for in-self performance year round, shouldn’t you? Aren’t you worth it?


I’m working on my own energy all of the time in sessions (multiple times powerfully in each week). I’m biologically about 20 years younger than my age (and look it) moreso BECAUSE of the energy work than eating healthy (although I’ve been eating healthier the last few years).


It’s also not just about releasing to get to a passive state of contentment. I’m on a path of GROWTH. The people I serve are also on a path of GROWTH.


Yes you want to be optimally healthy and vital energetically b/c your chi feeds your organs life force, but you also want to be GROWING in beauty and power to be able TO HOLD MORE ESSENCE that matches the truth and size of your soul itself in chakric embodiment.


So the key concept of GROWTH maintenance makes all the difference and we do it in each of your sessions.


So yeah; now it’s time I finally meet the consistent performance demand (instead of just intermittent work) by catering a better solution like this for soul-self aligned high performers like you.


Presenting the 6 month growth maintenance package.


The Performance Growth Maintenance Package for Soul Performers, Influencers & Spirit-Led Entrepreneurs

Soul Performance
Growth Maintenance Monthly

$335 x 6 = $2010 (Pay as you go) with 6 month agreement


Who is it for?

For the progressive, committed adventurer in life, beauty, conscious business and consciousness who understands the value of professional support and investing in themself (yourself!) and their energy for optimal performance and growth.


What is in it?


1 x 6 Monthly Sessions in the standard and proven 30 minute format (+ psychic notes review)


Each of 6 sessions includes choice of:


*Extended Energy Healing Session


(No activation but growth maintenance detox, deeper work + psychic cord implant removal on back, soul re-embodiment & chakric + auric soul-self activation


*Archetype Embodiment Activation (regular energy healing growth maintenance detox thorough session + essence embodiment & allure/charisma activation with agreed upon archetype of choice from 100s)


*Gift or Siddhic Gene Key related DNA frequency band essence consciousness Activation


*Allure or Charisma Activation (to transfigure your chakras and aura for ‘best-yet’ essenced quanta emanation; includes energy healing growth maintenance detox and soul re-embodiment)


Archetypes include; Queen, Lover, Eros, Vixen, King, Holy Daughter, Goddess, Prince, Starlet, Celebutante, etc. from the spectrum of 100’s


Oh.. by booking the Performance Growth Maintenance Package..


You ALSO GET a Free Human Design & Gene Keys 75 minute professional reading!


(Or…a full bonus session/appointment itself!)


More details below.


This is custom work to YOU in 1-on-1 session time/appointment (held at temple space levels with our approved ascended guides).


We will consult on which sessions you are best called for at the start of each session as we reconnect. I’m reading your energy throughout sessions so have an awareness and share the accurate psychic notes with you (written) afterwards.


This also helps to track your growth and be aware of key things (related to your eros-soma light body, chakras, dynamics, healing, allure, spirit animals, etc.).


Often it’s multiple sessions before some people see lasting results and integration anyways (although solo sessions have sometimes done miracles but it’s also the level of readiness).


Your chakras, aura and human design are all optimized during sessions to release conditioning, miasma, entities, psychic junk and general deconditioning to hold more psyche space for beauty and other valued essences that people can feel. Every session includes the anti-aging and optimization (including of your Human Design).


If you have heavier trauma, multiple sessions is recommended anyways. Most (94%+) of sessions have been done remotely like on zoom btw.


Not included at this pricing package is;


Muse, Muse lineage and other secret activations in MPM only, Priestess, Grail-Spring, Star and Bio-star.


FYI; Because I don’t discount my services, sessions are at the same rate as in the 3 pack of sessions. With THIS package, you also get a free bonus of a session or a Human Design & Gene Keys reading for committing (to 6 sessions)! It’s my way of saying thanks. You can pay in full or choose the monthly plan and lock in ASSURED performance growth!


How often have you stopped yourself (more specifically; how often have you let your SHADOWS stop you)?! 😉


Want to ENSURE your growth and optimization for the next half year?


Then this is for you! Our sessions are always custom to you.


Remember; one of the greatest challenges along a serious path of transformation is ensuring consistent breakthrough against your own self-sabotage patterns and shadows, this directly helps to resolve it and affects not just your energy levels but MAJOR areas of your life, wellness, spirituality, consciousness, performance, beauty, power, allure, charisma and influence itself FROM deep soul embodiment and alignment optimized on your highest timeline/s.


Book now and ENSURE continued performance growth, cultivation, anti-aging and curation for the next 1/2 year!


Watch as people respond to you differently as you can meet the demands of YOUR highest timelines and level of service.


"I feel energy drunk (after this activation)...definitely the most intense, potent energy work session I've ever had done."
-Sapphire, Client

Soul Performance Growth
Maintenance Package



Or...Pay Monthly Instead

$335 x 6 = $2010 (Pay as you go) with 6 month agreement

"From One Master To Another (Energy Master Rion)"
Recognizing Rion Kati At A Nov. 2023 CA Retreat In Front Of The Group
               -Tantra Master Charles Muir Author & Godfather Of Tantra In The U.S.

More Details

More Details:


“Is only 1 session per month enough?”


For most people, yes…especially having it 6 months in a row b/c the work is powerful.


Generally; I would recommend up to 2 sessions a most for very progressive people (you could use it within 3 months as long as you pay as we go or are paid in full); beyond that, I would only recommend something much more often literally for professional entertainers to optimize themselves ie. pre-show or photo shoot.


Other Q&A is addressed at the bottom of the regular appointments page.


You can book a 3-pack there, however it’s not the same as this 6 month growth package b/c the commitment-term is in your favor here and with the 3-pack, you don’t get the bonus free session or HDGK reading.


Past clients who recently have had a similar amount of sessions will be able to get a bonus session or reading from me; that’s only fair.


“I’m more feminine essenced and attuned; I don’t resonate with ‘performance’…is this package still for me?”


Yes! And that’s because it is really about soul alignment, embodiment and fine-tuned, in-self performance (which may be VERY feminine essenced) where you can rely on your true self to live at the high standards of integrity in serving others.


We’re redefining performance for soul-based and spirit-led realm of influence.


It’s NOT about over-functioning or being too yang or hyper-generator at all. We’re working with your essences and your energy will be able to update me as well in session.


How is it different than the Allure/Charisma Makeover Package?”


It’s quite similar, it’s just catered more to locking in stable growth rather than a makeover but it’s the same foundational session-based format, so just pick which is more of your valuation. There’s more in the AMP and it’s pricier btw.


“Is it refundable?”


As with all of my services; the time, expertise and commitment involved? No…however it is transferrable if you want to gift it to someone else. Once you start the first payment, you are subscribed and contracted to complete the remaining 5 payments.


You will not automatically be renewed but renewable can manually be arranged should you wish to continue.


“Could I renew for another 6 months after for year-long growth maintenance?”


Absolutely at the same rate and get another bonus session.


“What are Human Design & Gene Keys? (Lilu version)”


These are very powerful and yet practical methodologies for personal and spiritual awareness and growth based on a mix of astrology, chakras, the I Ching and Kabbalah.


There is a lot about Human Design and Gene Keys online HOWEVER, the BEST thing if you are new is to really get a high value and proper reading from someone very experienced with them. This will set you much further ahead and faster than the average person just dabbling with it for years.


HD is more logical and mechanical (left-brained) and Gene Keys is more feminine and essence based in format.


These are truly life-changing vehicles that are working wonders around the world. Start putting their CUSTOM power to use for YOUR unique Design and Gene Keys with a reading from Rion.


Rion is over the big 7 years of living his Human Design (the time it takes to renew the body on a cellular level) and is a certified Gene Keys Guide (into GK’s just short of 7 years). Rion has experience with many readings over the years plus insights from his other areas of mastery.


“Did you just refer to yourself in the 3rd person?”


Yes, quite likely.


“But tell me more about the free session or Human Design/Gene Keys reading”…


Yes, when you book the package and pay in full – you can get your bonus session and reading to schedule on-demand!


Otherwise, if you’re on the monthly pay plan for 6 months, we can book the reading around month 5 or 6 (unless you want to pay off the balance earlier).


If you’re a past, proven client on a monthly plan, we can schedule and do your 75 minute audio reading (zoom or pre-recorded upon request) sooner. I’ll have to have your birth-date, time and location to get your 2 charts generated for the session.


If you’ve been interested in a reading or thinking of HD/GKeys for a while, here’s a unique chance.


As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not the ‘cheapest’ person to get a reading from and I’m ok with that. I’m more on the premium high-end.


Being over 7 years in-self into living the Human Design experiment and being a certified Gene Keys Guide, it’s especially the other unique insights you’ll get from me that you won’t get from others about your chart and its unfolding possibilities that kinda sets my readings apart.


The gift and siddhic frequency bands are also ESSENCES of Light aka ‘visual allure signatures’ and your charts have everything to do with your ALLURE itself and MASTERING professional Beauty and in-self influence on others.


Very few 5/1s have universalized anything and I’ve already universalized several big things. Lotso’ experience and I’m able to give you a powerful reading that you will CONTINUE to refer back to b/c of the magic and practicality in it and your charts.


I love both HD and GKeys (more feminine essenced and attuned).


Being a projector (22% of the population) is incredibly challenging yet rewarding and I’ve been living that and versatile in many areas to bring power insight and relevance to YOUR charts and practically in your life with profound possibilities that will keep unfolding.


Human Design and Gene Keys are POWERFUL Self-awareness and consciousness tools, so getting an insightful and proper reading can be a make or break thing to re-initiate or getting going on the right track with either or both methodologies.


I was thrown off for years from it b/c I didn’t have a proper introduction.


I’ve done many dozens of readings and it’s safe to say that 1/2 of the sessions are readily life-changing or life-altering at least (impacting multiple dimensions).


Often; sessions will get emotional and people have said amazing things. I haven’t promoted them as often for a few reasons but with that said; here’s how can you get a free reading!


Book this Performance Growth Package and you can kind of rest easy KNOWING you have that kind of soul-singing power support locked in, while getting a proper initiation into HD/GKeys secured!


You’ll be looking forward to EACH of our sessions and the breakthroughs that occur.


Btw; these 75 minute audio readings have been priced at $350 each for a while (and include the recording).


Book below!


-Rion Kati


p.s. You can take longer than 6 months for fulfillment of sessions when you are paid in full (up to 12 months)


"the Combined 3 Hours Of Your Work Done On Me Has Changed My Life A Thousand Times Over" -Client, FL

Soul Performance Growth
Maintenance Package


"Sessions With Rion Kati Are Life Changing"
-A.L., Coach

“Truly Very Powerful Medicine. I Am In Awe.”
-Nicola D’Alonzo

Soul Performance Growth
Monthly @ 6 Months

$335 x 6 = $2010 (Pay as you go) with 6 month agreement


**Results may vary for each client

"I now have a boundless energy and a zest for life, like my biological clock has been dialed back twenty years" -Energy Healing Client, N. Europe

"You are turning me into what
I'm meant to be on this timeline"
-Performance Artist

I Can't Wait To Work With You More,
It's Like Magic!" -Client, 2018

"I've Never Felt LESS Traumatized"
-3 Session Pkg. Client

"..No One And I Mean NO ONE Does Archetypes And Beyond Like This Man" -Australian Client 2020

Book Monthly Payments (6 months) Here:

Soul Performance Growth Monthly

$335 x 6 = $2010 (Pay as you go) with 6 month agreement

"these Activations Are Magic" -Sarah poet

Want to subscribe on credit card? Please scroll up to the first mention of the monthly checkout. Thank you.

"Rion Kati Is An Amazing, Masculine Embodied Energy Master"

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, LTD 2021-2024

Essence Reading & Celebrity Critique of Public Figures – Images Used Under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners. Other images are licensed.